path: root/alc/alu.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'alc/alu.cpp')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/alc/alu.cpp b/alc/alu.cpp
index db7c9017..bfbc6ead 100644
--- a/alc/alu.cpp
+++ b/alc/alu.cpp
@@ -859,22 +859,27 @@ void CalcPanningAndFilters(Voice *voice, const float xpos, const float ypos, con
return CalcAngleCoeffs(ScaleAzimuthFront(az, 1.5f), ev, 0.0f);
+ auto&& scales = GetAmbiScales(voice->mAmbiScaling);
auto coeffs = calc_coeffs(Device->mRenderMode);
- std::transform(coeffs.begin()+1, coeffs.end(), coeffs.begin()+1,
- std::bind(std::multiplies<float>{}, _1, 1.0f-coverage));
+ /* Scale the panned W signal based on the coverage (full coverage means
+ * no panned signal). Scale the panned W signal according to channel
+ * scaling.
+ */
+ std::transform(coeffs.begin(), coeffs.end(), coeffs.begin(),
+ std::bind(std::multiplies<float>{}, _1, (1.0f-coverage)*scales[0]));
- /* NOTE: W needs to be scaled according to channel scaling. */
- auto&& scales = GetAmbiScales(voice->mAmbiScaling);
- ComputePanGains(&Device->Dry, coeffs.data(), DryGain.Base*scales[0],
- voice->mChans[0].mDryParams.Gains.Target);
- for(uint i{0};i < NumSends;i++)
+ if(!(coverage > 0.0f))
- if(const EffectSlot *Slot{SendSlots[i]})
- ComputePanGains(&Slot->Wet, coeffs.data(), WetGain[i].Base*scales[0],
- voice->mChans[0].mWetParams[i].Gains.Target);
+ ComputePanGains(&Device->Dry, coeffs.data(), DryGain.Base,
+ voice->mChans[0].mDryParams.Gains.Target);
+ for(uint i{0};i < NumSends;i++)
+ {
+ if(const EffectSlot *Slot{SendSlots[i]})
+ ComputePanGains(&Slot->Wet, coeffs.data(), WetGain[i].Base*scales[0],
+ voice->mChans[0].mWetParams[i].Gains.Target);
+ }
- if(coverage > 0.0f)
+ else
/* Local B-Format sources have their XYZ channels rotated according
* to the orientation.
@@ -945,15 +950,18 @@ void CalcPanningAndFilters(Voice *voice, const float xpos, const float ypos, con
static const uint8_t OrderOffset[MaxAmbiOrder+1]{0, 1, 4, 9,};
- for(size_t c{1};c < num_channels;c++)
+ for(size_t c{0};c < num_channels;c++)
const size_t acn{index_map[c]};
const size_t order{AmbiIndex::OrderFromChannel()[acn]};
const float scale{scales[acn] * coverage};
- coeffs = std::array<float,MaxAmbiChannels>{};
+ /* For channel 0, combine the B-Format signal (scaled according
+ * to the coverage amount) with the directional pan. For all
+ * other channels, use just the (scaled) B-Format signal.
+ */
for(size_t x{OrderOffset[order]};x < MaxAmbiChannels;++x)
- coeffs[x] = shrot[x][acn] * scale;
+ coeffs[x] += shrot[x][acn] * scale;
ComputePanGains(&Device->Dry, coeffs.data(), DryGain.Base,
@@ -964,6 +972,8 @@ void CalcPanningAndFilters(Voice *voice, const float xpos, const float ypos, con
ComputePanGains(&Slot->Wet, coeffs.data(), WetGain[i].Base,
+ coeffs = std::array<float,MaxAmbiChannels>{};