path: root/docs
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authorChris Robinson <[email protected]>2016-04-23 14:54:37 -0700
committerChris Robinson <[email protected]>2016-04-23 14:54:37 -0700
commitbe7938ed385e18c7800c663672262bb2976aa734 (patch)
treedc1b5211e262afa278a93c7b79a7ba231dc9046c /docs
parent80c90087984dbd55447f0251937c6d53dbfc22e5 (diff)
Move some docs to the docs directory
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
3 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ambdec.txt b/docs/ambdec.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0afc5064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ambdec.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+AmbDec Configuration Files
+AmbDec configuration files were developed by Fons Adriaensen as part of the
+AmbDec program <http://kokkinizita.linuxaudio.org/linuxaudio/index.html>.
+Starting with OpenAL Soft 1.18, version 3 of the file format is supported as a
+means of specifying custom surround sound speaker layouts. These configuration
+files are also used to enable the high-quality ambisonic decoder.
+File Format
+As of this writing, there is no official documentation of the .ambdec file
+format. However, the format as OpenAL Soft sees it is as follows:
+The file is plain text. Comments start with a hash/pound character (#). There
+may be any amount of whitespace in between the option and parameter values.
+Strings are *not* enclosed in quotation marks.
+/description <desc:string>
+Specifies a text description of the configuration. Ignored by OpenAL Soft.
+/version <ver:int>
+Declares the format version used by the configuration file. OpenAL Soft
+currently only supports version 3.
+/dec/chan_mask <mask:hex>
+Specifies a hexadecimal mask value of ambisonic input channels used by this
+decoder. Counting up from the least significant bit, bit 0 maps to Ambisonic
+Channel Number (ACN) 0, bit 1 maps to ACN 1, etc. As an example, a value of 'b'
+enables bits 0, 1, and 3 (1011 in binary), which correspond to ACN 0, 1, and 3
+(first-order horizontal).
+/dec/freq_bands <count:int>
+Specifies the number of frequency bands used by the decoder. This must be 1 for
+single-band or 2 for dual-band.
+/dec/speakers <count:int>
+Specifies the number of output speakers to decode to.
+/dec/coeff_scale <type:string>
+Specifies the scaling used by the decoder coefficients. Currently recognized
+types are fuma, sn3d, and n3d, for Furse-Malham (FuMa), semi-normalized (SN3D),
+and fully normalized (N3D) scaling, respectively.
+/opt/input_scale <name:string>
+Specifies the scaling used by the ambisonic input data. As OpenAL Soft renders
+the data itself and knows the scaling, this is ignored.
+/opt/nfeff_comp <dir:string>
+Specifies whether near-field effect compensation is off (not applied at all),
+applied on input (faster, less accurate with varying speaker distances) or
+output (slower, more accurate with varying speaker distances). Ignored by
+OpenAL Soft.
+/opt/delay_comp <onoff:bool>
+Specifies whether delay compensation is applied for output. This is used to
+correct for time variations caused by different speaker distances. As OpenAL
+Soft has its own config option for this, this is ignored.
+/opt/level_comp <onoff:bool>
+Specifies whether gain compensation is applied for output. This is used to
+correct for volume variations caused by different speaker distances. As OpenAL
+Soft has its own config option for this, this is ignored.
+/opt/xover_freq <freq:float>
+Specifies the crossover frequency for dual-band decoders. Frequencies less than
+this are fed to the low-frequency matrix, and frequencies greater than this are
+fed to the high-freqyency matrix. Unused for single-band decoders.
+/opt/xover_ratio <decibels:float>
+Specifies the volume ratio between the frequency bands. Values greater than 0
+decrease the low-frequency output by half the specified value and increase the
+high-frequency output by half the specified value, while values less than 0
+increase the low-frequency output and decrease the high-frequency output to
+similar effect. Unused for single-band decoders.
+Begins the output speaker definitions. A speaker is defined using the add_spkr
+command, and there must be a matching number of speaker definitions as the
+specified speaker count. The definitions are ended with a "/}".
+add_spkr <id:string> <dist:float> <azi:float> <elev:float> <connection:string>
+Defines an output speaker. The ID is a string identifier for the output speaker
+(see Speaker IDs below). The distance is in meters from the center-point of the
+physical speaker array. The azimuth is the horizontal angle of the speaker, in
+degrees, where 0 is directly front and positive values go left. The elevation
+is the vertical angle of the speaker, in degrees, where 0 is directly front and
+positive goes upward. The connection string is the JACK port name the speaker
+should connect to. Currently, OpenAL Soft uses the ID and distance, and ignores
+the rest.
+Begins the low-frequency decoder matrix definition. The definition should
+include an order_gain command to specify the base gain for the ambisonic
+orders. Each matrix row is defined using the add_row command, and there must be
+a matching number of rows as the number of speakers. Additionally the row
+definitions are in the same order as the speaker definitions. The definitions
+are ended with a "/}". Only valid for dual-band decoders.
