path: root/alc/alc.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'alc/alc.cpp')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/alc/alc.cpp b/alc/alc.cpp
index 64139c68..9abcde60 100644
--- a/alc/alc.cpp
+++ b/alc/alc.cpp
@@ -537,9 +537,10 @@ constexpr struct {
@@ -1602,6 +1603,7 @@ ALCenum UpdateDeviceParams(ALCdevice *device, const int *attrList)
al::optional<DevAmbiScaling> optscale;
al::optional<bool> opthrtf;
+ ALenum outmode{ALC_ANY_SOFT};
uint aorder{0u};
uint freq{0u};
@@ -1674,14 +1676,7 @@ ALCenum UpdateDeviceParams(ALCdevice *device, const int *attrList)
- if(attrList[attrIdx + 1] == ALC_HRTF_SOFT)
- stereomode = StereoEncoding::Hrtf;
- else if(attrList[attrIdx + 1] == ALC_STEREO_UHJ_SOFT)
- stereomode = StereoEncoding::Uhj;
- else if(attrList[attrIdx + 1] == ALC_NORMAL_SOFT)
- stereomode = StereoEncoding::Normal;
- else if(attrList[attrIdx + 1] == ALC_ANY_SOFT)
- stereomode = al::nullopt;
+ outmode = attrList[attrIdx + 1];
@@ -1722,8 +1717,29 @@ ALCenum UpdateDeviceParams(ALCdevice *device, const int *attrList)
- if(!stereomode && opthrtf)
- stereomode = *opthrtf ? StereoEncoding::Hrtf : StereoEncoding::Normal;
+ /* Calculate the max number of sources, and split them between the mono
+ * and stereo count given the requested number of stereo sources.
+ */
+ if(auto srcsopt = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "sources"))
+ {
+ if(*srcsopt <= 0) numMono = 256;
+ else numMono = *srcsopt;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(numMono > INT_MAX-numStereo)
+ numMono = INT_MAX-numStereo;
+ numMono = maxu(numMono+numStereo, 256);
+ }
+ numStereo = minu(numStereo, numMono);
+ numMono -= numStereo;
+ device->SourcesMax = numMono + numStereo;
+ device->NumMonoSources = numMono;
+ device->NumStereoSources = numStereo;
+ if(auto sendsopt = device->configValue<int>(nullptr, "sends"))
+ numSends = minu(numSends, static_cast<uint>(clampi(*sendsopt, 0, MAX_SENDS)));
+ device->NumAuxSends = numSends;
@@ -1736,17 +1752,32 @@ ALCenum UpdateDeviceParams(ALCdevice *device, const int *attrList)
device->mAmbiLayout = *optlayout;
device->mAmbiScale = *optscale;
+ else if(device->FmtChans == DevFmtStereo)
+ {
+ if(opthrtf)
+ stereomode = *opthrtf ? StereoEncoding::Hrtf : StereoEncoding::Normal;
+ if(outmode == ALC_STEREO_PLAIN_SOFT)
+ stereomode = StereoEncoding::Normal;
+ else if(outmode == ALC_STEREO_UHJ_SOFT)
+ stereomode = StereoEncoding::Uhj;
+ else if(outmode == ALC_STEREO_HRTF_SOFT)
+ stereomode = StereoEncoding::Hrtf;
+ }
+ device->Flags.set(FrequencyRequest).set(ChannelsRequest).set(SampleTypeRequest);
+ device->Flags.reset(FrequencyRequest).reset(ChannelsRequest).reset(SampleTypeRequest);
+ device->FmtType = DevFmtTypeDefault;
+ device->FmtChans = DevFmtChannelsDefault;
+ device->mAmbiOrder = 0;
device->UpdateSize = DEFAULT_UPDATE_SIZE;
device->Frequency = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_RATE;
freq = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "frequency").value_or(freq);
- if(freq < 1)
- device->Flags.reset(FrequencyRequest);
- else
