path: root/al/alAuxEffectSlot.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'al/alAuxEffectSlot.cpp')
1 files changed, 808 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/al/alAuxEffectSlot.cpp b/al/alAuxEffectSlot.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42966bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/al/alAuxEffectSlot.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+ * OpenAL cross platform audio library
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by authors.
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "alAuxEffectSlot.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <thread>
+#include "AL/al.h"
+#include "AL/alc.h"
+#include "alEffect.h"
+#include "alError.h"
+#include "alcmain.h"
+#include "alcontext.h"
+#include "alexcpt.h"
+#include "almalloc.h"
+#include "alnumeric.h"
+#include "alspan.h"
+#include "alu.h"
+#include "fpu_modes.h"
+#include "inprogext.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+#include "opthelpers.h"
+namespace {
+inline ALeffectslot *LookupEffectSlot(ALCcontext *context, ALuint id) noexcept
+ ALuint lidx = (id-1) >> 6;
+ ALsizei slidx = (id-1) & 0x3f;
+ if(UNLIKELY(lidx >= context->EffectSlotList.size()))
+ return nullptr;
+ EffectSlotSubList &sublist{context->EffectSlotList[lidx]};
+ if(UNLIKELY(sublist.FreeMask & (1_u64 << slidx)))
+ return nullptr;
+ return sublist.EffectSlots + slidx;
+inline ALeffect *LookupEffect(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id) noexcept
+ ALuint lidx = (id-1) >> 6;
+ ALsizei slidx = (id-1) & 0x3f;
+ if(UNLIKELY(lidx >= device->EffectList.size()))
+ return nullptr;
+ EffectSubList &sublist = device->EffectList[lidx];
+ if(UNLIKELY(sublist.FreeMask & (1_u64 << slidx)))
+ return nullptr;
+ return sublist.Effects + slidx;
+void AddActiveEffectSlots(const ALuint *slotids, ALsizei count, ALCcontext *context)
+ if(count < 1) return;
+ ALeffectslotArray *curarray{context->ActiveAuxSlots.load(std::memory_order_acquire)};
+ size_t newcount{curarray->size() + count};
+ /* Insert the new effect slots into the head of the array, followed by the
+ * existing ones.
+ */
+ ALeffectslotArray *newarray = ALeffectslot::CreatePtrArray(newcount);
+ auto slotiter = std::transform(slotids, slotids+count, newarray->begin(),
+ [context](ALuint id) noexcept -> ALeffectslot*
+ { return LookupEffectSlot(context, id); }
+ );
+ std::copy(curarray->begin(), curarray->end(), slotiter);
+ /* Remove any duplicates (first instance of each will be kept). */
+ auto last = newarray->end();
+ for(auto start=newarray->begin()+1;;)
+ {
+ last = std::remove(start, last, *(start-1));
+ if(start == last) break;
+ ++start;
+ }
+ newcount = static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(newarray->begin(), last));
+ /* Reallocate newarray if the new size ended up smaller from duplicate
+ * removal.
+ */
+ if(UNLIKELY(newcount < newarray->size()))
+ {
+ curarray = newarray;
+ newarray = ALeffectslot::CreatePtrArray(newcount);
+ std::copy_n(curarray->begin(), newcount, newarray->begin());
+ delete curarray;
+ curarray = nullptr;
+ }
+ curarray = context->ActiveAuxSlots.exchange(newarray, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
+ ALCdevice *device{context->Device};
+ while((device->MixCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire)&1))
+ std::this_thread::yield();
+ delete curarray;
+void RemoveActiveEffectSlots(const ALuint *slotids, ALsizei count, ALCcontext *context)
+ if(count < 1) return;
+ ALeffectslotArray *curarray{context->ActiveAuxSlots.load(std::memory_order_acquire)};
+ /* Don't shrink the allocated array size since we don't know how many (if
+ * any) of the effect slots to remove are in the array.