+Begins the high-frequency decoder matrix definition. The definition should
+include an order_gain command to specify the base gain for the ambisonic
+orders. Each matrix row is defined using the add_row command, and there must be
+a matching number of rows as the number of speakers, Additionally the row
+definitions are in the same order as the speaker definitions. The definitions
+are ended with a "/}". Only valid for dual-band decoders.
+Begins the decoder matrix definition. The definition should include an
+order_gain command to specify the base gain for the ambisonic orders. Each
+matrix row is defined using the add_row command, and there must be a matching
+number of rows as the number of speakers. Additionally the row definitions are
+in the same order as the speaker definitions. The definitions are ended with a
+"/}". Only valid for single-band decoders.
+order_gain <gain:float> <gain:float> <gain:float> <gain:float>
+Specifies the base gain for the zeroth-, first-, second-, and third-order
+coefficients in the given matrix, automatically scaling the related
+coefficients. This should be specified at the beginning of the matrix
+add_row <coefficient:float> ...
+Specifies a row of coefficients for the matrix. There should be one coefficient
+for each enabled bit in the channel mask, and corresponds to the matching ACN
+Marks the end of the configuration file.
+Speaker IDs
+The AmbDec program uses the speaker ID as a label to display in its config
+dialog, but does not otherwise use it for any particular purpose. However,
+since OpenAL Soft needs to match a speaker definition to an output channel, the
+speaker ID is used to identify what output channel it correspond to. Therefore,
+OpenAL Soft requires these channel labels to be recognized:
+LF = Front left
+RF = Front right
+LS = Side left
+RS = Side right
+LB = Back left
+RB = Back right
+CE = Front center
+CB = Back center
+Additionally, configuration files for surround51 will acknowledge back speakers
+for side channels, and surround51rear will acknowledge side speakers for back
+channels, to avoid issues with a configuration expecting 5.1 to use the side
+channels when the device is configured for back, or vice-versa.
+Furthermore, OpenAL Soft does not require a speaker definition for each output
+channel the configuration is used with. So for example a 5.1 configuration may
+omit a front center speaker definition, in which case the front center output
+channel will not contribute to the ambisonic decode (though OpenAL Soft will
+still use it in certain scenarios, such as the AL_EFFECT_DEDICATED_DIALOGUE
+Creating Configuration Files
+Configuration files can be created or modified by hand in a text editor. The
+AmbDec program also has a GUI for creating and editing them. However, these
+methods rely on you having the coefficients to fill in... they won't be
+generated for you.
+Another option is to use the Ambisonic Decoder Toolbox
+<https://bitbucket.org/ambidecodertoolbox/adt.git>. This is a collection of
+MATLAB and GNU Octave scripts that can generate AmbDec configuration files from
+an array of speaker definitions (labels and positions). If you're familiar with
+using MATLAB or GNU Octave, this may be a good option.
+There are plans for OpenAL Soft to include a utility to generate coefficients
+and make configuration files. However, calculating proper coefficients for
+anything other than regular or semi-regular speaker setups is somewhat of a
+black art, so may take some time.
diff --git a/docs/env-vars.txt b/docs/env-vars.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2268643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/env-vars.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Useful Environment Variables
+Below is a list of environment variables that can be set to aid with running or
+debugging apps that use OpenAL Soft. They should be set before the app is run.
+*** Logging ***
+Specifies the amount of logging OpenAL Soft will write out:
+0 - Effectively disables all logging
+1 - Prints out errors only
+2 - Prints out warnings and errors
+3 - Prints out additional information, as well as warnings and errors
+4 - Same as 3, but also device and context reference count changes. This will
+ print out *a lot* of info, and is generally not useful unless you're trying
+ to track a reference leak within the library.
+Specifies a filename that logged output will be written to. Note that the file
+will be first cleared when logging is initialized.
+*** Overrides ***
+Specifies an additional configuration file to load settings from. These
+settings will take precedence over the global and user configs, but not other
+environment variable settings.
+Overrides the drivers config option. This specifies which backend drivers to
+consider or not consider for use. Please see the drivers option in
+alsoftrc.sample for a list of available drivers.
+Specifies the default reverb preset to apply to sources. Please see the
+default-reverb option in alsoftrc.sample for additional information and a list
+of available presets.
+Set to "true" or "1" to force trapping AL errors. Like the trap-al-error config
+option, this will raise a SIGTRAP signal (or a breakpoint exception under
+Windows) when a context-level error is generated. Useful when run under a
+debugger as it will break execution right when the error occurs, making it
+easier to track the cause.
