oculusvr-sdk java distortion-mesh calculation if available
StereoDeviceFactory support new GenericStereoDeviceFactory, with it's GenericStereoDevice and GenericStereoDeviceRenderer.
GenericStereoDevice maintains different configurations, triggered either by passing a GenericStereoDevice.Config
instance directly or by the device-index parameter:
- 0: monoscopi device: No post-processing
- 1: stereoscopic device SBS: No post-processing
- 2: stereoscopic device SBS + Lenses: Distortion post-processing
(only available w/ oculusvr-sdk sub-module)
Producing a 'GenericStereoDevice.Config' instance is self containing
and may extend if supporting more device types like top-bottom, interlaced etc.
StereoDemo01 handles all use-cases and may be used as a test-bed
to add and experiment with stereoscopy, devices and settings.