diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-07 08:25:36 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-07 08:25:36 +0100
commiteca019cdea4017227e951d8a9eb30cb34fca4a07 (patch)
parent6a0822b03de2976c5bc37544c50e70094eeb94a7 (diff)
Bug 1134 - Pass ASTLocationTag to all types, used for GlueGenException
Enhances semantic exception in code generation by adding the AST location of the type or function declaration.
23 files changed, 411 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g b/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
index 18947f6..595d770 100644
--- a/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
+++ b/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
@@ -136,10 +136,11 @@ options {
private CompoundType lookupInStructDictionary(String structName,
CompoundTypeKind kind,
- int cvAttrs) {
+ int cvAttrs, final ASTLocusTag locusTag)
+ {
CompoundType t = (CompoundType) structDictionary.get(structName);
if (t == null) {
- t = CompoundType.create(structName, null, kind, cvAttrs);
+ t = CompoundType.create(structName, null, kind, cvAttrs, locusTag);
structDictionary.put(structName, t);
return t;
@@ -300,24 +301,27 @@ options {
private boolean isFuncDeclaration; // Used to only process function typedefs
private String funcDeclName;
private List<ParameterDeclaration> funcDeclParams;
+ private ASTLocusTag funcLocusTag;
private void resetFuncDeclaration() {
isFuncDeclaration = false;
funcDeclName = null;
funcDeclParams = null;
+ funcLocusTag = null;
- private void setFuncDeclaration(final String name, final List<ParameterDeclaration> p) {
+ private void setFuncDeclaration(final String name, final List<ParameterDeclaration> p, final ASTLocusTag locusTag) {
isFuncDeclaration = true;
funcDeclName = name;
funcDeclParams = p;
+ funcLocusTag = locusTag;
- private void processDeclaration(Type returnType, ASTLocusTag locusTag) {
+ private void processDeclaration(Type returnType) {
if (isFuncDeclaration) {
final FunctionSymbol sym = new FunctionSymbol(funcDeclName,
- new FunctionType(null, null, resolveAnonCompound(returnType), 0),
- locusTag);
- debugPrintln("Function ... "+sym.toString()+" @ "+locusTag);
+ new FunctionType(null, null, resolveAnonCompound(returnType), 0, funcLocusTag),
+ funcLocusTag);
+ debugPrintln("Function ... "+sym.toString()+" @ "+funcLocusTag);
if (funcDeclParams != null) { // handle funcs w/ empty parameter lists (e.g., "foo()")
for (Iterator<ParameterDeclaration> iter = funcDeclParams.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
ParameterDeclaration pd = iter.next();
@@ -326,7 +330,7 @@ options {
sym.addArgument(pd.type(), pd.id());
- debugPrintln("Function Added "+sym.toString()+" @ "+locusTag);
+ debugPrintln("Function Added "+sym.toString());
@@ -345,18 +349,18 @@ options {
/** Helper routine which handles creating a pointer or array type
for [] expressions */
- private void handleArrayExpr(TypeBox tb, AST t) {
+ private void handleArrayExpr(TypeBox tb, AST t, ASTLocusTag locusTag) {
if (t != null) {
try {
final int len = parseIntConstExpr(t);
- tb.setType(canonicalize(new ArrayType(tb.type(), SizeThunk.mul(SizeThunk.constant(len), tb.type().getSize()), len, 0)));
+ tb.setType(canonicalize(new ArrayType(tb.type(), SizeThunk.mul(SizeThunk.constant(len), tb.type().getSize()), len, 0, locusTag)));
} catch (RecognitionException e) {
// Fall through
tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,
- tb.type(), 0, null)));
+ tb.type(), 0, locusTag)));
private int parseIntConstExpr(AST t) throws RecognitionException {
@@ -365,7 +369,7 @@ options {
/** Utility function: creates a new EnumType with the given name, or
returns an existing one if it has already been created. */
- private EnumType getEnumType(String enumTypeName, ASTLocusTag locus) {
+ private EnumType getEnumType(String enumTypeName, ASTLocusTag locusTag) {
EnumType enumType = null;
Iterator<EnumType> it = enumHash.values().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
@@ -382,7 +386,7 @@ options {
// entry the enum should expand to e.g. int64. However, using
// "long" here (which is what used to be the case) was
// definitely incorrect and caused problems.
- enumType = new EnumType(enumTypeName, SizeThunk.INT32, locus);
+ enumType = new EnumType(enumTypeName, SizeThunk.INT32, locusTag);
return enumType;
@@ -458,6 +462,7 @@ declarator[TypeBox tb] returns [String s] {
List<ParameterDeclaration> params = null;
String funcPointerName = null;
TypeBox dummyTypeBox = null;
+ final ASTLocusTag locusTag = findASTLocusTag(declarator_AST_in);
: #( NDeclarator
( pointerGroup[tb] )?
@@ -474,17 +479,17 @@ declarator[TypeBox tb] returns [String s] {
) {
if (id != null) {
- setFuncDeclaration(id.getText(), params);
+ setFuncDeclaration(id.getText(), params, locusTag);
} else if ( funcPointerName != null ) {
/* TypeBox becomes function pointer in this case */
- FunctionType ft = new FunctionType(null, null, tb.type(), 0);
+ final FunctionType ft = new FunctionType(null, null, tb.type(), 0, locusTag);
if (params == null) {
// If the function pointer has no declared parameters, it's a
// void function. I'm not sure if the parameter name is
// ever referenced anywhere when the type is VoidType, so
// just in case I'll set it to a comment string so it will
// still compile if written out to code anywhere.
- ft.addArgument(new VoidType(0), "/*unnamed-void*/");
+ ft.addArgument(new VoidType(0, locusTag), "/*unnamed-void*/");
} else {
for (Iterator iter = params.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
ParameterDeclaration pd = (ParameterDeclaration) iter.next();
@@ -492,11 +497,11 @@ declarator[TypeBox tb] returns [String s] {
tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,
- ft, 0, null)));
+ ft, 0, locusTag)));
s = funcPointerName;
- | LBRACKET ( e:expr )? RBRACKET { handleArrayExpr(tb, e); }
+ | LBRACKET ( e:expr )? RBRACKET { handleArrayExpr(tb, e, locusTag); }
@@ -516,7 +521,7 @@ declaration {
( SEMI )+
- ) { processDeclaration(tb.type(), findASTLocusTag(declaration_AST_in)); }
+ ) { processDeclaration(tb.type()); }
parameterTypeList returns [List<ParameterDeclaration> l] { l = new ArrayList<ParameterDeclaration>(); ParameterDeclaration decl = null; }
@@ -559,7 +564,10 @@ declSpecifiers returns [TypeBox tb] {
if (t == null &&
(x & (SIGNED | UNSIGNED)) != 0) {
- t = new IntType("int", SizeThunk.INTxx, ((x & UNSIGNED) != 0), attrs2CVAttrs(x));
+ t = new IntType("int", SizeThunk.INTxx,
+ ((x & UNSIGNED) != 0),
+ attrs2CVAttrs(x),
+ findASTLocusTag(declSpecifiers_AST_in));
tb = new TypeBox(t, ((x & TYPEDEF) != 0));
@@ -590,30 +598,35 @@ typeQualifier returns [int x] { x = 0; }
typeSpecifier[int attributes] returns [Type t] {
t = null;
int cvAttrs = attrs2CVAttrs(attributes);
- boolean unsigned = ((attributes & UNSIGNED) != 0);
+ boolean unsig = ((attributes & UNSIGNED) != 0);
+ final ASTLocusTag locusTag = findASTLocusTag(typeSpecifier_AST_in);
- : "void" { t = new VoidType(cvAttrs); }
- | "char" { t = new IntType("char" , SizeThunk.INT8, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "short" { t = new IntType("short", SizeThunk.INT16, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "int" { t = new IntType("int" , SizeThunk.INTxx, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "long" { t = new IntType("long" , SizeThunk.LONG, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "float" { t = new FloatType("float", SizeThunk.FLOAT, cvAttrs); }
- | "double" { t = new DoubleType("double", SizeThunk.DOUBLE, cvAttrs); }
