path: root/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncHook.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncHook.java')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncHook.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncHook.java
index 897967f8b..458a9c94f 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncHook.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncHook.java
@@ -29,87 +29,115 @@
package jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.fixedfunc;
-import javax.media.opengl.*;
-import javax.media.opengl.fixedfunc.*;
-import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers;
-import com.jogamp.opengl.util.*;
+import java.nio.Buffer;
+import java.nio.IntBuffer;
+import javax.media.opengl.GL;
+import javax.media.opengl.GL2ES2;
+import javax.media.opengl.GLArrayData;
+import javax.media.opengl.GLException;
+import javax.media.opengl.fixedfunc.GLLightingFunc;
+import javax.media.opengl.fixedfunc.GLMatrixFunc;
+import javax.media.opengl.fixedfunc.GLPointerFunc;
-import java.nio.*;
+import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers;
+import com.jogamp.common.util.ValueConv;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataWrapper;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLBuffers;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.util.PMVMatrix;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.fixedfunc.ShaderSelectionMode;
public class FixedFuncHook implements GLLightingFunc, GLMatrixFunc, GLPointerFunc {
public static final int MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS = 8;
- protected FixedFuncPipeline fixedFunction=null;
- protected PMVMatrix pmvMatrix=null;
- protected GL2ES2 gl=null;
+ protected FixedFuncPipeline fixedFunction;
+ protected PMVMatrix pmvMatrix;
+ protected boolean ownsPMVMatrix;
+ protected GL2ES2 gl;
- public FixedFuncHook (GL2ES2 gl) {
- this(gl, null);
+ /**
+ * @param gl
+ * @param mode TODO
+ * @param pmvMatrix optional pass through PMVMatrix for the {@link FixedFuncHook} and {@link FixedFuncPipeline}
+ */
+ public FixedFuncHook (GL2ES2 gl, ShaderSelectionMode mode, PMVMatrix pmvMatrix) {
+ this.gl = gl;
+ if(null != pmvMatrix) {
+ this.ownsPMVMatrix = false;
+ this.pmvMatrix = pmvMatrix;
+ } else {
+ this.ownsPMVMatrix = true;
+ this.pmvMatrix = new PMVMatrix();
+ }
+ fixedFunction = new FixedFuncPipeline(this.gl, mode, this.pmvMatrix);
- public FixedFuncHook (GL2ES2 gl, PMVMatrix matrix) {
+ /**
+ * @param gl
+ * @param mode TODO
+ * @param pmvMatrix optional pass through PMVMatrix for the {@link FixedFuncHook} and {@link FixedFuncPipeline}
+ */
+ public FixedFuncHook(GL2ES2 gl, ShaderSelectionMode mode, PMVMatrix pmvMatrix,
+ Class<?> shaderRootClass, String shaderSrcRoot, String shaderBinRoot,
+ String vertexColorFile, String vertexColorLightFile,
+ String fragmentColorFile, String fragmentColorTextureFile) {
this.gl = gl;
- pmvMatrix = (null!=matrix)?matrix:new PMVMatrix();
+ if(null != pmvMatrix) {
+ this.ownsPMVMatrix = false;
+ this.pmvMatrix = pmvMatrix;
+ } else {
+ this.ownsPMVMatrix = true;
+ this.pmvMatrix = new PMVMatrix();
+ }
- fixedFunction = new FixedFuncPipeline(gl, pmvMatrix);
+ fixedFunction = new FixedFuncPipeline(this.gl, mode, this.pmvMatrix, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot,
+ shaderBinRoot, vertexColorFile, vertexColorLightFile, fragmentColorFile, fragmentColorTextureFile);
- public FixedFuncHook(GL2ES2 gl, PMVMatrix matrix,
- Class<?> shaderRootClass, String shaderSrcRoot, String shaderBinRoot,
- String vertexColorFile,
- String vertexColorLightFile,
- String fragmentColorFile,
- String fragmentColorTextureFile) {
- this.gl = gl;
- pmvMatrix = matrix;
+ public boolean verbose() { return fixedFunction.verbose(); }
- fixedFunction = new FixedFuncPipeline(gl, pmvMatrix,
- shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot,
- vertexColorFile, vertexColorLightFile, fragmentColorFile, fragmentColorTextureFile);