+ */
+ ALeffectslotArray *newarray = ALeffectslot::CreatePtrArray(curarray->size());
+ /* Copy each element in curarray to newarray whose ID is not in slotids. */
+ const ALuint *slotids_end{slotids + count};
+ auto slotiter = std::copy_if(curarray->begin(), curarray->end(), newarray->begin(),
+ [slotids, slotids_end](const ALeffectslot *slot) -> bool
+ { return std::find(slotids, slotids_end, slot->id) == slotids_end; }
+ );
+ /* Reallocate with the new size. */
+ auto newsize = static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(newarray->begin(), slotiter));
+ if(LIKELY(newsize != newarray->size()))
+ {
+ curarray = newarray;
+ newarray = ALeffectslot::CreatePtrArray(newsize);
+ std::copy_n(curarray->begin(), newsize, newarray->begin());
+ delete curarray;
+ curarray = nullptr;
+ }
+ curarray = context->ActiveAuxSlots.exchange(newarray, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
+ ALCdevice *device{context->Device};
+ while((device->MixCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire)&1))
+ std::this_thread::yield();
+ delete curarray;
+ALeffectslot *AllocEffectSlot(ALCcontext *context)
+ ALCdevice *device{context->Device};
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ if(context->NumEffectSlots >= device->AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax)
+ {
+ alSetError(context, AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Exceeding %u effect slot limit",
+ device->AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ auto sublist = std::find_if(context->EffectSlotList.begin(), context->EffectSlotList.end(),
+ [](const EffectSlotSubList &entry) noexcept -> bool
+ { return entry.FreeMask != 0; }
+ );
+ auto lidx = static_cast<ALsizei>(std::distance(context->EffectSlotList.begin(), sublist));
+ ALeffectslot *slot;
+ ALsizei slidx;
+ if(LIKELY(sublist != context->EffectSlotList.end()))
+ {
+ slidx = CTZ64(sublist->FreeMask);
+ slot = sublist->EffectSlots + slidx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Don't allocate so many list entries that the 32-bit ID could
+ * overflow...
+ */
+ if(UNLIKELY(context->EffectSlotList.size() >= 1<<25))
+ {
+ alSetError(context, AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Too many effect slots allocated");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ context->EffectSlotList.emplace_back();
+ sublist = context->EffectSlotList.end() - 1;
+ sublist->FreeMask = ~0_u64;
+ sublist->EffectSlots = static_cast<ALeffectslot*>(al_calloc(16, sizeof(ALeffectslot)*64));
+ if(UNLIKELY(!sublist->EffectSlots))
+ {
+ context->EffectSlotList.pop_back();
+ alSetError(context, AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to allocate effect slot batch");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ slidx = 0;
+ slot = sublist->EffectSlots + slidx;
+ }
+ slot = new (slot) ALeffectslot{};
+ ALenum err{InitEffectSlot(slot)};
+ if(err != AL_NO_ERROR)
+ {
+ al::destroy_at(slot);
+ alSetError(context, err, "Effect slot object initialization failed");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ aluInitEffectPanning(slot, device);
+ /* Add 1 to avoid source ID 0. */
+ slot->id = ((lidx<<6) | slidx) + 1;
+ context->NumEffectSlots += 1;
+ sublist->FreeMask &= ~(1_u64 << slidx);
+ return slot;
+void FreeEffectSlot(ALCcontext *context, ALeffectslot *slot)
+ ALuint id = slot->id - 1;
+ ALsizei lidx = id >> 6;
+ ALsizei slidx = id & 0x3f;
+ al::destroy_at(slot);
+ context->EffectSlotList[lidx].FreeMask |= 1_u64 << slidx;
+ context->NumEffectSlots--;
+#define DO_UPDATEPROPS() do { \
+ if(!context->DeferUpdates.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) \
+ UpdateEffectSlotProps(slot, context.get()); \
+ else \
+ slot->PropsClean.clear(std::memory_order_release); \
+} while(0)
+} // namespace
+ALeffectslotArray *ALeffectslot::CreatePtrArray(size_t count) noexcept
+ /* Allocate space for twice as many pointers, so the mixer has scratch
+ * space to store a sorted list during mixing.
