path: root/core/bsinc_tables.cpp
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authorChris Robinson <chris.kcat@gmail.com>2020-12-04 07:35:40 -0800
committerChris Robinson <chris.kcat@gmail.com>2020-12-04 11:15:50 -0800
commit84d47f7d4c2d1355a6eb914dd091b39683f83c15 (patch)
tree5e8266a74e7821d47e8d1bc0e14cd7570fef6bf5 /core/bsinc_tables.cpp
parent36c1589c11cb8f197576e748e06bc5fbb6dcc8bf (diff)
Move the bsinc tables to core
Diffstat (limited to 'core/bsinc_tables.cpp')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/bsinc_tables.cpp b/core/bsinc_tables.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..315e1448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/bsinc_tables.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#include "bsinc_tables.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+#include <memory>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include "math_defs.h"
+namespace {
+using uint = unsigned int;
+/* This is the normalized cardinal sine (sinc) function.
+ *
+ * sinc(x) = { 1, x = 0
+ * { sin(pi x) / (pi x), otherwise.
+ */
+constexpr double Sinc(const double x)
+ if(!(x > 1e-15 || x < -1e-15))
+ return 1.0;
+ return std::sin(al::MathDefs<double>::Pi()*x) / (al::MathDefs<double>::Pi()*x);
+/* The zero-order modified Bessel function of the first kind, used for the
+ * Kaiser window.
+ *
+ * I_0(x) = sum_{k=0}^inf (1 / k!)^2 (x / 2)^(2 k)
+ * = sum_{k=0}^inf ((x / 2)^k / k!)^2
+ */
+constexpr double BesselI_0(const double x)
+ /* Start at k=1 since k=0 is trivial. */
+ const double x2{x / 2.0};
+ double term{1.0};
+ double sum{1.0};
+ double last_sum{};
+ int k{1};
+ /* Let the integration converge until the term of the sum is no longer
+ * significant.
+ */
+ do {
+ const double y{x2 / k};
+ ++k;
+ last_sum = sum;
+ term *= y * y;
+ sum += term;
+ } while(sum != last_sum);
+ return sum;
+/* Calculate a Kaiser window from the given beta value and a normalized k
+ * [-1, 1].
+ *
+ * w(k) = { I_0(B sqrt(1 - k^2)) / I_0(B), -1 <= k <= 1
+ * { 0, elsewhere.
+ *
+ * Where k can be calculated as:
+ *
+ * k = i / l, where -l <= i <= l.
+ *
+ * or:
+ *
+ * k = 2 i / M - 1, where 0 <= i <= M.
+ */
+constexpr double Kaiser(const double beta, const double k, const double besseli_0_beta)
+ if(!(k >= -1.0 && k <= 1.0))
+ return 0.0;
+ return BesselI_0(beta * std::sqrt(1.0 - k*k)) / besseli_0_beta;
+/* Calculates the (normalized frequency) transition width of the Kaiser window.
+ * Rejection is in dB.
+ */
+constexpr double CalcKaiserWidth(const double rejection, const uint order)
+ if(rejection > 21.19)
+ return (rejection - 7.95) / (order * 2.285 * al::MathDefs<double>::Tau());
+ /* This enforces a minimum rejection of just above 21.18dB */
+ return 5.79 / (order * al::MathDefs<double>::Tau());
+/* Calculates the beta value of the Kaiser window. Rejection is in dB. */
+constexpr double CalcKaiserBeta(const double rejection)
+ if(rejection > 50.0)
+ return 0.1102 * (rejection-8.7);
+ else if(rejection >= 21.0)
+ return (0.5842 * std::pow(rejection-21.0, 0.4)) + (0.07886 * (rejection-21.0));
+ return 0.0;
+struct BSincHeader {
+ double width{};
+ double beta{};
+ double scaleBase{};
+ double scaleRange{};
+ double besseli_0_beta{};
+ uint a[BSincScaleCount]{};
+ uint total_size{};
+ constexpr BSincHeader(uint Rejection, uint Order) noexcept
+ {
+ width = CalcKaiserWidth(Rejection, Order);
+ beta = CalcKaiserBeta(Rejection);
+ scaleBase = width / 2.0;
+ scaleRange = 1.0 - scaleBase;
+ besseli_0_beta = BesselI_0(beta);
+ uint num_points{Order+1};
+ for(uint si{0};si < BSincScaleCount;++si)
+ {
+ const double scale{scaleBase + (scaleRange * si / (BSincScaleCount-1))};
+ const uint a_{std::min(static_cast<uint>(num_points / 2.0 / scale), num_points)};
+ const uint m{2 * a_};
+ a[si] = a_;
+ total_size += 4 * BSincPhaseCount * ((m+3) & ~3u);
+ }
+ }
+/* 11th and 23rd order filters (12 and 24-point respectively) with a 60dB drop
+ * at nyquist. Each filter will scale up the order when downsampling, to 23rd
+ * and 47th order respectively.
+ */
+constexpr BSincHeader bsinc12_hdr{60, 11};
+constexpr BSincHeader bsinc24_hdr{60, 23};
+/* NOTE: GCC 5 has an issue with BSincHeader objects being in an anonymous
+ * namespace while also being used as non-type template parameters.