+ if(freq > 0)
freq = clampu(freq, MIN_OUTPUT_RATE, MAX_OUTPUT_RATE);
@@ -1758,37 +1789,46 @@ ALCenum UpdateDeviceParams(ALCdevice *device, const int *attrList)
- if(auto persizeopt = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "period_size"))
- device->UpdateSize = clampu(*persizeopt, 64, 8192);
- if(auto peropt = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "periods"))
- device->BufferSize = device->UpdateSize * clampu(*peropt, 2, 16);
- else
- device->BufferSize = maxu(device->BufferSize, device->UpdateSize*2);
- }
+ auto set_device_mode = [device](DevFmtChannels chans) noexcept
+ {
+ device->FmtChans = chans;
+ device->Flags.set(ChannelsRequest);
+ };
+ if(opthrtf)
+ {
+ if(*opthrtf)
+ {
+ set_device_mode(DevFmtStereo);
+ stereomode = StereoEncoding::Hrtf;
+ }
+ else
+ stereomode = StereoEncoding::Normal;
+ }
- if(numMono > INT_MAX-numStereo)
- numMono = INT_MAX-numStereo;
- numMono += numStereo;
- if(auto srcsopt = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "sources"))
- {
- if(*srcsopt <= 0) numMono = 256;
- else numMono = *srcsopt;
+ using OutputMode = ALCdevice::OutputMode;
+ switch(OutputMode(outmode))
+ {
+ case OutputMode::Any: break;
+ case OutputMode::Mono: set_device_mode(DevFmtMono); break;
+ case OutputMode::Stereo: set_device_mode(DevFmtStereo); break;
+ case OutputMode::StereoPlain:
+ set_device_mode(DevFmtStereo);
+ stereomode = StereoEncoding::Normal;
+ break;
+ case OutputMode::Uhj2:
+ set_device_mode(DevFmtStereo);
+ stereomode = StereoEncoding::Uhj;
+ break;
+ case OutputMode::Hrtf:
+ set_device_mode(DevFmtStereo);
+ stereomode = StereoEncoding::Hrtf;
+ break;
+ case OutputMode::Quad: set_device_mode(DevFmtQuad); break;
+ case OutputMode::X51: set_device_mode(DevFmtX51); break;
+ case OutputMode::X61: set_device_mode(DevFmtX61); break;
+ case OutputMode::X71: set_device_mode(DevFmtX71); break;
+ }
- else
- numMono = maxu(numMono, 256);
- numStereo = minu(numStereo, numMono);
- numMono -= numStereo;
- device->SourcesMax = numMono + numStereo;
- device->NumMonoSources = numMono;
- device->NumStereoSources = numStereo;
- if(auto sendsopt = device->configValue<int>(nullptr, "sends"))
- device->NumAuxSends = minu(numSends,
- static_cast<uint>(clampi(*sendsopt, 0, MAX_SENDS)));
- else
- device->NumAuxSends = numSends;
@@ -1821,17 +1861,136 @@ ALCenum UpdateDeviceParams(ALCdevice *device, const int *attrList)
device->DitherDepth = 0.0f;
device->DitherSeed = DitherRNGSeed;
+ device->mHrtfStatus = ALC_HRTF_DISABLED_SOFT;
- * Update device format request if HRTF or UHJ is requested
+ * Update device format request from the user configuration
- device->mHrtfStatus = ALC_HRTF_DISABLED_SOFT;
if(device->Type != DeviceType::Loopback)
+ if(auto typeopt = device->configValue<std::string>(nullptr, "sample-type"))
+ {
+ static constexpr struct TypeMap {
+ const char name[8];
+ DevFmtType type;
+ } typelist[] = {
+ { "int8", DevFmtByte },
+ { "uint8", DevFmtUByte },
+ { "int16", DevFmtShort },
+ { "uint16", DevFmtUShort },
+ { "int32", DevFmtInt },
+ { "uint32", DevFmtUInt },
