path: root/alc/backends/wasapi.cpp
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authorChris Robinson <chris.kcat@gmail.com>2023-06-05 07:43:06 -0700
committerChris Robinson <chris.kcat@gmail.com>2023-06-05 07:43:06 -0700
commitde01990260223aaef5ca9b66051e58d17133e3b1 (patch)
tree41fa1bfd4468135f958c5105b476417df7a8c23f /alc/backends/wasapi.cpp
parent589602c931790dde97b189c809cb1051f9cc25b8 (diff)
Handle device added/removed events with WASAPI
Non-UWP only for now. The device list is managed dynamically now so it doesn't need to be probed for each enumeration query.
Diffstat (limited to 'alc/backends/wasapi.cpp')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/alc/backends/wasapi.cpp b/alc/backends/wasapi.cpp
index a294105b..c0c33ffa 100644
--- a/alc/backends/wasapi.cpp
+++ b/alc/backends/wasapi.cpp
@@ -188,7 +188,10 @@ struct DevMap {
, endpoint_guid{std::forward<T1>(guid_)}
, devid{std::forward<T2>(devid_)}
{ }
+ /* To prevent GCC from complaining it doesn't want to inline this. */
+ ~DevMap();
+DevMap::~DevMap() = default;
bool checkName(const al::span<DevMap> list, const std::string &name)
@@ -205,22 +208,28 @@ private:
std::mutex mMutex;
std::vector<DevMap> mPlayback;
std::vector<DevMap> mCapture;
+ std::wstring mPlaybackDefaultId;
+ std::wstring mCaptureDefaultId;
friend struct DeviceListLock;
struct DeviceListLock : public std::unique_lock<DeviceList> {
using std::unique_lock<DeviceList>::unique_lock;
- auto& getPlaybackList() noexcept(noexcept(mutex())) { return mutex()->mPlayback; }
- auto& getCaptureList() noexcept(noexcept(mutex())) { return mutex()->mCapture; }
+ auto& getPlaybackList() const noexcept { return mutex()->mPlayback; }
+ auto& getCaptureList() const noexcept { return mutex()->mCapture; }
+ void setPlaybackDefaultId(std::wstring_view devid) const { mutex()->mPlaybackDefaultId = devid; }
+ std::wstring_view getPlaybackDefaultId() const noexcept { return mutex()->mPlaybackDefaultId; }
+ void setCaptureDefaultId(std::wstring_view devid) const { mutex()->mCaptureDefaultId = devid; }
+ std::wstring_view getCaptureDefaultId() const noexcept { return mutex()->mCaptureDefaultId; }
DeviceList gDeviceList;
#if defined(ALSOFT_UWP)
-enum EDataFlow
+enum EDataFlow {
eRender = 0,
eCapture = (eRender + 1),
eAll = (eCapture + 1),
@@ -229,8 +238,7 @@ enum EDataFlow
#if defined(ALSOFT_UWP)
-struct DeviceHandle
+struct DeviceHandle {
DeviceHandle& operator=(std::nullptr_t)
value = nullptr;
@@ -252,6 +260,9 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
#if defined(ALSOFT_UWP)
+ /* TODO: UWP also needs to watch for device added/removed events and
+ * dynamically add/remove devices from the lists.
