path: root/src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/MonitorMode.java
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diff --git a/src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/MonitorMode.java b/src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/MonitorMode.java
index e5b329d47..914aa880f 100644
--- a/src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/MonitorMode.java
+++ b/src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/MonitorMode.java
@@ -29,79 +29,84 @@
package com.jogamp.newt;
import javax.media.nativewindow.util.DimensionImmutable;
+import javax.media.nativewindow.util.RectangleImmutable;
import javax.media.nativewindow.util.SurfaceSize;
+import com.jogamp.newt.util.MonitorModeUtil;
-/** Immutable MonitorMode Class, consisting of it's read only components:<br>
+ * Immutable MonitorMode Class, consisting of it's read only components:<br>
* <ul>
* <li>nativeId</li>
- * <li>{@link SizeAndRRate}, non rotated surfaceSize and refreshRate</li>
+ * <li>{@link SizeAndRRate}, consist out of non rotated {@link #getSurfaceSize() surface size}, {@link #getRefreshRate() refresh rate} and {@link #getFlags() flags}.</li>
* <li><code>rotation</code>, measured counter clockwise (CCW)</li>
* </ul>
* <i>Aquire and filter MonitorMode</i><br>
* <ul>
- * <li>A List of read only MonitorModes is being returned by {@link com.jogamp.newt.Screen#getMonitorModes()}.</li>
- * <li>You may utilize {@link com.jogamp.newt.util.MonitorModeUtil} to filter and select a desired ScreenMode.</li>
- * <li>The current ScreenMode can be obtained via {@link com.jogamp.newt.Screen#getCurrentScreenMode()}.</li>
- * <li>The initial original ScreenMode (at startup) can be obtained via {@link com.jogamp.newt.Screen#getOriginalScreenMode()}.</li>
+ * <li>{@link MonitorDevice} Selection:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>A List of all {@link MonitorDevice}s is accessible via {@link Screen#getMonitorDevices()}.</li>
+ * <li>The main monitor used by a windows is accessible via {@link Window#getMainMonitor()}.</li>
+ * <li>The main monitor covering an arbitrary rectnagle is accessible via {@link Screen#getMainMonitor(RectangleImmutable)}.</li>
+ * </ul></li>
+ * <li>The current MonitorMode can be obtained via {@link MonitorDevice#getCurrentMode()}.</li>
+ * <li>The original MonitorMode can be obtained via {@link MonitorDevice#getOriginalMode()}.</li>
+ * <li>{@link MonitorMode} Filtering:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>A {@link MonitorDevice}'s MonitorModes is accessible via {@link MonitorDevice#getSupportedModes()}.</li>
+ * <li>You may utilize {@link MonitorModeUtil} to filter and select a desired MonitorMode.</li>
+ * </ul></li>
* </ul>
* <br>
- * <i>Changing ScreenModes</i><br>
- * FIXME!!!!!
+ * <i>Changing MonitorMode</i><br>
* <ul>
- * <li> Use {@link com.jogamp.newt.Screen#setCurrentScreenMode(com.jogamp.newt.MonitorMode)}</li>
- * to change the current ScreenMode of all Screen's referenced via the full qualified name (FQN)
- * {@link com.jogamp.newt.Screen#getFQName()}.</li>
- * <li> When the last FQN referenced Screen closes, the original ScreenMode ({@link com.jogamp.newt.Screen#getOriginalScreenMode()})
- * is restored.</li>
+ * <li> Use {@link MonitorDevice#setCurrentMode(MonitorMode)}
+ * to change the current MonitorMode for all {@link Screen}s referenced via the {@link Screen#getFQName() full qualified name (FQN)}.</li>
+ * <li> The {@link MonitorDevice#getOriginalMode() original mode} is restored when
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>the last FQN referenced Screen closes.</li>
+ * <li>the JVM shuts down.</li>
+ * </ul></li>
* </ul>
* <br>
- * Example for changing the ScreenMode:
+ * Example for changing the MonitorMode:
* <pre>
- // determine target refresh rate
- ScreenMode orig = screen.getOriginalScreenMode();
- int freq = orig.getOutputMode().getRefreshRate();
+ // Pick the monitor:
+ // Either the one used by a window ..
