path: root/src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/mipmap/ScaleInternal.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/mipmap/ScaleInternal.java')
1 files changed, 2381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/mipmap/ScaleInternal.java b/src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/mipmap/ScaleInternal.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06c8e582f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/mipmap/ScaleInternal.java
@@ -0,0 +1,2381 @@
+ * License Applicability. Except to the extent portions of this file are
+ * made subject to an alternative license as permitted in the SGI Free
+ * Software License B, Version 1.1 (the "License"), the contents of this
+ * file are subject only to the provisions of the License. You may not use
+ * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
+ * of the License at Silicon Graphics, Inc., attn: Legal Services, 1600
+ * Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, or at:
+ *
+ * http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB
+ *
+ * Note that, as provided in the License, the Software is distributed on an
+ *
+ * Original Code. The Original Code is: OpenGL Sample Implementation,
+ * Version 1.2.1, released January 26, 2000, developed by Silicon Graphics,
+ * Inc. The Original Code is Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
+ * Copyright in any portions created by third parties is as indicated
+ * elsewhere herein. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Additional Notice Provisions: The application programming interfaces
+ * established by SGI in conjunction with the Original Code are The
+ * OpenGL(R) Graphics System: A Specification (Version 1.2.1), released
+ * April 1, 1999; The OpenGL(R) Graphics System Utility Library (Version
+ * 1.3), released November 4, 1998; and OpenGL(R) Graphics with the X
+ * Window System(R) (Version 1.3), released October 19, 1998. This software
+ * was created using the OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Sample Implementation
+ * published by SGI, but has not been independently verified as being
+ * compliant with the OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Specification.
+ */
+package net.java.games.jogl.impl.mipmap;
+import net.java.games.jogl.GLU;
+import net.java.games.jogl.GL;
+import java.nio.*;
+ *
+ * @author Administrator
+ */
+public class ScaleInternal {
+ public static final float UINT_MAX = (float)(0x00000000FFFFFFFF);
+ public static void scale_internal( int components, int widthin, int heightin,
+ ShortBuffer datain, int widthout, int heightout, ShortBuffer dataout ) {
+ float x, lowx, highx, convx, halfconvx;
+ float y, lowy, highy, convy, halfconvy;
+ float xpercent, ypercent;
+ float percent;
+ // Max components in a format is 4, so...
+ float[] totals = new float[4];
+ float area;
+ int i, j, k, yint, xint, xindex, yindex;
+ int temp;
+ if( (widthin == (widthout * 2)) && (heightin == (heightout * 2)) ) {
+ HalveImage.halveImage( components, widthin, heightin, datain, dataout );
+ return;
+ }
+ convx = (float)heightin / heightout;
+ convy = (float)widthin / widthout;
+ halfconvx = convx / 2;
+ halfconvy = convy / 2;
+ for( i = 0; i < heightout; i++ ) {
+ y = convy * ( i + 0.5f );
+ if( heightin > heightout ) {
+ highy = y + halfconvy;
+ lowy = y - halfconvy;
+ } else {
+ highy = y + 0.5f;
+ lowy = y - 0.5f;
+ }
+ for( j = 0; j < widthout; j++ ) {
+ x = convx * ( j + 0.5f );
+ if( widthin > widthout ) {
+ highx = x + halfconvx;
+ lowx = x - halfconvx;
+ } else {
+ highx = x + 0.5f;
+ lowx = x - 0.5f;
+ }
+ // Ok, now apply box filter to box that goes from (lowx, lowy)
+ // to (highx, highy) on input data into this pixel on output
+ // data.
+ totals[0] = totals[1] = totals[2] = totals[3] = 0.0f;
+ area = 0.0f;
+ y = lowy;
+ yint = (int)Math.floor( y );
+ while( y < highy ) {
+ yindex = ( yint + heightin ) % heightin;
+ if( highy < yint + 1 ) {
+ ypercent = highy - y;
+ } else {
+ ypercent = yint + 1 - y;
+ }
+ x = lowx;
+ xint = (int)Math.floor( x );
+ while( x < highx ) {
+ xindex = ( xint + widthin ) % widthin;
+ if( highx < xint + 1 ) {
+ xpercent = highx -x;
+ } else {
+ xpercent = xint + 1 - x;
+ }
+ percent = xpercent * ypercent;
+ area += percent;
+ temp = ( xindex + ( yindex * widthin) ) * components;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += datain.get( temp + k ) * percent;
+ }
+ xint++;
+ x = xint;
+ }
+ yint++;
+ y = yint;
+ }
+ temp = ( j + ( i * widthout ) ) * components;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ // totals[] should be rounded in the case of enlarging an RGB
+ // ramp when the type is 332 or 4444
+ dataout.put( temp + k, (short)((totals[k] + 0.5f) / area) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void scale_internal_ubyte( int components, int widthin, int heightin,
+ ByteBuffer datain, int widthout, int heightout,
+ ByteBuffer dataout, int element_size, int ysize, int group_size ) {
+ float x, convx;
+ float y, convy;
+ float percent;
+ // Max components in a format is 4, so...