+ */
mActiveClientEvent = CreateEventW(nullptr, FALSE, FALSE, nullptr);
mRenderDeviceChangedToken = MediaDevice::DefaultAudioRenderDeviceChanged +=
@@ -373,8 +384,16 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
/** ----------------------- IMMNotificationClient ------------ */
STDMETHODIMP OnDeviceStateChanged(LPCWSTR /*pwstrDeviceId*/, DWORD /*dwNewState*/) noexcept override { return S_OK; }
- STDMETHODIMP OnDeviceAdded(LPCWSTR /*pwstrDeviceId*/) noexcept override { return S_OK; }
- STDMETHODIMP OnDeviceRemoved(LPCWSTR /*pwstrDeviceId*/) noexcept override { return S_OK; }
+ STDMETHODIMP OnDeviceAdded(LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId) noexcept override
+ {
+ add_device(pwstrDeviceId);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ STDMETHODIMP OnDeviceRemoved(LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId) noexcept override
+ {
+ remove_device(pwstrDeviceId);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
STDMETHODIMP OnPropertyValueChanged(LPCWSTR /*pwstrDeviceId*/, const PROPERTYKEY /*key*/) noexcept override { return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP OnDefaultDeviceChanged(EDataFlow flow, ERole role, LPCWSTR pwstrDefaultDeviceId) noexcept override
@@ -383,12 +402,14 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
if(flow == eRender)
+ DeviceListLock{gDeviceList}.setPlaybackDefaultId(pwstrDefaultDeviceId);
const std::string msg{"Default playback device changed: "+
alc::Event(alc::EventType::DefaultDeviceChanged, alc::DeviceType::Playback, msg);
else if(flow == eCapture)
+ DeviceListLock{gDeviceList}.setCaptureDefaultId(pwstrDefaultDeviceId);
const std::string msg{"Default capture device changed: "+
alc::Event(alc::EventType::DefaultDeviceChanged, alc::DeviceType::Capture, msg);
@@ -469,8 +490,9 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
- HRESULT probe_devices(EDataFlow flowdir, std::vector<DevMap>& list)
+ std::wstring probe_devices(EDataFlow flowdir, std::vector<DevMap>& list)
+ std::wstring defaultId;
#if !defined(ALSOFT_UWP)
@@ -480,7 +502,7 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
ERR("Failed to enumerate audio endpoints: 0x%08lx\n", hr);
- return hr;
+ return defaultId;
UINT count{0};
@@ -494,7 +516,7 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
if(WCHAR *devid{get_device_id(device.get())})
- add_device(device, devid, list);
+ defaultId = devid;
device = nullptr;
@@ -514,19 +536,19 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
device = nullptr;
- return S_OK;
+ return defaultId;
const auto deviceRole = Windows::Media::Devices::AudioDeviceRole::Default;
auto DefaultAudioId = flowdir == eRender ? MediaDevice::GetDefaultAudioRenderId(deviceRole)
: MediaDevice::GetDefaultAudioCaptureId(deviceRole);
Concurrency::task<DeviceInformation ^> createDefaultOp(DeviceInformation::CreateFromIdAsync(DefaultAudioId, nullptr, DeviceInformationKind::DeviceInterface));
- auto task_status = createDefaultOp
- .then([this, &list](DeviceInformation ^ deviceInfo) {
- if (deviceInfo)
- add_device(DeviceHandle{deviceInfo}, deviceInfo->Id->Data(), list);
+ auto task_status = createDefaultOp.then([&defaultId](DeviceInformation ^ deviceInfo)
+ {
+ if(deviceInfo)
+ defaultId = deviceInfo->Id->Data();
- if (task_status != Concurrency::task_group_status::completed)
- return E_FAIL;
