path: root/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g b/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
index 18947f6..595d770 100644
--- a/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
+++ b/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
@@ -136,10 +136,11 @@ options {
private CompoundType lookupInStructDictionary(String structName,
CompoundTypeKind kind,
- int cvAttrs) {
+ int cvAttrs, final ASTLocusTag locusTag)
+ {
CompoundType t = (CompoundType) structDictionary.get(structName);
if (t == null) {
- t = CompoundType.create(structName, null, kind, cvAttrs);
+ t = CompoundType.create(structName, null, kind, cvAttrs, locusTag);
structDictionary.put(structName, t);
return t;
@@ -300,24 +301,27 @@ options {
private boolean isFuncDeclaration; // Used to only process function typedefs
private String funcDeclName;
private List<ParameterDeclaration> funcDeclParams;
+ private ASTLocusTag funcLocusTag;
private void resetFuncDeclaration() {
isFuncDeclaration = false;
funcDeclName = null;
funcDeclParams = null;
+ funcLocusTag = null;
- private void setFuncDeclaration(final String name, final List<ParameterDeclaration> p) {
+ private void setFuncDeclaration(final String name, final List<ParameterDeclaration> p, final ASTLocusTag locusTag) {
isFuncDeclaration = true;
funcDeclName = name;
funcDeclParams = p;
+ funcLocusTag = locusTag;
- private void processDeclaration(Type returnType, ASTLocusTag locusTag) {
+ private void processDeclaration(Type returnType) {
if (isFuncDeclaration) {
final FunctionSymbol sym = new FunctionSymbol(funcDeclName,
- new FunctionType(null, null, resolveAnonCompound(returnType), 0),
- locusTag);
- debugPrintln("Function ... "+sym.toString()+" @ "+locusTag);
+ new FunctionType(null, null, resolveAnonCompound(returnType), 0, funcLocusTag),
+ funcLocusTag);
+ debugPrintln("Function ... "+sym.toString()+" @ "+funcLocusTag);
if (funcDeclParams != null) { // handle funcs w/ empty parameter lists (e.g., "foo()")
for (Iterator<ParameterDeclaration> iter = funcDeclParams.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
ParameterDeclaration pd = iter.next();
@@ -326,7 +330,7 @@ options {
sym.addArgument(pd.type(), pd.id());
- debugPrintln("Function Added "+sym.toString()+" @ "+locusTag);
+ debugPrintln("Function Added "+sym.toString());
@@ -345,18 +349,18 @@ options {
/** Helper routine which handles creating a pointer or array type
for [] expressions */
- private void handleArrayExpr(TypeBox tb, AST t) {
+ private void handleArrayExpr(TypeBox tb, AST t, ASTLocusTag locusTag) {
if (t != null) {
try {
final int len = parseIntConstExpr(t);
- tb.setType(canonicalize(new ArrayType(tb.type(), SizeThunk.mul(SizeThunk.constant(len), tb.type().getSize()), len, 0)));
+ tb.setType(canonicalize(new ArrayType(tb.type(), SizeThunk.mul(SizeThunk.constant(len), tb.type().getSize()), len, 0, locusTag)));
} catch (RecognitionException e) {
// Fall through
tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,
- tb.type(), 0, null)));
+ tb.type(), 0, locusTag)));
private int parseIntConstExpr(AST t) throws RecognitionException {
@@ -365,7 +369,7 @@ options {
/** Utility function: creates a new EnumType with the given name, or
returns an existing one if it has already been created. */
- private EnumType getEnumType(String enumTypeName, ASTLocusTag locus) {
+ private EnumType getEnumType(String enumTypeName, ASTLocusTag locusTag) {
EnumType enumType = null;
Iterator<EnumType> it = enumHash.values().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
@@ -382,7 +386,7 @@ options {
// entry the enum should expand to e.g. int64. However, using
// "long" here (which is what used to be the case) was
// definitely incorrect and caused problems.