+ float[] totals = new float[4];
+ float area;
+ int i, j, k, xindex;
+ int temp, temp0;
+ int temp_index;
+ int outindex;
+ int lowx_int, highx_int, lowy_int, highy_int;
+ float x_percent, y_percent;
+ float lowx_float, highx_float, lowy_float, highy_float;
+ float convy_float, convx_float;
+ int convy_int, convx_int;
+ int l, m;
+ int left, right;
+ if( (widthin == (widthout * 2)) && (heightin == (heightout * 2)) ) {
+ HalveImage.halveImage_ubyte( components, widthin, heightin, datain, dataout,
+ element_size, ysize, group_size );
+ return;
+ }
+ convy = (float)heightin / heightout;
+ convx = (float)widthin / widthout;
+ convy_int = (int)Math.floor( convy );
+ convy_float = convy - convy_int;
+ convx_int = (int)Math.floor( convx );
+ convx_float = convx - convx_int;
+ area = convx * convy;
+ lowy_int = 0;
+ lowy_float = 0.0f;
+ highy_int = convy_int;
+ highy_float = convy_float;
+ for( i = 0; i < heightout; i++ ) {
+ // Clamp here to be sure we don't read beyond input buffer.
+ if (highy_int >= heightin)
+ highy_int = heightin - 1;
+ lowx_int = 0;
+ lowx_float = 0.0f;
+ highx_int = convx_int;
+ highx_float = convx_float;
+ for( j = 0; j < widthout; j++ ) {
+ // Ok, now apply box filter to box that goes from (lowx, lowy)
+ // to (highx, highy) on input data into this pixel on output
+ // data.
+ totals[0] = totals[1] = totals[2] = totals[3] = 0.0f;
+ // caulate the value for pixels in the 1st row
+ xindex = lowx_int * group_size;
+ if( ( highy_int > lowy_int ) && ( highx_int > lowx_int ) ) {
+ y_percent = 1 - lowy_float;
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * ysize;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * percent;
+ }
+ left = temp;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ right = temp;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * percent;
+ }
+ // calculate the value for pixels in the last row
+ y_percent = highy_float;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + highy_int * ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * percent;
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * percent;
+ }
+ // calculate the value for the pixels in the 1st and last column
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ left += ysize;
+ right += ysize;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++, left += element_size, right += element_size ) {
+ float f = 0.0f;
+ datain.position( left );
+ f = ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * ( 1.0f - lowx_float );
+ datain.position( right );
+ f += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * highx_float;
+ totals[k] += f;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highy_int > lowy_int ) {
+ x_percent = highx_float - lowx_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowy_float) * x_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * percent;
+ }
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * x_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ percent = x_percent * highy_float;
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * percent;
+ }
+ } else if( highx_int > lowx_int ) {
+ y_percent = highy_float - lowy_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowx_float ) * y_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * percent;
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * percent;
+ }
+ } else {
+ percent = ( highy_float - lowy_float ) * ( highx_float - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() ) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // this is for the pixels in the body
+ temp0 = xindex + group_size + ( lowy_int + 1 ) * ysize;
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp = temp0;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += ( 0x000000FF & datain.get() );
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ }
+ temp0 += ysize;
+ }
+ outindex = ( j + ( i * widthout ) ) * components;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ dataout.position( outindex + k );
+ dataout.put( (byte)(totals[k] / area) );
+ }
+ lowx_int = highx_int;
+ lowx_float = highx_float;
+ highx_int += convx_int;
+ highx_float += convx_float;
+ if( highx_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highx_float -= 1.0f;
+ highx_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ lowy_int = highy_int;
+ lowy_float = highy_float;
+ highy_int += convy_int;
+ highy_float += convy_float;
+ if( highy_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highy_float -= 1.0f;
+ highy_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void scale_internal_byte( int components, int widthin, int heightin,
+ ByteBuffer datain, int widthout, int heightout,
+ ByteBuffer dataout, int element_size, int ysize,
+ int group_size ) {
+ float x, convx;
+ float y, convy;
+ float percent;
+ // Max components in a format is 4, so...