+ */
+ void *ptr{al_calloc(alignof(ALeffectslotArray), ALeffectslotArray::Sizeof(count*2))};
+ return new (ptr) ALeffectslotArray{count};
+AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots(ALsizei n, ALuint *effectslots)
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(UNLIKELY(!context)) return;
+ if(n < 0)
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_VALUE,, "Generating %d effect slots", n);
+ if(n == 0) return;
+ if(n == 1)
+ {
+ ALeffectslot *slot{AllocEffectSlot(context.get())};
+ if(!slot) return;
+ effectslots[0] = slot->id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto tempids = al::vector<ALuint>(n);
+ auto alloc_end = std::find_if_not(tempids.begin(), tempids.end(),
+ [&context](ALuint &id) -> bool
+ {
+ ALeffectslot *slot{AllocEffectSlot(context.get())};
+ if(!slot) return false;
+ id = slot->id;
+ return true;
+ }
+ );
+ if(alloc_end != tempids.end())
+ {
+ auto count = static_cast<ALsizei>(std::distance(tempids.begin(), alloc_end));
+ alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots(count, tempids.data());
+ return;
+ }
+ std::copy(tempids.cbegin(), tempids.cend(), effectslots);
+ }
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> slotlock{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ AddActiveEffectSlots(effectslots, n, context.get());
+AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots(ALsizei n, const ALuint *effectslots)
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(UNLIKELY(!context)) return;
+ if(n < 0)
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_VALUE,, "Deleting %d effect slots", n);
+ if(n == 0) return;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ auto effectslots_end = effectslots + n;
+ auto bad_slot = std::find_if(effectslots, effectslots_end,
+ [&context](ALuint id) -> bool
+ {
+ ALeffectslot *slot{LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), id)};
+ if(!slot)
+ {
+ alSetError(context.get(), AL_INVALID_NAME, "Invalid effect slot ID %u", id);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(ReadRef(&slot->ref) != 0)
+ {
+ alSetError(context.get(), AL_INVALID_NAME, "Deleting in-use effect slot %u", id);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ if(bad_slot != effectslots_end)
+ return;
+ // All effectslots are valid, remove and delete them
+ RemoveActiveEffectSlots(effectslots, n, context.get());
+ std::for_each(effectslots, effectslots_end,
+ [&context](ALuint sid) -> void
+ {
+ ALeffectslot *slot{LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), sid)};
+ if(slot) FreeEffectSlot(context.get(), slot);
+ }
+ );
+AL_API ALboolean AL_APIENTRY alIsAuxiliaryEffectSlot(ALuint effectslot)
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(LIKELY(context))
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ if(LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), effectslot) != nullptr)
+ return AL_TRUE;
+ }
+ return AL_FALSE;
+AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(ALuint effectslot, ALenum param, ALint value)
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(UNLIKELY(!context)) return;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->PropLock};
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> __{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ ALeffectslot *slot = LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), effectslot);
+ if(UNLIKELY(!slot))
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_NAME,, "Invalid effect slot ID %u", effectslot);
+ ALeffectslot *target{};
+ ALCdevice *device{};
+ ALenum err{};
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ device = context->Device;
+ { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> ___{device->EffectLock};
+ ALeffect *effect{value ? LookupEffect(device, value) : nullptr};
+ if(!(value == 0 || effect != nullptr))
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_VALUE,, "Invalid effect ID %u", value);
+ err = InitializeEffect(context.get(), slot, effect);
+ }
+ if(err != AL_NO_ERROR)
+ {
+ alSetError(context.get(), err, "Effect initialization failed");
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ if(!(value == AL_TRUE || value == AL_FALSE))
+ "Effect slot auxiliary send auto out of range");
+ slot->AuxSendAuto = value;
+ break;
+ target = (value ? LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), value) : nullptr);
+ if(value && !target)
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_VALUE,, "Invalid effect slot target ID");
+ if(target)
+ {
+ ALeffectslot *checker{target};
+ while(checker && checker != slot)
+ checker = checker->Target;
+ if(checker)
+ "Setting target of effect slot ID %u to %u creates circular chain", slot->id,
+ target->id);
+ }
+ if(ALeffectslot *oldtarget{slot->Target})
+ {
+ /* We must force an update if there was an existing effect slot
+ * target, in case it's about to be deleted.
