path: root/al/debug.cpp
diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-11-28 12:51:46 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-11-28 12:51:46 +0100
commit1aaf4f070011490bcece50394b9b32dfa593fd9e (patch)
tree17d68284e401a35eea3d3a574d986d446a60763a /al/debug.cpp
parent6e7cee4fa9a8af03f28ca26cd89f8357390dfc90 (diff)
parent571b546f35eead77ce109f8d4dd6c3de3199d573 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'al/debug.cpp')
1 files changed, 570 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/al/debug.cpp b/al/debug.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b76ec9af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/al/debug.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <optional>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include "AL/al.h"
+#include "alc/context.h"
+#include "alc/inprogext.h"
+#include "alspan.h"
+#include "auxeffectslot.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+#include "core/logging.h"
+#include "direct_defs.h"
+#include "effect.h"
+#include "filter.h"
+#include "opthelpers.h"
+#include "source.h"
+/* Declared here to prevent compilers from thinking it should be inlined, which
+ * GCC warns about increasing code size.
+ */
+DebugGroup::~DebugGroup() = default;
+namespace {
+static_assert(DebugSeverityBase+DebugSeverityCount <= 32, "Too many debug bits");
+template<typename T, T ...Vals>
+constexpr auto make_array_sequence(std::integer_sequence<T, Vals...>)
+{ return std::array<T,sizeof...(Vals)>{Vals...}; }
+template<typename T, size_t N>
+constexpr auto make_array_sequence()
+{ return make_array_sequence(std::make_integer_sequence<T,N>{}); }
+constexpr std::optional<DebugSource> GetDebugSource(ALenum source) noexcept
+ switch(source)
+ {
+ case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_EXT: return DebugSource::API;
+ case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_AUDIO_SYSTEM_EXT: return DebugSource::System;
+ case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_EXT: return DebugSource::ThirdParty;
+ case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_EXT: return DebugSource::Application;
+ case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_EXT: return DebugSource::Other;
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
+constexpr std::optional<DebugType> GetDebugType(ALenum type) noexcept
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_EXT: return DebugType::Error;
+ case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_EXT: return DebugType::DeprecatedBehavior;
+ case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_EXT: return DebugType::UndefinedBehavior;
+ case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_EXT: return DebugType::Portability;
+ case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_EXT: return DebugType::Performance;
+ case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER_EXT: return DebugType::Marker;
+ case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP_EXT: return DebugType::PushGroup;
+ case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_POP_GROUP_EXT: return DebugType::PopGroup;
+ case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_EXT: return DebugType::Other;
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
+constexpr std::optional<DebugSeverity> GetDebugSeverity(ALenum severity) noexcept
+ switch(severity)
+ {
+ case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_EXT: return DebugSeverity::High;
+ case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_EXT: return DebugSeverity::Medium;
+ case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_EXT: return DebugSeverity::Low;
+ case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION_EXT: return DebugSeverity::Notification;
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
+ALenum GetDebugSourceEnum(DebugSource source)
+ switch(source)
+ {
+ case DebugSource::API: return AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_EXT;
+ case DebugSource::System: return AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_AUDIO_SYSTEM_EXT;
+ case DebugSource::ThirdParty: return AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_EXT;
+ case DebugSource::Application: return AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_EXT;
+ case DebugSource::Other: return AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_EXT;