+ float[] totals = new float[4];
+ float area;
+ int i, j, k, xindex;
+ int temp, temp0;
+ int temp_index;
+ int outindex;
+ int lowx_int, highx_int, lowy_int, highy_int;
+ float x_percent, y_percent;
+ float lowx_float, highx_float, lowy_float, highy_float;
+ float convy_float, convx_float;
+ int convy_int, convx_int;
+ int l, m;
+ int left, right;
+ if( (widthin == (widthout * 2)) && (heightin == (heightout * 2)) ) {
+ HalveImage.halveImage_byte( components, widthin, heightin, datain, dataout,
+ element_size, ysize, group_size );
+ return;
+ }
+ convx = (float)heightin / heightout;
+ convy = (float)widthin / widthout;
+ convy_int = (int)Math.floor( convy );
+ convy_float = convy - convy_int;
+ convx_int = (int)Math.floor( convx );
+ convx_float = convx - convx_int;
+ area = convx * convy;
+ lowy_int = 0;
+ lowy_float = 0.0f;
+ highy_int = convy_int;
+ highy_float = convy_float;
+ for( i = 0; i < heightout; i++ ) {
+ // Clamp here to be sure we don't read beyond input buffer.
+ if (highy_int >= heightin)
+ highy_int = heightin - 1;
+ lowx_int = 0;
+ lowx_float = 0.0f;
+ highx_int = convx_int;
+ highx_float = convx_float;
+ for( j = 0; j < widthout; j++ ) {
+ // Ok, now apply box filter to box that goes from (lowx, lowy)
+ // to (highx, highy) on input data into this pixel on output
+ // data.
+ totals[0] = totals[1] = totals[2] = totals[3] = 0.0f;
+ // caulate the value for pixels in the 1st row
+ xindex = lowx_int * group_size;
+ if( ( highy_int > lowy_int ) && ( highx_int > lowx_int ) ) {
+ y_percent = 1 - lowy_float;
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * ysize;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * percent;
+ }
+ left = temp;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ right = temp;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * percent;
+ }
+ // calculate the value for pixels in the last row
+ y_percent = highy_float;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + highy_int * ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * percent;
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * percent;
+ }
+ // calculate the value for the pixels in the 1st and last column
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ left += ysize;
+ right += ysize;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++, left += element_size, right += element_size ) {
+ float f = 0.0f;
+ datain.position( left );
+ f = datain.get() * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ datain.position( right );
+ f += datain.get() * highx_float;
+ totals[k] += f;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highy_int > lowy_int ) {
+ x_percent = highx_float - lowx_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowy_float) * x_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * percent;
+ }
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * x_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ percent = x_percent * highy_float;
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * percent;
+ }
+ } else if( highx_int > lowx_int ) {
+ y_percent = highy_float - lowy_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowx_float ) * y_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * percent;
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * percent;
+ }
+ } else {
+ percent = ( highy_float - lowy_float ) * ( highx_float - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // this is for the pixels in the body
+ temp0 = xindex + group_size + ( lowy_int + 1 ) * ysize;
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp = temp0;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ totals[k] += datain.get();
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ }
+ temp0 += ysize;
+ }
+ outindex = ( j + ( i * widthout ) ) * components;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ dataout.position( outindex + k );
+ dataout.put( (byte)(totals[k] / area) );
+ }
+ lowx_int = highx_int;
+ lowx_float = highx_float;
+ highx_int += convx_int;
+ highx_float += convx_float;
+ if( highx_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highx_float -= 1.0f;
+ highx_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ lowy_int = highy_int;
+ lowy_float = highy_float;
+ highy_int += convy_int;
+ highy_float += convy_float;
+ if( highy_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highy_float -= 1.0f;
+ highy_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void scale_internal_ushort( int components, int widthin, int heightin,
+ ByteBuffer datain, int widthout, int heightout,
+ ShortBuffer dataout, int element_size, int ysize,
+ int group_size, boolean myswap_bytes ) {
+ float x, convx;
+ float y, convy;
+ float percent;
+ // Max components in a format is 4, so...