- | "__int32" { t = new IntType("__int32", SizeThunk.INT32, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "__int64" { t = new IntType("__int64", SizeThunk.INT64, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "int8_t" { t = new IntType("int8_t", SizeThunk.INT8, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint8_t" { t = new IntType("uint8_t", SizeThunk.INT8, true, cvAttrs); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "int16_t" { t = new IntType("int16_t", SizeThunk.INT16, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint16_t" { t = new IntType("uint16_t", SizeThunk.INT16, true, cvAttrs); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "int32_t" { t = new IntType("int32_t", SizeThunk.INT32, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "wchar_t" { t = new IntType("wchar_t", SizeThunk.INT32, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint32_t" { t = new IntType("uint32_t", SizeThunk.INT32, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "int64_t" { t = new IntType("int64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint64_t" { t = new IntType("uint64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "ptrdiff_t" { t = new IntType("ptrdiff_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "intptr_t" { t = new IntType("intptr_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "size_t" { t = new IntType("size_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "uintptr_t" { t = new IntType("uintptr_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
+ //
+ : "void" { t = new VoidType( cvAttrs, locusTag); }
+ | "char" { t = new IntType("char" , SizeThunk.INT8, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "short" { t = new IntType("short", SizeThunk.INT16, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "int" { t = new IntType("int" , SizeThunk.INTxx, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "long" { t = new IntType("long" , SizeThunk.LONG, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "float" { t = new FloatType("float", SizeThunk.FLOAT, cvAttrs, locusTag); }
+ | "double" { t = new DoubleType("double", SizeThunk.DOUBLE, cvAttrs, locusTag); }
+ | "__int32" { t = new IntType("__int32", SizeThunk.INT32, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "__int64" { t = new IntType("__int64", SizeThunk.INT64, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "int8_t" { t = new IntType("int8_t", SizeThunk.INT8, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "uint8_t" { t = new IntType("uint8_t", SizeThunk.INT8, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
+ | "int16_t" { t = new IntType("int16_t", SizeThunk.INT16, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "uint16_t" { t = new IntType("uint16_t", SizeThunk.INT16, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
+ | "int32_t" { t = new IntType("int32_t", SizeThunk.INT32, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "wchar_t" { t = new IntType("wchar_t", SizeThunk.INT32, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "uint32_t" { t = new IntType("uint32_t", SizeThunk.INT32, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
+ | "int64_t" { t = new IntType("int64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "uint64_t" { t = new IntType("uint64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
+ | "ptrdiff_t" { t = new IntType("ptrdiff_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "intptr_t" { t = new IntType("intptr_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "size_t" { t = new IntType("size_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
+ | "uintptr_t" { t = new IntType("uintptr_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
| t = structSpecifier[cvAttrs] ( attributeDecl )*
| t = unionSpecifier [cvAttrs] ( attributeDecl )*
| t = enumSpecifier [cvAttrs]
@@ -650,20 +663,21 @@ unionSpecifier[int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] { t = null; }
structOrUnionBody[CompoundTypeKind kind, int cvAttrs] returns [CompoundType t] {
t = null;
boolean addedAny = false;
+ final ASTLocusTag locusTag = findASTLocusTag(structOrUnionBody_AST_in);
: ( (ID LCURLY) => id:ID LCURLY {
// fully declared struct, i.e. not anonymous
- t = (CompoundType) canonicalize(lookupInStructDictionary(id.getText(), kind, cvAttrs));
+ t = (CompoundType) canonicalize(lookupInStructDictionary(id.getText(), kind, cvAttrs, locusTag));
} ( addedAny = structDeclarationList[t] )?
RCURLY { t.setBodyParsed(addedAny); }
// anonymous declared struct
- t = CompoundType.create(null, null, kind, cvAttrs);
+ t = CompoundType.create(null, null, kind, cvAttrs, locusTag);
} ( structDeclarationList[t] )?
RCURLY { t.setBodyParsed(false); }
| id2:ID {
// anonymous struct
- t = (CompoundType) canonicalize(lookupInStructDictionary(id2.getText(), kind, cvAttrs));
+ t = (CompoundType) canonicalize(lookupInStructDictionary(id2.getText(), kind, cvAttrs, locusTag));
@@ -701,7 +715,8 @@ specifierQualifierList returns [Type t] {
)+ {
if (t == null &&
(x & (SIGNED | UNSIGNED)) != 0) {
- t = new IntType("int", SizeThunk.INTxx, ((x & UNSIGNED) != 0), attrs2CVAttrs(x));
+ t = new IntType("int", SizeThunk.INTxx, ((x & UNSIGNED) != 0), attrs2CVAttrs(x),
+ findASTLocusTag(specifierQualifierList_AST_in));
@@ -740,12 +755,12 @@ structDeclarator[CompoundType containingType, Type t] returns [boolean addedAny]
enumSpecifier [int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] {
t = null;
EnumType e = null;
- ASTLocusTag locus = findASTLocusTag(enumSpecifier_AST_in);
+ ASTLocusTag locusTag = findASTLocusTag(enumSpecifier_AST_in);
: #( "enum"
- ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(e = getEnumType(i.getText(), locus))] RCURLY
- | LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(e = getEnumType(ANONYMOUS_ENUM_NAME, locus))] RCURLY
- | ID { e = getEnumType(i.getText(), locus); }
+ ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(e = getEnumType(i.getText(), locusTag))] RCURLY
+ | LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(e = getEnumType(ANONYMOUS_ENUM_NAME, locusTag))] RCURLY
+ | ID { e = getEnumType(i.getText(), locusTag); }
) {
debugPrintln("Adding enum mapping: "+getDebugTypeString(e));
if( null != e ) {
@@ -834,7 +849,7 @@ initDecl[TypeBox tb] {
if ((declName != null) && (tb != null) && tb.isTypedef()) {
Type t = tb.type();
debugPrint("Adding typedef mapping: [" + declName + "] -> "+getDebugTypeString(t));
- if (!t.hasTypedefName()) {
+ if (!t.isTypedef()) {
if( t.isCompound() ) {
// Allow redefinition of newly defined struct, i.e. use same instance.
// This aliases '_a' -> 'A' for 'typedef struct _a { } A, *B;', where '*B' will become also '*A'.
@@ -890,7 +905,8 @@ pointerGroup[TypeBox tb] { int x = 0; int y = 0; }
if (tb != null) {
tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,
- attrs2CVAttrs(x), null)));
+ attrs2CVAttrs(x),
+ findASTLocusTag(pointerGroup_AST_in))));
)+ )
@@ -915,7 +931,9 @@ typeName {
/* FIXME: the handling of types in this rule has not been well thought
out and is known to be incomplete. Currently it is only used to handle
pointerGroups for unnamed parameters. */
-nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[TypeBox tb]
+nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[TypeBox tb] {
+ final ASTLocusTag locusTag = findASTLocusTag(nonemptyAbstractDeclarator_AST_in);
: #( NNonemptyAbstractDeclarator
( pointerGroup[tb]
@@ -923,7 +941,7 @@ nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[TypeBox tb]
| parameterTypeList
- | (LBRACKET (e1:expr)? RBRACKET) { handleArrayExpr(tb, e1); }
+ | (LBRACKET (e1:expr)? RBRACKET) { handleArrayExpr(tb, e1, locusTag); }
@@ -931,7 +949,7 @@ nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[TypeBox tb]
| parameterTypeList
- | (LBRACKET (e2:expr)? RBRACKET) { handleArrayExpr(tb, e2); }
+ | (LBRACKET (e2:expr)? RBRACKET) { handleArrayExpr(tb, e2, locusTag); }
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/CMethodBindingEmitter.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/CMethodBindingEmitter.java
index 47b2811..85c6d7e 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/CMethodBindingEmitter.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/CMethodBindingEmitter.java
@@ -607,9 +607,9 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
// FIXME: if the arg type is non-const, the sematics might be that
// the function modifies the argument -- we don't yet support
// this.