+ }
+ throw std::runtime_error{"Unexpected debug source value "+std::to_string(al::to_underlying(source))};
+ALenum GetDebugTypeEnum(DebugType type)
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case DebugType::Error: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_EXT;
+ case DebugType::DeprecatedBehavior: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_EXT;
+ case DebugType::UndefinedBehavior: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_EXT;
+ case DebugType::Portability: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_EXT;
+ case DebugType::Performance: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_EXT;
+ case DebugType::Marker: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER_EXT;
+ case DebugType::PushGroup: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP_EXT;
+ case DebugType::PopGroup: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_POP_GROUP_EXT;
+ case DebugType::Other: return AL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_EXT;
+ }
+ throw std::runtime_error{"Unexpected debug type value "+std::to_string(al::to_underlying(type))};
+ALenum GetDebugSeverityEnum(DebugSeverity severity)
+ switch(severity)
+ {
+ case DebugSeverity::High: return AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_EXT;
+ case DebugSeverity::Medium: return AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_EXT;
+ case DebugSeverity::Low: return AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_EXT;
+ case DebugSeverity::Notification: return AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION_EXT;
+ }
+ throw std::runtime_error{"Unexpected debug severity value "+std::to_string(al::to_underlying(severity))};
+const char *GetDebugSourceName(DebugSource source)
+ switch(source)
+ {
+ case DebugSource::API: return "API";
+ case DebugSource::System: return "Audio System";
+ case DebugSource::ThirdParty: return "Third Party";
+ case DebugSource::Application: return "Application";
+ case DebugSource::Other: return "Other";
+ }
+ return "<invalid source>";
+const char *GetDebugTypeName(DebugType type)
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case DebugType::Error: return "Error";
+ case DebugType::DeprecatedBehavior: return "Deprecated Behavior";
+ case DebugType::UndefinedBehavior: return "Undefined Behavior";
+ case DebugType::Portability: return "Portability";
+ case DebugType::Performance: return "Performance";
+ case DebugType::Marker: return "Marker";
+ case DebugType::PushGroup: return "Push Group";
+ case DebugType::PopGroup: return "Pop Group";
+ case DebugType::Other: return "Other";
+ }
+ return "<invalid type>";
+const char *GetDebugSeverityName(DebugSeverity severity)
+ switch(severity)
+ {
+ case DebugSeverity::High: return "High";
+ case DebugSeverity::Medium: return "Medium";
+ case DebugSeverity::Low: return "Low";
+ case DebugSeverity::Notification: return "Notification";
+ }
+ return "<invalid severity>";
+} // namespace
+void ALCcontext::sendDebugMessage(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &debuglock, DebugSource source,
+ DebugType type, ALuint id, DebugSeverity severity, std::string_view message)
+ if(!mDebugEnabled.load()) UNLIKELY
+ return;
+ if(message.length() >= MaxDebugMessageLength) UNLIKELY
+ {
+ ERR("Debug message too long (%zu >= %d):\n-> %.*s\n", message.length(),
+ MaxDebugMessageLength, static_cast<int>(message.length()), message.data());
+ return;
+ }
+ DebugGroup &debug = mDebugGroups.back();
+ const uint64_t idfilter{(1_u64 << (DebugSourceBase+al::to_underlying(source)))
+ | (1_u64 << (DebugTypeBase+al::to_underlying(type)))
+ | (uint64_t{id} << 32)};
+ auto iditer = std::lower_bound(debug.mIdFilters.cbegin(), debug.mIdFilters.cend(), idfilter);
+ if(iditer != debug.mIdFilters.cend() && *iditer == idfilter)
+ return;
+ const uint filter{(1u << (DebugSourceBase+al::to_underlying(source)))
+ | (1u << (DebugTypeBase+al::to_underlying(type)))
+ | (1u << (DebugSeverityBase+al::to_underlying(severity)))};
+ auto iter = std::lower_bound(debug.mFilters.cbegin(), debug.mFilters.cend(), filter);
+ if(iter != debug.mFilters.cend() && *iter == filter)
+ return;
+ if(mDebugCb)
+ {
+ auto callback = mDebugCb;
+ auto param = mDebugParam;
+ debuglock.unlock();
+ callback(GetDebugSourceEnum(source), GetDebugTypeEnum(type), id,
+ GetDebugSeverityEnum(severity), static_cast<ALsizei>(message.length()), message.data(),
