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3 files changed, 53 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/alc/alc.cpp b/alc/alc.cpp
index c7a24e42..acc99e6e 100644
--- a/alc/alc.cpp
+++ b/alc/alc.cpp
@@ -2096,13 +2096,10 @@ static ALCenum UpdateDeviceParams(ALCdevice *device, const int *attrList)
if(GetConfigValueBool(device->DeviceName.c_str(), nullptr, "front-stablizer", 0))
auto stablizer = std::make_unique<FrontStablizer>();
- /* Initialize band-splitting filters for the front-left and front-
- * right channels, with a crossover at 5khz (could be higher).
+ /* Initialize band-splitting filter for the mid signal, with a
+ * crossover at 5khz (could be higher).
- const float scale{5000.0f / static_cast<float>(device->Frequency)};
- stablizer->LFilter.init(scale);
- stablizer->RFilter = stablizer->LFilter;
+ stablizer->MidFilter.init(5000.0f / static_cast<float>(device->Frequency));
device->Stablizer = std::move(stablizer);
/* NOTE: Don't know why this has to be "copied" into a local static
diff --git a/alc/alu.cpp b/alc/alu.cpp
index bf713eda..40fb12f0 100644
--- a/alc/alu.cpp
+++ b/alc/alu.cpp
@@ -1830,45 +1830,51 @@ void ApplyStablizer(FrontStablizer *Stablizer, const al::span<FloatBufferLine> B
- float (&lsplit)[2][BUFFERSIZE] = Stablizer->LSplit;
- float (&rsplit)[2][BUFFERSIZE] = Stablizer->RSplit;
- const al::span<float> tmpbuf{Stablizer->TempBuf, SamplesToDo+FrontStablizer::DelayLength};
+ al::span<float> tmpbuf{Stablizer->TempBuf, SamplesToDo+FrontStablizer::DelayLength};
- /* This applies the band-splitter, preserving phase at the cost of some
- * delay. The shorter the delay, the more error seeps into the result.
+ /* Use the right delay buf for the side signal delay. Combine the delayed
+ * signal with the incoming signal.
- auto apply_splitter = [tmpbuf,SamplesToDo](const FloatBufferLine &InBuf,
- const al::span<float,FrontStablizer::DelayLength> DelayBuf, BandSplitter &Filter,
- float (&splitbuf)[2][BUFFERSIZE]) -> void
- {
- /* Combine the input and delayed samples into a temp buffer in reverse,
- * then copy the final samples into the delay buffer for next time.
- * Note that the delay buffer's samples are stored backwards here.
- */
- auto tmp_iter = std::reverse_copy(InBuf.cbegin(), InBuf.cbegin()+SamplesToDo,
- tmpbuf.begin());
- std::copy(DelayBuf.cbegin(), DelayBuf.cend(), tmp_iter);
- std::copy_n(tmpbuf.cbegin(), DelayBuf.size(), DelayBuf.begin());
- /* Apply an all-pass on the reversed signal, then reverse the samples
- * to get the forward signal with a reversed phase shift.
- */
- Filter.applyAllpass(tmpbuf);
- std::reverse(tmpbuf.begin(), tmpbuf.end());
+ auto tmpiter = std::copy_n(std::begin(Stablizer->DelayBuf[ridx]), FrontStablizer::DelayLength,
+ tmpbuf.begin());
+ for(size_t i{0};i < SamplesToDo;++i,++tmpiter)
+ *tmpiter = Buffer[lidx][i] - Buffer[ridx][i];
+ /* Hold on to the beginning for later, and save the end for next time. */
+ std::copy_n(tmpbuf.begin(), SamplesToDo, std::begin(Stablizer->Side));
+ std::copy_n(tmpbuf.begin()+SamplesToDo, FrontStablizer::DelayLength,
+ std::begin(Stablizer->DelayBuf[ridx]));
+ /* Use the left delay buf for the mid signal delay. Combine the delayed
+ * signal with the incoming signal. Note that the samples are stored and
+ * combined in reverse, so the newest samples are at the front and the
+ * oldest at the back.