+ float[] totals = new float[4];
+ float area;
+ int i, j, k, xindex;
+ int temp, temp0;
+ int temp_index;
+ int outindex;
+ int lowx_int, highx_int, lowy_int, highy_int;
+ float x_percent, y_percent;
+ float lowx_float, highx_float, lowy_float, highy_float;
+ float convy_float, convx_float;
+ int convy_int, convx_int;
+ int l, m;
+ int left, right;
+ if( (widthin == (widthout * 2)) && (heightin == (heightout * 2)) ) {
+ HalveImage.halveImage_ushort( components, widthin, heightin, datain, dataout,
+ element_size, ysize, group_size, myswap_bytes );
+ return;
+ }
+ convx = (float)heightin / heightout;
+ convy = (float)widthin / widthout;
+ convy_int = (int)Math.floor( convy );
+ convy_float = convy - convy_int;
+ convx_int = (int)Math.floor( convx );
+ convx_float = convx - convx_int;
+ area = convx * convy;
+ lowy_int = 0;
+ lowy_float = 0.0f;
+ highy_int = convy_int;
+ highy_float = convy_float;
+ for( i = 0; i < heightout; i++ ) {
+ // Clamp here to be sure we don't read beyond input buffer.
+ if (highy_int >= heightin)
+ highy_int = heightin - 1;
+ lowx_int = 0;
+ lowx_float = 0.0f;
+ highx_int = convx_int;
+ highx_float = convx_float;
+ for( j = 0; j < widthout; j++ ) {
+ // Ok, now apply box filter to box that goes from (lowx, lowy)
+ // to (highx, highy) on input data into this pixel on output
+ // data.
+ totals[0] = totals[1] = totals[2] = totals[3] = 0.0f;
+ // caulate the value for pixels in the 1st row
+ xindex = lowx_int * group_size;
+ if( ( highy_int > lowy_int ) && ( highx_int > lowx_int ) ) {
+ y_percent = 1 - lowy_float;
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * ysize;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & ((int)Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() ))) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort() ) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ left = temp;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & ((int)Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() ))) * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ right = temp;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & (Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() ))) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the value for pixels in the last row
+ y_percent = highy_float;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + highy_int * ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort()) ) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort() ) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort()) ) * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort()) ) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += ( 0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the value for the pixels in the 1st and last column
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ left += ysize;
+ right += ysize;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++, left += element_size, right += element_size ) {
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ datain.position( left );
+ float f = (0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES(datain.getShort())) * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ datain.position( right );
+ f += ((0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES(datain.getShort())) * highx_float);
+ totals[k] += f;
+ } else {
+ datain.position( left );
+ float f = ((0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * ( 1 - lowx_float ));
+ datain.position( right );
+ f += ((0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * highx_float);
+ totals[k] += f;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highy_int > lowy_int ) {
+ x_percent = highx_float - lowx_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowy_float) * x_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() )) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort()) ) * x_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * x_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ percent = x_percent * highy_float;
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() )) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highx_int > lowx_int ) {
+ y_percent = highy_float - lowy_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowx_float ) * y_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort()) ) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort()) ) * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort()) ) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ percent = ( highy_float - lowy_float ) * ( highx_float - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort()) ) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // this is for the pixels in the body
+ temp0 = xindex + group_size + ( lowy_int + 1 ) * ysize;
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp = temp0;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort()));
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x0000FFFF & datain.getShort());
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ }
+ temp0 += ysize;
+ }
+ outindex = ( j + ( i * widthout ) ) * components;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ dataout.position( outindex + k );
+ dataout.put( (short)(totals[k] / area) );
+ }
+ lowx_int = highx_int;
+ lowx_float = highx_float;
+ highx_int += convx_int;
+ highx_float += convx_float;
+ if( highx_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highx_float -= 1.0f;
+ highx_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ lowy_int = highy_int;
+ lowy_float = highy_float;
+ highy_int += convy_int;
+ highy_float += convy_float;
+ if( highy_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highy_float -= 1.0f;
+ highy_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void scale_internal_short( int components, int widthin, int heightin,
+ ByteBuffer datain, int widthout, int heightout,
+ ShortBuffer dataout, int element_size, int ysize,
+ int group_size, boolean myswap_bytes ) {
+ float x, convx;
+ float y, convy;
+ float percent;
+ // Max components in a format is 4, so...
