path: root/al
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authorChris Robinson <[email protected]>2020-02-26 03:46:15 -0800
committerChris Robinson <[email protected]>2020-02-26 03:52:40 -0800
commit4555b74bd75614418032bd46836b0335229d48d4 (patch)
tree4710e7fc95c3c98590ce41e44e317795900e5fb3 /al
parent872096958bbe358c3b1d0e9de490d40b9c3ea95f (diff)
Use a VoiceChange object to change the offset of a playing source
Diffstat (limited to 'al')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/al/source.cpp b/al/source.cpp
index 3c1758d1..8085b429 100644
--- a/al/source.cpp
+++ b/al/source.cpp
@@ -554,35 +554,6 @@ void InitVoice(ALvoice *voice, ALsource *source, ALbufferlistitem *BufferList, A
- * Returns if the last known state for the source was playing or paused. Does
- * not sync with the mixer voice.
- */
-inline bool IsPlayingOrPaused(ALsource *source)
-{ return source->state == AL_PLAYING || source->state == AL_PAUSED; }
- * Returns an updated source state using the matching voice's status (or lack
- * thereof).
- */
-inline ALenum GetSourceState(ALsource *source, ALvoice *voice)
- if(!voice && source->state == AL_PLAYING)
- source->state = AL_STOPPED;
- return source->state;
- * Returns if the source should specify an update, given the context's
- * deferring state and the source's last known state.
- */
-inline bool SourceShouldUpdate(ALsource *source, ALCcontext *context)
- return !context->mDeferUpdates.load(std::memory_order_acquire) &&
- IsPlayingOrPaused(source);
VoiceChange *GetVoiceChanger(ALCcontext *ctx)
VoiceChange *vchg{ctx->mVoiceChangeTail};
@@ -625,6 +596,128 @@ void SendVoiceChanges(ALCcontext *ctx, VoiceChange *tail)
+bool SetVoiceOffset(ALvoice *oldvoice, const VoicePos &vpos, ALsource *source, ALCcontext *context,
+ ALCdevice *device)
+ /* First, get a free voice to start at the new offset. */
+ auto voicelist = context->getVoicesSpan();
+ bool free_voices{false};
+ for(const ALvoice *voice : voicelist)
+ {
+ free_voices |= (voice->mPlayState.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == ALvoice::Stopped
+ && voice->mSourceID.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0u
+ && voice->mPendingChange.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == false);
+ if(free_voices) break;
+ }
+ if UNLIKELY(!free_voices)
+ {
+ auto &allvoices = *context->mVoices.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if(allvoices.size() == voicelist.size())
+ context->allocVoices(1);
+ context->mActiveVoiceCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_release);
+ voicelist = context->getVoicesSpan();
+ }
+ ALvoice *newvoice{};
+ ALuint vidx{0};
+ for(ALvoice *voice : voicelist)
+ {
+ if(voice->mPlayState.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == ALvoice::Stopped
+ && voice->mSourceID.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0u
+ && voice->mPendingChange.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == false)
+ {
+ newvoice = voice;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++vidx;
+ }
+ /* Initialize the new voice and set its starting offset.
+ * TODO: It might be better to have the VoiceChange processing copy the old
+ * voice's mixing parameters (and pending update) insead of initializing it
+ * all here. This would just need to set the minimum properties to link the
+ * voice to the source and its position-dependent properties (including the
+ * fading flag).
+ */
+ InitVoice(newvoice, source, source->queue, context, device);
+ if(vpos.pos > 0 || vpos.frac > 0 || vpos.bufferitem != source->queue)
+ newvoice->mFlags |= VOICE_IS_FADING;
+ newvoice->mPosition.store(vpos.pos, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ newvoice->mPositionFrac.store(vpos.frac, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ newvoice->mCurrentBuffer.store(vpos.bufferitem, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ source->VoiceIdx = vidx;
+ /* Set the old and new voices as having a pending change, and send them off
+ * with a new offset voice change.
+ */
+ oldvoice->mPendingChange.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ newvoice->mPendingChange.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ VoiceChange *vchg{GetVoiceChanger(context)};
+ vchg->mOldVoice = oldvoice;
+ vchg->mVoice = newvoice;
+ vchg->mSourceID = source->id;
+ vchg->mState = AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET;
+ SendVoiceChanges(context, vchg);
+ /* If the old voice still has a sourceID, it's still active and the change-
+ * over will work on the next update.
+ */
+ if LIKELY(oldvoice->mSourceID.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != 0u)
+ return true;
+ /* Otherwise, if the new voice's pending change cleared, the change-over
+ * already happened.