- enumType = new EnumType(enumTypeName, SizeThunk.INT32, locus);
+ enumType = new EnumType(enumTypeName, SizeThunk.INT32, locusTag);
return enumType;
@@ -458,6 +462,7 @@ declarator[TypeBox tb] returns [String s] {
List<ParameterDeclaration> params = null;
String funcPointerName = null;
TypeBox dummyTypeBox = null;
+ final ASTLocusTag locusTag = findASTLocusTag(declarator_AST_in);
: #( NDeclarator
( pointerGroup[tb] )?
@@ -474,17 +479,17 @@ declarator[TypeBox tb] returns [String s] {
) {
if (id != null) {
- setFuncDeclaration(id.getText(), params);
+ setFuncDeclaration(id.getText(), params, locusTag);
} else if ( funcPointerName != null ) {
/* TypeBox becomes function pointer in this case */
- FunctionType ft = new FunctionType(null, null, tb.type(), 0);
+ final FunctionType ft = new FunctionType(null, null, tb.type(), 0, locusTag);
if (params == null) {
// If the function pointer has no declared parameters, it's a
// void function. I'm not sure if the parameter name is
// ever referenced anywhere when the type is VoidType, so
// just in case I'll set it to a comment string so it will
// still compile if written out to code anywhere.
- ft.addArgument(new VoidType(0), "/*unnamed-void*/");
+ ft.addArgument(new VoidType(0, locusTag), "/*unnamed-void*/");
} else {
for (Iterator iter = params.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
ParameterDeclaration pd = (ParameterDeclaration) iter.next();
@@ -492,11 +497,11 @@ declarator[TypeBox tb] returns [String s] {
tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,
- ft, 0, null)));
+ ft, 0, locusTag)));
s = funcPointerName;
- | LBRACKET ( e:expr )? RBRACKET { handleArrayExpr(tb, e); }
+ | LBRACKET ( e:expr )? RBRACKET { handleArrayExpr(tb, e, locusTag); }
@@ -516,7 +521,7 @@ declaration {
( SEMI )+
- ) { processDeclaration(tb.type(), findASTLocusTag(declaration_AST_in)); }
+ ) { processDeclaration(tb.type()); }
parameterTypeList returns [List<ParameterDeclaration> l] { l = new ArrayList<ParameterDeclaration>(); ParameterDeclaration decl = null; }
@@ -559,7 +564,10 @@ declSpecifiers returns [TypeBox tb] {
if (t == null &&
(x & (SIGNED | UNSIGNED)) != 0) {
- t = new IntType("int", SizeThunk.INTxx, ((x & UNSIGNED) != 0), attrs2CVAttrs(x));
+ t = new IntType("int", SizeThunk.INTxx,
+ ((x & UNSIGNED) != 0),
+ attrs2CVAttrs(x),
+ findASTLocusTag(declSpecifiers_AST_in));
tb = new TypeBox(t, ((x & TYPEDEF) != 0));
@@ -590,30 +598,35 @@ typeQualifier returns [int x] { x = 0; }
typeSpecifier[int attributes] returns [Type t] {
t = null;
int cvAttrs = attrs2CVAttrs(attributes);
- boolean unsigned = ((attributes & UNSIGNED) != 0);
+ boolean unsig = ((attributes & UNSIGNED) != 0);
+ final ASTLocusTag locusTag = findASTLocusTag(typeSpecifier_AST_in);
- : "void" { t = new VoidType(cvAttrs); }
- | "char" { t = new IntType("char" , SizeThunk.INT8, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "short" { t = new IntType("short", SizeThunk.INT16, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "int" { t = new IntType("int" , SizeThunk.INTxx, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "long" { t = new IntType("long" , SizeThunk.LONG, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "float" { t = new FloatType("float", SizeThunk.FLOAT, cvAttrs); }
- | "double" { t = new DoubleType("double", SizeThunk.DOUBLE, cvAttrs); }
- | "__int32" { t = new IntType("__int32", SizeThunk.INT32, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "__int64" { t = new IntType("__int64", SizeThunk.INT64, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "int8_t" { t = new IntType("int8_t", SizeThunk.INT8, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint8_t" { t = new IntType("uint8_t", SizeThunk.INT8, true, cvAttrs); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "int16_t" { t = new IntType("int16_t", SizeThunk.INT16, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint16_t" { t = new IntType("uint16_t", SizeThunk.INT16, true, cvAttrs); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "int32_t" { t = new IntType("int32_t", SizeThunk.INT32, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "wchar_t" { t = new IntType("wchar_t", SizeThunk.INT32, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint32_t" { t = new IntType("uint32_t", SizeThunk.INT32, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "int64_t" { t = new IntType("int64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint64_t" { t = new IntType("uint64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "ptrdiff_t" { t = new IntType("ptrdiff_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "intptr_t" { t = new IntType("intptr_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "size_t" { t = new IntType("size_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "uintptr_t" { t = new IntType("uintptr_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
+ //
+ : "void" { t = new VoidType( cvAttrs, locusTag); }
+ | "char" { t = new IntType("char" , SizeThunk.INT8, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "short" { t = new IntType("short", SizeThunk.INT16, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "int" { t = new IntType("int" , SizeThunk.INTxx, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "long" { t = new IntType("long" , SizeThunk.LONG, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "float" { t = new FloatType("float", SizeThunk.FLOAT, cvAttrs, locusTag); }
+ | "double" { t = new DoubleType("double", SizeThunk.DOUBLE, cvAttrs, locusTag); }
+ | "__int32" { t = new IntType("__int32", SizeThunk.INT32, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "__int64" { t = new IntType("__int64", SizeThunk.INT64, unsig, cvAttrs, false, locusTag); }
+ | "int8_t" { t = new IntType("int8_t", SizeThunk.INT8, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "uint8_t" { t = new IntType("uint8_t", SizeThunk.INT8, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
+ | "int16_t" { t = new IntType("int16_t", SizeThunk.INT16, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "uint16_t" { t = new IntType("uint16_t", SizeThunk.INT16, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
+ | "int32_t" { t = new IntType("int32_t", SizeThunk.INT32, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "wchar_t" { t = new IntType("wchar_t", SizeThunk.INT32, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "uint32_t" { t = new IntType("uint32_t", SizeThunk.INT32, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
+ | "int64_t" { t = new IntType("int64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "uint64_t" { t = new IntType("uint64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
+ | "ptrdiff_t" { t = new IntType("ptrdiff_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "intptr_t" { t = new IntType("intptr_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always signed */
+ | "size_t" { t = new IntType("size_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
+ | "uintptr_t" { t = new IntType("uintptr_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs, true, locusTag); } /* TS: always unsigned */
| t = structSpecifier[cvAttrs] ( attributeDecl )*
| t = unionSpecifier [cvAttrs] ( attributeDecl )*
| t = enumSpecifier [cvAttrs]
@@ -650,20 +663,21 @@ unionSpecifier[int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] { t = null; }
structOrUnionBody[CompoundTypeKind kind, int cvAttrs] returns [CompoundType t] {
t = null;
boolean addedAny = false;
+ final ASTLocusTag locusTag = findASTLocusTag(structOrUnionBody_AST_in);
: ( (ID LCURLY) => id:ID LCURLY {
// fully declared struct, i.e. not anonymous
- t = (CompoundType) canonicalize(lookupInStructDictionary(id.getText(), kind, cvAttrs));
+ t = (CompoundType) canonicalize(lookupInStructDictionary(id.getText(), kind, cvAttrs, locusTag));
} ( addedAny = structDeclarationList[t] )?
RCURLY { t.setBodyParsed(addedAny); }
// anonymous declared struct
- t = CompoundType.create(null, null, kind, cvAttrs);
+ t = CompoundType.create(null, null, kind, cvAttrs, locusTag);
} ( structDeclarationList[t] )?