+ float[] totals = new float[4];
+ float area;
+ int i, j, k, xindex;
+ int temp, temp0;
+ int temp_index;
+ int outindex;
+ int lowx_int, highx_int, lowy_int, highy_int;
+ float x_percent, y_percent;
+ float lowx_float, highx_float, lowy_float, highy_float;
+ float convy_float, convx_float;
+ int convy_int, convx_int;
+ int l, m;
+ int left, right;
+ int swapbuf; // unsigned buffer
+ if( (widthin == (widthout * 2)) && (heightin == (heightout * 2)) ) {
+ HalveImage.halveImage_short( components, widthin, heightin, datain, dataout,
+ element_size, ysize, group_size, myswap_bytes );
+ return;
+ }
+ convx = (float)heightin / heightout;
+ convy = (float)widthin / widthout;
+ convy_int = (int)Math.floor( convy );
+ convy_float = convy - convy_int;
+ convx_int = (int)Math.floor( convx );
+ convx_float = convx - convx_int;
+ area = convx * convy;
+ lowy_int = 0;
+ lowy_float = 0.0f;
+ highy_int = convy_int;
+ highy_float = convy_float;
+ for( i = 0; i < heightout; i++ ) {
+ // Clamp here to be sure we don't read beyond input buffer.
+ if (highy_int >= heightin)
+ highy_int = heightin - 1;
+ lowx_int = 0;
+ lowx_float = 0.0f;
+ highx_int = convx_int;
+ highx_float = convx_float;
+ for( j = 0; j < widthout; j++ ) {
+ // Ok, now apply box filter to box that goes from (lowx, lowy)
+ // to (highx, highy) on input data into this pixel on output
+ // data.
+ totals[0] = totals[1] = totals[2] = totals[3] = 0.0f;
+ // caulate the value for pixels in the 1st row
+ xindex = lowx_int * group_size;
+ if( ( highy_int > lowy_int ) && ( highx_int > lowx_int ) ) {
+ y_percent = 1 - lowy_float;
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * ysize;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ left = temp;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ right = temp;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the value for pixels in the last row
+ y_percent = highy_float;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + highy_int * ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the value for the pixels in the 1st and last column
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ left += ysize;
+ right += ysize;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++, left += element_size, right += element_size ) {
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ datain.position( left );
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ datain.position( right );
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * highx_float;
+ } else {
+ datain.position( left );
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ datain.position( right );
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * highx_float;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highy_int > lowy_int ) {
+ x_percent = highx_float - lowx_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowy_float) * x_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort());
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * x_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * x_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ percent = x_percent * highy_float;
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highx_int > lowx_int ) {
+ y_percent = highy_float - lowy_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowx_float ) * y_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ percent = ( highy_float - lowy_float ) * ( highx_float - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // this is for the pixels in the body
+ temp0 = xindex + group_size + ( lowy_int + 1 ) * ysize;
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp = temp0;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_2_BYTES( datain.getShort() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getShort();
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ }
+ temp0 += ysize;
+ }
+ outindex = ( j + ( i * widthout ) ) * components;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ dataout.position( outindex + k );
+ dataout.put( (short)(totals[k] / area) );
+ }
+ lowx_int = highx_int;
+ lowx_float = highx_float;
+ highx_int += convx_int;
+ highx_float += convx_float;
+ if( highx_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highx_float -= 1.0f;
+ highx_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ lowy_int = highy_int;
+ lowy_float = highy_float;
+ highy_int += convy_int;
+ highy_float += convy_float;
+ if( highy_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highy_float -= 1.0f;
+ highy_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void scale_internal_uint( int components, int widthin, int heightin,
+ ByteBuffer datain, int widthout, int heightout,
+ IntBuffer dataout, int element_size, int ysize,
+ int group_size, boolean myswap_bytes ) {
+ float x, convx;
+ float y, convy;
+ float percent;
+ // Max components in a format is 4, so...