- }
+ public void setVerbose(boolean v) { fixedFunction.setVerbose(v); }
public void destroy() {
fixedFunction = null;
+ if(ownsPMVMatrix) {
+ pmvMatrix.destroy();
+ }
+ pmvMatrix=null;
+ gl=null;
public PMVMatrix getMatrix() { return pmvMatrix; }
- // FixedFuncHookIf - hooks
+ // FixedFuncHookIf - hooks
public void glDrawArrays(int mode, int first, int count) {
- fixedFunction.validate(gl);
- gl.glDrawArrays(mode, first, count);
+ fixedFunction.glDrawArrays(gl, mode, first, count);
public void glDrawElements(int mode, int count, int type, java.nio.Buffer indices) {
- fixedFunction.validate(gl);
- gl.glDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices);
+ fixedFunction.glDrawElements(gl, mode, count, type, indices);
public void glDrawElements(int mode, int count, int type, long indices_buffer_offset) {
- fixedFunction.validate(gl);
- gl.glDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices_buffer_offset);
+ fixedFunction.glDrawElements(gl, mode, count, type, indices_buffer_offset);
public void glActiveTexture(int texture) {
- fixedFunction.glActiveTexture(gl, texture);
+ fixedFunction.glActiveTexture(texture);
public void glEnable(int cap) {
- if(fixedFunction.glEnable(gl, cap, true)) {
+ if(fixedFunction.glEnable(cap, true)) {
public void glDisable(int cap) {
- if(fixedFunction.glEnable(gl, cap, false)) {
+ if(fixedFunction.glEnable(cap, false)) {
- public void glCullFace(int faceName) {
- fixedFunction.glCullFace(gl, faceName);
- gl.glCullFace(faceName);
- }
+ @Override
public void glGetFloatv(int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer params) {
if(PMVMatrix.isMatrixGetName(pname)) {
pmvMatrix.glGetFloatv(pname, params);
@@ -117,6 +145,7 @@ public class FixedFuncHook implements GLLightingFunc, GLMatrixFunc, GLPointerFun
gl.glGetFloatv(pname, params);
+ @Override
public void glGetFloatv(int pname, float[] params, int params_offset) {
if(PMVMatrix.isMatrixGetName(pname)) {
pmvMatrix.glGetFloatv(pname, params, params_offset);
@@ -124,6 +153,7 @@ public class FixedFuncHook implements GLLightingFunc, GLMatrixFunc, GLPointerFun
gl.glGetFloatv(pname, params, params_offset);
+ @Override
public void glGetIntegerv(int pname, IntBuffer params) {
if(PMVMatrix.isMatrixGetName(pname)) {
pmvMatrix.glGetIntegerv(pname, params);
@@ -131,6 +161,7 @@ public class FixedFuncHook implements GLLightingFunc, GLMatrixFunc, GLPointerFun
gl.glGetIntegerv(pname, params);
+ @Override
public void glGetIntegerv(int pname, int[] params, int params_offset) {
if(PMVMatrix.isMatrixGetName(pname)) {
pmvMatrix.glGetIntegerv(pname, params, params_offset);
@@ -139,95 +170,193 @@ public class FixedFuncHook implements GLLightingFunc, GLMatrixFunc, GLPointerFun
gl.glGetIntegerv(pname, params, params_offset);
- //
+ public void glTexEnvi(int target, int pname, int value) {
+ fixedFunction.glTexEnvi(target, pname, value);
+ }
+ public void glGetTexEnviv(int target, int pname, IntBuffer params) {
+ fixedFunction.glGetTexEnviv(target, pname, params);
+ }
+ public void glGetTexEnviv(int target, int pname, int[] params, int params_offset) {
+ fixedFunction.glGetTexEnviv(target, pname, params, params_offset);
+ }
+ public void glBindTexture(int target, int texture) {
+ fixedFunction.glBindTexture(target, texture);
+ gl.glBindTexture(target, texture);
+ }
+ public void glTexImage2D(int target, int level, int internalformat, int width, int height, int border,
+ int format, int type, Buffer pixels) {
+ // align internalformat w/ format, an ES2 requirement
+ switch(internalformat) {
+ case 3: internalformat= ( GL.GL_RGBA == format ) ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB; break;
+ case 4: internalformat= ( GL.GL_RGB == format ) ? GL.GL_RGB : GL.GL_RGBA; break;
+ }
+ fixedFunction.glTexImage2D(target, /* level, */ internalformat, /*width, height, border, */ format /*, type, pixels*/);
+ gl.glTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels);
+ }