+ param);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(mDebugLog.size() < MaxDebugLoggedMessages)
+ mDebugLog.emplace_back(source, type, id, severity, message);
+ ERR("Debug message log overflow. Lost message:\n"
+ " Source: %s\n"
+ " Type: %s\n"
+ " ID: %u\n"
+ " Severity: %s\n"
+ " Message: \"%.*s\"\n",
+ GetDebugSourceName(source), GetDebugTypeName(type), id,
+ GetDebugSeverityName(severity), static_cast<int>(message.length()),
+ message.data());
+ }
+FORCE_ALIGN DECL_FUNCEXT2(void, alDebugMessageCallback,EXT, ALDEBUGPROCEXT, void*)
+FORCE_ALIGN void AL_APIENTRY alDebugMessageCallbackDirectEXT(ALCcontext *context,
+ ALDEBUGPROCEXT callback, void *userParam) noexcept
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->mDebugCbLock};
+ context->mDebugCb = callback;
+ context->mDebugParam = userParam;
+FORCE_ALIGN DECL_FUNCEXT6(void, alDebugMessageInsert,EXT, ALenum, ALenum, ALuint, ALenum, ALsizei, const ALchar*)
+FORCE_ALIGN void AL_APIENTRY alDebugMessageInsertDirectEXT(ALCcontext *context, ALenum source,
+ ALenum type, ALuint id, ALenum severity, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message) noexcept
+ if(!context->mContextFlags.test(ContextFlags::DebugBit))
+ return;
+ if(!message) UNLIKELY
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Null message pointer");
+ auto msgview = (length < 0) ? std::string_view{message}
+ : std::string_view{message, static_cast<uint>(length)};
+ if(msgview.length() >= MaxDebugMessageLength) UNLIKELY
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Debug message too long (%zu >= %d)",
+ msgview.length(), MaxDebugMessageLength);
+ auto dsource = GetDebugSource(source);
+ if(!dsource)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug source 0x%04x", source);
+ if(*dsource != DebugSource::ThirdParty && *dsource != DebugSource::Application)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Debug source 0x%04x not allowed", source);
+ auto dtype = GetDebugType(type);
+ if(!dtype)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug type 0x%04x", type);
+ auto dseverity = GetDebugSeverity(severity);
+ if(!dseverity)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug severity 0x%04x", severity);
+ context->debugMessage(*dsource, *dtype, id, *dseverity, msgview);
+FORCE_ALIGN DECL_FUNCEXT6(void, alDebugMessageControl,EXT, ALenum, ALenum, ALenum, ALsizei, const ALuint*, ALboolean)
+FORCE_ALIGN void AL_APIENTRY alDebugMessageControlDirectEXT(ALCcontext *context, ALenum source,
+ ALenum type, ALenum severity, ALsizei count, const ALuint *ids, ALboolean enable) noexcept
+ if(count > 0)
+ {
+ if(!ids)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "IDs is null with non-0 count");
+ if(source == AL_DONT_CARE_EXT)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_OPERATION,
+ "Debug source cannot be AL_DONT_CARE_EXT with IDs");
+ if(type == AL_DONT_CARE_EXT)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_OPERATION,
+ "Debug type cannot be AL_DONT_CARE_EXT with IDs");
+ if(severity != AL_DONT_CARE_EXT)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_OPERATION,
+ "Debug severity must be AL_DONT_CARE_EXT with IDs");
+ }
+ if(enable != AL_TRUE && enable != AL_FALSE)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug enable %d", enable);
+ static constexpr size_t ElemCount{DebugSourceCount + DebugTypeCount + DebugSeverityCount};
+ static constexpr auto Values = make_array_sequence<uint8_t,ElemCount>();
+ auto srcIndices = al::span{Values}.subspan(DebugSourceBase,DebugSourceCount);
+ if(source != AL_DONT_CARE_EXT)
+ {
+ auto dsource = GetDebugSource(source);
+ if(!dsource)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug source 0x%04x", source);
+ srcIndices = srcIndices.subspan(al::to_underlying(*dsource), 1);
+ }
+ auto typeIndices = al::span{Values}.subspan(DebugTypeBase,DebugTypeCount);
+ if(type != AL_DONT_CARE_EXT)
+ {
+ auto dtype = GetDebugType(type);
+ if(!dtype)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug type 0x%04x", type);
+ typeIndices = typeIndices.subspan(al::to_underlying(*dtype), 1);
+ }
+ auto svrIndices = al::span{Values}.subspan(DebugSeverityBase,DebugSeverityCount);
+ if(severity != AL_DONT_CARE_EXT)
+ {
+ auto dseverity = GetDebugSeverity(severity);
+ if(!dseverity)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug severity 0x%04x", severity);