+ float[] totals = new float[4];
+ float area;
+ int i, j, k, xindex;
+ int temp, temp0;
+ int temp_index;
+ int outindex;
+ int lowx_int, highx_int, lowy_int, highy_int;
+ float x_percent, y_percent;
+ float lowx_float, highx_float, lowy_float, highy_float;
+ float convy_float, convx_float;
+ int convy_int, convx_int;
+ int l, m;
+ int left, right;
+ if( (widthin == (widthout * 2)) && (heightin == (heightout * 2)) ) {
+ HalveImage.halveImage_uint( components, widthin, heightin, datain, dataout,
+ element_size, ysize, group_size, myswap_bytes );
+ return;
+ }
+ convx = (float)heightin / heightout;
+ convy = (float)widthin / widthout;
+ convy_int = (int)Math.floor( convy );
+ convy_float = convy - convy_int;
+ convx_int = (int)Math.floor( convx );
+ convx_float = convx - convx_int;
+ area = convx * convy;
+ lowy_int = 0;
+ lowy_float = 0.0f;
+ highy_int = convy_int;
+ highy_float = convy_float;
+ for( i = 0; i < heightout; i++ ) {
+ // Clamp here to be sure we don't read beyond input buffer.
+ if (highy_int >= heightin)
+ highy_int = heightin - 1;
+ lowx_int = 0;
+ lowx_float = 0.0f;
+ highx_int = convx_int;
+ highx_float = convx_float;
+ for( j = 0; j < widthout; j++ ) {
+ // Ok, now apply box filter to box that goes from (lowx, lowy)
+ // to (highx, highy) on input data into this pixel on output
+ // data.
+ totals[0] = totals[1] = totals[2] = totals[3] = 0.0f;
+ // caulate the value for pixels in the 1st row
+ xindex = lowx_int * group_size;
+ if( ( highy_int > lowy_int ) && ( highx_int > lowx_int ) ) {
+ y_percent = 1 - lowy_float;
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * ysize;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt()) ) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ left = temp;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt()) ) * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ right = temp;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt()) ) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the value for pixels in the last row
+ y_percent = highy_float;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + highy_int * ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt()) ) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt()) ) * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt()) ) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the value for the pixels in the 1st and last column
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ left += ysize;
+ right += ysize;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++, left += element_size, right += element_size ) {
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ datain.position( left );
+ totals[k] += ((0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES(datain.getInt())) * ( 1 - lowx_float ));
+ datain.position( right );
+ totals[k] += ((0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES(datain.getInt())) * highx_float);
+ } else {
+ datain.position( left );
+ totals[k] += ((0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * ( 1 - lowx_float ));
+ datain.position( right );
+ totals[k] += ((0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * highx_float);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highy_int > lowy_int ) {
+ x_percent = highx_float - lowx_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowy_float) * x_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt())) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt())) * x_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * x_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ percent = x_percent * highy_float;
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt())) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highx_int > lowx_int ) {
+ y_percent = highy_float - lowy_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowx_float ) * y_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt())) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt())) * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt())) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ percent = ( highy_float - lowy_float ) * ( highx_float - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ long tempInt0 = ( 0xFFFFFFFFL & datain.getInt( temp_index ) );
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ long tempInt1 = ( 0xFFFFFFFFL & datain.getInt() );
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt())) * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt()) * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // this is for the pixels in the body
+ temp0 = xindex + group_size + ( lowy_int + 1 ) * ysize;
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp = temp0;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt()));
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & datain.getInt());
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ }
+ temp0 += ysize;
+ }
+ outindex = ( j + ( i * widthout ) ) * components;
+ float value = 0.0f;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ value = totals[k] / area;
+ dataout.position( outindex + k );
+ if( value >= UINT_MAX ) {
+ dataout.put( (int)value );
+ } else {
+ dataout.put( (int)(totals[k] / area) );
+ }
+ }
+ lowx_int = highx_int;
+ lowx_float = highx_float;
+ highx_int += convx_int;
+ highx_float += convx_float;
+ if( highx_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highx_float -= 1.0f;
+ highx_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ lowy_int = highy_int;
+ lowy_float = highy_float;
+ highy_int += convy_int;
+ highy_float += convy_float;
+ if( highy_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highy_float -= 1.0f;
+ highy_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void scale_internal_int( int components, int widthin, int heightin,
+ ByteBuffer datain, int widthout, int heightout,
+ IntBuffer dataout, int element_size, int ysize,
+ int group_size, boolean myswap_bytes ) {
+ float x, convx;
+ float y, convy;
+ float percent;
+ // Max components in a format is 4, so...