+Set to "true" or "1" to force trapping ALC errors. Like the trap-alc-error
+config option, this will raise a SIGTRAP signal (or a breakpoint exception
+under Windows) when a device-level error is generated. Useful when run under a
+debugger as it will break execution right when the error occurs, making it
+easier to track the cause.
+Set to "true" or "1" to force trapping both ALC and AL errors.
+*** Compatibility ***
+Older versions of OpenAL Soft incorrectly calculated the cone angles to range
+between 0 and 180 degrees, instead of the expected range of 0 to 360 degrees.
+Setting this to "true" or "1" restores the old buggy behavior, for apps that
+were written to expect the incorrect range.
+Applications that don't natively use OpenAL's coordinate system have to convert
+to it before passing in 3D coordinates. Depending on how exactly this is done,
+it can cause correct output for stereo but incorrect Z panning for surround
+sound (i.e., sounds that are supposed to be behind you sound like they're in
+front, and vice-versa). Setting this to "true" or "1" will negate the localized
+Z coordinate to attempt to fix output for apps that have incorrect front/back
+Due to the OpenAL spec not being very clear about them, behavior of the
+alcSuspendContext and alcProcessContext methods has varied, and because of
+that, previous versions of OpenAL Soft had them no-op. Creative's hardware
+drivers and the Rapture3D driver, however, use these methods to batch changes,
+which some applications make use of to protect against partial updates. In an
+attempt to standardize on that behavior, OpenAL Soft has changed those methods
+accordingly. Setting this to "ignore" restores the previous no-op behavior for
+applications that interact poorly with the new behavior.
diff --git a/docs/hrtf.txt b/docs/hrtf.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37a329d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/hrtf.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+HRTF Support
+Starting with OpenAL Soft 1.14, HRTFs can be used to enable enhanced
+spatialization for both 3D (mono) and multi-channel sources, when used with
+headphones/stereo output. This can be enabled using the 'hrtf' config option.
+For multi-channel sources this creates a virtual speaker effect, making it
+sound as if speakers provide a discrete position for each channel around the
+listener. For mono sources this provides much more versatility in the perceived
+placement of sounds, making it seem as though they are coming from all around,
+including above and below the listener, instead of just to the front, back, and
+The default data set is based on the KEMAR HRTF data provided by MIT, which can
+be found at <http://sound.media.mit.edu/resources/KEMAR.html>. It's only
+available when using 44100hz or 48000hz playback.
+Custom HRTF Data Sets
+OpenAL Soft also provides an option to use user-specified data sets, in
+addition to or in place of the default set. This allows users to provide their
+own data sets, which could be better suited for their heads, or to work with
+stereo speakers instead of headphones, or to support more playback sample
+rates, for example.
+The file format is specified below. It uses little-endian byte order.
+ALchar magic[8] = "MinPHR01";
+ALuint sampleRate;
+ALubyte hrirSize; /* Can be 8 to 128 in steps of 8. */
+ALubyte evCount; /* Can be 5 to 128. */
+ALubyte azCount[evCount]; /* Each can be 1 to 128. */
+/* NOTE: hrirCount is the sum of all azCounts */
+ALshort coefficients[hrirCount][hrirSize];
+ALubyte delays[hrirCount]; /* Each can be 0 to 63. */
+The data is described as thus:
+The file first starts with the 8-byte marker, "MinPHR01", to identify it as an
+HRTF data set. This is followed by an unsigned 32-bit integer, specifying the
+sample rate the data set is designed for (OpenAL Soft will not use it if the
+output device's playback rate doesn't match).
+Afterward, an unsigned 8-bit integer specifies how many sample points (or
+finite impulse response filter coefficients) make up each HRIR.
+The following unsigned 8-bit integer specifies the number of elevations used
+by the data set. The elevations start at the bottom (-90 degrees), and
+increment upwards. Following this is an array of unsigned 8-bit integers, one
+for each elevation which specifies the number of azimuths (and thus HRIRs) that
+make up each elevation. Azimuths start clockwise from the front, constructing
+a full circle for the left ear only. The right ear uses the same HRIRs but in
+reverse (ie, left = angle, right = 360-angle).
+The actual coefficients follow. Each coefficient is a signed 16-bit sample,
+with each HRIR being a consecutive number of sample points. The HRIRs must be
+minimum-phase. This allows the use of a smaller filter length, reducing
+computation. For reference, the built-in data set uses a 32-point filter while
+even the smallest data set provided by MIT used a 128-sample filter (a 4x
+reduction by applying minimum-phase reconstruction). Theoretically, one could
+further reduce the minimum-phase version down to a 16-point filter with only a
+small reduction in quality.
+After the coefficients is an array of unsigned 8-bit delay values, one for
+each HRIR. This is the propagation delay (in samples) a signal must wait before
+being convolved with the corresponding minimum-phase HRIR filter.