+ */
+ if(target) IncrementRef(&target->ref);
+ DecrementRef(&oldtarget->ref);
+ slot->Target = target;
+ UpdateEffectSlotProps(slot, context.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ if(target) IncrementRef(&target->ref);
+ slot->Target = target;
+ break;
+ default:
+ "Invalid effect slot integer property 0x%04x", param);
+ }
+AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv(ALuint effectslot, ALenum param, const ALint *values)
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(effectslot, param, values[0]);
+ return;
+ }
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(UNLIKELY(!context)) return;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ ALeffectslot *slot = LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), effectslot);
+ if(UNLIKELY(!slot))
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_NAME,, "Invalid effect slot ID %u", effectslot);
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ default:
+ "Invalid effect slot integer-vector property 0x%04x", param);
+ }
+AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf(ALuint effectslot, ALenum param, ALfloat value)
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(UNLIKELY(!context)) return;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->PropLock};
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> __{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ ALeffectslot *slot = LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), effectslot);
+ if(UNLIKELY(!slot))
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_NAME,, "Invalid effect slot ID %u", effectslot);
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ if(!(value >= 0.0f && value <= 1.0f))
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_VALUE,, "Effect slot gain out of range");
+ slot->Gain = value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_ENUM,, "Invalid effect slot float property 0x%04x",
+ param);
+ }
+AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv(ALuint effectslot, ALenum param, const ALfloat *values)
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf(effectslot, param, values[0]);
+ return;
+ }
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(UNLIKELY(!context)) return;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ ALeffectslot *slot = LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), effectslot);
+ if(UNLIKELY(!slot))
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_NAME,, "Invalid effect slot ID %u", effectslot);
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ default:
+ "Invalid effect slot float-vector property 0x%04x", param);
+ }
+AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alGetAuxiliaryEffectSloti(ALuint effectslot, ALenum param, ALint *value)
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(UNLIKELY(!context)) return;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ ALeffectslot *slot = LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), effectslot);
+ if(UNLIKELY(!slot))
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_NAME,, "Invalid effect slot ID %u", effectslot);
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ *value = slot->AuxSendAuto;
+ break;
+ *value = slot->Target ? slot->Target->id : 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ "Invalid effect slot integer property 0x%04x", param);
+ }
+AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv(ALuint effectslot, ALenum param, ALint *values)
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ alGetAuxiliaryEffectSloti(effectslot, param, values);
+ return;
+ }
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(UNLIKELY(!context)) return;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ ALeffectslot *slot = LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), effectslot);
+ if(UNLIKELY(!slot))
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_NAME,, "Invalid effect slot ID %u", effectslot);
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ default:
+ "Invalid effect slot integer-vector property 0x%04x", param);
+ }
+AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotf(ALuint effectslot, ALenum param, ALfloat *value)
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(UNLIKELY(!context)) return;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ ALeffectslot *slot = LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), effectslot);
+ if(UNLIKELY(!slot))
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_NAME,, "Invalid effect slot ID %u", effectslot);
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ *value = slot->Gain;
+ break;
+ default:
+ "Invalid effect slot float property 0x%04x", param);
+ }
+AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv(ALuint effectslot, ALenum param, ALfloat *values)
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotf(effectslot, param, values);
+ return;
+ }
+ ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