+ { "float32", DevFmtFloat },
+ };
+ const ALCchar *fmt{typeopt->c_str()};
+ auto iter = std::find_if(std::begin(typelist), std::end(typelist),
+ [fmt](const TypeMap &entry) -> bool
+ { return al::strcasecmp(entry.name, fmt) == 0; });
+ if(iter == std::end(typelist))
+ ERR("Unsupported sample-type: %s\n", fmt);
+ else
+ {
+ device->FmtType = iter->type;
+ device->Flags.set(SampleTypeRequest);
+ }
+ }
+ if(auto chanopt = device->configValue<std::string>(nullptr, "channels"))
+ {
+ static constexpr struct ChannelMap {
+ const char name[16];
+ DevFmtChannels chans;
+ uint8_t order;
+ } chanlist[] = {
+ { "mono", DevFmtMono, 0 },
+ { "stereo", DevFmtStereo, 0 },
+ { "quad", DevFmtQuad, 0 },
+ { "surround51", DevFmtX51, 0 },
+ { "surround61", DevFmtX61, 0 },
+ { "surround71", DevFmtX71, 0 },
+ { "surround51rear", DevFmtX51, 0 },
+ { "ambi1", DevFmtAmbi3D, 1 },
+ { "ambi2", DevFmtAmbi3D, 2 },
+ { "ambi3", DevFmtAmbi3D, 3 },
+ };
+ const ALCchar *fmt{chanopt->c_str()};
+ auto iter = std::find_if(std::begin(chanlist), std::end(chanlist),
+ [fmt](const ChannelMap &entry) -> bool
+ { return al::strcasecmp(entry.name, fmt) == 0; });
+ if(iter == std::end(chanlist))
+ ERR("Unsupported channels: %s\n", fmt);
+ else
+ {
+ device->FmtChans = iter->chans;
+ device->mAmbiOrder = iter->order;
+ device->Flags.set(ChannelsRequest);
+ }
+ }
+ if(auto ambiopt = device->configValue<std::string>(nullptr, "ambi-format"))
+ {
+ const ALCchar *fmt{ambiopt->c_str()};
+ if(al::strcasecmp(fmt, "fuma") == 0)
+ {
+ if(device->mAmbiOrder > 3)
+ ERR("FuMa is incompatible with %d%s order ambisonics (up to 3rd order only)\n",
+ device->mAmbiOrder,
+ (((device->mAmbiOrder%100)/10) == 1) ? "th" :
+ ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 1) ? "st" :
+ ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 2) ? "nd" :
+ ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 3) ? "rd" : "th");
+ else
+ {
+ device->mAmbiLayout = DevAmbiLayout::FuMa;
+ device->mAmbiScale = DevAmbiScaling::FuMa;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(al::strcasecmp(fmt, "acn+fuma") == 0)
+ {
+ if(device->mAmbiOrder > 3)
+ ERR("FuMa is incompatible with %d%s order ambisonics (up to 3rd order only)\n",
+ device->mAmbiOrder,
+ (((device->mAmbiOrder%100)/10) == 1) ? "th" :
+ ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 1) ? "st" :
+ ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 2) ? "nd" :
+ ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 3) ? "rd" : "th");
+ else
+ {
+ device->mAmbiLayout = DevAmbiLayout::ACN;
+ device->mAmbiScale = DevAmbiScaling::FuMa;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(al::strcasecmp(fmt, "ambix") == 0 || al::strcasecmp(fmt, "acn+sn3d") == 0)
+ {
+ device->mAmbiLayout = DevAmbiLayout::ACN;
+ device->mAmbiScale = DevAmbiScaling::SN3D;
+ }
+ else if(al::strcasecmp(fmt, "acn+n3d") == 0)
+ {
+ device->mAmbiLayout = DevAmbiLayout::ACN;
+ device->mAmbiScale = DevAmbiScaling::N3D;
+ }
+ else
+ ERR("Unsupported ambi-format: %s\n", fmt);
+ }
+ if(auto persizeopt = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "period_size"))
