path: root/alc/mastering.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'alc/mastering.cpp')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/alc/mastering.cpp b/alc/mastering.cpp
index 46cc3134..7e760aa1 100644
--- a/alc/mastering.cpp
+++ b/alc/mastering.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
static_assert((BUFFERSIZE & (BUFFERSIZE-1)) == 0, "BUFFERSIZE is not a power of 2");
struct SlidingHold {
- alignas(16) ALfloat mValues[BUFFERSIZE];
+ alignas(16) float mValues[BUFFERSIZE];
ALuint mExpiries[BUFFERSIZE];
ALuint mLowerIndex;
ALuint mUpperIndex;
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ using namespace std::placeholders;
* http://www.richardhartersworld.com/cri/2001/slidingmin.html
-ALfloat UpdateSlidingHold(SlidingHold *Hold, const ALuint i, const ALfloat in)
+ALfloat UpdateSlidingHold(SlidingHold *Hold, const ALuint i, const float in)
static constexpr ALuint mask{BUFFERSIZE - 1};
const ALuint length{Hold->mLength};
- ALfloat (&values)[BUFFERSIZE] = Hold->mValues;
+ float (&values)[BUFFERSIZE] = Hold->mValues;
ALuint (&expiries)[BUFFERSIZE] = Hold->mExpiries;
ALuint lowerIndex{Hold->mLowerIndex};
ALuint upperIndex{Hold->mUpperIndex};
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void ShiftSlidingHold(SlidingHold *Hold, const ALuint n)
void LinkChannels(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo, const FloatBufferLine *OutBuffer)
- const ALuint numChans{Comp->mNumChans};
+ const size_t numChans{Comp->mNumChans};
ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
ASSUME(numChans > 0);
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void LinkChannels(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo, const FloatBufferL
auto fill_max = [SamplesToDo,side_begin](const FloatBufferLine &input) -> void
- const ALfloat *RESTRICT buffer{al::assume_aligned<16>(input.data())};
+ const float *RESTRICT buffer{al::assume_aligned<16>(input.data())};
auto max_abs = std::bind(maxf, _1, std::bind(static_cast<float(&)(float)>(std::fabs), _2));
std::transform(side_begin, side_begin+SamplesToDo, buffer, side_begin, max_abs);
@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@ void LinkChannels(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo, const FloatBufferL
static void CrestDetector(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo)
- const ALfloat a_crest{Comp->mCrestCoeff};
- ALfloat y2_peak{Comp->mLastPeakSq};
- ALfloat y2_rms{Comp->mLastRmsSq};
+ const float a_crest{Comp->mCrestCoeff};
+ float y2_peak{Comp->mLastPeakSq};
+ float y2_rms{Comp->mLastRmsSq};
ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
- auto calc_crest = [&y2_rms,&y2_peak,a_crest](const ALfloat x_abs) noexcept -> ALfloat
+ auto calc_crest = [&y2_rms,&y2_peak,a_crest](const float x_abs) noexcept -> float
- const ALfloat x2{clampf(x_abs * x_abs, 0.000001f, 1000000.0f)};
+ const float x2{clampf(x_abs * x_abs, 0.000001f, 1000000.0f)};
y2_peak = maxf(x2, lerp(x2, y2_peak, a_crest));
y2_rms = lerp(x2, y2_rms, a_crest);
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void PeakDetector(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo)
/* Clamp the minimum amplitude to near-zero and convert to logarithm. */