+ if(task_status != Concurrency::task_group_status::completed)
+ return;
// Get the string identifier of the audio renderer
auto AudioSelector = flowdir == eRender ? MediaDevice::GetAudioRenderSelector() : MediaDevice::GetAudioCaptureSelector();
@@ -534,32 +556,28 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
// Setup the asynchronous callback
Concurrency::task<DeviceInformationCollection ^> enumOperation(
DeviceInformation::FindAllAsync(AudioSelector, /*PropertyList*/nullptr, DeviceInformationKind::DeviceInterface));
- task_status = enumOperation
- .then([this, &list](DeviceInformationCollection ^ DeviceInfoCollection) {
- if (DeviceInfoCollection)
+ task_status = enumOperation.then([this,&list](DeviceInformationCollection ^ DeviceInfoCollection)
+ {
+ if(DeviceInfoCollection)
- try
- {
+ try {
auto deviceCount = DeviceInfoCollection->Size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deviceCount; ++i)
+ for(unsigned int i{0};i < deviceCount;++i)
DeviceInformation ^ deviceInfo = DeviceInfoCollection->GetAt(i);
- if (deviceInfo)
+ if(deviceInfo)
add_device(DeviceHandle{deviceInfo}, deviceInfo->Id->Data(), list);
- catch (Platform::Exception ^ e)
- {
+ catch (Platform::Exception ^ e) {
- return task_status == Concurrency::task_group_status::completed ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
using NameGUIDPair = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
- static NameGUIDPair get_device_name_and_guid(const DeviceHandle& device)
+ static NameGUIDPair get_device_name_and_guid(const DeviceHandle &device)
#if !defined(ALSOFT_UWP)
static constexpr char UnknownName[]{"Unknown Device Name"};
@@ -568,7 +586,7 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
ComPtr<IPropertyStore> ps;
HRESULT hr = device->OpenPropertyStore(STGM_READ, al::out_ptr(ps));
- if (FAILED(hr))
+ if(FAILED(hr))
WARN("OpenPropertyStore failed: 0x%08lx\n", hr);
return std::make_pair(UnknownName, UnknownGuid);
@@ -576,31 +594,31 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
PropVariant pvprop;
hr = ps->GetValue(al::bit_cast<PROPERTYKEY>(DEVPKEY_Device_FriendlyName), pvprop.get());
- if (FAILED(hr))
+ if(FAILED(hr))
WARN("GetValue Device_FriendlyName failed: 0x%08lx\n", hr);
- name += UnknownName;
+ name = UnknownName;
- else if (pvprop->vt == VT_LPWSTR)
- name += wstr_to_utf8(pvprop->pwszVal);
+ else if(pvprop->vt == VT_LPWSTR)
+ name = wstr_to_utf8(pvprop->pwszVal);
- WARN("Unexpected PROPVARIANT type: 0x%04x\n", pvprop->vt);
- name += UnknownName;
+ WARN("Unexpected Device_FriendlyName PROPVARIANT type: 0x%04x\n", pvprop->vt);
+ name = UnknownName;
hr = ps->GetValue(al::bit_cast<PROPERTYKEY>(PKEY_AudioEndpoint_GUID), pvprop.get());
- if (FAILED(hr))
+ if(FAILED(hr))
WARN("GetValue AudioEndpoint_GUID failed: 0x%08lx\n", hr);
guid = UnknownGuid;
- else if (pvprop->vt == VT_LPWSTR)
+ else if(pvprop->vt == VT_LPWSTR)
guid = wstr_to_utf8(pvprop->pwszVal);
- WARN("Unexpected PROPVARIANT type: 0x%04x\n", pvprop->vt);
+ WARN("Unexpected AudioEndpoint_GUID PROPVARIANT type: 0x%04x\n", pvprop->vt);
guid = UnknownGuid;
@@ -611,11 +629,11 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
Platform::String ^ devIfPath = devInfo->Id;
auto wcsDevIfPath = devIfPath->Data();
auto devIdStart = wcsstr(wcsDevIfPath, L"}.");
- if (devIdStart)
+ if(devIdStart)
devIdStart += 2; // L"}."
