| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
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Region.COLORTEXTURE_LETTERBOX_RENDERING_BIT to TextureSequence and add enabling/disabling of aratio adjustment + letter-box back-color
TextureSequence color-texture params fetched from Graph VBORegion* and fed into shader.
This allows more flexibility in aspect-ratio adjustment as well as setting a clipping background color for
the added letter-box space.
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alpha 0 instead of the debug color white vec4(1), which leads to the white seam if out of gcu_ColorTexBBox
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Frustum mapping + GraphUI Support
AABBox clipping naturally couldn't be transformed into 3D Model-View (Mv) Space,
as it is axis aligned and only provided 2 points (min/max).
Therefor we map the Group's AABBox to a 8-point Cube,
perform the Mv-transformation and then produce the 6-plane Frustum.
As before, we cull fully outside shapes within the Group's draw method
and perform fragment clipping with same Frustum planes in the shader.
With clipping enabled, the 3D z-axis getBounds() depth
will be slightly increased for functional Frustum operation.
This is also done for setFixedSize(Vec2f).
The Frustum planes are copied to the Graph shader
via float[4*6] -> uniform vec4 gcu_ClipFrustum[6]; // L, R, B, T, N, F each {n.x, n.y, n.z, d}
Concludes related work of below commits
- 1040bed4ecc6f4598ea459f1073a9240583fc3c3
- 5cca51e32999a882e2a5f00cb45ecafc824ffd86
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Pass2-AA, revise Pass2 AA Quality parameter ..
- Graph VBORegion2PVBAAES2: Drop unused FBO rescale
- Move MIN/MAX QUALITY/SAMPLE from GraphUI Scene -> Graph Region
Quality -> Pass2 AA Quality
- Drop quality field in region
- Pass quality to GLRegion.draw(..) similar to sampleCount
for dynamic shader and switch
- TODO: Pass quality parameter in TextRegionUtil's functions
Fix RegionRenderer Shader Mapping
- Use ShaderKey class to properly implement the hash value and equals method
- For this, TextureSequence.getTextureFragmentShaderHashID() has been added
to provide actual shader-snippet for the equals function
- All required criterias are included in the hash value and equals method
Fix AABBox Clipping for Pass-2 AA
- Clipping in pass2-AA must happen in pass2 on actual gcu_PMVMatrix01 (not ortho)
GraphUI GraphShape
- Rename: [get,set]{->AA}Quality()
GraphUI Scene
- Rename: mark{All->}ShapesDirty(), set{AllShapes->}Sharpness(), set{AllShapes->AA}Quality()
- Fix setSampleCount(..), i.e. markStatesDirty() not markShapesDirty()
- Fix setAAQuality(), markShapesDirty() and markStatesDirty(): Use forAll(..) to traverse through all shapes and groups.
GraphUI Group
- Add setFixedSize()
- Add setClipOnBox()
- Document setRelayoutOnDirtyShapes(), isShapeDirty()
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- GLSL vertex shader sets smooth varying 'gcv_ClipBBoxCoord' w/ Mv multiplied vertex-coord
- RegionRenderer.setClipBBox(AABBox) expects a pre-multiplied Mv AABBox covering an independent area, not per Shape/Region.
- This works as expected with moving/scaling of each Shape/Region etc
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min/max vec3 as convenient using Graph/GraphUI produced AABBox
- Conditional compilation w/ macro 'USE_AABBOX_CLIPPING'
- gcv_ClipBBoxCoord smooth varying setup in vertex shader
- fragment shader clips via branch
if( is_inside(gcv_ClipBBoxCoord, gcu_ClipBBox[0], gcu_ClipBBox[1]) < 0.5 ) { CLIP }
- clipping via discard or alpha=0 in case of buggy-discard.
Other optimization:
- Drop gcv_ColorTexExt, fragment-shader uses gcu_ColorTexBBox[2] directly (flat)
- Simplified gcv_ColorTexCoord smooth varying equation in vertex shader.