RCURLY { t.setBodyParsed(false); }
| id2:ID {
// anonymous struct
- t = (CompoundType) canonicalize(lookupInStructDictionary(id2.getText(), kind, cvAttrs));
+ t = (CompoundType) canonicalize(lookupInStructDictionary(id2.getText(), kind, cvAttrs, locusTag));
@@ -701,7 +715,8 @@ specifierQualifierList returns [Type t] {
)+ {
if (t == null &&
(x & (SIGNED | UNSIGNED)) != 0) {
- t = new IntType("int", SizeThunk.INTxx, ((x & UNSIGNED) != 0), attrs2CVAttrs(x));
+ t = new IntType("int", SizeThunk.INTxx, ((x & UNSIGNED) != 0), attrs2CVAttrs(x),
+ findASTLocusTag(specifierQualifierList_AST_in));
@@ -740,12 +755,12 @@ structDeclarator[CompoundType containingType, Type t] returns [boolean addedAny]
enumSpecifier [int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] {
t = null;
EnumType e = null;
- ASTLocusTag locus = findASTLocusTag(enumSpecifier_AST_in);
+ ASTLocusTag locusTag = findASTLocusTag(enumSpecifier_AST_in);
: #( "enum"
- ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(e = getEnumType(i.getText(), locus))] RCURLY
- | LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(e = getEnumType(ANONYMOUS_ENUM_NAME, locus))] RCURLY
- | ID { e = getEnumType(i.getText(), locus); }
+ ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(e = getEnumType(i.getText(), locusTag))] RCURLY
+ | LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(e = getEnumType(ANONYMOUS_ENUM_NAME, locusTag))] RCURLY
+ | ID { e = getEnumType(i.getText(), locusTag); }
) {
debugPrintln("Adding enum mapping: "+getDebugTypeString(e));
if( null != e ) {
@@ -834,7 +849,7 @@ initDecl[TypeBox tb] {
if ((declName != null) && (tb != null) && tb.isTypedef()) {
Type t = tb.type();
debugPrint("Adding typedef mapping: [" + declName + "] -> "+getDebugTypeString(t));
- if (!t.hasTypedefName()) {
+ if (!t.isTypedef()) {
if( t.isCompound() ) {
// Allow redefinition of newly defined struct, i.e. use same instance.
// This aliases '_a' -> 'A' for 'typedef struct _a { } A, *B;', where '*B' will become also '*A'.
@@ -890,7 +905,8 @@ pointerGroup[TypeBox tb] { int x = 0; int y = 0; }
if (tb != null) {
tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,
- attrs2CVAttrs(x), null)));
+ attrs2CVAttrs(x),
+ findASTLocusTag(pointerGroup_AST_in))));
)+ )
@@ -915,7 +931,9 @@ typeName {
/* FIXME: the handling of types in this rule has not been well thought
out and is known to be incomplete. Currently it is only used to handle
pointerGroups for unnamed parameters. */
-nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[TypeBox tb]
+nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[TypeBox tb] {
+ final ASTLocusTag locusTag = findASTLocusTag(nonemptyAbstractDeclarator_AST_in);
: #( NNonemptyAbstractDeclarator
( pointerGroup[tb]
@@ -923,7 +941,7 @@ nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[TypeBox tb]
| parameterTypeList
- | (LBRACKET (e1:expr)? RBRACKET) { handleArrayExpr(tb, e1); }
+ | (LBRACKET (e1:expr)? RBRACKET) { handleArrayExpr(tb, e1, locusTag); }
@@ -931,7 +949,7 @@ nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[TypeBox tb]
| parameterTypeList
- | (LBRACKET (e2:expr)? RBRACKET) { handleArrayExpr(tb, e2); }
+ | (LBRACKET (e2:expr)? RBRACKET) { handleArrayExpr(tb, e2, locusTag); }