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Cannot copy data for ptr-to-ptr arg type \"" + cArgType +
- "\": support for non-const ptr-to-ptr types not implemented.");
+ throw new GlueGenException(
+ "Cannot copy data for ptr-to-ptr arg type \"" + cArgType.getDebugString() +
+ "\": support for non-const ptr-to-ptr types not implemented: "+binding, binding.getCSymbol().getASTLocusTag());
@@ -653,9 +653,10 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
error = 100;
if( 0 < error ) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Could not copy data for type \"" + cArgType +
- "\"; currently only pointer- and array-types are supported. (error "+error+")");
+ throw new GlueGenException(
+ "Could not copy data for type \"" + cArgType.getDebugString() +
+ "\"; currently only pointer- and array-types are supported. (error "+error+"): "+binding,
+ binding.getCSymbol().getASTLocusTag());
@@ -715,7 +716,8 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
null, true);
} else {
if( null == cArgElementType2 ) {
- throw new RuntimeException("XXX: Type "+cArgType+" not properly handled as ptr-to-ptr");
+ throw new GlueGenException("XXX: Type "+cArgType.getDebugString()+" not properly handled as ptr-to-ptr: "+binding,
+ binding.getCSymbol().getASTLocusTag());
// Question: do we always need to copy the sub-arrays, or just
// GetPrimitiveArrayCritical on each jobjectarray element and
@@ -732,8 +734,9 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
"Could not allocate buffer during copying of data in argument \\\""+javaArgName+"\\\"");
// FIXME: copy the data (use matched Get/ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical() calls)
if (true) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Cannot yet handle type \"" + cArgType.getCName() +
- "\"; need to add support for copying ptr-to-ptr-to-primitiveType subarrays");
+ throw new GlueGenException("Cannot yet handle type \"" + cArgType.getDebugString() +
+ "\"; need to add support for copying ptr-to-ptr-to-primitiveType subarrays: "+binding,
+ binding.getCSymbol().getASTLocusTag());
@@ -817,9 +820,10 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
writer.println(" }");
} else {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Cannot clean up copied data for ptr-to-ptr arg type \"" + cArgType +
- "\": support for cleaning up most non-const ptr-to-ptr types not implemented.");
+ throw new GlueGenException(
+ "Cannot clean up copied data for ptr-to-ptr arg type \"" + cArgType.getDebugString() +
+ "\": support for cleaning up most non-const ptr-to-ptr types not implemented.",
+ binding.getCSymbol().getASTLocusTag());
@@ -840,9 +844,10 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
// free each element
final PointerType cArgPtrType = cArgType.asPointer();
if (cArgPtrType == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Could not copy data for type \"" + cArgType +
- "\"; currently only pointer types supported.");
+ throw new GlueGenException(
+ "Could not copy data for type \"" + cArgType.getDebugString() +
+ "\"; currently only pointer types supported.",
+ binding.getCSymbol().getASTLocusTag());
// process each element in the array
@@ -861,9 +866,10 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
} else {
- if (true) throw new RuntimeException(
- "Cannot yet handle type \"" + cArgType.getCName() +
- "\"; need to add support for cleaning up copied ptr-to-ptr-to-primitiveType subarrays");
+ if (true) throw new GlueGenException(
+ "Cannot yet handle type \"" + cArgType.getDebugString() +
+ "\"; need to add support for cleaning up copied ptr-to-ptr-to-primitiveType subarrays",
+ binding.getCSymbol().getASTLocusTag());
writer.println(" }");
@@ -1047,12 +1053,13 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
// fully declared non-anonymous struct pointer: pass content
if ( cReturnTargetType.getSize() == null ) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
+ throw new GlueGenException(
"Error emitting code for compound return type "+
"for function \"" + binding + "\": " +
"Structs to be emitted should have been laid out by this point " +
"(type " + cReturnTargetType.getCName() + " / " +
- cReturnTargetType.getDebugString() + " was not) for "+binding
+ cReturnTargetType.getDebugString() + " was not) for "+binding,
+ binding.getCSymbol().getASTLocusTag()
writer.println("sizeof(" + cReturnTargetType.getCName() + ") );");
@@ -1103,8 +1110,8 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
(javaReturnType.isArray() && javaReturnType.isNIOByteBufferArray())) {
writer.println(" if (NULL == _res) return NULL;");
if (returnValueLengthExpression == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error while generating C code: no length specified for array returned from function " +
- binding);
+ throw new GlueGenException("Error while generating C code: no length specified for array returned from function " +
+ binding, binding.getCSymbol().getASTLocusTag());
writer.println(" " + arrayResLength + " = " + returnValueLengthExpression.format(argumentNameArray()) + ";");
writer.println(" " + arrayRes + " = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, " + arrayResLength + ", (*env)->FindClass(env, \"java/nio/ByteBuffer\"), NULL);");
@@ -1126,9 +1133,10 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
// expression which computes the array size (already present
// as ReturnValueCapacity, not yet implemented / tested here)
- throw new RuntimeException(
+ throw new GlueGenException(
"Could not emit native code for function \"" + binding +
- "\": array return values for non-char types not implemented yet, for "+binding);
+ "\": array return values for non-char types not implemented yet, for "+binding,
+ binding.getCSymbol().getASTLocusTag());
// FIXME: This is approximately what will be required here
@@ -1150,8 +1158,8 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
} else {
- System.err.print("Unhandled return type: "+javaReturnType.getDebugString());
- throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled return type: "+javaReturnType.getDebugString()+" for "+binding);
+ throw new GlueGenException("Unhandled return type: "+javaReturnType.getDebugString()+" for "+binding,
+ binding.getCSymbol().getReturnType().getASTLocusTag());
@@ -1178,7 +1186,8 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
// We should only see "void" as the first argument of a 1-argument function
// FIXME: should normalize this in the parser
if ((i != 0) || (binding.getNumArguments() > 1)) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Saw illegal \"void\" argument while emitting \"" + getName() + "\"");
+ throw new GlueGenException("Saw illegal \"void\" argument while emitting arg "+i+" of "+binding,
+ binding.getCArgumentType(i).getASTLocusTag());
} else {
Class<?> c = type.getJavaClass();
@@ -1210,7 +1219,8 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
// These are not exposed at the Java level
} else {
// FIXME: add support for char* -> String conversion
- throw new RuntimeException("Unknown kind of JavaType: name="+type.getName());
+ throw new GlueGenException("Unknown kind of JavaType: arg "+i+", name="+type.getName()+" of "+binding,
+ binding.getCArgumentType(i).getASTLocusTag());
@@ -1450,12 +1460,12 @@ public class CMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
} else {
// type is pointer to pointer of some type we don't support (maybe
// it's an array of pointers to structs?)
- throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported pointer type: \"" + cType.getCName() + "\"");
+ throw new GlueGenException("Unsupported pointer type: \"" + cType.getDebugString() + "\"", cType.getASTLocusTag());
} else {
// type is pointer to pointer of some type we don't support (maybe
// it's an array of pointers to structs?)
- throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported pointer type: \"" + cType.getCName() + "\"");
+ throw new GlueGenException("Unsupported pointer type: \"" + cType.getDebugString() + "\"", cType.getASTLocusTag());
} else {
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/GlueGen.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/GlueGen.java
index 2833154..4ef5648 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/GlueGen.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/GlueGen.java
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ public class GlueGen implements GlueEmitterControls {
private static Level logLevel = null;
+ public static void setDebug(final boolean v) { debug=v; }
+ public static void setLogLevel(final Level l) { logLevel=l; }
public static boolean debug() { return debug; }
@@ -330,12 +332,12 @@ public class GlueGen implements GlueEmitterControls {
for (final Iterator<Type> iter = referencedStructs.results(); iter.hasNext();) {
final Type t = iter.next();
if (t.isCompound()) {
- assert t.hasTypedefName() && t.getName() == null : "ReferencedStructs incorrectly recorded compound type " + t;
+ assert t.isTypedef() && t.getName() == null : "ReferencedStructs incorrectly recorded compound type " + t;
emit.emitStruct(t.asCompound(), null);
} else if (t.isPointer()) {
final PointerType p = t.asPointer();
final CompoundType c = p.getTargetType().asCompound();
- assert p.hasTypedefName() && c.getName() == null : "ReferencedStructs incorrectly recorded pointer type " + p;
+ assert p.isTypedef() && c.getName() == null : "ReferencedStructs incorrectly recorded pointer type " + p;
emit.emitStruct(c, p);
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/JavaEmitter.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/JavaEmitter.java
index 7ffa88d..c291022 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/JavaEmitter.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/JavaEmitter.java
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
} // end iteration over expanded bindings
} catch (final Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error while generating bindings for \"" + sym + "\"", e);
+ throw new GlueGenException("Error while generating bindings for \"" + sym + "\"", sym.getASTLocusTag(), e);
return allEmitters;
@@ -899,7 +899,12 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
- final Type containingCType = canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER, structCType, 0, typedefedName));
+ final Type containingCType;
+ {
+ final Type aptr = new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER, structCType, 0);
+ aptr.setTypedefName(typedefedName);
+ containingCType = canonicalize(aptr);
+ }
final JavaType containingJType = typeToJavaType(containingCType, null);
if( containingJType.isOpaqued() ) {
LOG.log(INFO, "skipping emission of opaque {0}, {1}", containingJType.getDebugString(), structCType.getDebugString());
@@ -913,11 +918,11 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
LOG.log(INFO, "perform emission of \"{0}\" -> \"{1}\": {2}", structCTypeName, containingJTypeName, structCType.getDebugString());
if( GlueGen.debug() ) {
if( null != typedefed ) {
- LOG.log(INFO, " typedefed {0}", typedefed.getDebugString());
+ LOG.log(INFO, " typedefed {0}", typedefed.getDebugString(true));
} else {
LOG.log(INFO, " typedefed {0}", (Object)null);
- LOG.log(INFO, " containingCType {0}", containingCType.getDebugString());
+ LOG.log(INFO, " containingCType {0}", containingCType.getDebugString(true));
LOG.log(INFO, " containingJType {0}", containingJType.getDebugString());
if( 0 == structCType.getNumFields() ) {
@@ -1061,8 +1066,8 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
// handle the union in jawt_Win32DrawingSurfaceInfo (fabricate
// a name?)
if (fieldType.getName() == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Anonymous structs as fields not supported yet, field \"" +
- cfgFieldName1 + "\", "+fieldType.getDebugString());
+ throw new GlueGenException("Anonymous structs as fields not supported yet, field \"" +
+ cfgFieldName1 + "\", "+fieldType.getDebugString(), fieldType.getASTLocusTag());
if( GlueGen.debug() ) {
System.err.printf("SE.os.%02d: %s / %s, %s (%s)%n", (i+1), field, cfgFieldName1, fieldType.getDebugString(), "compound");
@@ -1080,11 +1085,11 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
try {
externalJavaType = typeToJavaType(fieldType, machDescJava);
} catch (final Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred while creating accessor for field \"" +
- cfgFieldName1 + "\", "+fieldType.getDebugString(), e);
+ throw new GlueGenException("Error occurred while creating accessor for field \"" +
+ cfgFieldName1 + "\", "+fieldType.getDebugString(), fieldType.getASTLocusTag(), e);
if( GlueGen.debug() ) {
- System.err.printf("SE.os.%02d: %s / %s, %s (%s)%n", (i+1), field, fieldName, fieldType.getDebugString(), "MISC");
+ System.err.printf("SE.os.%02d: %s / %s, %s (%s)%n", (i+1), field, cfgFieldName1, fieldType.getDebugString(), "MISC");
System.err.printf("SE.os.%02d: javaType %s%n", (i+1), externalJavaType.getDebugString());
if (externalJavaType.isPrimitive()) {
@@ -1160,8 +1165,9 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
// FIXME: will need to support this at least in order to
// handle the union in jawt_Win32DrawingSurfaceInfo (fabricate a name?)
if (fieldType.getName() == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Anonymous structs as fields not supported yet (field \"" +
- field + "\" in type \"" + structCTypeName + "\")");
+ throw new GlueGenException("Anonymous structs as fields not supported yet (field \"" +
+ field + "\" in type \"" + structCTypeName + "\")",
+ fieldType.getASTLocusTag());
generateGetterSignature(javaWriter, fieldType, false, false, fieldType.getName(), capitalizeString(fieldName), null, null);
@@ -1179,9 +1185,8 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
try {
javaType = typeToJavaType(fieldType, machDescJava);
} catch (final Exception e) {
- LOG.log(SEVERE, "Error occurred while creating accessor for field \"{0}\", {1}",
- field.getName(), fieldType.getDebugString());
- throw(e);
+ throw new GlueGenException("Error occurred while creating accessor for field \"" +
+ field.getName() + "\", "+fieldType.getDebugString(), fieldType.getASTLocusTag(), e);
if (javaType.isPrimitive()) {
// Primitive type
@@ -1582,14 +1587,15 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
final PrintWriter javaWriter, final PrintWriter jniWriter,
final String structCTypeName, final String structClassPkgName,
final Type containingCType, final JavaType containingJType,
- final int i, final Field field, final String fieldName, final String returnSizeLookupName) throws Exception {
+ final int i, final Field field, final String fieldName,
+ final String returnSizeLookupName) throws Exception {
final Type fieldType = field.getType();
final JavaType javaType;
try {
javaType = typeToJavaType(fieldType, machDescJava);
} catch (final Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred while creating array/pointer accessor for field \"" +
- returnSizeLookupName + "\", "+fieldType.getDebugString(), e);
+ throw new GlueGenException("Error occurred while creating array/pointer accessor for field \"" +
+ returnSizeLookupName + "\", "+fieldType.getDebugString(), fieldType.getASTLocusTag(), e);
if( GlueGen.debug() ) {
System.err.printf("SE.ac.%02d: javaType %s%n", (i+1), javaType.getDebugString());
@@ -1668,8 +1674,9 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
try {
baseJElemType = typeToJavaType(baseCElemType, machDescJava);
} catch (final Exception e ) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred while creating array/pointer accessor for field \"" +
- returnSizeLookupName + "\", baseType "+baseCElemType.getDebugString()+", topType "+fieldType.getDebugString(), e);
+ throw new GlueGenException("Error occurred while creating array/pointer accessor for field \"" +
+ returnSizeLookupName + "\", baseType "+baseCElemType.getDebugString()+", topType "+fieldType.getDebugString(),
+ fieldType.getASTLocusTag(), e);
baseJElemTypeName = baseJElemType.getName();
baseCElemNativeSizeFixed = baseCElemType.isPrimitive() ? baseCElemType.getSize().hasFixedNativeSize() : true;
@@ -2073,8 +2080,9 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
case 2: return javaType(Short.TYPE);
case 4: return javaType(Integer.TYPE);
case 8: return javaType(Long.TYPE);
- default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown integer type of size " +
- cType.getSize(curMachDesc) + " and name " + cType.getName());
+ default: throw new GlueGenException("Unknown integer type of size " +
+ cType.getSize(curMachDesc) + " and name " + cType.getName(),
+ cType.getASTLocusTag());
} else if (cType.isFloat()) {
return javaType(Float.TYPE);
@@ -2109,8 +2117,9 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
case 2: return JavaType.createForCShortPointer();
case 4: return JavaType.createForCInt32Pointer();
case 8: return JavaType.createForCInt64Pointer();
- default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown integer array type of size " +
- cType.getSize(curMachDesc) + " and name " + cType.getName()+", "+cType.getDebugString());
+ default: throw new GlueGenException("Unknown integer array type of size " +
+ cType.getSize(curMachDesc) + " and name " + cType.getName()+", "+cType.getDebugString(),
+ cType.getASTLocusTag());
} else if (targetType.isFloat()) {
return JavaType.createForCFloatPointer();
@@ -2130,13 +2139,15 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
// Try containing pointer type for any typedefs
name = cType.getName();
if (name == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find a proper type name for pointer type " + cType.getDebugString());
+ throw new GlueGenException("Couldn't find a proper type name for pointer type " + cType.getDebugString(),