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'and'/'or' semantic (swapped); Add EPSILON in clip_coord(..) and add is_inside(..) function
Complete overload vec2 and vec3 variants
Fix 'and'/'or' semantic (swapped)
- 'and' uses multiplication, i.e. all arguments must be > 0 (ideally 1)
- 'or' uses addition, i.e. only one arguments must be > 0 (ideally 1)
- both uses clamp [0..1]
Add EPSILON in clip_coord(..)
- Only 'coord > high+EPSILON' is outside
Add is_inside(..) function
- Similar to clip_coord(..) but returns float 0 or 1
instead of selecting color.
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'curverenderer01-pass1.vp' (commit 297c48f4fefd1ab59800524ea5f0dd56684d6786)
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aspect-ratio, letter-boxed or zoomed (config) + Bug 1466 Fix color mixing
Bug 1465: Region currently simply bloats a given texture to its region AABBox,
which renders textures with the wrong aspect ratio.
Add facility to program the texture-coordinates to either letter-box
or scaled-up (and cut) true aspect-ratio.
Default shall be zoom (scale-up and cut),
but user shall be able to set a flag in the Region for letter-box.
Have the shader clip texture coordinates properly,
best w/o branching to soothe performance.
See functions.glsl
Bug 1466: Current color mix: texture * color_channel * color_static
is useless in GraphUI.
color_static shall modulate the texture, which works.
But in case of color_channel (attribute/varying)
we want it to be mixed so it can become the more dominant color
for e.g. a border.
Desired is:
color = vec4( mix( tex.rgb * gcu_ColorStatic.rgb, gcv_Color.rgb, gcv_Color.a ),
mix( tex.a * gcu_ColorStatic.a, 1, gcv_Color.a) );
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discard, even though technically allowed (ignored after discard)
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GLRendererQuirks.GLSLBuggyDiscard to avoid overdraw of such regions.
Historically we disabled `discard` due to an old NV tegra2 compiler bug,
which caused the compiler to freeze.
Today we no more seem to have this GLSL compiler issue, i.e. GLRendererQuirks.GLSLBuggyDiscard never gets set.
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Macro redefine 'texture2D -> texture'
was added _after_ the custom texture lookup insertion
causing GL3-core to fail.
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SAMPLE_COUNT is of type 'int'
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- Region Dirty Update
- Split dirty -> ShapeDirty + StateDirty,
where StateDirty forces re-rendering content
w/o geometry update as req. for 2-pass mode.
- Fix TextureSequence (GLMediaPlayer) usage in RegionRenderer / GLRegion*
- handle GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES incl. Android ES3 bug
- inject TextureSequence's shader stubs
- shader: Use abstract lookup 'texture2D' -> 'gcuTexture2D'
- flip scaled colorTexBBox if TextureSequence 'tex.getMustFlipVertically()'
- TODO: Handle multiple TextureSequence shader programs!
- Fix Blending: GLRegion* / RegionRenderer / RenderState
- Disable/Enable depth-writing w/ blending
- Region impl. sets proper glBlendFunc*(..),
i.e. 2-pass:
- render2FBO: glClearColor(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)
- User code shall not set glClearColor(..) for 2-pass anymore
- Graph-UI Demo
- UIShape:
- Add MouseGestureListener, combining MouseListener + GestureListener
- EventDetails -> PointerEventInfo
- PointerEventInfo contains objPos (ray-intersection) and glWin-pos
- Toggle:
- Separate color (on/off) if enabled
- Toggle on click if enabled
- SceneUIController
- Use PinchToZoomGesture and propagete same gesture to UIShape
- Use AABBox.getRayIntersection(..) using 'real' shape coordinates
for 1st picking.
- Use shape PMV for secondary picking (drag, zoom 2-pointer, etc),
see windowToShapeCoords(..)
- Sort shapes according to z-value (render: ascending; picking: descending)
- Only 'drag' if pointerId matches 1st pressed pointer
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TextureSequence to Region (Demo: TextureButton)
Cleanup shader-program location/data update
- GLUniformData:
- Allow lazy data setup, as used for
RenderState.ProgramLocal, see below
- RenderState
- Separate data (pmv, weight, colorStatic) from
program-local uniforms -> add class ProgramLocal.