auto side_begin = std::begin(Comp->mSideChain) + Comp->mLookAhead;
std::transform(side_begin, side_begin+SamplesToDo, side_begin,
- std::bind(static_cast<float(&)(float)>(std::log), std::bind(maxf, 0.000001f, _1)));
+ [](const float s) -> float { return std::log(maxf(0.000001f, s)); });
/* An optional hold can be used to extend the peak detector so it can more
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ void PeakHoldDetector(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo)
ALuint i{0};
auto detect_peak = [&i,hold](const ALfloat x_abs) -> ALfloat
- const ALfloat x_G{std::log(maxf(0.000001f, x_abs))};
+ const float x_G{std::log(maxf(0.000001f, x_abs))};
return UpdateSlidingHold(hold, i++, x_G);
auto side_begin = std::begin(Comp->mSideChain) + Comp->mLookAhead;
@@ -194,42 +194,41 @@ void GainCompressor(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo)
const bool autoPostGain{Comp->mAuto.PostGain};
const bool autoDeclip{Comp->mAuto.Declip};
const ALuint lookAhead{Comp->mLookAhead};
- const ALfloat threshold{Comp->mThreshold};
- const ALfloat slope{Comp->mSlope};
- const ALfloat attack{Comp->mAttack};
- const ALfloat release{Comp->mRelease};
- const ALfloat c_est{Comp->mGainEstimate};
- const ALfloat a_adp{Comp->mAdaptCoeff};
- const ALfloat *crestFactor{Comp->mCrestFactor};
- ALfloat postGain{Comp->mPostGain};
- ALfloat knee{Comp->mKnee};
- ALfloat t_att{attack};
- ALfloat t_rel{release - attack};
- ALfloat a_att{std::exp(-1.0f / t_att)};
- ALfloat a_rel{std::exp(-1.0f / t_rel)};
- ALfloat y_1{Comp->mLastRelease};
- ALfloat y_L{Comp->mLastAttack};
- ALfloat c_dev{Comp->mLastGainDev};
+ const float threshold{Comp->mThreshold};
+ const float slope{Comp->mSlope};
+ const float attack{Comp->mAttack};
+ const float release{Comp->mRelease};
+ const float c_est{Comp->mGainEstimate};
+ const float a_adp{Comp->mAdaptCoeff};
+ const float *crestFactor{Comp->mCrestFactor};
+ float postGain{Comp->mPostGain};
+ float knee{Comp->mKnee};
+ float t_att{attack};
+ float t_rel{release - attack};
+ float a_att{std::exp(-1.0f / t_att)};
+ float a_rel{std::exp(-1.0f / t_rel)};
+ float y_1{Comp->mLastRelease};
+ float y_L{Comp->mLastAttack};
+ float c_dev{Comp->mLastGainDev};
ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
- for(ALfloat &sideChain : al::span<float>{Comp->mSideChain, SamplesToDo})
+ for(float &sideChain : al::span<float>{Comp->mSideChain, SamplesToDo})
knee = maxf(0.0f, 2.5f * (c_dev + c_est));
- const ALfloat knee_h{0.5f * knee};
+ const float knee_h{0.5f * knee};
/* This is the gain computer. It applies a static compression curve
* to the control signal.
- const ALfloat x_over{std::addressof(sideChain)[lookAhead] - threshold};
- const ALfloat y_G{
+ const float x_over{std::addressof(sideChain)[lookAhead] - threshold};
+ const float y_G{
(x_over <= -knee_h) ? 0.0f :
(std::fabs(x_over) < knee_h) ? (x_over + knee_h) * (x_over + knee_h) / (2.0f * knee) :
- x_over
- };
+ x_over};
- const ALfloat y2_crest{*(crestFactor++)};
+ const float y2_crest{*(crestFactor++)};
t_att = 2.0f*attack/y2_crest;
@@ -245,7 +244,7 @@ void GainCompressor(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo)
* detector. The attack time is subtracted from the release time
* above to compensate for the chained operating mode.