+ svrIndices = svrIndices.subspan(al::to_underlying(*dseverity), 1);
+ }
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->mDebugCbLock};
+ DebugGroup &debug = context->mDebugGroups.back();
+ if(count > 0)
+ {
+ const uint filterbase{(1u<<srcIndices[0]) | (1u<<typeIndices[0])};
+ for(const uint id : al::span{ids, static_cast<uint>(count)})
+ {
+ const uint64_t filter{filterbase | (uint64_t{id} << 32)};
+ auto iter = std::lower_bound(debug.mIdFilters.cbegin(), debug.mIdFilters.cend(),
+ filter);
+ if(!enable && (iter == debug.mIdFilters.cend() || *iter != filter))
+ debug.mIdFilters.insert(iter, filter);
+ else if(enable && iter != debug.mIdFilters.cend() && *iter == filter)
+ debug.mIdFilters.erase(iter);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto apply_filter = [enable,&debug](const uint filter)
+ {
+ auto iter = std::lower_bound(debug.mFilters.cbegin(), debug.mFilters.cend(), filter);
+ if(!enable && (iter == debug.mFilters.cend() || *iter != filter))
+ debug.mFilters.insert(iter, filter);
+ else if(enable && iter != debug.mFilters.cend() && *iter == filter)
+ debug.mFilters.erase(iter);
+ };
+ auto apply_severity = [apply_filter,svrIndices](const uint filter)
+ {
+ std::for_each(svrIndices.cbegin(), svrIndices.cend(),
+ [apply_filter,filter](const uint idx){ apply_filter(filter | (1<<idx)); });
+ };
+ auto apply_type = [apply_severity,typeIndices](const uint filter)
+ {
+ std::for_each(typeIndices.cbegin(), typeIndices.cend(),
+ [apply_severity,filter](const uint idx){ apply_severity(filter | (1<<idx)); });
+ };
+ std::for_each(srcIndices.cbegin(), srcIndices.cend(),
+ [apply_type](const uint idx){ apply_type(1<<idx); });
+ }
+FORCE_ALIGN DECL_FUNCEXT4(void, alPushDebugGroup,EXT, ALenum, ALuint, ALsizei, const ALchar*)
+FORCE_ALIGN void AL_APIENTRY alPushDebugGroupDirectEXT(ALCcontext *context, ALenum source,
+ ALuint id, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message) noexcept
+ if(length < 0)
+ {
+ size_t newlen{std::strlen(message)};
+ if(newlen >= MaxDebugMessageLength) UNLIKELY
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Debug message too long (%zu >= %d)",
+ newlen, MaxDebugMessageLength);
+ length = static_cast<ALsizei>(newlen);
+ }
+ else if(length >= MaxDebugMessageLength) UNLIKELY
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Debug message too long (%d >= %d)", length,
+ MaxDebugMessageLength);
+ auto dsource = GetDebugSource(source);
+ if(!dsource)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug source 0x%04x", source);
+ if(*dsource != DebugSource::ThirdParty && *dsource != DebugSource::Application)
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Debug source 0x%04x not allowed", source);
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> debuglock{context->mDebugCbLock};
+ if(context->mDebugGroups.size() >= MaxDebugGroupDepth)
+ {
+ debuglock.unlock();
+ return context->setError(AL_STACK_OVERFLOW_EXT, "Pushing too many debug groups");
+ }
+ context->mDebugGroups.emplace_back(*dsource, id,
+ std::string_view{message, static_cast<uint>(length)});
+ auto &oldback = *(context->mDebugGroups.end()-2);
+ auto &newback = context->mDebugGroups.back();
+ newback.mFilters = oldback.mFilters;
+ newback.mIdFilters = oldback.mIdFilters;
+ if(context->mContextFlags.test(ContextFlags::DebugBit))
+ context->sendDebugMessage(debuglock, newback.mSource, DebugType::PushGroup, newback.mId,
+ DebugSeverity::Notification, newback.mMessage);
+FORCE_ALIGN void AL_APIENTRY alPopDebugGroupDirectEXT(ALCcontext *context) noexcept
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> debuglock{context->mDebugCbLock};
+ if(context->mDebugGroups.size() <= 1)
+ {
+ debuglock.unlock();
+ return context->setError(AL_STACK_UNDERFLOW_EXT,
+ "Attempting to pop the default debug group");
+ }
+ DebugGroup &debug = context->mDebugGroups.back();
+ const auto source = debug.mSource;
+ const auto id = debug.mId;
+ std::string message{std::move(debug.mMessage)};
+ context->mDebugGroups.pop_back();
+ if(context->mContextFlags.test(ContextFlags::DebugBit))
+ context->sendDebugMessage(debuglock, source, DebugType::PopGroup, id,
+ DebugSeverity::Notification, message);
+FORCE_ALIGN DECL_FUNCEXT8(ALuint, alGetDebugMessageLog,EXT, ALuint, ALsizei, ALenum*, ALenum*, ALuint*, ALenum*, ALsizei*, ALchar*)
+FORCE_ALIGN ALuint AL_APIENTRY alGetDebugMessageLogDirectEXT(ALCcontext *context, ALuint count,
