path: root/alc/effects/modulator.cpp
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-11-28 12:51:46 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-11-28 12:51:46 +0100
commit1aaf4f070011490bcece50394b9b32dfa593fd9e (patch)
tree17d68284e401a35eea3d3a574d986d446a60763a /alc/effects/modulator.cpp
parent6e7cee4fa9a8af03f28ca26cd89f8357390dfc90 (diff)
parent571b546f35eead77ce109f8d4dd6c3de3199d573 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'alc/effects/modulator.cpp')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/alc/effects/modulator.cpp b/alc/effects/modulator.cpp
index 14ee5004..f99ba19c 100644
--- a/alc/effects/modulator.cpp
+++ b/alc/effects/modulator.cpp
@@ -45,43 +45,49 @@ namespace {
using uint = unsigned int;
+inline float Sin(uint index, float scale)
+{ return std::sin(static_cast<float>(index) * scale); }
+inline float Saw(uint index, float scale)
+{ return static_cast<float>(index)*scale - 1.0f; }
-inline float Sin(uint index)
- constexpr float scale{al::numbers::pi_v<float>*2.0f / WAVEFORM_FRACONE};
- return std::sin(static_cast<float>(index) * scale);
+inline float Square(uint index, float scale)
+{ return (static_cast<float>(index)*scale < 0.5f)*2.0f - 1.0f; }
-inline float Saw(uint index)
-{ return static_cast<float>(index)*(2.0f/WAVEFORM_FRACONE) - 1.0f; }
+inline float One(uint, float)
+{ return 1.0f; }
-inline float Square(uint index)
-{ return static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>((index>>(WAVEFORM_FRACBITS-2))&2) - 1); }
+struct ModulatorState final : public EffectState {
+ template<float (&func)(uint,float)>
+ void Modulate(size_t todo)
+ {
+ const uint range{mRange};
+ const float scale{mIndexScale};
+ uint index{mIndex};
-inline float One(uint) { return 1.0f; }
+ ASSUME(range > 1);
+ ASSUME(todo > 0);
-template<float (&func)(uint)>
-void Modulate(float *RESTRICT dst, uint index, const uint step, size_t todo)
- for(size_t i{0u};i < todo;i++)
- {
- index += step;
- dst[i] = func(index);
+ for(size_t i{0};i < todo;)
+ {
+ size_t rem{minz(todo-i, range-index)};
+ do {
+ mModSamples[i++] = func(index++, scale);
+ } while(--rem);
+ if(index == range)
+ index = 0;
+ }
+ mIndex = index;
-struct ModulatorState final : public EffectState {
- void (*mGetSamples)(float*RESTRICT, uint, const uint, size_t){};
+ void (ModulatorState::*mGenModSamples)(size_t){};
uint mIndex{0};
- uint mStep{1};
+ uint mRange{1};
+ float mIndexScale{0.0f};
+ alignas(16) FloatBufferLine mModSamples{};
+ alignas(16) FloatBufferLine mBuffer{};
struct {
uint mTargetChannel{InvalidChannelIndex};
@@ -102,6 +108,13 @@ struct ModulatorState final : public EffectState {
+void ModulatorState::Modulate<One>(size_t todo)
+ std::fill_n(mModSamples.begin(), todo, 1.0f);
+ mIndex = 0;
void ModulatorState::deviceUpdate(const DeviceBase*, const BufferStorage*)
for(auto &e : mChans)
@@ -117,17 +130,46 @@ void ModulatorState::update(const ContextBase *context, const EffectSlot *slot,
const DeviceBase *device{context->mDevice};
- const float step{props->Modulator.Frequency / static_cast<float>(device->Frequency)};
- mStep = fastf2u(clampf(step*WAVEFORM_FRACONE, 0.0f, float{WAVEFORM_FRACONE-1}));
- if(mStep == 0)
- mGetSamples = Modulate<One>;
+ /* The effective frequency will be adjusted to have a whole number of
+ * samples per cycle (at 48khz, that allows 8000, 6857.14, 6000, 5333.33,
+ * 4800, etc). We could do better by using fixed-point stepping over a sin
+ * function, with additive synthesis for the square and sawtooth waveforms,
+ * but that may need a more efficient sin function since it needs to do
+ * many iterations per sample.