+ MonitorDevice monitor = window.getMainMonitor();
+ // Or arbitrary from the list ..
+ List<MonitorDevice> allMonitor = getMonitorDevices();
+ MonitorDevice monitor = allMonitor.get(0);
- // target resolution
+ // Current and original modes ..
+ MonitorMode mmCurrent = monitor.queryCurrentMode();
+ MonitorMode mmOrig = monitor.getOriginalMode();
+ // Target resolution
Dimension res = new Dimension(800, 600);
- // target rotation
- int rot = 0;
- // filter available ScreenModes
- List screenModes = screen.getScreenModes();
- screenModes = ScreenModeUtil.filterByRate(screenModes, freq); // get the nearest ones
- screenModes = ScreenModeUtil.filterByRotation(screenModes, rot);
- screenModes = ScreenModeUtil.filterByResolution(screenModes, res); // get the nearest ones
- screenModes = ScreenModeUtil.getHighestAvailableBpp(screenModes);
- // pick 1st one ..
- screen.setCurrentScreenMode((ScreenMode) screenModes.get(0));
- * </pre>
- *
- * X11 / AMD just works<br>
- * <br>
- * X11 / NVidia difficulties
- * <pre>
- NVidia RANDR RefreshRate Bug
- If NVidia's 'DynamicTwinView' is enabled, all refresh rates are
- unique, ie consequent numbers starting with the default refresh, ie 50, 51, ..
- The only way to workaround it is to disable 'DynamicTwinView'.
- Read: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/260.19.12/README/configtwinview.html
+ // Target refresh rate shall be similar to current one ..
+ float freq = mmCurrent.getRefreshRate();
- Check to see if 'DynamicTwinView' is enable:
- nvidia-settings -q :0/DynamicTwinview
+ // Target rotation shall be similar to current one
+ int rot = mmCurrent.getRotation();
- To disable it (workaround), add the following option to your xorg.conf device section:
- Option "DynamicTwinView" "False"
+ // Filter criterias sequential out of all available MonitorMode of the chosen MonitorDevice
+ List<MonitorMode> monitorModes = monitor.getSupportedModes();
+ monitorModes = MonitorModeUtil.filterByFlags(monitorModes, 0); // no interlace, double-scan etc
+ monitorModes = MonitorModeUtil.filterByRotation(monitorModes, rot);
+ monitorModes = MonitorModeUtil.filterByResolution(monitorModes, res);
+ monitorModes = MonitorModeUtil.filterByRate(monitorModes, freq);
+ monitorModes = MonitorModeUtil.getHighestAvailableBpp(monitorModes);
- NVidia RANDR Rotation:
- To enable it, add the following option to your xorg.conf device section:
- Option "RandRRotation" "on"
+ // pick 1st one and set to current ..
+ MonitorMode mm = monitorModes.get(0);
+ monitor.setCurrentMode(mm);
* </pre>
- *
public class MonitorMode {
@@ -113,8 +118,11 @@ public class MonitorMode {
* </ul>
public static class SizeAndRRate {
+ /** Non rotated surface size */
public final SurfaceSize surfaceSize;
+ /** Vertical refresh rate */
public final float refreshRate;
+ /** Mode bitfield flags, i.e. {@link #FLAG_DOUBLESCAN}, {@link #FLAG_INTERLACE}, .. */
public final int flags;
public final int hashCode;
@@ -262,6 +270,7 @@ public class MonitorMode {
return sizeAndRRate.surfaceSize;
+ /** Returns the vertical refresh rate. */
public final float getRefreshRate() {
return sizeAndRRate.refreshRate;