+ public void glTexImage2D(int target, int level, int internalformat, int width, int height, int border,
+ int format, int type, long pixels_buffer_offset) {
+ // align internalformat w/ format, an ES2 requirement
+ switch(internalformat) {
+ case 3: internalformat= ( GL.GL_RGBA == format ) ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB; break;
+ case 4: internalformat= ( GL.GL_RGB == format ) ? GL.GL_RGB : GL.GL_RGBA; break;
+ }
+ fixedFunction.glTexImage2D(target, /* level, */ internalformat, /*width, height, border, */ format /*, type, pixels*/);
+ gl.glTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels_buffer_offset);
+ }
+ public void glPointSize(float size) {
+ fixedFunction.glPointSize(size);
+ }
+ public void glPointParameterf(int pname, float param) {
+ fixedFunction.glPointParameterf(pname, param);
+ }
+ public void glPointParameterfv(int pname, float[] params, int params_offset) {
+ fixedFunction.glPointParameterfv(pname, params, params_offset);
+ }
+ public void glPointParameterfv(int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer params) {
+ fixedFunction.glPointParameterfv(pname, params);
+ }
+ //
// MatrixIf
public int glGetMatrixMode() {
return pmvMatrix.glGetMatrixMode();
+ @Override
public void glMatrixMode(int mode) {
+ @Override
public void glLoadMatrixf(java.nio.FloatBuffer m) {
+ @Override
public void glLoadMatrixf(float[] m, int m_offset) {
glLoadMatrixf(GLBuffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(m, m_offset));
+ @Override
public void glPopMatrix() {
+ @Override
public void glPushMatrix() {
+ @Override
public void glLoadIdentity() {
+ @Override
public void glMultMatrixf(java.nio.FloatBuffer m) {
+ @Override
public void glMultMatrixf(float[] m, int m_offset) {
glMultMatrixf(GLBuffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(m, m_offset));
+ @Override
public void glTranslatef(float x, float y, float z) {
pmvMatrix.glTranslatef(x, y, z);
+ @Override
public void glRotatef(float angdeg, float x, float y, float z) {
pmvMatrix.glRotatef(angdeg, x, y, z);
+ @Override
public void glScalef(float x, float y, float z) {
pmvMatrix.glScalef(x, y, z);
+ public void glOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near_val, double far_val) {
+ glOrthof((float) left, (float) right, (float) bottom, (float) top, (float) near_val, (float) far_val);
+ }
+ @Override
public void glOrthof(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar) {
pmvMatrix.glOrthof(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar);
+ public void glFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar) {
+ glFrustumf((float) left, (float) right, (float) bottom, (float) top, (float) zNear, (float) zFar);
+ }
+ @Override
public void glFrustumf(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar) {
pmvMatrix.glFrustumf(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar);
- //
+ //
// LightingIf
+ @Override
public void glColor4f(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) {
- fixedFunction.glColor4fv(gl, GLBuffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { red, green, blue, alpha }));
+ fixedFunction.glColor4f(gl, red, green, blue, alpha);
+ public void glColor4ub(byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha) {
+ glColor4f(ValueConv.byte_to_float(red, false),
+ ValueConv.byte_to_float(green, false),
+ ValueConv.byte_to_float(blue, false),
+ ValueConv.byte_to_float(alpha, false) );
+ }
+ @Override
public void glLightfv(int light, int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer params) {
fixedFunction.glLightfv(gl, light, pname, params);
+ @Override
public void glLightfv(int light, int pname, float[] params, int params_offset) {
glLightfv(light, pname, GLBuffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(params, params_offset));
+ @Override
public void glMaterialfv(int face, int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer params) {
fixedFunction.glMaterialfv(gl, face, pname, params);
+ @Override