+ float[] totals = new float[4];
+ float area;
+ int i, j, k, xindex;
+ int temp, temp0;
+ int temp_index;
+ int outindex;
+ int lowx_int, highx_int, lowy_int, highy_int;
+ float x_percent, y_percent;
+ float lowx_float, highx_float, lowy_float, highy_float;
+ float convy_float, convx_float;
+ int convy_int, convx_int;
+ int l, m;
+ int left, right;
+ long swapbuf; // unsigned buffer
+ if( (widthin == (widthout * 2)) && (heightin == (heightout * 2)) ) {
+ HalveImage.halveImage_int( components, widthin, heightin, datain, dataout,
+ element_size, ysize, group_size, myswap_bytes );
+ return;
+ }
+ convx = (float)heightin / heightout;
+ convy = (float)widthin / widthout;
+ convy_int = (int)Math.floor( convy );
+ convy_float = convy - convy_int;
+ convx_int = (int)Math.floor( convx );
+ convx_float = convx - convx_int;
+ area = convx * convy;
+ lowy_int = 0;
+ lowy_float = 0.0f;
+ highy_int = convy_int;
+ highy_float = convy_float;
+ for( i = 0; i < heightout; i++ ) {
+ // Clamp here to be sure we don't read beyond input buffer.
+ if (highy_int >= heightin)
+ highy_int = heightin - 1;
+ lowx_int = 0;
+ lowx_float = 0.0f;
+ highx_int = convx_int;
+ highx_float = convx_float;
+ for( j = 0; j < widthout; j++ ) {
+ // Ok, now apply box filter to box that goes from (lowx, lowy)
+ // to (highx, highy) on input data into this pixel on output
+ // data.
+ totals[0] = totals[1] = totals[2] = totals[3] = 0.0f;
+ // caulate the value for pixels in the 1st row
+ xindex = lowx_int * group_size;
+ if( ( highy_int > lowy_int ) && ( highx_int > lowx_int ) ) {
+ y_percent = 1 - lowy_float;
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * ysize;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ left = temp;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ right = temp;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the value for pixels in the last row
+ y_percent = highy_float;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + highy_int * ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the value for the pixels in the 1st and last column
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ left += ysize;
+ right += ysize;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++, left += element_size, right += element_size ) {
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ datain.position( left );
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ datain.position( right );
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * highx_float;
+ } else {
+ datain.position( left );
+ totals[k] += (datain.getInt() * ( 1 - lowx_float ));
+ datain.position( right );
+ totals[k] += (datain.getInt() * highx_float);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highy_int > lowy_int ) {
+ x_percent = highx_float - lowx_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowy_float) * x_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * x_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * x_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ percent = x_percent * highy_float;
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highx_int > lowx_int ) {
+ y_percent = highy_float - lowy_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowx_float ) * y_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ percent = ( highy_float - lowy_float ) * ( highx_float - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // this is for the pixels in the body
+ temp0 = xindex + group_size + ( lowy_int + 1 ) * ysize;
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp = temp0;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getInt() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getInt();
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ }
+ temp0 += ysize;
+ }
+ outindex = ( j + ( i * widthout ) ) * components;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ dataout.position( outindex + k );
+ dataout.put( (int)(totals[k] / area) );
+ }
+ lowx_int = highx_int;
+ lowx_float = highx_float;
+ highx_int += convx_int;
+ highx_float += convx_float;
+ if( highx_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highx_float -= 1.0f;
+ highx_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ lowy_int = highy_int;
+ lowy_float = highy_float;
+ highy_int += convy_int;
+ highy_float += convy_float;
+ if( highy_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highy_float -= 1.0f;
+ highy_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void scale_internal_float( int components, int widthin, int heightin,
+ ByteBuffer datain, int widthout, int heightout,
+ FloatBuffer dataout, int element_size, int ysize,
+ int group_size, boolean myswap_bytes ) {
+ float x, convx;
+ float y, convy;
+ float percent;
+ // Max components in a format is 4, so...