+ device->UpdateSize = clampu(*persizeopt, 64, 8192);
+ if(auto peropt = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "periods"))
+ device->BufferSize = device->UpdateSize * clampu(*peropt, 2, 16);
+ else
+ device->BufferSize = maxu(device->BufferSize, device->UpdateSize*2);
if(auto hrtfopt = device->configValue<std::string>(nullptr, "hrtf"))
const char *hrtf{hrtfopt->c_str()};
if(al::strcasecmp(hrtf, "true") == 0)
+ {
stereomode = StereoEncoding::Hrtf;
+ device->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo;
+ device->Flags.set(ChannelsRequest);
+ }
else if(al::strcasecmp(hrtf, "false") == 0)
if(!stereomode || *stereomode == StereoEncoding::Hrtf)
@@ -1840,13 +1999,6 @@ ALCenum UpdateDeviceParams(ALCdevice *device, const int *attrList)
else if(al::strcasecmp(hrtf, "auto") != 0)
ERR("Unexpected hrtf value: %s\n", hrtf);
- /* If the app or user wants HRTF or UHJ, try to set stereo playback. */
- if(stereomode && *stereomode != StereoEncoding::Normal)
- {
- device->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo;
- device->Flags.set(ChannelsRequest);
- }
TRACE("Pre-reset: %s%s, %s%s, %s%uhz, %u / %u buffer\n",
@@ -2752,12 +2904,7 @@ static size_t GetIntegerv(ALCdevice *device, ALCenum param, const al::span<int>
return 1;
- if(device->mHrtf)
- values[0] = ALC_HRTF_SOFT;
- else if(device->mUhjEncoder)
- values[0] = ALC_STEREO_UHJ_SOFT;
- else
- values[0] = ALC_NORMAL_SOFT;
+ values[0] = static_cast<ALCenum>(device->getOutputMode1());
return 1;
@@ -3253,12 +3400,9 @@ START_API_FUNC
device->SourcesMax = 256;
device->AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax = 64;
device->NumAuxSends = DEFAULT_SENDS;
- if (eax_g_is_enabled)
- {
+ if(eax_g_is_enabled)
device->NumAuxSends = EAX_MAX_FXSLOTS;
- }
#endif // ALSOFT_EAX
try {
@@ -3274,68 +3418,6 @@ START_API_FUNC
return nullptr;
- if(auto chanopt = device->configValue<std::string>(nullptr, "channels"))
- {
- static const struct ChannelMap {
- const char name[16];
- DevFmtChannels chans;
- uint order;
- } chanlist[] = {
- { "mono", DevFmtMono, 0 },
- { "stereo", DevFmtStereo, 0 },
- { "quad", DevFmtQuad, 0 },
- { "surround51", DevFmtX51, 0 },
- { "surround61", DevFmtX61, 0 },
- { "surround71", DevFmtX71, 0 },
- { "surround51rear", DevFmtX51, 0 },
- { "ambi1", DevFmtAmbi3D, 1 },
- { "ambi2", DevFmtAmbi3D, 2 },
- { "ambi3", DevFmtAmbi3D, 3 },
- };
- const ALCchar *fmt{chanopt->c_str()};
- auto iter = std::find_if(std::begin(chanlist), std::end(chanlist),
- [fmt](const ChannelMap &entry) -> bool
- { return al::strcasecmp(entry.name, fmt) == 0; }
- );
- if(iter == std::end(chanlist))
- ERR("Unsupported channels: %s\n", fmt);
- else
- {
- device->FmtChans = iter->chans;
- device->mAmbiOrder = iter->order;
- device->Flags.set(ChannelsRequest);
- }
- }
- if(auto typeopt = device->configValue<std::string>(nullptr, "sample-type"))
- {
- static const struct TypeMap {
- const char name[16];
- DevFmtType type;
- } typelist[] = {
- { "int8", DevFmtByte },
- { "uint8", DevFmtUByte },
- { "int16", DevFmtShort },