+ cType.getASTLocusTag());
return JavaType.createForCStruct(cfg.renameJavaType(name));
} else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Don't know how to convert pointer/array type \"" +
- cType.getDebugString() + "\"");
+ throw new GlueGenException("Don't know how to convert pointer/array type \"" +
+ cType.getDebugString() + "\"",
+ cType.getASTLocusTag());
// Handle Types of form pointer-to-pointer-to-type or
@@ -2179,16 +2190,17 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
case 2: return javaType(ArrayTypes.shortBufferArrayClass);
case 4: return javaType(ArrayTypes.intBufferArrayClass);
case 8: return javaType(ArrayTypes.longBufferArrayClass);
- default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown two-dimensional integer array type of element size " +
- bottomType.getSize(curMachDesc) + " and name " + bottomType.getName()+", "+bottomType.getDebugString());
+ default: throw new GlueGenException("Unknown two-dimensional integer array type of element size " +
+ bottomType.getSize(curMachDesc) + " and name " + bottomType.getName()+", "+bottomType.getDebugString(),
+ bottomType.getASTLocusTag());
} else if (bottomType.isFloat()) {
return javaType(ArrayTypes.floatBufferArrayClass);
} else if (bottomType.isDouble()) {
return javaType(ArrayTypes.doubleBufferArrayClass);
} else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected primitive type " + bottomType.getDebugString() +
- " in two-dimensional array");
+ throw new GlueGenException("Unexpected primitive type " + bottomType.getDebugString() +
+ " in two-dimensional array", bottomType.getASTLocusTag());
} else if (bottomType.isVoid()) {
return javaType(ArrayTypes.bufferArrayClass);
@@ -2197,32 +2209,38 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
// Array of pointers; convert as array of StructAccessors
return JavaType.createForCArray(bottomType);
} else {
- throw new RuntimeException(
+ throw new GlueGenException(
"Could not convert C type \"" + cType.getDebugString() + "\" " +
"to appropriate Java type; need to add more support for " +
"depth=2 pointer/array types [debug info: targetType=\"" +
- targetType + "\"]");
+ targetType + "\"]", cType.getASTLocusTag());
} else {
// can't handle this type of pointer/array argument
- throw new RuntimeException(
+ throw new GlueGenException(
"Could not convert C pointer/array \"" + cType.getDebugString() + "\" to " +
"appropriate Java type; types with pointer/array depth " +
"greater than 2 are not yet supported [debug info: " +
"pointerDepth=" + cType.pointerDepth() + " arrayDimension=" +
- cType.arrayDimension() + " targetType=\"" + targetType + "\"]");
+ cType.arrayDimension() + " targetType=\"" + targetType + "\"]",
+ cType.getASTLocusTag());
- } else if(cType.isCompound() ) { // FIXME: Compound and Compound-Arrays
- final String name = cType.getName();
+ } else if( cType.isCompound() ) { // FIXME: Compound and Compound-Arrays
+ String name = cType.getName();
if (name == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find a proper type name for pointer type " + cType.getDebugString());
+ name = cType.asCompound().getStructName();
+ if (name == null) {
+ throw new GlueGenException("Couldn't find a proper type name for pointer type " + cType.getDebugString(),
+ cType.getASTLocusTag());
+ }
return JavaType.createForCStruct(cfg.renameJavaType(name));
} else {
- throw new RuntimeException(
+ throw new GlueGenException(
"Could not convert C type \"" + cType.getDebugString() + "\" (class " +
- cType.getClass().getName() + ") to appropriate Java type");
+ cType.getClass().getName() + ") to appropriate Java type",
+ cType.getASTLocusTag());
@@ -2258,7 +2276,7 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
private boolean isOpaque(final Type type) {
- return (cfg.typeInfo(type) != null);
+ return null != cfg.typeInfo(type);
private String compatiblePrimitiveJavaTypeName(final Type fieldType,
@@ -2267,14 +2285,16 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
final Class<?> c = javaType.getJavaClass();
if (!isIntegerType(c)) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Can't yet handle opaque definitions of structs' fields to non-integer types (byte, short, int, long, etc.): type: "+fieldType+", javaType "+javaType+", javaClass "+c);
+ throw new GlueGenException("Can't yet handle opaque definitions of structs' fields to non-integer types (byte, short, int, long, etc.): type: "+fieldType+", javaType "+javaType+", javaClass "+c,
+ fieldType.getASTLocusTag());
switch ((int) fieldType.getSize(curMachDesc)) {
case 1: return "byte";
case 2: return "short";
case 4: return "int";
case 8: return "long";
- default: throw new RuntimeException("Can't handle opaque definitions if the starting type isn't compatible with integral types");
+ default: throw new GlueGenException("Can't handle opaque definitions if the starting type isn't compatible with integral types",
+ fieldType.getASTLocusTag());
@@ -2662,9 +2682,10 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
if (prt == null ||
prt.getTargetType().asInt() == null ||
prt.getTargetType().getSize(curMachDesc) != 1) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
+ throw new GlueGenException(
"Cannot apply ReturnsString configuration directive to \"" + sym +
- "\". ReturnsString requires native method to have return type \"char *\"");
+ "\". ReturnsString requires native method to have return type \"char *\"",
+ sym.getASTLocusTag());
} else {
@@ -2703,10 +2724,11 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
else {
- throw new RuntimeException(
+ throw new GlueGenException(
"Cannot apply ArgumentIsString configuration directive to " +
"argument " + i + " of \"" + sym + "\": argument type is not " +
- "a \"void*\", \"char *\", \"short *\", \"char**\", or \"short**\" equivalent");
+ "a \"void*\", \"char *\", \"short *\", \"char**\", or \"short**\" equivalent",
+ sym.getASTLocusTag());
@@ -2776,7 +2798,7 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(i, JavaType.forNIODoubleBufferClass());
} else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unknown C pointer type " + t);
+ throw new GlueGenException("Unknown C pointer type " + t);
@@ -2801,7 +2823,7 @@ public class JavaEmitter implements GlueEmitter {
} else if (t.isCDoublePointerType()) {
result = result.replaceJavaArgumentType(-1, JavaType.forNIODoubleBufferClass());
} else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unknown C pointer type " + t);
+ throw new GlueGenException("Unknown C pointer type " + t, result.getCReturnType().getASTLocusTag());
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/ReferencedStructs.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/ReferencedStructs.java
index 546726f..46a2a7e 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/ReferencedStructs.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/ReferencedStructs.java
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class ReferencedStructs implements TypeVisitor {
public void visitType(final Type t) {
if (t.isPointer()) {
final PointerType p = t.asPointer();
- if (p.hasTypedefName()) {
+ if (p.isTypedef()) {
final CompoundType c = p.getTargetType().asCompound();
if (c != null && c.getName() == null) {
// This otherwise-unnamed CompoundType is referred to by a
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/ArrayType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/ArrayType.java
index 281c68d..672bccf 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/ArrayType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/ArrayType.java
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
/** Represents an array type. This differs from a pointer type in C
syntax by the use of "[]" rather than "*". The length may or may
not be known; if the length is unknown then a negative number
@@ -49,8 +51,13 @@ public class ArrayType extends MemoryLayoutType implements Cloneable {
private final Type elementType;
private final int length;
- public ArrayType(final Type elementType, final SizeThunk sizeInBytes, final int length, final int cvAttributes) {
- super(elementType.getName() + " *", sizeInBytes, cvAttributes);
+ public ArrayType(final Type elementType, final SizeThunk sizeInBytes, final int length,
+ final int cvAttributes) {
+ this(elementType, sizeInBytes, length, cvAttributes, null);
+ }
+ public ArrayType(final Type elementType, final SizeThunk sizeInBytes, final int length,
+ final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super(elementType.getName() + " *", sizeInBytes, cvAttributes, astLocus);
this.elementType = elementType;
this.length = length;
@@ -147,6 +154,10 @@ public class ArrayType extends MemoryLayoutType implements Cloneable {
Type newCVVariant(final int cvAttributes) {
- return new ArrayType(elementType, getSize(), length, cvAttributes);
+ final Type t = new ArrayType(elementType, getSize(), length, cvAttributes, astLocus);
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
+ t.setTypedef(getTypedefCVAttributes());
+ }
+ return t;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/BitType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/BitType.java
index 87eb8ce..b7488ea 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/BitType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/BitType.java
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
-import com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.TypeComparator.SemanticEqualityOp;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
/** Represents a bitfield in a struct. */
@@ -49,8 +49,9 @@ public class BitType extends IntType implements Cloneable {
private final int sizeInBits;
private final int offset;
- public BitType(final IntType underlyingType, final int sizeInBits, final int lsbOffset, final int cvAttributes) {
- super(underlyingType.getName(), underlyingType.getSize(), underlyingType.isUnsigned(), cvAttributes);
+ public BitType(final IntType underlyingType, final int sizeInBits, final int lsbOffset,