+ */
+ tmpiter = tmpbuf.begin() + SamplesToDo;
+ std::copy_n(std::cbegin(Stablizer->DelayBuf[lidx]), FrontStablizer::DelayLength, tmpiter);
+ for(size_t i{0};i < SamplesToDo;++i)
+ *--tmpiter = Buffer[lidx][i] + Buffer[ridx][i];
+ /* Save the newest samples for next time. */
+ std::copy_n(tmpbuf.cbegin(), FrontStablizer::DelayLength,
+ std::begin(Stablizer->DelayBuf[lidx]));
+ /* Apply an all-pass on the reversed signal, then reverse the samples to
+ * get the forward signal with a reversed phase shift. The future samples
+ * are included with the all-pass to reduce the error in the output
+ * samples (the smaller the delay, the more error is introduced).
+ */
+ Stablizer->MidFilter.applyAllpass(tmpbuf);
+ tmpbuf = tmpbuf.subspan<FrontStablizer::DelayLength>();
+ std::reverse(tmpbuf.begin(), tmpbuf.end());
- /* Now apply the band-splitter, combining its phase shift with the
- * reversed phase shift, restoring the original phase on the split
- * signal.
- */
- Filter.process(tmpbuf.first(SamplesToDo), splitbuf[1], splitbuf[0]);
- };
- apply_splitter(Buffer[lidx], Stablizer->DelayBuf[lidx], Stablizer->LFilter, lsplit);
- apply_splitter(Buffer[ridx], Stablizer->DelayBuf[ridx], Stablizer->RFilter, rsplit);
+ /* Now apply the band-splitter, combining its phase shift with the reversed
+ * phase shift, restoring the original phase on the split signal.
+ */
+ Stablizer->MidFilter.process(tmpbuf, Stablizer->MidHF, Stablizer->MidLF);
- /* This pans the separate low- and high-frequency sums between being on the
- * center channel and the left/right channels. The low-frequency sum is
- * 1/3rd toward center (2/3rds on left/right) and the high-frequency sum is
- * 1/4th toward center (3/4ths on left/right). These values can be tweaked.
+ /* This pans the separate low- and high-frequency signals between being on
+ * the center channel and the left+right channels. The low-frequency signal
+ * is panned 1/3rd toward center and the high-frequency signal is panned
+ * 1/4th toward center. These values can be tweaked.
const float cos_lf{std::cos(1.0f/3.0f * (al::MathDefs<float>::Pi()*0.5f))};
const float cos_hf{std::cos(1.0f/4.0f * (al::MathDefs<float>::Pi()*0.5f))};
@@ -1876,12 +1882,9 @@ void ApplyStablizer(FrontStablizer *Stablizer, const al::span<FloatBufferLine> B
const float sin_hf{std::sin(1.0f/4.0f * (al::MathDefs<float>::Pi()*0.5f))};
for(ALuint i{0};i < SamplesToDo;i++)
- float lfsum{lsplit[0][i] + rsplit[0][i]};
- float hfsum{lsplit[1][i] + rsplit[1][i]};
- float s{lsplit[0][i] + lsplit[1][i] - rsplit[0][i] - rsplit[1][i]};
- float m{lfsum*cos_lf + hfsum*cos_hf};
- float c{lfsum*sin_lf + hfsum*sin_hf};
+ const float m{Stablizer->MidLF[i]*cos_lf + Stablizer->MidHF[i]*cos_hf};
+ const float c{Stablizer->MidLF[i]*sin_lf + Stablizer->MidHF[i]*sin_hf};
+ const float s{Stablizer->Side[i]};
/* The generated center channel signal adds to the existing signal,
* while the modified left and right channels replace.
diff --git a/alc/front_stablizer.h b/alc/front_stablizer.h
index ad31508a..179a1953 100644
--- a/alc/front_stablizer.h
+++ b/alc/front_stablizer.h
@@ -10,14 +10,15 @@
struct FrontStablizer {
static constexpr size_t DelayLength{256u};
- alignas(16) float DelayBuf[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS][DelayLength];
- BandSplitter LFilter, RFilter;
- alignas(16) float LSplit[2][BUFFERSIZE];
- alignas(16) float RSplit[2][BUFFERSIZE];
+ BandSplitter MidFilter;
+ alignas(16) float MidLF[BUFFERSIZE];
+ alignas(16) float MidHF[BUFFERSIZE];
+ alignas(16) float Side[BUFFERSIZE];
alignas(16) float TempBuf[BUFFERSIZE + DelayLength];
+ alignas(16) float DelayBuf[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS][DelayLength];