Reduces uniform location lookups, since
ProgramLocal is bound to Region impl.
- ProgramLocal.update(..) needs to write uniform data always,
since data is being used in multiple programs!
- No 'dirty' tracking possible, removed - see above.
- RegionRenderer
- Fix shader-selection: 2-pass programs differ from 1-pass!
- No shader-setup at init
Add COLORTEXTURE + TextureSequence to Region
- Create color-texture coords in vertex-shader via region's bounding box (pass-1)
- Use color-texture unit in pass-1 if enabled (own shader program)
- Use TextureSequence in Region impl. providing all required data (unit + texture-name)
- Demo: TextureButton (a UIShape)
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in shader; Update attributes and uniforms manually, drop ShaderState;
- Due to shader-switching,
'renderModes' are now local to Region, e.g. UIShape etc
- Remove RegionRenderer.renderModes
- VBORegion2P*:
- Use simple 2x float matrix for orthogonal P+Mv
- Cleanup shader
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in shader; Update attributes and uniforms manually, drop ShaderState;
- ShaderCode
- add int insertShaderSource(int shaderIdx, int position, Class<?> context, String path)
- insertShaderSource(..): pos==-1 -> append code
- VectorUtil
- add isVec3InTriangle3(..., float epsilon)
- add testSeg2SegIntersection(..., float epsilon)
- add testTri2SegIntersection(..., float epsilon)
- AffineTransform: Return result for chaining
- Font
- Add pixel precise 'getPointsBounds(final AffineTransform transform, CharSequence string, float pixelSize)'
- Rename getString*() -> getMetric*()
- OTGlyph: Release _points field, no more used
- Graph Triangulation
- Count additional vertices in: Triangulator, CDTriangulator2D
- OutlineShape:
- Allow skipping of 'transformOutlines2Quadratic', i.e. allow tagging
OutlineShape to be quadratic_nurbs via 'setIsQuadraticNurbs()'
- Clarify cleanup ot outlines in same method 'cleanupOutlines()'
- Count additional vertices ..
- Graph Shader:
- Start splitting and segmenting shader code for:
- pass1 / pass2
- features, i.e. sampleCont, color-channel, ..
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- Remove 'const' qualifier in shader graph code for non 'absolute' const values
- Use extension directive OES_standard_derivatives only for ES2.0, not ES3.0 (graph shader)
- Compare float w/ float literals, not int literals!
- Android Demo NEWTGraphUI2pActivity:
- Is a VBAA example, hence disable scene MSAA!
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Reduce text contrast by 1/10th allowing better AA ; GPUUISceneGLListener0A uses proportional window height font size and one label w/ 10pt
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Using poles only as sampling points is not as effective as: flipquad > rgss >> quincunx
Best quality would be 'wholeedge', i.e. average every supersample,
however performance is worse here.
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incl. FXAA2) ; Test exp. LineAA ; Misc Changes
- Revise VBAA
- Add border to FBO dropping MSAA
- This automatically gives AA for edges on FBO boundary
- Correcting ceil-diff, use object-diff instead of win-diff (diff := ceil(a)-a, w/ float a)
- Reorg shader - using includes to test diff. AA modes:
- [poles, wholeedge] * [equalweight, propweight]
- fxaa2
- Exp. LineAA (disabled)
- Test ROESSLER-2012-OGLES for detected rectangles only
- Test boundary line detection
See screenshots: <http://jogamp.org/files/screenshots/graphui/20140322/>
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fragment position and count)
Inflating the FBO pixel-size of the region using a 'samples count'
multiplier to the projected window bounding box
allows controlling the AA distortion as well as defining the
fragment position due to it's grid-fitting nature, see below.
- Fix VBAA Distortions (FBO-size fractional delta)
Inflated framebuffer exceeds 'box-size * sampleCount'
since it must be the ceiling of the latter due to it's integer number nature.
This difference either must reflect the texture-coords -or- the
texture bounding vertices-box in the 2nd pass, otherwise a distorion will appear
which is quite visible explicit w/ text.