+ ALsizei logBufSize, ALenum *sources, ALenum *types, ALuint *ids, ALenum *severities,
+ ALsizei *lengths, ALchar *logBuf) noexcept
+ if(logBufSize < 0)
+ {
+ context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Negative debug log buffer size");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->mDebugCbLock};
+ ALsizei logBufWritten{0};
+ for(ALuint i{0};i < count;++i)
+ {
+ if(context->mDebugLog.empty())
+ return i;
+ auto &entry = context->mDebugLog.front();
+ const size_t tocopy{entry.mMessage.size() + 1};
+ if(logBuf)
+ {
+ const size_t avail{static_cast<ALuint>(logBufSize - logBufWritten)};
+ if(avail < tocopy)
+ return i;
+ std::copy_n(entry.mMessage.data(), tocopy, logBuf+logBufWritten);
+ logBufWritten += static_cast<ALsizei>(tocopy);
+ }
+ if(sources) sources[i] = GetDebugSourceEnum(entry.mSource);
+ if(types) types[i] = GetDebugTypeEnum(entry.mType);
+ if(ids) ids[i] = entry.mId;
+ if(severities) severities[i] = GetDebugSeverityEnum(entry.mSeverity);
+ if(lengths) lengths[i] = static_cast<ALsizei>(tocopy);
+ context->mDebugLog.pop_front();
+ }
+ return count;
+FORCE_ALIGN DECL_FUNCEXT4(void, alObjectLabel,EXT, ALenum, ALuint, ALsizei, const ALchar*)
+FORCE_ALIGN void AL_APIENTRY alObjectLabelDirectEXT(ALCcontext *context, ALenum identifier,
+ ALuint name, ALsizei length, const ALchar *label) noexcept
+ if(!label && length != 0) UNLIKELY
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Null label pointer");
+ auto objname = (length < 0) ? std::string_view{label}
+ : std::string_view{label, static_cast<uint>(length)};
+ if(objname.length() >= MaxObjectLabelLength) UNLIKELY
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Object label length too long (%zu >= %d)",
+ objname.length(), MaxObjectLabelLength);
+ if(identifier == AL_SOURCE_EXT)
+ return ALsource::SetName(context, name, objname);
+ if(identifier == AL_BUFFER)
+ return ALbuffer::SetName(context, name, objname);
+ if(identifier == AL_FILTER_EXT)
+ return ALfilter::SetName(context, name, objname);
+ if(identifier == AL_EFFECT_EXT)
+ return ALeffect::SetName(context, name, objname);
+ if(identifier == AL_AUXILIARY_EFFECT_SLOT_EXT)
+ return ALeffectslot::SetName(context, name, objname);
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid name identifier 0x%04x", identifier);
+FORCE_ALIGN DECL_FUNCEXT5(void, alGetObjectLabel,EXT, ALenum, ALuint, ALsizei, ALsizei*, ALchar*)
+FORCE_ALIGN void AL_APIENTRY alGetObjectLabelDirectEXT(ALCcontext *context, ALenum identifier,
+ ALuint name, ALsizei bufSize, ALsizei *length, ALchar *label) noexcept
+ if(bufSize < 0) UNLIKELY
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Negative label bufSize");
+ if(!label && !length) UNLIKELY
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Null length and label");
+ if(label && bufSize == 0) UNLIKELY
+ return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Zero label bufSize");
+ auto copy_name = [name,bufSize,length,label](std::unordered_map<ALuint,std::string> &names)
+ {
+ std::string_view objname;
+ auto iter = names.find(name);
+ if(iter != names.end())
+ objname = iter->second;
+ if(!label)
+ *length = static_cast<ALsizei>(objname.length());
+ else
+ {
+ const size_t tocopy{minz(objname.length(), static_cast<uint>(bufSize)-1)};
+ std::memcpy(label, objname.data(), tocopy);
+ label[tocopy] = '\0';
+ if(length)
+ *length = static_cast<ALsizei>(tocopy);
+ }
+ };
+ if(identifier == AL_SOURCE_EXT)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard _{context->mSourceLock};
+ copy_name(context->mSourceNames);
+ }
+ else if(identifier == AL_BUFFER)
+ {
+ ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()};
+ std::lock_guard _{device->BufferLock};
+ copy_name(device->mBufferNames);
+ }
+ else if(identifier == AL_FILTER_EXT)
+ {
+ ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()};
+ std::lock_guard _{device->FilterLock};
+ copy_name(device->mFilterNames);
+ }
+ else if(identifier == AL_EFFECT_EXT)
+ {
+ ALCdevice *device{context->mALDevice.get()};
+ std::lock_guard _{device->EffectLock};
+ copy_name(device->mEffectNames);
+ }
+ else if(identifier == AL_AUXILIARY_EFFECT_SLOT_EXT)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard _{context->mEffectSlotLock};
+ copy_name(context->mEffectSlotNames);
+ }
+ else
+ context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid name identifier 0x%04x", identifier);