+ */
+ const float samplesPerCycle{props->Modulator.Frequency > 0.0f
+ ? static_cast<float>(device->Frequency)/props->Modulator.Frequency + 0.5f
+ : 1.0f};
+ const uint range{static_cast<uint>(clampf(samplesPerCycle, 1.0f,
+ static_cast<float>(device->Frequency)))};
+ mIndex = static_cast<uint>(uint64_t{mIndex} * range / mRange);
+ mRange = range;
+ if(mRange == 1)
+ {
+ mIndexScale = 0.0f;
+ mGenModSamples = &ModulatorState::Modulate<One>;
+ }
else if(props->Modulator.Waveform == ModulatorWaveform::Sinusoid)
- mGetSamples = Modulate<Sin>;
+ {
+ mIndexScale = al::numbers::pi_v<float>*2.0f / static_cast<float>(mRange);
+ mGenModSamples = &ModulatorState::Modulate<Sin>;
+ }
else if(props->Modulator.Waveform == ModulatorWaveform::Sawtooth)
- mGetSamples = Modulate<Saw>;
+ {
+ mIndexScale = 2.0f / static_cast<float>(mRange-1);
+ mGenModSamples = &ModulatorState::Modulate<Saw>;
+ }
else /*if(props->Modulator.Waveform == ModulatorWaveform::Square)*/
- mGetSamples = Modulate<Square>;
+ {
+ /* For square wave, the range should be even (there should be an equal
+ * number of high and low samples). An odd number of samples per cycle
+ * would need a more complex value generator.
+ */
+ mRange = (mRange+1) & ~1u;
+ mIndexScale = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(mRange-1);
+ mGenModSamples = &ModulatorState::Modulate<Square>;
+ }
float f0norm{props->Modulator.HighPassCutoff / static_cast<float>(device->Frequency)};
f0norm = clampf(f0norm, 1.0f/512.0f, 0.49f);
@@ -147,34 +189,22 @@ void ModulatorState::update(const ContextBase *context, const EffectSlot *slot,
void ModulatorState::process(const size_t samplesToDo, const al::span<const FloatBufferLine> samplesIn, const al::span<FloatBufferLine> samplesOut)
- for(size_t base{0u};base < samplesToDo;)
- {
- alignas(16) float modsamples[MAX_UPDATE_SAMPLES];
- const size_t td{minz(MAX_UPDATE_SAMPLES, samplesToDo-base)};
- mGetSamples(modsamples, mIndex, mStep, td);
- mIndex += static_cast<uint>(mStep * td);
+ (this->*mGenModSamples)(samplesToDo);
- auto chandata = std::begin(mChans);
- for(const auto &input : samplesIn)
+ auto chandata = std::begin(mChans);
+ for(const auto &input : samplesIn)
+ {
+ const size_t outidx{chandata->mTargetChannel};
+ if(outidx != InvalidChannelIndex)
- const size_t outidx{chandata->mTargetChannel};
- if(outidx != InvalidChannelIndex)
- {
- alignas(16) float temps[MAX_UPDATE_SAMPLES];
- chandata->mFilter.process({&input[base], td}, temps);
- for(size_t i{0u};i < td;i++)
- temps[i] *= modsamples[i];
- MixSamples({temps, td}, samplesOut[outidx].data()+base, chandata->mCurrentGain,
- chandata->mTargetGain, samplesToDo-base);
- }
- ++chandata;
- }
+ chandata->mFilter.process({input.data(), samplesToDo}, mBuffer.data());
+ for(size_t i{0u};i < samplesToDo;++i)
+ mBuffer[i] *= mModSamples[i];
- base += td;
+ MixSamples({mBuffer.data(), samplesToDo}, samplesOut[outidx].data(),
+ chandata->mCurrentGain, chandata->mTargetGain, minz(samplesToDo, 64));
+ }
+ ++chandata;