Using texture-coords is not suitable, due to floating point accuracy,
hence this patch extends the texture bounding vertices-box about the ceiling delta.
A comparible distortion existed with the previous implementation as well,
since it used an arbitrary FBO-size and hence the magnification was not grid-fitting.
Current implementation is grid-fitting, or at least matches the non-inflated grid,
since it inflates the original window-size of the region about samples-count.
- AA (Sample fragment position and count)
Using a sample-count w/ a multiple of 2 (currently 2, 4 and 8 are properly implemented),
based on the projected window bounding box will give the 2nd-pass fragment shader (AA)
a fragment-postion in center of the sample pixels exposing one AA pixel.
Hence we need to use the diagonal coords (NW, SW, ..) off by half a pixel
to reach the 1st sample-pixel .. and 1.5 pixels to reach the 2nd .. and so forth.
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Demos: Use local GLRegion for uncached text (perf.) ..
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Minor edits:
- Add some docs to curve-shader and remove FIXME remark about gcu_Alpha, which will be used < 1.0.
- Font: Add more TTF references
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Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <harvey.harrison@gmail.com>
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deprecated in 130 and removed in 150.
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varying in/out mapping is different in vertex/fragment shader!
Vertex shader: varying -> out
Fragemnt shader: varying -> in
NV GLSL compiler ignored in/out direction,
where ATI GLSL compiler failed (could not find gcu_Weight, due to dead code).
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version, following all other internal GLSL usage utilizing ShaderCode.
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except for sampler2D (mediump instead of lowp)
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Graph Shader Simplification
- remove enable factor and 2nd 'discard' branch
- use build-in 'max'/'clamp' functions, supposed to be faster
Graph Shader 'a'/'b' redefined
- 'a' is 1-pass shader only
- 'b' is 2-pass incl. (1st pass + 2nd pass)
- Works well on ARM Mali-400 MP (Galaxy S2).
- Doesn't work on NV tegra2 (P1202: Texture's gl states do not match with shader's),
however 2-pass on mobile seems to be overkill for now.
We may create a workaround (switch shader ..).
GraphUI 2-pass demo;
- Propagate renderModes and texSize to UIShape's render(..)
- TODO: Remove GL dependency in UIShape, maybe use a callback or visitor model
- Adding GarpUI 2-pass launcher (Android and Standalone)
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disabled discard
- 1st pass (a) and 2nd pass (b), split at branch.
- all include are on one level.
- disabled discard, as it seems to be problematic
- verify discard / pass-split on tegra2
- refect second pass usage (b) in implementation
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tegra2 hunting, single pass, no discard, lowp,
and removed uneeded variables
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Add missing floating point precision qualifiers.
'#extension OES_standard_derivatives : require' somehow doesn't pass the GLSL compiler,
however '#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable' does.
Currently works on ARM's Mali-400 MP, NV Tegra still don't show a picture.
TODO: More in depth evaluation.
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precision for all vars.
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Region/GLRegion, ..
GLSL fix:
- allowing #version tag
- add uniform textureSize (ES2)
- fix int/float conversion
- non OpenGL Region and GL related GLRegion split
Region/Renderer renderModes bits (def. in Region)
- user creates a Renderer* impl .. and derive Region*'s from outline,
possibly from a different code path.
- to avoid mode explosion, a bit field is being used for now
- Renderer: remove flushCache(), since non caching impl. is intended,
or caching by an external user transparent object.
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Seperate texcoords from shaprness
Added NonUniform weight shader impl for region impl only (not text)
Refactor p1y --> weight (equiv to nurbs weight)
cleanup shader uniforms (rename/remove unneeded)
Enhanced blending of text
GPURegionNewtDemo01 - added weight W/Q to manipulate weight
refactor r2t --> vbaa (matching algorithm name)
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; Disable FPS draw at start
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- Pass the current GL context object where it's required
- Introduce RenderState (which has ShaderState) to acquire/change shader related data (Region)
- Shader Cleanup: User import for common stuff; use req. version
- Reduce/remove data copy/recreation in *Region implementation
- UI/RIButton: Use defaults I like :)
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