+ if(UNLIKELY(!context)) return;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ ALeffectslot *slot = LookupEffectSlot(context.get(), effectslot);
+ if(UNLIKELY(!slot))
+ SETERR_RETURN(context.get(), AL_INVALID_NAME,, "Invalid effect slot ID %u", effectslot);
+ switch(param)
+ {
+ default:
+ "Invalid effect slot float-vector property 0x%04x", param);
+ }
+ALenum InitializeEffect(ALCcontext *Context, ALeffectslot *EffectSlot, ALeffect *effect)
+ ALenum newtype{effect ? effect->type : AL_EFFECT_NULL};
+ if(newtype != EffectSlot->Effect.Type)
+ {
+ EffectStateFactory *factory{getFactoryByType(newtype)};
+ if(!factory)
+ {
+ ERR("Failed to find factory for effect type 0x%04x\n", newtype);
+ }
+ EffectState *State{factory->create()};
+ if(!State) return AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ FPUCtl mixer_mode{};
+ ALCdevice *Device{Context->Device};
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> statelock{Device->StateLock};
+ State->mOutTarget = Device->Dry.Buffer;
+ if(State->deviceUpdate(Device) == AL_FALSE)
+ {
+ statelock.unlock();
+ mixer_mode.leave();
+ State->DecRef();
+ return AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ }
+ mixer_mode.leave();
+ if(!effect)
+ {
+ EffectSlot->Effect.Type = AL_EFFECT_NULL;
+ EffectSlot->Effect.Props = EffectProps {};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EffectSlot->Effect.Type = effect->type;
+ EffectSlot->Effect.Props = effect->Props;
+ }
+ EffectSlot->Effect.State->DecRef();
+ EffectSlot->Effect.State = State;
+ }
+ else if(effect)
+ EffectSlot->Effect.Props = effect->Props;
+ /* Remove state references from old effect slot property updates. */
+ ALeffectslotProps *props{Context->FreeEffectslotProps.load()};
+ while(props)
+ {
+ if(props->State)
+ props->State->DecRef();
+ props->State = nullptr;
+ props = props->next.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ return AL_NO_ERROR;
+void EffectState::IncRef() noexcept
+ auto ref = IncrementRef(&mRef);
+ TRACEREF("EffectState %p increasing refcount to %u\n", this, ref);
+void EffectState::DecRef() noexcept
+ auto ref = DecrementRef(&mRef);
+ TRACEREF("EffectState %p decreasing refcount to %u\n", this, ref);
+ if(ref == 0) delete this;
+ALenum InitEffectSlot(ALeffectslot *slot)
+ EffectStateFactory *factory{getFactoryByType(slot->Effect.Type)};
+ if(!factory) return AL_INVALID_VALUE;
+ slot->Effect.State = factory->create();
+ if(!slot->Effect.State) return AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ slot->Effect.State->IncRef();
+ slot->Params.mEffectState = slot->Effect.State;
+ return AL_NO_ERROR;
+ if(Target)
+ DecrementRef(&Target->ref);
+ Target = nullptr;
+ ALeffectslotProps *props{Update.load()};
+ if(props)
+ {
+ if(props->State) props->State->DecRef();
+ TRACE("Freed unapplied AuxiliaryEffectSlot update %p\n", props);
+ al_free(props);
+ }
+ if(Effect.State)
+ Effect.State->DecRef();
+ if(Params.mEffectState)
+ Params.mEffectState->DecRef();
+void UpdateEffectSlotProps(ALeffectslot *slot, ALCcontext *context)
+ /* Get an unused property container, or allocate a new one as needed. */
+ ALeffectslotProps *props{context->FreeEffectslotProps.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)};
+ if(!props)
+ props = static_cast<ALeffectslotProps*>(al_calloc(16, sizeof(*props)));
+ else
+ {
+ ALeffectslotProps *next;
+ do {
+ next = props->next.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ } while(context->FreeEffectslotProps.compare_exchange_weak(props, next,
+ std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_acquire) == 0);
+ }
+ /* Copy in current property values. */
+ props->Gain = slot->Gain;
+ props->AuxSendAuto = slot->AuxSendAuto;
+ props->Target = slot->Target;
+ props->Type = slot->Effect.Type;
+ props->Props = slot->Effect.Props;
+ /* Swap out any stale effect state object there may be in the container, to
+ * delete it.
+ */
+ EffectState *oldstate{props->State};
+ slot->Effect.State->IncRef();
+ props->State = slot->Effect.State;
+ /* Set the new container for updating internal parameters. */
+ props = slot->Update.exchange(props, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
+ if(props)
+ {
+ /* If there was an unused update container, put it back in the
+ * freelist.
+ */
+ if(props->State)
+ props->State->DecRef();
+ props->State = nullptr;
+ AtomicReplaceHead(context->FreeEffectslotProps, props);
+ }
+ if(oldstate)
+ oldstate->DecRef();
+void UpdateAllEffectSlotProps(ALCcontext *context)
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->EffectSlotLock};
+ ALeffectslotArray *auxslots{context->ActiveAuxSlots.load(std::memory_order_acquire)};
+ for(ALeffectslot *slot : *auxslots)
+ {
+ if(!slot->PropsClean.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acq_rel))
+ UpdateEffectSlotProps(slot, context);
+ }
+ uint64_t usemask{~FreeMask};
+ while(usemask)
+ {
+ ALsizei idx{CTZ64(usemask)};
+ al::destroy_at(EffectSlots+idx);
+ usemask &= ~(1_u64 << idx);
+ }
+ FreeMask = ~usemask;
+ al_free(EffectSlots);
+ EffectSlots = nullptr;