| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
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aspect-ratio, letter-boxed or zoomed (config) + Bug 1466 Fix color mixing
Bug 1465: Region currently simply bloats a given texture to its region AABBox,
which renders textures with the wrong aspect ratio.
Add facility to program the texture-coordinates to either letter-box
or scaled-up (and cut) true aspect-ratio.
Default shall be zoom (scale-up and cut),
but user shall be able to set a flag in the Region for letter-box.
Have the shader clip texture coordinates properly,
best w/o branching to soothe performance.
See functions.glsl
Bug 1466: Current color mix: texture * color_channel * color_static
is useless in GraphUI.
color_static shall modulate the texture, which works.
But in case of color_channel (attribute/varying)
we want it to be mixed so it can become the more dominant color
for e.g. a border.
Desired is:
color = vec4( mix( tex.rgb * gcu_ColorStatic.rgb, gcv_Color.rgb, gcv_Color.a ),
mix( tex.a * gcu_ColorStatic.a, 1, gcv_Color.a) );
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Macro redefine 'texture2D -> texture'
was added _after_ the custom texture lookup insertion
causing GL3-core to fail.
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- Region Dirty Update
- Split dirty -> ShapeDirty + StateDirty,
where StateDirty forces re-rendering content
w/o geometry update as req. for 2-pass mode.
- Fix TextureSequence (GLMediaPlayer) usage in RegionRenderer / GLRegion*
- handle GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES incl. Android ES3 bug
- inject TextureSequence's shader stubs
- shader: Use abstract lookup 'texture2D' -> 'gcuTexture2D'
- flip scaled colorTexBBox if TextureSequence 'tex.getMustFlipVertically()'
- TODO: Handle multiple TextureSequence shader programs!
- Fix Blending: GLRegion* / RegionRenderer / RenderState
- Disable/Enable depth-writing w/ blending
- Region impl. sets proper glBlendFunc*(..),
i.e. 2-pass:
- render2FBO: glClearColor(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)
- User code shall not set glClearColor(..) for 2-pass anymore
- Graph-UI Demo
- UIShape:
- Add MouseGestureListener, combining MouseListener + GestureListener
- EventDetails -> PointerEventInfo
- PointerEventInfo contains objPos (ray-intersection) and glWin-pos
- Toggle:
- Separate color (on/off) if enabled
- Toggle on click if enabled
- SceneUIController
- Use PinchToZoomGesture and propagete same gesture to UIShape
- Use AABBox.getRayIntersection(..) using 'real' shape coordinates
for 1st picking.
- Use shape PMV for secondary picking (drag, zoom 2-pointer, etc),
see windowToShapeCoords(..)
- Sort shapes according to z-value (render: ascending; picking: descending)
- Only 'drag' if pointerId matches 1st pressed pointer
in shader; Update attributes and uniforms manually, drop ShaderState;
- ShaderCode
- add int insertShaderSource(int shaderIdx, int position, Class<?> context, String path)
- insertShaderSource(..): pos==-1 -> append code
- VectorUtil
- add isVec3InTriangle3(..., float epsilon)
- add testSeg2SegIntersection(..., float epsilon)
- add testTri2SegIntersection(..., float epsilon)
- AffineTransform: Return result for chaining
- Font
- Add pixel precise 'getPointsBounds(final AffineTransform transform, CharSequence string, float pixelSize)'
- Rename getString*() -> getMetric*()
- OTGlyph: Release _points field, no more used
- Graph Triangulation
- Count additional vertices in: Triangulator, CDTriangulator2D
- OutlineShape:
- Allow skipping of 'transformOutlines2Quadratic', i.e. allow tagging
OutlineShape to be quadratic_nurbs via 'setIsQuadraticNurbs()'
- Clarify cleanup ot outlines in same method 'cleanupOutlines()'
- Count additional vertices ..
- Graph Shader:
- Start splitting and segmenting shader code for:
- pass1 / pass2
- features, i.e. sampleCont, color-channel, ..