path: root/al/eax/effect.h
diff options
authorChris Robinson <[email protected]>2023-12-22 13:44:08 -0800
committerChris Robinson <[email protected]>2023-12-22 13:44:08 -0800
commita80efab1749615e7cc0301ca7515e7a28db93191 (patch)
tree21eee536f661b3b40a905453c2a2dea27802dd9f /al/eax/effect.h
parent8346f77af0068d175cc9ecbf4c8894a2d1bcd617 (diff)
Avoid a function-like macro for calling to EAX effects
Diffstat (limited to 'al/eax/effect.h')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/al/eax/effect.h b/al/eax/effect.h
index a24f85fa..4108f65f 100644
--- a/al/eax/effect.h
+++ b/al/eax/effect.h
@@ -189,6 +189,26 @@ struct EaxNullCommitter : public EaxCommitter<EaxNullCommitter> {
using EaxCommitter<EaxNullCommitter>::EaxCommitter;
+template<typename T>
+struct CommitterFromProps { };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<std::monostate> { using type = EaxNullCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXREVERBPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxReverbCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXCHORUSPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxChorusCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXAGCCOMPRESSORPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxCompressorCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXAUTOWAHPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxAutowahCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXDISTORTIONPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxDistortionCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXECHOPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxEchoCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXEQUALIZERPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxEqualizerCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXFLANGERPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxFlangerCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXFREQUENCYSHIFTERPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxFrequencyShifterCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXRINGMODULATORPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxModulatorCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXPITCHSHIFTERPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxPitchShifterCommitter; };
+template<> struct CommitterFromProps<EAXVOCALMORPHERPROPERTIES> { using type = EaxVocalMorpherCommitter; };
+template<typename T>
+using CommitterFor = typename CommitterFromProps<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>::type;
class EaxEffect {
@@ -287,29 +307,16 @@ public:
-#define EAXCALL(Props, Callable, ...) \
- return std::visit(overloaded{ \
- [&](const std::monostate&) { return Callable<EaxNullCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXREVERBPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxReverbCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXCHORUSPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxChorusCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXAUTOWAHPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxAutowahCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXAGCCOMPRESSORPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxCompressorCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXDISTORTIONPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxDistortionCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXECHOPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxEchoCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXEQUALIZERPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxEqualizerCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXFLANGERPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxFlangerCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXFREQUENCYSHIFTERPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxFrequencyShifterCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXRINGMODULATORPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxModulatorCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXPITCHSHIFTERPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxPitchShifterCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); }, \
- [&](const EAXVOCALMORPHERPROPERTIES&) { return Callable<EaxVocalMorpherCommitter>(__VA_ARGS__); } \
- }, Props)
template<typename T, typename ...Args>
static void call_set(Args&& ...args)
{ return T::Set(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
static void call_set(const EaxCall &call, EaxEffectProps &props)
- { EAXCALL(props, call_set, call, props); }
+ {
+ return std::visit([&](const auto &arg)
+ { return call_set<CommitterFor<decltype(arg)>>(call, props); },
+ props);
+ }
void set(const EaxCall &call)
@@ -330,7 +337,11 @@ public:
{ return T::Get(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
static void call_get(const EaxCall &call, const EaxEffectProps &props)
- { EAXCALL(props, call_get, call, props); }
+ {
+ return std::visit([&](const auto &arg)
+ { return call_get<CommitterFor<decltype(arg)>>(call, props); },
+ props);
+ }
void get(const EaxCall &call)
@@ -350,7 +361,11 @@ public:
{ return T{props_, al_effect_props_}.commit(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
bool call_commit(const EaxEffectProps &props)
- { EAXCALL(props, call_commit, props); }
+ {
+ return std::visit([&](const auto &arg)
+ { return call_commit<CommitterFor<decltype(arg)>>(props); },
+ props);
+ }
bool commit(int eax_version)