auto devIdStartEnd = wcschr(devIdStart, L'#');
- if (devIdStartEnd)
+ if(devIdStartEnd)
std::wstring wDevId{devIdStart, static_cast<size_t>(devIdStartEnd - devIdStart)};
guid = wstr_to_utf8(wDevId.c_str());
@@ -626,18 +644,18 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
return std::make_pair(std::move(name), std::move(guid));
- static void add_device(const DeviceHandle& device, const WCHAR* devid, std::vector<DevMap>& list)
+ static void add_device(const DeviceHandle &device, const WCHAR *devid, std::vector<DevMap> &list)
- for (auto& entry : list)
+ for(auto &entry : list)
- if (entry.devid == devid)
+ if(entry.devid == devid)
auto name_guid = get_device_name_and_guid(device);
int count{1};
std::string newname{name_guid.first};
- while (checkName(list, newname))
+ while(checkName(list, newname))
newname = name_guid.first;
newname += " #";
@@ -651,6 +669,83 @@ struct DeviceHelper final : private IMMNotificationClient
#if !defined(ALSOFT_UWP)
+ void add_device(std::wstring_view devid)
+ {
+ ComPtr<IMMDevice> device;
+ HRESULT hr{mEnumerator->GetDevice(devid.data(), al::out_ptr(device))};
+ if(FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ ERR("Failed to get device: 0x%08lx\n", hr);
+ return;
+ }
+ ComPtr<IMMEndpoint> endpoint;
+ hr = device->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IMMEndpoint), al::out_ptr(endpoint));
+ if(FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ ERR("Failed to get device endpoint: 0x%08lx\n", hr);
+ return;
+ }
+ EDataFlow flowdir{};
+ hr = endpoint->GetDataFlow(&flowdir);
+ if(FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ ERR("Failed to get endpoint data flow: 0x%08lx\n", hr);
+ return;
+ }
+ auto devlock = DeviceListLock{gDeviceList};
+ auto &list = (flowdir==eRender) ? devlock.getPlaybackList() : devlock.getCaptureList();
+ auto devtype = (flowdir==eRender) ? alc::DeviceType::Playback:alc::DeviceType::Capture;
+ /* Ensure the ID doesn't already exist. */
+ auto iter = std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(),
+ [devid](const DevMap &entry) noexcept { return devid == entry.devid; });
+ if(iter != list.end()) return;
+ auto name_guid = get_device_name_and_guid(device);
+ int count{1};
+ std::string newname{name_guid.first};
+ while(checkName(list, newname))
+ {
+ newname = name_guid.first;
+ newname += " #";
+ newname += std::to_string(++count);
+ }
+ list.emplace_back(std::move(newname), std::move(name_guid.second), devid);
+ const DevMap &newentry = list.back();
+ TRACE("Added device \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%ls\"\n", newentry.name.c_str(),
+ newentry.endpoint_guid.c_str(), newentry.devid.c_str());
+ std::string msg{"Device added: "+newentry.name};
+ alc::Event(alc::EventType::DeviceAdded, devtype, msg);
+ }
+ void remove_device(std::wstring_view devid)
+ {
+ auto devlock = DeviceListLock{gDeviceList};
+ for(auto flowdir : std::array{eRender, eCapture})
+ {
+ auto &list = (flowdir==eRender) ? devlock.getPlaybackList() : devlock.getCaptureList();
+ auto devtype = (flowdir==eRender)?alc::DeviceType::Playback : alc::DeviceType::Capture;
+ /* Find the ID in the list to remove. */
+ auto iter = std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(),
+ [devid](const DevMap &entry) noexcept { return devid == entry.devid; });
+ if(iter == list.end()) continue;
+ TRACE("Removing device \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%ls\"\n", iter->name.c_str(),
+ iter->endpoint_guid.c_str(), iter->devid.c_str());
+ std::string msg{"Device removed: "+std::move(iter->name)};
+ list.erase(iter);
+ alc::Event(alc::EventType::DeviceRemoved, devtype, msg);
+ }
+ }
static WCHAR *get_device_id(IMMDevice* device)
WCHAR *devid;
@@ -784,21 +879,17 @@ enum class MsgType {
- EnumeratePlayback,
- EnumerateCapture,
QuitThread = Count
-constexpr char MessageStr[static_cast<size_t>(MsgType::Count)][20]{