- const ALfloat x_L{-slope * y_G};
+ const float x_L{-slope * y_G};
y_1 = maxf(x_L, lerp(x_L, y_1, a_rel));
y_L = lerp(y_1, y_L, a_att);
@@ -285,14 +284,14 @@ void GainCompressor(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo)
void SignalDelay(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo, FloatBufferLine *OutBuffer)
- const ALuint numChans{Comp->mNumChans};
+ const size_t numChans{Comp->mNumChans};
const ALuint lookAhead{Comp->mLookAhead};
ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
ASSUME(numChans > 0);
ASSUME(lookAhead > 0);
- for(ALuint c{0};c < numChans;c++)
+ for(size_t c{0};c < numChans;c++)
ALfloat *inout{al::assume_aligned<16>(OutBuffer[c].data())};
ALfloat *delaybuf{al::assume_aligned<16>(Comp->mDelay[c].data())};
@@ -313,36 +312,12 @@ void SignalDelay(Compressor *Comp, const ALuint SamplesToDo, FloatBufferLine *Ou
} // namespace
-/* The compressor is initialized with the following settings:
- *
- * NumChans - Number of channels to process.
- * SampleRate - Sample rate to process.
- * AutoKnee - Whether to automate the knee width parameter.
- * AutoAttack - Whether to automate the attack time parameter.
- * AutoRelease - Whether to automate the release time parameter.
- * AutoPostGain - Whether to automate the make-up (post) gain parameter.
- * AutoDeclip - Whether to automate clipping reduction. Ignored when
- * not automating make-up gain.
- * LookAheadTime - Look-ahead time (in seconds).
- * HoldTime - Peak hold-time (in seconds).
- * PreGainDb - Gain applied before detection (in dB).
- * PostGainDb - Make-up gain applied after compression (in dB).
- * ThresholdDb - Triggering threshold (in dB).
- * Ratio - Compression ratio (x:1). Set to INFINITY for true
- * limiting. Ignored when automating knee width.
- * KneeDb - Knee width (in dB). Ignored when automating knee
- * width.
- * AttackTimeMin - Attack time (in seconds). Acts as a maximum when
- * automating attack time.
- * ReleaseTimeMin - Release time (in seconds). Acts as a maximum when
- * automating release time.
- */
-std::unique_ptr<Compressor> CompressorInit(const ALuint NumChans, const ALfloat SampleRate,
- const ALboolean AutoKnee, const ALboolean AutoAttack, const ALboolean AutoRelease,
- const ALboolean AutoPostGain, const ALboolean AutoDeclip, const ALfloat LookAheadTime,
- const ALfloat HoldTime, const ALfloat PreGainDb, const ALfloat PostGainDb,
- const ALfloat ThresholdDb, const ALfloat Ratio, const ALfloat KneeDb, const ALfloat AttackTime,
- const ALfloat ReleaseTime)
+std::unique_ptr<Compressor> Compressor::Create(const size_t NumChans, const float SampleRate,
+ const bool AutoKnee, const bool AutoAttack, const bool AutoRelease, const bool AutoPostGain,
+ const bool AutoDeclip, const float LookAheadTime, const float HoldTime, const float PreGainDb,
+ const float PostGainDb, const float ThresholdDb, const float Ratio, const float KneeDb,
+ const float AttackTime, const float ReleaseTime)
const auto lookAhead = static_cast<ALuint>(
clampf(std::round(LookAheadTime*SampleRate), 0.0f, BUFFERSIZE-1));
@@ -421,17 +396,17 @@ Compressor::~Compressor()
void Compressor::process(const ALuint SamplesToDo, FloatBufferLine *OutBuffer)
- const ALuint numChans{mNumChans};
+ const size_t numChans{mNumChans};
ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
ASSUME(numChans > 0);
- const ALfloat preGain{mPreGain};
+ const float preGain{mPreGain};
if(preGain != 1.0f)
auto apply_gain = [SamplesToDo,preGain](FloatBufferLine &input) noexcept -> void
- ALfloat *buffer{al::assume_aligned<16>(input.data())};
+ float *buffer{al::assume_aligned<16>(input.data())};
std::transform(buffer, buffer+SamplesToDo, buffer,
std::bind(std::multiplies<float>{}, _1, preGain));