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authorChris Robinson <chris.kcat@gmail.com>2020-08-27 08:44:29 -0700
committerChris Robinson <chris.kcat@gmail.com>2020-08-27 08:44:29 -0700
commit3c09f17421476d017d4fe5ea8c6010931c06bcd4 (patch)
parent2a019400418c64f4891041e5a63c6c884bba8df5 (diff)
Blend panned B-Format source directivity given its radius
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/alc/alu.cpp b/alc/alu.cpp
index 47b3ad36..ca47c6eb 100644
--- a/alc/alu.cpp
+++ b/alc/alu.cpp
@@ -841,14 +841,17 @@ void CalcPanningAndFilters(Voice *voice, const float xpos, const float ypos, con
/* Special handling for B-Format sources. */
- if(Distance > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
+ if(Device->AvgSpeakerDist > 0.0f)
- /* Panning a B-Format sound toward some direction is easy. Just pan
- * the first (W) channel as a normal mono sound and silence the
- * others.
- */
- if(Device->AvgSpeakerDist > 0.0f)
+ if(!(Distance > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()))
+ {
+ /* NOTE: The NFCtrlFilters were created with a w0 of 0, which
+ * is what we want for FOA input. The first channel may have
+ * been previously re-adjusted if panned, so reset it.
+ */
+ voice->mChans[0].mDryParams.NFCtrlFilter.adjust(0.0f);
+ }
+ else
/* Clamp the distance for really close sources, to prevent
* excessive bass.
@@ -858,54 +861,54 @@ void CalcPanningAndFilters(Voice *voice, const float xpos, const float ypos, con
/* Only need to adjust the first channel of a B-Format source. */
- voice->mFlags |= VOICE_HAS_NFC;
- auto calc_coeffs = [xpos,ypos,zpos,Spread](RenderMode mode)
- {
- if(mode != StereoPair)
- return CalcDirectionCoeffs({xpos, ypos, zpos}, Spread);
- /* Clamp Y, in case rounding errors caused it to end up outside
- * of -1...+1.
- */
- const float ev{std::asin(clampf(ypos, -1.0f, 1.0f))};
- /* Negate Z for right-handed coords with -Z in front. */
- const float az{std::atan2(xpos, -zpos)};
+ voice->mFlags |= VOICE_HAS_NFC;
+ }
- /* A scalar of 1.5 for plain stereo results in +/-60 degrees
- * being moved to +/-90 degrees for direct right and left
- * speaker responses.
- */
- return CalcAngleCoeffs(ScaleAzimuthFront(az, 1.5f), ev, Spread);
- };
- const auto coeffs = calc_coeffs(Device->mRenderMode);
+ /* Panning a B-Format sound toward some direction is easy. Just pan the
+ * first (W) channel as a normal mono sound. The angular spread is used
+ * as a directional scalar to blend between full coverage and full
+ * panning.
+ */
+ const float coverage{!(Distance > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) ? 1.0f :
+ (Spread * (1.0f/al::MathDefs<float>::Tau()))};
- /* NOTE: W needs to be scaled according to channel scaling. */
- const float scale0{GetAmbiScales(voice->mAmbiScaling)[0]};
- ComputePanGains(&Device->Dry, coeffs.data(), DryGain.Base*scale0,
- voice->mChans[0].mDryParams.Gains.Target);
- for(ALuint i{0};i < NumSends;i++)
- {
- if(const ALeffectslot *Slot{SendSlots[i]})
- ComputePanGains(&Slot->Wet, coeffs.data(), WetGain[i].Base*scale0,
- voice->mChans[0].mWetParams[i].Gains.Target);
- }
- }
- else
+ auto calc_coeffs = [xpos,ypos,zpos](RenderMode mode)
- if(Device->AvgSpeakerDist > 0.0f)
- {
- /* NOTE: The NFCtrlFilters were created with a w0 of 0, which
- * is what we want for FOA input. The first channel may have
- * been previously re-adjusted if panned, so reset it.
- */
- voice->mChans[0].mDryParams.NFCtrlFilter.adjust(0.0f);
+ if(mode != StereoPair)
+ return CalcDirectionCoeffs({xpos, ypos, zpos}, 0.0f);
- voice->mFlags |= VOICE_HAS_NFC;
- }
+ /* Clamp Y, in case rounding errors caused it to end up outside
+ * of -1...+1.
+ */
+ const float ev{std::asin(clampf(ypos, -1.0f, 1.0f))};
+ /* Negate Z for right-handed coords with -Z in front. */
+ const float az{std::atan2(xpos, -zpos)};
+ /* A scalar of 1.5 for plain stereo results in +/-60 degrees
+ * being moved to +/-90 degrees for direct right and left
+ * speaker responses.
+ */
+ return CalcAngleCoeffs(ScaleAzimuthFront(az, 1.5f), ev, 0.0f);
+ };
+ auto coeffs = calc_coeffs(Device->mRenderMode);
+ std::transform(coeffs.begin()+1, coeffs.end(), coeffs.begin()+1,
+ std::bind(std::multiplies<float>{}, _1, 1.0f-coverage));
+ /* NOTE: W needs to be scaled according to channel scaling. */
+ const auto &scales = GetAmbiScales(voice->mAmbiScaling);
+ ComputePanGains(&Device->Dry, coeffs.data(), DryGain.Base*scales[0],
+ voice->mChans[0].mDryParams.Gains.Target);
+ for(ALuint i{0};i < NumSends;i++)
+ {
+ if(const ALeffectslot *Slot{SendSlots[i]})
+ ComputePanGains(&Slot->Wet, coeffs.data(), WetGain[i].Base*scales[0],
+ voice->mChans[0].mWetParams[i].Gains.Target);
+ }
+ if(coverage > 0.0f)
+ {
/* Local B-Format sources have their XYZ channels rotated according
* to the orientation.
@@ -940,20 +943,19 @@ void CalcPanningAndFilters(Voice *voice, const float xpos, const float ypos, con
const uint8_t *index_map{(voice->mFmtChannels == FmtBFormat2D) ?
GetAmbi2DLayout(voice->mAmbiLayout).data() :
- const float *scales{GetAmbiScales(voice->mAmbiScaling).data()};
static const uint8_t ChansPerOrder[MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1]{1, 3, 5, 7,};
static const uint8_t OrderOffset[MAX_AMBI_ORDER+1]{0, 1, 4, 9,};
- for(size_t c{0};c < num_channels;c++)
+ for(size_t c{1};c < num_channels;c++)
const size_t acn{index_map[c]};
const size_t order{AmbiIndex::OrderFromChannel[acn]};
const size_t tocopy{ChansPerOrder[order]};
const size_t offset{OrderOffset[order]};
- const float scale{scales[acn]};
+ const float scale{scales[acn] * coverage};
auto in = shrot.cbegin() + offset;
- std::array<float,MAX_AMBI_CHANNELS> coeffs{};
+ coeffs = std::array<float,MAX_AMBI_CHANNELS>{};
for(size_t x{0};x < tocopy;++x)
coeffs[offset+x] = in[x][acn] * scale;