+ final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super(underlyingType.getName(), underlyingType.getSize(), underlyingType.isUnsigned(), cvAttributes, astLocus);
this.underlyingType = underlyingType;
this.sizeInBits = sizeInBits;
this.offset = lsbOffset;
@@ -110,6 +111,10 @@ public class BitType extends IntType implements Cloneable {
Type newCVVariant(final int cvAttributes) {
- return new BitType(underlyingType, sizeInBits, offset, cvAttributes);
+ final Type t = new BitType(underlyingType, sizeInBits, offset, cvAttributes, astLocus);
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
+ t.setTypedef(getTypedefCVAttributes());
+ }
+ return t;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/CompoundType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/CompoundType.java
index c9c4223..264389b 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/CompoundType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/CompoundType.java
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
import java.util.*;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
/** Models all compound types, i.e., those containing fields: structs
and unions. The boolean type accessors indicate how the type is
really defined. */
@@ -59,8 +61,9 @@ public abstract class CompoundType extends MemoryLayoutType implements Cloneable
* @param cvAttributes
* @param structName
- CompoundType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes, final String structName) {
- super(name, size, cvAttributes);
+ CompoundType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes,
+ final String structName, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super(name, size, cvAttributes, astLocus);
this.structName = structName;
@@ -96,15 +99,17 @@ public abstract class CompoundType extends MemoryLayoutType implements Cloneable
* @param cvAttributes
* @return
- public static CompoundType create(final String structName, final SizeThunk size, final CompoundTypeKind kind, final int cvAttributes)
+ public static CompoundType create(final String structName, final SizeThunk size,
+ final CompoundTypeKind kind, final int cvAttributes,
+ final ASTLocusTag astLocus)
final CompoundType res;
switch (kind) {
case STRUCT:
- res = new StructType(null, size, cvAttributes, structName);
+ res = new StructType(null, size, cvAttributes, structName, astLocus);
case UNION:
- res = new UnionType(null, size, cvAttributes, structName);
+ res = new UnionType(null, size, cvAttributes, structName, astLocus);
throw new RuntimeException("OO relation "+kind+" / Compount not yet supported");
@@ -165,7 +170,7 @@ public abstract class CompoundType extends MemoryLayoutType implements Cloneable
public String getCName(final boolean includeCVAttrs) {
- if( hasTypedefName() ) {
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
return getName(includeCVAttrs);
} else {
return (isStruct() ? "struct " : "union ")+getName(includeCVAttrs);
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/DoubleType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/DoubleType.java
index 1e13701..7bcf767 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/DoubleType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/DoubleType.java
@@ -39,11 +39,13 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
/** Represents a double-word floating-point type (C type "double".) */
public class DoubleType extends PrimitiveType implements Cloneable {
- public DoubleType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes) {
- super(name, size, cvAttributes);
+ public DoubleType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super(name, size, cvAttributes, astLocus);
@@ -73,6 +75,10 @@ public class DoubleType extends PrimitiveType implements Cloneable {
Type newCVVariant(final int cvAttributes) {
- return new DoubleType(getName(), getSize(), cvAttributes);
+ final Type t = new DoubleType(getName(), getSize(), cvAttributes, astLocus);
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
+ t.setTypedef(getTypedefCVAttributes());
+ }
+ return t;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/EnumType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/EnumType.java
index 7fa22e4..47691cd 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/EnumType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/EnumType.java
@@ -43,13 +43,12 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
-import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag.ASTLocusTagProvider;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.TypeComparator.SemanticEqualityOp;
/** Describes enumerated types. Enumerations are like ints except that
they have a set of named values. */
-public class EnumType extends IntType implements Cloneable, ASTLocusTagProvider {
+public class EnumType extends IntType implements Cloneable {
private IntType underlyingType;
@@ -103,30 +102,23 @@ public class EnumType extends IntType implements Cloneable, ASTLocusTagProvider
private ArrayList<Enum> enums;
- private final ASTLocusTag astLocus;
public EnumType(final String name) {
super(name, SizeThunk.LONG, false, CVAttributes.CONST);
this.underlyingType = new IntType(name, SizeThunk.LONG, false, CVAttributes.CONST);
- this.astLocus = null;
public EnumType(final String name, final SizeThunk enumSizeInBytes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
- super(name, enumSizeInBytes, false, CVAttributes.CONST);
- this.underlyingType = new IntType(name, enumSizeInBytes, false, CVAttributes.CONST);
- this.astLocus = astLocus;
+ super(name, enumSizeInBytes, false, CVAttributes.CONST, astLocus);
+ this.underlyingType = new IntType(name, enumSizeInBytes, false, CVAttributes.CONST, astLocus);
protected EnumType(final String name, final IntType underlyingType, final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
- super(name, underlyingType.getSize(), underlyingType.isUnsigned(), cvAttributes);
+ super(name, underlyingType.getSize(), underlyingType.isUnsigned(), cvAttributes, astLocus);
this.underlyingType = underlyingType;
- this.astLocus = astLocus;
- public ASTLocusTag getASTLocusTag() { return astLocus; }
- @Override
public Object clone() {
final EnumType n = (EnumType) super.clone();
if(null!=this.underlyingType) {
@@ -255,6 +247,9 @@ public class EnumType extends IntType implements Cloneable, ASTLocusTagProvider
Type newCVVariant(final int cvAttributes) {
final EnumType t = new EnumType(getName(), underlyingType, cvAttributes, astLocus);
t.enums = enums;
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
+ t.setTypedef(getTypedefCVAttributes());
+ }
return t;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/FloatType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/FloatType.java
index 0428543..2632409 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/FloatType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/FloatType.java
@@ -40,11 +40,13 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
/** Represents a single-word floating-point type (C type "float".) */
public class FloatType extends PrimitiveType implements Cloneable {
- public FloatType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes) {
- super(name, size, cvAttributes);
+ public FloatType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super(name, size, cvAttributes, astLocus);
@@ -72,6 +74,10 @@ public class FloatType extends PrimitiveType implements Cloneable {
Type newCVVariant(final int cvAttributes) {
- return new FloatType(getName(), getSize(), cvAttributes);
+ final Type t = new FloatType(getName(), getSize(), cvAttributes, astLocus);
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
+ t.setTypedef(getTypedefCVAttributes());
+ }
+ return t;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/FunctionType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/FunctionType.java
index b0d16e1..7ccc4c0 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/FunctionType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/FunctionType.java
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
import java.util.*;
-import com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.TypeComparator.SemanticEqualityOp;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
/** Describes a function type, used to model both function
declarations and (via PointerType) function pointers. */
@@ -51,8 +51,13 @@ public class FunctionType extends Type implements Cloneable {
private ArrayList<Type> argumentTypes;
private ArrayList<String> argumentNames;
- public FunctionType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final Type returnType, final int cvAttributes) {
- super(name, size, cvAttributes);
+ public FunctionType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final Type returnType,
+ final int cvAttributes) {
+ this(name, size, returnType, cvAttributes, null);
+ }
+ public FunctionType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final Type returnType,
+ final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super(name, size, cvAttributes, astLocus);
this.returnType = returnType;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/MemoryLayoutType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/MemoryLayoutType.java
index fb8c86b..ba46aed 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/MemoryLayoutType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/MemoryLayoutType.java
@@ -27,11 +27,13 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
public abstract class MemoryLayoutType extends Type {
private boolean isLayouted;
- protected MemoryLayoutType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes) {
- super(name, size, cvAttributes);
+ protected MemoryLayoutType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super(name, size, cvAttributes, astLocus);
isLayouted = false;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/PointerType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/PointerType.java