+ */
+#if !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 6
+template<size_t total_size>
+struct BSincFilterArray {
+ alignas(16) std::array<float, total_size> mTable;
+ BSincFilterArray(const BSincHeader &hdr)
+template<const BSincHeader &hdr>
+struct BSincFilterArray {
+ alignas(16) std::array<float, hdr.total_size> mTable;
+ BSincFilterArray()
+ {
+ using filter_type = double[][BSincPhaseCount+1][BSincPointsMax];
+ auto filter = std::make_unique<filter_type>(BSincScaleCount);
+ /* Calculate the Kaiser-windowed Sinc filter coefficients for each
+ * scale and phase index.
+ */
+ for(uint si{0};si < BSincScaleCount;++si)
+ {
+ const uint m{hdr.a[si] * 2};
+ const size_t o{(BSincPointsMax-m) / 2};
+ const double scale{hdr.scaleBase + (hdr.scaleRange * si / (BSincScaleCount-1))};
+ const double cutoff{scale - (hdr.scaleBase * std::max(0.5, scale) * 2.0)};
+ const auto a = static_cast<double>(hdr.a[si]);
+ const double l{a - 1.0};
+ /* Do one extra phase index so that the phase delta has a proper
+ * target for its last index.
+ */
+ for(uint pi{0};pi <= BSincPhaseCount;++pi)
+ {
+ const double phase{l + (pi/double{BSincPhaseCount})};
+ for(uint i{0};i < m;++i)
+ {
+ const double x{i - phase};
+ filter[si][pi][o+i] = Kaiser(hdr.beta, x/a, hdr.besseli_0_beta) * cutoff *
+ Sinc(cutoff*x);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t idx{0};
+ for(size_t si{0};si < BSincScaleCount-1;++si)
+ {
+ const size_t m{((hdr.a[si]*2) + 3) & ~3u};
+ const size_t o{(BSincPointsMax-m) / 2};
+ for(size_t pi{0};pi < BSincPhaseCount;++pi)
+ {
+ /* Write out the filter. Also calculate and write out the phase
+ * and scale deltas.
+ */
+ for(size_t i{0};i < m;++i)
+ mTable[idx++] = static_cast<float>(filter[si][pi][o+i]);
+ /* Linear interpolation between phases is simplified by pre-
+ * calculating the delta (b - a) in: x = a + f (b - a)
+ */
+ for(size_t i{0};i < m;++i)
+ {
+ const double phDelta{filter[si][pi+1][o+i] - filter[si][pi][o+i]};
+ mTable[idx++] = static_cast<float>(phDelta);
+ }
+ /* Linear interpolation between scales is also simplified.
+ *
+ * Given a difference in points between scales, the destination
+ * points will be 0, thus: x = a + f (-a)
+ */
+ for(size_t i{0};i < m;++i)
+ {
+ const double scDelta{filter[si+1][pi][o+i] - filter[si][pi][o+i]};
+ mTable[idx++] = static_cast<float>(scDelta);
+ }
+ /* This last simplification is done to complete the bilinear
+ * equation for the combination of phase and scale.
+ */
+ for(size_t i{0};i < m;++i)
+ {
+ const double spDelta{(filter[si+1][pi+1][o+i] - filter[si+1][pi][o+i]) -
+ (filter[si][pi+1][o+i] - filter[si][pi][o+i])};
+ mTable[idx++] = static_cast<float>(spDelta);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ /* The last scale index doesn't have any scale or scale-phase
+ * deltas.
+ */
+ constexpr size_t si{BSincScaleCount-1};
+ const size_t m{((hdr.a[si]*2) + 3) & ~3u};
+ const size_t o{(BSincPointsMax-m) / 2};
+ for(size_t pi{0};pi < BSincPhaseCount;++pi)
+ {
+ for(size_t i{0};i < m;++i)
+ mTable[idx++] = static_cast<float>(filter[si][pi][o+i]);
+ for(size_t i{0};i < m;++i)
+ {
+ const double phDelta{filter[si][pi+1][o+i] - filter[si][pi][o+i]};
+ mTable[idx++] = static_cast<float>(phDelta);
+ }
+ for(size_t i{0};i < m;++i)
+ mTable[idx++] = 0.0f;
+ for(size_t i{0};i < m;++i)
+ mTable[idx++] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(idx == hdr.total_size);
+ }
+#if !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 6
+const BSincFilterArray<bsinc12_hdr.total_size> bsinc12_filter{bsinc12_hdr};
+const BSincFilterArray<bsinc24_hdr.total_size> bsinc24_filter{bsinc24_hdr};
+const BSincFilterArray<bsinc12_hdr> bsinc12_filter{};
+const BSincFilterArray<bsinc24_hdr> bsinc24_filter{};
+constexpr BSincTable GenerateBSincTable(const BSincHeader &hdr, const float *tab)
+ BSincTable ret{};
+ ret.scaleBase = static_cast<float>(hdr.scaleBase);
+ ret.scaleRange = static_cast<float>(1.0 / hdr.scaleRange);
+ for(size_t i{0};i < BSincScaleCount;++i)
+ ret.m[i] = ((hdr.a[i]*2) + 3) & ~3u;
+ ret.filterOffset[0] = 0;
+ for(size_t i{1};i < BSincScaleCount;++i)
+ ret.filterOffset[i] = ret.filterOffset[i-1] + ret.m[i-1]*4*BSincPhaseCount;
+ ret.Tab = tab;
+ return ret;
+} // namespace
+const BSincTable bsinc12{GenerateBSincTable(bsinc12_hdr, &bsinc12_filter.mTable.front())};
+const BSincTable bsinc24{GenerateBSincTable(bsinc24_hdr, &bsinc24_filter.mTable.front())};