+constexpr char MessageStr[static_cast<size_t>(MsgType::Count)][16]{
"Open Device",
"Reset Device",
"Start Device",
"Stop Device",
"Close Device",
- "Enumerate Playback",
- "Enumerate Capture"
@@ -885,6 +976,14 @@ int WasapiProxy::messageHandler(std::promise<HRESULT> *promise)
goto skip_loop;
+ {
+ auto devlock = DeviceListLock{gDeviceList};
+ auto defaultId = sDeviceHelper->probe_devices(eRender, devlock.getPlaybackList());
+ if(!defaultId.empty()) devlock.setPlaybackDefaultId(defaultId);
+ defaultId = sDeviceHelper->probe_devices(eCapture, devlock.getCaptureList());
+ if(!defaultId.empty()) devlock.setCaptureDefaultId(defaultId);
+ }
TRACE("Starting message loop\n");
while(Msg msg{popMessage()})
@@ -919,18 +1018,6 @@ int WasapiProxy::messageHandler(std::promise<HRESULT> *promise)
- case MsgType::EnumeratePlayback:
- case MsgType::EnumerateCapture:
- if(msg.mType == MsgType::EnumeratePlayback)
- msg.mPromise.set_value(sDeviceHelper->probe_devices(eRender,
- DeviceListLock{gDeviceList}.getPlaybackList()));
- else if(msg.mType == MsgType::EnumerateCapture)
- msg.mPromise.set_value(sDeviceHelper->probe_devices(eCapture,
- DeviceListLock{gDeviceList}.getCaptureList()));
- else
- msg.mPromise.set_value(E_FAIL);
- continue;
case MsgType::QuitThread:
@@ -1103,16 +1190,11 @@ void WasapiPlayback::open(const char *name)
"Failed to create notify events"};
- if(name)
+ if(name && std::strncmp(name, DevNameHead, DevNameHeadLen) == 0)
- if(DeviceListLock{gDeviceList}.getPlaybackList().empty())
- pushMessage(MsgType::EnumeratePlayback);
- if(std::strncmp(name, DevNameHead, DevNameHeadLen) == 0)
- {
- name += DevNameHeadLen;
- if(*name == '\0')
- name = nullptr;
- }
+ name += DevNameHeadLen;
+ if(*name == '\0')
+ name = nullptr;
mOpenStatus = pushMessage(MsgType::OpenDevice, name).get();
@@ -1748,16 +1830,11 @@ void WasapiCapture::open(const char *name)
"Failed to create notify events"};
- if(name)
+ if(name && std::strncmp(name, DevNameHead, DevNameHeadLen) == 0)
- if(DeviceListLock{gDeviceList}.getCaptureList().empty())
- pushMessage(MsgType::EnumerateCapture);
- if(std::strncmp(name, DevNameHead, DevNameHeadLen) == 0)
- {
- name += DevNameHeadLen;
- if(*name == '\0')
- name = nullptr;
- }
+ name += DevNameHeadLen;
+ if(*name == '\0')
+ name = nullptr;
mOpenStatus = pushMessage(MsgType::OpenDevice, name).get();
@@ -2198,28 +2275,42 @@ std::string WasapiBackendFactory::probe(BackendType type)
std::string outnames;
+ auto devlock = DeviceListLock{gDeviceList};
case BackendType::Playback:
- WasapiProxy::pushMessageStatic(MsgType::EnumeratePlayback).wait();
- auto devlock = DeviceListLock{gDeviceList};
+ auto defaultId = devlock.getPlaybackDefaultId();
for(const DevMap &entry : devlock.getPlaybackList())
- /* +1 to also append the null char (to ensure a null-separated
- * list and double-null terminated list).
- */
- outnames.append(DevNameHead).append(entry.name.c_str(), entry.name.length()+1);
+ if(entry.devid != defaultId)
+ {
+ /* +1 to also append the null char (to ensure a null-
+ * separated list and double-null terminated list).
+ */
+ outnames.append(DevNameHead).append(entry.name.c_str(), entry.name.length()+1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Default device goes first. */
+ std::string name{DevNameHead + entry.name};
+ outnames.insert(0, name.c_str(), name.length()+1);
case BackendType::Capture:
- WasapiProxy::pushMessageStatic(MsgType::EnumerateCapture).wait();
- auto devlock = DeviceListLock{gDeviceList};
+ auto defaultId = devlock.getCaptureDefaultId();
for(const DevMap &entry : devlock.getCaptureList())
- outnames.append(DevNameHead).append(entry.name.c_str(), entry.name.length()+1);
+ {
+ if(entry.devid != defaultId)
+ {
+ outnames.append(DevNameHead).append(entry.name.c_str(), entry.name.length()+1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::string name{DevNameHead + entry.name};
+ outnames.insert(0, name.c_str(), name.length()+1);
+ }