+ */
+ if(!newvoice->mPendingChange.load(std::memory_order_acquire))
+ return true;
+ /* Otherwise, wait for any current mix to finish and check one last time. */
+ ALuint refcount;
+ while((refcount=device->MixCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire))&1)
+ std::this_thread::yield();
+ if(!newvoice->mPendingChange.exchange(false, std::memory_order_acq_rel))
+ return true;
+ /* The change-over failed because the old voice stopped before the new
+ * voice could start at the new offset. Let go of the new voice and have
+ * the caller store the source offset since it's stopped.
+ */
+ newvoice->mCurrentBuffer.store(nullptr, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ newvoice->mLoopBuffer.store(nullptr, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ newvoice->mSourceID.store(0u, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ return false;
+ * Returns if the last known state for the source was playing or paused. Does
+ * not sync with the mixer voice.
+ */
+inline bool IsPlayingOrPaused(ALsource *source)
+{ return source->state == AL_PLAYING || source->state == AL_PAUSED; }
+ * Returns an updated source state using the matching voice's status (or lack
+ * thereof).
+ */
+inline ALenum GetSourceState(ALsource *source, ALvoice *voice)
+ if(!voice && source->state == AL_PLAYING)
+ source->state = AL_STOPPED;
+ return source->state;
+ * Returns if the source should specify an update, given the context's
+ * deferring state and the source's last known state.
+ */
+inline bool SourceShouldUpdate(ALsource *source, ALCcontext *context)
+ return !context->mDeferUpdates.load(std::memory_order_acquire) &&
+ IsPlayingOrPaused(source);
bool EnsureSources(ALCcontext *context, size_t needed)
size_t count{std::accumulate(context->mSourceList.cbegin(), context->mSourceList.cend(),
@@ -1091,26 +1184,16 @@ bool SetSourcefv(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, const a
CHECKSIZE(values, 1);
CHECKVAL(values[0] >= 0.0f);
- if(IsPlayingOrPaused(Source))
+ if(ALvoice *voice{GetSourceVoice(Source, Context)})
- ALCdevice *device{Context->mDevice.get()};
- std::lock_guard<BackendBase> _{*device->Backend};
- /* Double-check that the source is still playing while we have the
- * lock.
- */
- if(ALvoice *voice{GetSourceVoice(Source, Context)})
- {
- if((voice->mFlags&VOICE_IS_CALLBACK))
- "Source offset for callback is invalid");
- auto vpos = GetSampleOffset(Source->queue, prop, values[0]);
- if(!vpos) SETERR_RETURN(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, false, "Invalid offset");
- voice->mPosition.store(vpos->pos, std::memory_order_relaxed);
- voice->mPositionFrac.store(vpos->frac, std::memory_order_relaxed);
- voice->mCurrentBuffer.store(vpos->bufferitem, std::memory_order_release);
+ if((voice->mFlags&VOICE_IS_CALLBACK))
+ "Source offset for callback is invalid");
+ auto vpos = GetSampleOffset(Source->queue, prop, values[0]);
+ if(!vpos) SETERR_RETURN(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, false, "Invalid offset");
+ if(SetVoiceOffset(voice, *vpos, Source, Context, Context->mDevice.get()))
return true;
- }
Source->OffsetType = prop;
Source->Offset = values[0];
@@ -1319,22 +1402,16 @@ bool SetSourceiv(ALsource *Source, ALCcontext *Context, SourceProp prop, const a
CHECKSIZE(values, 1);
CHECKVAL(values[0] >= 0);
- if(IsPlayingOrPaused(Source))
+ if(ALvoice *voice{GetSourceVoice(Source, Context)})
- std::lock_guard<BackendBase> _{*device->Backend};
- if(ALvoice *voice{GetSourceVoice(Source, Context)})
- {
- if((voice->mFlags&VOICE_IS_CALLBACK))
- "Source offset for callback is invalid");
- auto vpos = GetSampleOffset(Source->queue, prop, values[0]);
- if(!vpos) SETERR_RETURN(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, false, "Invalid source offset");
- voice->mPosition.store(vpos->pos, std::memory_order_relaxed);
- voice->mPositionFrac.store(vpos->frac, std::memory_order_relaxed);
- voice->mCurrentBuffer.store(vpos->bufferitem, std::memory_order_release);
+ if((voice->mFlags&VOICE_IS_CALLBACK))
+ "Source offset for callback is invalid");
+ auto vpos = GetSampleOffset(Source->queue, prop, values[0]);
+ if(!vpos) SETERR_RETURN(Context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, false, "Invalid source offset");
+ if(SetVoiceOffset(voice, *vpos, Source, Context, device))
return true;
- }
Source->OffsetType = prop;
Source->Offset = values[0];