- { "uint16", DevFmtUShort },
- { "int32", DevFmtInt },
- { "uint32", DevFmtUInt },
- { "float32", DevFmtFloat },
- };
- const ALCchar *fmt{typeopt->c_str()};
- auto iter = std::find_if(std::begin(typelist), std::end(typelist),
- [fmt](const TypeMap &entry) -> bool
- { return al::strcasecmp(entry.name, fmt) == 0; }
- );
- if(iter == std::end(typelist))
- ERR("Unsupported sample-type: %s\n", fmt);
- else
- {
- device->FmtType = iter->type;
- device->Flags.set(SampleTypeRequest);
- }
- }
if(uint freq{device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "frequency").value_or(0u)})
if(freq < MIN_OUTPUT_RATE || freq > MAX_OUTPUT_RATE)
@@ -3351,14 +3433,6 @@ START_API_FUNC
- if(auto persizeopt = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "period_size"))
- device->UpdateSize = clampu(*persizeopt, 64, 8192);
- if(auto peropt = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "periods"))
- device->BufferSize = device->UpdateSize * clampu(*peropt, 2, 16);
- else
- device->BufferSize = maxu(device->BufferSize, device->UpdateSize*2);
if(auto srcsmax = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "sources").value_or(0))
device->SourcesMax = srcsmax;
@@ -3372,53 +3446,6 @@ START_API_FUNC
device->NumStereoSources = 1;
device->NumMonoSources = device->SourcesMax - device->NumStereoSources;
- if(auto ambiopt = device->configValue<std::string>(nullptr, "ambi-format"))
- {
- const ALCchar *fmt{ambiopt->c_str()};
- if(al::strcasecmp(fmt, "fuma") == 0)
- {
- if(device->mAmbiOrder > 3)
- ERR("FuMa is incompatible with %d%s order ambisonics (up to third-order only)\n",
- device->mAmbiOrder,
- (((device->mAmbiOrder%100)/10) == 1) ? "th" :
- ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 1) ? "st" :
- ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 2) ? "nd" :
- ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 3) ? "rd" : "th");
- else
- {
- device->mAmbiLayout = DevAmbiLayout::FuMa;
- device->mAmbiScale = DevAmbiScaling::FuMa;
- }
- }
- else if(al::strcasecmp(fmt, "acn+fuma") == 0)
- {
- if(device->mAmbiOrder > 3)
- ERR("FuMa is incompatible with %d%s order ambisonics (up to third-order only)\n",
- device->mAmbiOrder,
- (((device->mAmbiOrder%100)/10) == 1) ? "th" :
- ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 1) ? "st" :
- ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 2) ? "nd" :
- ((device->mAmbiOrder%10) == 3) ? "rd" : "th");
- else
- {
- device->mAmbiLayout = DevAmbiLayout::ACN;
- device->mAmbiScale = DevAmbiScaling::FuMa;
- }
- }
- else if(al::strcasecmp(fmt, "ambix") == 0 || al::strcasecmp(fmt, "acn+sn3d") == 0)
- {
- device->mAmbiLayout = DevAmbiLayout::ACN;
- device->mAmbiScale = DevAmbiScaling::SN3D;
- }
- else if(al::strcasecmp(fmt, "acn+n3d") == 0)
- {
- device->mAmbiLayout = DevAmbiLayout::ACN;
- device->mAmbiScale = DevAmbiScaling::N3D;
- }
- else
- ERR("Unsupported ambi-format: %s\n", fmt);
- }
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> _{ListLock};
auto iter = std::lower_bound(DeviceList.cbegin(), DeviceList.cend(), device.get());