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Integrate Display.lock/unlock,
so the generic Window will call it.
Specialized for X11Display, the only real impl of it.
Fixes offscreen EDT usage ..
Add isAWTAvailable() and isAWTJOGLAvailable()
- Add NetPbmTextureWriter
- Only use IIOTexture* if !isAWTJOGLAvailable()
- Add write (TextureData, File)
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Due to limitations on Windows,
we need to standardize the one thread for
- window creation, and
- event dispatching
This was already mentioned in the previous implementation
but while integrating into another threading model (Plugin3),
it turned out that manual managing the thread is too much of a burden.
NEWT now uses a EDT per Display and Thread as the default,
where Display creation, Window creation and event dispatching is 'pipelined' into.
This can be switched off:
NewtFactory.setUseEDT(boolean onoff);
and queried via:
Note this EDT impl. does not implicate a global lock or whatsoever.
The experimantal semantics of a current GL context
for input event dispatching is removed,
i.e. the GL context is no more made current for mouse/key listener.
This reduces the complexity and allows the proper impl. of
the external dispatch via EDT .. for example.
GLWindow: setEventHandlerMode(int) .. etc
X11Display: XLockDisplay/XUnlockDisplay
needed to be utilized to allow the new
multithreading (EDT/Render) Display usage.
X11Window: lockSurface/unlockSurface
locks X11Display as well ..
NEWT: 'getSurfaceHandle()' semantics changed.
To allow usage of the surfaceHandle for OS
where it is allocated thread local (MS-Windows),
it shall be aquired/released while lockSurface/unlockSurface.
This is done in the Windows Window implementation.
GLWindow can no more query 'getSurfaceHandle()'
to verify if 'setRealized()' was successful.
NEWT: Window surface lock is recursive and blocking now,
as it shall be.