public void glMaterialfv(int face, int pname, float[] params, int params_offset) {
glMaterialfv(face, pname, GLBuffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(params, params_offset));
+ @Override
public void glMaterialf(int face, int pname, float param) {
glMaterialfv(face, pname, GLBuffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { param }));
+ //
+ // Misc Simple States
+ //
+ @Override
public void glShadeModel(int mode) {
fixedFunction.glShadeModel(gl, mode);
+ public void glAlphaFunc(int func, float ref) {
+ fixedFunction.glAlphaFunc(func, ref);
+ }
+ /** ES2 supports CullFace implicit
+ public void glCullFace(int faceName) {
+ fixedFunction.glCullFace(faceName);
+ gl.glCullFace(faceName);
+ } */
// PointerIf
+ public void glClientActiveTexture(int textureUnit) {
+ fixedFunction.glClientActiveTexture(textureUnit);
+ }
+ @Override
public void glEnableClientState(int glArrayIndex) {
fixedFunction.glEnableClientState(gl, glArrayIndex);
+ @Override
public void glDisableClientState(int glArrayIndex) {
fixedFunction.glDisableClientState(gl, glArrayIndex);
+ @Override
public void glVertexPointer(GLArrayData array) {
if(array.isVBO()) {
- if(!gl.glIsVBOArrayEnabled()) {
+ if(!gl.isVBOArrayBound()) {
throw new GLException("VBO array is not enabled: "+array);
} else {
- if(gl.glIsVBOArrayEnabled()) {
+ if(gl.isVBOArrayBound()) {
throw new GLException("VBO array is not disabled: "+array);
Buffers.rangeCheck(array.getBuffer(), 1);
@@ -237,25 +366,29 @@ public class FixedFuncHook implements GLLightingFunc, GLMatrixFunc, GLPointerFun
fixedFunction.glVertexPointer(gl, array);
+ @Override
public void glVertexPointer(int size, int type, int stride, java.nio.Buffer pointer) {
- glVertexPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, size, type, false, stride, pointer, 0, 0, 0, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
+ glVertexPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, size, type, GLBuffers.isGLTypeFixedPoint(type), stride,
+ pointer, 0, 0, 0, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
+ @Override
public void glVertexPointer(int size, int type, int stride, long pointer_buffer_offset) {
- int vboName = gl.glGetBoundBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ int vboName = gl.getBoundBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
if(vboName==0) {
throw new GLException("no GL_ARRAY_BUFFER VBO bound");
- glVertexPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, size, type, false, stride,
+ glVertexPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, size, type, GLBuffers.isGLTypeFixedPoint(type), stride,
null, vboName, pointer_buffer_offset, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
+ @Override
public void glColorPointer(GLArrayData array) {
if(array.isVBO()) {
- if(!gl.glIsVBOArrayEnabled()) {
+ if(!gl.isVBOArrayBound()) {
throw new GLException("VBO array is not enabled: "+array);
} else {
- if(gl.glIsVBOArrayEnabled()) {
+ if(gl.isVBOArrayBound()) {
throw new GLException("VBO array is not disabled: "+array);
Buffers.rangeCheck(array.getBuffer(), 1);
@@ -264,29 +397,32 @@ public class FixedFuncHook implements GLLightingFunc, GLMatrixFunc, GLPointerFun
fixedFunction.glColorPointer(gl, array);
+ @Override
public void glColorPointer(int size, int type, int stride, java.nio.Buffer pointer) {
- glColorPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_COLOR_ARRAY, size, type, false, stride,
+ glColorPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_COLOR_ARRAY, size, type, GLBuffers.isGLTypeFixedPoint(type), stride,
pointer, 0, 0, 0, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
+ @Override
public void glColorPointer(int size, int type, int stride, long pointer_buffer_offset) {
- int vboName = gl.glGetBoundBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ int vboName = gl.getBoundBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
if(vboName==0) {
throw new GLException("no GL_ARRAY_BUFFER VBO bound");
- glColorPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_COLOR_ARRAY, size, type, false, stride,
+ glColorPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_COLOR_ARRAY, size, type, GLBuffers.isGLTypeFixedPoint(type), stride,
null, vboName, pointer_buffer_offset, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
+ @Override
public void glNormalPointer(GLArrayData array) {
if(array.getComponentCount()!=3) {
throw new GLException("Only 3 components per normal allowed");
if(array.isVBO()) {
- if(!gl.glIsVBOArrayEnabled()) {
+ if(!gl.isVBOArrayBound()) {
throw new GLException("VBO array is not enabled: "+array);
} else {
- if(gl.glIsVBOArrayEnabled()) {
+ if(gl.isVBOArrayBound()) {
throw new GLException("VBO array is not disabled: "+array);
Buffers.rangeCheck(array.getBuffer(), 1);
@@ -295,26 +431,29 @@ public class FixedFuncHook implements GLLightingFunc, GLMatrixFunc, GLPointerFun
fixedFunction.glNormalPointer(gl, array);
+ @Override
public void glNormalPointer(int type, int stride, java.nio.Buffer pointer) {
- glNormalPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY, 3, type, false, stride,
+ glNormalPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY, 3, type, GLBuffers.isGLTypeFixedPoint(type), stride,
pointer, 0, 0, 0, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
+ @Override
public void glNormalPointer(int type, int stride, long pointer_buffer_offset) {
- int vboName = gl.glGetBoundBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ int vboName = gl.getBoundBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
if(vboName==0) {
throw new GLException("no GL_ARRAY_BUFFER VBO bound");
- glNormalPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY, 3, type, false, stride,
+ glNormalPointer(GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY, 3, type, GLBuffers.isGLTypeFixedPoint(type), stride,
null, vboName, pointer_buffer_offset, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
+ @Override
public void glTexCoordPointer(GLArrayData array) {
if(array.isVBO()) {
- if(!gl.glIsVBOArrayEnabled()) {
+ if(!gl.isVBOArrayBound()) {
throw new GLException("VBO array is not enabled: "+array);
} else {
- if(gl.glIsVBOArrayEnabled()) {
+ if(gl.isVBOArrayBound()) {
throw new GLException("VBO array is not disabled: "+array);
Buffers.rangeCheck(array.getBuffer(), 1);
@@ -323,25 +462,29 @@ public class FixedFuncHook implements GLLightingFunc, GLMatrixFunc, GLPointerFun
fixedFunction.glTexCoordPointer(gl, array);
+ @Override
public void glTexCoordPointer(int size, int type, int stride, java.nio.Buffer pointer) {
- GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY, size, type, false, stride, pointer, 0, 0, 0, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
+ GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY, size, type, GLBuffers.isGLTypeFixedPoint(type), stride,
+ pointer, 0, 0, 0, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
+ @Override
public void glTexCoordPointer(int size, int type, int stride, long pointer_buffer_offset) {
- int vboName = gl.glGetBoundBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ int vboName = gl.getBoundBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
if(vboName==0) {
throw new GLException("no GL_ARRAY_BUFFER VBO bound");
- GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY, size, type, false, stride,
+ GLArrayDataWrapper.createFixed(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY, size, type, GLBuffers.isGLTypeFixedPoint(type), stride,
null, vboName, pointer_buffer_offset, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER) );
+ @Override
public final String toString() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.append(getClass().getName()+" (");
if(null!=pmvMatrix) {
- buf.append(", matrixDirty: "+pmvMatrix.isDirty());
+ buf.append(", matrixDirty: "+ (0 != pmvMatrix.getModifiedBits(false)));
buf.append("\n\t, FixedFunction: "+fixedFunction);