index c6496bb..1528f9f 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/PointerType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/PointerType.java
@@ -39,18 +39,20 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
public class PointerType extends Type implements Cloneable {
private final Type targetType;
- public PointerType(final SizeThunk size, final Type targetType, final int cvAttributes, final String typedefedName) {
+ public PointerType(final SizeThunk size, final Type targetType, final int cvAttributes) {
+ this(size, targetType, cvAttributes, null);
+ }
+ public PointerType(final SizeThunk size, final Type targetType, final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
// can pass null for the final name parameter because the PointerType's getName()
// completely replaces superclass behavior
- super(targetType.getName() + " *", size, cvAttributes);
+ super(targetType.getName() + " *", size, cvAttributes, astLocus);
this.targetType = targetType;
- if (null != typedefedName) {
- setTypedefName(typedefedName);
- }
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ public class PointerType extends Type implements Cloneable {
public boolean hasName() {
- if ( hasTypedefName() ) {
+ if ( isTypedef() ) {
return super.hasName();
} else {
return targetType.hasName();
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ public class PointerType extends Type implements Cloneable {
public String getName(final boolean includeCVAttrs) {
- if ( hasTypedefName() ) {
+ if ( isTypedef() ) {
return super.getName(includeCVAttrs);
} else if (!includeCVAttrs) {
return targetType.getName(includeCVAttrs) + " *";
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ public class PointerType extends Type implements Cloneable {
public String getCName(final boolean includeCVAttrs) {
- if ( hasTypedefName() ) {
+ if ( isTypedef() ) {
return super.getCName(includeCVAttrs);
} else if (!includeCVAttrs) {
return targetType.getCName(includeCVAttrs) + " *";
@@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ public class PointerType extends Type implements Cloneable {
public String toString() {
- if ( hasTypedefName() ) {
+ if ( isTypedef() ) {
return super.getCName(true);
} else {
return toStringInt();
@@ -167,6 +169,10 @@ public class PointerType extends Type implements Cloneable {
Type newCVVariant(final int cvAttributes) {
- return new PointerType(getSize(), targetType, cvAttributes, (hasTypedefName() ? getName() : null));
+ final Type t = new PointerType(getSize(), targetType, cvAttributes, astLocus);
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
+ t.setTypedef(getName(), getTypedefCVAttributes());
+ }
+ return t;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/PrimitiveType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/PrimitiveType.java
index 8a86337..69e28ab 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/PrimitiveType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/PrimitiveType.java
@@ -39,10 +39,12 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
public abstract class PrimitiveType extends Type implements Cloneable {
- protected PrimitiveType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes) {
- super(name, size, cvAttributes);
+ protected PrimitiveType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super(name, size, cvAttributes, astLocus);
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/StructType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/StructType.java
index 4998484..7f2f865 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/StructType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/StructType.java
@@ -27,14 +27,12 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
-public class StructType extends CompoundType {
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
- public StructType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes) {
- this(name, size, cvAttributes, null);
- }
+public class StructType extends CompoundType {
- StructType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes, final String structName) {
- super (name, size, cvAttributes, structName);
+ StructType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes, final String structName, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super (name, size, cvAttributes, structName, astLocus);
@@ -44,10 +42,10 @@ public class StructType extends CompoundType {
Type newCVVariant(final int cvAttributes) {
- final StructType t = new StructType(getName(), getSize(), cvAttributes, getStructName());
+ final StructType t = new StructType(getName(), getSize(), cvAttributes, getStructName(), astLocus);
- if( hasTypedefName() ) {
- t.setTypedefName( getName() );
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
+ t.setTypedef(getTypedefCVAttributes());
return t;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/Type.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/Type.java
index cd48aa0..9fd51fe 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/Type.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/Type.java
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
import com.jogamp.common.os.MachineDataInfo;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag.ASTLocusTagProvider;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.GlueGen;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.TypeConfig;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.TypeComparator.SemanticEqualityOp;
@@ -49,36 +51,34 @@ import com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.TypeComparator.SemanticEqualityOp;
double. All types have an associated name. Structs and unions are
modeled as "compound" types -- composed of fields of primitive or
other types. */
-public abstract class Type implements Cloneable, SemanticEqualityOp {
+public abstract class Type implements Cloneable, SemanticEqualityOp, ASTLocusTagProvider {
public final boolean relaxedEqSem;
private final int cvAttributes;
private String name;
private SizeThunk size;
- private int typedefedCVAttributes;
- private boolean hasTypedefName;
+ private int typedefCVAttributes;
+ private boolean isTypedef;
private boolean hasCachedHash;
private int cachedHash;
private boolean hasCachedSemanticHash;
private int cachedSemanticHash;
+ final ASTLocusTag astLocus;
- protected Type(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes) {
- setName(name);
+ protected Type(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ setName(name); // -> clearCache()
this.relaxedEqSem = TypeConfig.relaxedEqualSemanticsTest();
this.cvAttributes = cvAttributes;
this.size = size;
- this.typedefedCVAttributes = 0;
- this.hasTypedefName = false;
- this.hasCachedHash = false;
- this.cachedHash = 0;
- this.hasCachedSemanticHash = false;
- this.cachedSemanticHash = 0;
+ this.typedefCVAttributes = 0;
+ this.isTypedef = false;
+ this.astLocus = astLocus;
protected final void clearCache() {
- cachedHash = 0;
hasCachedHash = false;
+ cachedHash = 0;
+ hasCachedSemanticHash = false;
cachedSemanticHash = 0;
- hasCachedHash = false;
@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ public abstract class Type implements Cloneable, SemanticEqualityOp {
+ @Override
+ public final ASTLocusTag getASTLocusTag() { return astLocus; }
public final boolean isAnonymous() { return null == name; }
public boolean hasName() { return null != name; }
@@ -139,11 +142,15 @@ public abstract class Type implements Cloneable, SemanticEqualityOp {
// For debugging
public String getDebugString() {
+ return getDebugString(false);
+ }
+ // For debugging
+ public String getDebugString(final boolean withASTLoc) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean prepComma = false;
sb.append("(").append(getClass().getSimpleName()).append(") ");
- if( hasTypedefName() ) {
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
sb.append("typedef ");
if( null != name ) {
@@ -223,34 +230,85 @@ public abstract class Type implements Cloneable, SemanticEqualityOp {
if( isVoid() ) {
append(sb, "void", prepComma); prepComma=true;
- sb.append("]]");
+ sb.append("]");
+ if( withASTLoc ) {
+ sb.append(", loc ").append(astLocus);
+ }
+ sb.append("]");
return sb.toString();
private final int objHash() { return super.hashCode(); }
- protected final void setName(final String name) {
- if (name == null) {
+ /**
+ * Returns {@code true} if given {@code name} is not {@code null}
+ * and has a length &gt; 0. In this case this instance's names will
+ * be set to the internalized version.
+ * <p>
+ * Otherwise method returns {@code false}
+ * and this instance's name will be set to {@code null}.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Method issues {@link #clearCache()}, to force re-evaluation
+ * of hashes.
+ * </p>
+ */
+ protected final boolean setName(final String name) {
+ clearCache();
+ if( null == name || 0 == name.length() ) {
this.name = name;
+ return false;
} else {
this.name = name.intern();
+ return true;
- clearCache();
- /** Set the name of this type; used for handling typedefs. */
+ /**
+ * Set the typedef name of this type and renders this type a typedef,
+ * if given {@code name} has a length.
+ * <p>
+ * Method issues {@link #clearCache()}, to force re-evaluation
+ * of hashes.
+ * </p>
+ */
public void setTypedefName(final String name) {
- setName(name);
- // Capture the const/volatile attributes at the time of typedef so
- // we don't redundantly repeat them in the CV attributes string
- typedefedCVAttributes = cvAttributes;
- hasTypedefName = true;
+ if( setName(name) ) {
+ // Capture the const/volatile attributes at the time of typedef so
+ // we don't redundantly repeat them in the CV attributes string
+ typedefCVAttributes = cvAttributes;
+ isTypedef = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the typedef name of this type and renders this type a typedef,
+ * if given {@code name} has a length.
+ * <p>
+ * Method issues {@link #clearCache()}, to force re-evaluation
+ * of hashes.
+ * </p>
+ */
+ final void setTypedef(final String name, final int typedefedCVAttributes) {
+ if( setName(name) ) {
+ this.typedefCVAttributes = typedefedCVAttributes;
+ this.isTypedef = true;
+ }
+ }
+ final void setTypedef(final int typedefedCVAttributes) {
+ this.typedefCVAttributes = typedefedCVAttributes;
+ this.isTypedef = true;
+ clearCache();
+ }
+ final int getTypedefCVAttributes() {
+ return typedefCVAttributes;
- /** Indicates whether {@link #setTypedefName(String)} has been called on this type,
- indicating that it already has a typedef name. */
- public final boolean hasTypedefName() {
- return hasTypedefName;
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether this type is a typedef type,
+ * i.e. declared via {@link #setTypedefName(String)}.
+ */
+ public final boolean isTypedef() {
+ return isTypedef;
/** SizeThunk which computes size of this type in bytes. */
@@ -312,9 +370,9 @@ public abstract class Type implements Cloneable, SemanticEqualityOp {
public boolean isVoid() { return (asVoid() != null); }
/** Indicates whether this type is const. */
- public boolean isConst() { return (((cvAttributes & ~typedefedCVAttributes) & CVAttributes.CONST) != 0); }
+ public boolean isConst() { return (((cvAttributes & ~typedefCVAttributes) & CVAttributes.CONST) != 0); }
/** Indicates whether this type is volatile. */
- public boolean isVolatile() { return (((cvAttributes & ~typedefedCVAttributes) & CVAttributes.VOLATILE) != 0); }
+ public boolean isVolatile() { return (((cvAttributes & ~typedefCVAttributes) & CVAttributes.VOLATILE) != 0); }
/** Indicates whether this type is a primitive type. */
public boolean isPrimitive(){ return false; }
@@ -330,11 +388,11 @@ public abstract class Type implements Cloneable, SemanticEqualityOp {
public final int hashCode() {
if( !hasCachedHash ) {
// 31 * x == (x << 5) - x
- int hash = 31 + ( hasTypedefName ? 1 : 0 );
+ int hash = 31 + ( isTypedef ? 1 : 0 );
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( null != size ? size.hashCode() : 0 );
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + cvAttributes;
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( null != name ? name.hashCode() : 0 );
- if( !hasTypedefName ) {
+ if( !isTypedef ) {
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + hashCodeImpl();
cachedHash = hash;
@@ -355,7 +413,7 @@ public abstract class Type implements Cloneable, SemanticEqualityOp {
return false;
} else {
final Type t = (Type)arg;
- if( hasTypedefName == t.hasTypedefName &&
+ if( isTypedef == t.isTypedef &&
( ( null != size && size.equals(t.size) ) ||
( null == size && null == t.size )
) &&
@@ -363,7 +421,7 @@ public abstract class Type implements Cloneable, SemanticEqualityOp {
( null == name ? null == t.name : name.equals(t.name) )
- if( !hasTypedefName ) {
+ if( !isTypedef ) {
return equalsImpl(t);
} else {
return true;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/UnionType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/UnionType.java
index 6ccc4a2..e03d671 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/UnionType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/UnionType.java
@@ -27,14 +27,12 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
-public class UnionType extends CompoundType {
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
- public UnionType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes) {
- this(name, size, cvAttributes, null);
- }
+public class UnionType extends CompoundType {
- UnionType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes, final String structName) {
- super (name, size, cvAttributes, structName);
+ UnionType(final String name, final SizeThunk size, final int cvAttributes, final String structName, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super (name, size, cvAttributes, structName, astLocus);
@@ -44,10 +42,10 @@ public class UnionType extends CompoundType {
Type newCVVariant(final int cvAttributes) {
- final UnionType t = new UnionType(getName(), getSize(), cvAttributes, getStructName());
+ final UnionType t = new UnionType(getName(), getSize(), cvAttributes, getStructName(), astLocus);
- if( hasTypedefName() ) {
- t.setTypedefName( getName() );
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
+ t.setTypedef(getTypedefCVAttributes());
return t;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/VoidType.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/VoidType.java
index f6adaac..f63bda3 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/VoidType.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/types/VoidType.java
@@ -39,14 +39,16 @@
package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
public class VoidType extends Type implements Cloneable {
- public VoidType(final int cvAttributes) {
- this("void", cvAttributes);
+ public VoidType(final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ this("void", cvAttributes, astLocus);
- private VoidType(final String name, final int cvAttributes) {
- super(name, null, cvAttributes);
+ private VoidType(final String name, final int cvAttributes, final ASTLocusTag astLocus) {
+ super(name, null, cvAttributes, astLocus);
@@ -56,7 +58,11 @@ public class VoidType extends Type implements Cloneable {
Type newCVVariant(final int cvAttributes) {
- return new VoidType(getName(), cvAttributes);
+ final Type t = new VoidType(getName(), cvAttributes, astLocus);
+ if( isTypedef() ) {
+ t.setTypedef(getTypedefCVAttributes());
+ }
+ return t;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java
index 982e16d..09e6822 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/procaddress/ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.java
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter extends CMethodBindingEmitter {
// We (probably) didn't get a typedef for this function
// pointer type in the header file; the user requested that we
// forcibly generate one. Here we force the emission of one.
- final PointerType funcPtrType = new PointerType(null, cSym.getType(), 0, null);
+ final PointerType funcPtrType = new PointerType(null, cSym.getType(), 0);
// Just for safety, emit this name slightly differently than
// the mangling would otherwise produce
funcPointerTypedefName = "_local_" + funcPointerTypedefName;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/structgen/CStructAnnotationProcessor.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/structgen/CStructAnnotationProcessor.java
index c4dedb7..7ccfd1b 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/structgen/CStructAnnotationProcessor.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/structgen/CStructAnnotationProcessor.java
@@ -131,7 +131,11 @@ public class CStructAnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
if( f.exists() ) {
return f;
- } catch (final IOException e) { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("Caught "+e.getClass().getSimpleName()+": "+e.getMessage()); /* e.printStackTrace(); */ } }
+ } catch (final IOException e) {
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("Caught "+e.getClass().getSimpleName()+": "+e.getMessage()); /* e.printStackTrace(); */
+ }
+ }
return null;
@@ -263,6 +267,9 @@ public class CStructAnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
} catch (final FileNotFoundException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("input file not found", ex);
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ GlueGen.setDebug(true);
+ }
new GlueGen().run(reader, filename, AnnotationProcessorJavaStructEmitter.class,
includePaths, cfgFiles, outputPath1, false /* copyCPPOutput2Stderr */);
diff --git a/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.h b/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.h
index 1b97437..8bc7208 100644
--- a/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.h
+++ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.h
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ typedef struct {
const int32_t structPointerCustomLenVal;
const TK_Dimension * structPointerOneElem;
- const TK_Context ctx;
+ TK_Context ctx;
const char modelNameArrayFixedLen[12]; /* 'Hello Array' len=11+1 */
const char * modelNamePointerCString; /* 'Hello CString' len=13+1 */
diff --git a/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/internals/TestType.java b/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/internals/TestType.java
index 1b83d0c..84fc463 100644
--- a/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/internals/TestType.java
+++ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/internals/TestType.java
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ public class TestType extends SingletonJunitCase {
public void test01Equals() {
- final FloatType f1 = new FloatType("GLfloat", null, 0);
- final FloatType f2 = new FloatType("float", null, 0);
- final IntType i1 = new IntType("GLint", null, false, 0);
- final IntType i2 = new IntType("int", null, false, 0);
+ final FloatType f1 = new FloatType("GLfloat", null, 0, null);
+ final FloatType f2 = new FloatType("float", null, 0, null);
+ final IntType i1 = new IntType("GLint", null, false, 0, null);
+ final IntType i2 = new IntType("int", null, false, 0, null);
final int f1H = f1.hashCode();
final int f2H = f2.hashCode();
final int i1H = i1.hashCode();