+ float[] totals = new float[4];
+ float area;
+ int i, j, k, xindex;
+ int temp, temp0;
+ int temp_index;
+ int outindex;
+ int lowx_int, highx_int, lowy_int, highy_int;
+ float x_percent, y_percent;
+ float lowx_float, highx_float, lowy_float, highy_float;
+ float convy_float, convx_float;
+ int convy_int, convx_int;
+ int l, m;
+ int left, right;
+ float swapbuf; // unsigned buffer
+ if( (widthin == (widthout * 2)) && (heightin == (heightout * 2)) ) {
+ HalveImage.halveImage_float( components, widthin, heightin, datain, dataout,
+ element_size, ysize, group_size, myswap_bytes );
+ return;
+ }
+ convx = (float)heightin / heightout;
+ convy = (float)widthin / widthout;
+ convy_int = (int)Math.floor( convy );
+ convy_float = convy - convy_int;
+ convx_int = (int)Math.floor( convx );
+ convx_float = convx - convx_int;
+ area = convx * convy;
+ lowy_int = 0;
+ lowy_float = 0.0f;
+ highy_int = convy_int;
+ highy_float = convy_float;
+ for( i = 0; i < heightout; i++ ) {
+ // Clamp here to be sure we don't read beyond input buffer.
+ if (highy_int >= heightin)
+ highy_int = heightin - 1;
+ lowx_int = 0;
+ lowx_float = 0.0f;
+ highx_int = convx_int;
+ highx_float = convx_float;
+ for( j = 0; j < widthout; j++ ) {
+ // Ok, now apply box filter to box that goes from (lowx, lowy)
+ // to (highx, highy) on input data into this pixel on output
+ // data.
+ totals[0] = totals[1] = totals[2] = totals[3] = 0.0f;
+ // caulate the value for pixels in the 1st row
+ xindex = lowx_int * group_size;
+ if( ( highy_int > lowy_int ) && ( highx_int > lowx_int ) ) {
+ y_percent = 1 - lowy_float;
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * ysize;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ left = temp;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ right = temp;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the value for pixels in the last row
+ y_percent = highy_float;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + highy_int * ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the value for the pixels in the 1st and last column
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ left += ysize;
+ right += ysize;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++, left += element_size, right += element_size ) {
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ datain.position( left );
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ datain.position( right );
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * highx_float;
+ } else {
+ datain.position( left );
+ totals[k] += (datain.getFloat() * ( 1 - lowx_float ));
+ datain.position( right );
+ totals[k] += (datain.getFloat() * highx_float);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highy_int > lowy_int ) {
+ x_percent = highx_float - lowx_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowy_float) * x_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * x_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * x_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ percent = x_percent * highy_float;
+ temp += ysize;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highx_int > lowx_int ) {
+ y_percent = highy_float - lowy_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowx_float ) * y_percent;
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += group_size;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * y_percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ percent = ( highy_float - lowy_float ) * ( highx_float - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + (lowy_int * ysize);
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf * percent;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat() * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // this is for the pixels in the body
+ temp0 = xindex + group_size + ( lowy_int + 1 ) * ysize;
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp = temp0;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ for( k = 0, temp_index = temp; k < components; k++, temp_index += element_size ) {
+ datain.position( temp_index );
+ if( myswap_bytes ) {
+ swapbuf = Mipmap.GLU_SWAP_4_BYTES( datain.getFloat() );
+ totals[k] += swapbuf;
+ } else {
+ totals[k] += datain.getFloat();
+ }
+ }
+ temp += group_size;
+ }
+ temp0 += ysize;
+ }
+ outindex = ( j + ( i * widthout ) ) * components;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ dataout.position( outindex + k );
+ dataout.put( (totals[k] / area) );
+ }
+ lowx_int = highx_int;
+ lowx_float = highx_float;
+ highx_int += convx_int;
+ highx_float += convx_float;
+ if( highx_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highx_float -= 1.0f;
+ highx_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ lowy_int = highy_int;
+ lowy_float = highy_float;
+ highy_int += convy_int;
+ highy_float += convy_float;
+ if( highy_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highy_float -= 1.0f;
+ highy_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void scaleInternalPackedPixel( int components, Extract extract,
+ int widthIn, int heightIn, ByteBuffer dataIn, int widthOut,
+ int heightOut, ByteBuffer dataOut, int pixelSizeInBytes,
+ int rowSizeInBytes, boolean isSwap ) {
+ float x, convx;
+ float y, convy;
+ float percent;
+ // max components in a format is 4, so
+ float[] totals = new float[4];
+ float[] extractTotals = new float[4];
+ float[] extractMoreTotals = new float[4];
+ float[] shoveTotals = new float[4];
+ float area;
+ int i, j, k, xindex;
+ int temp, temp0;
+ int temp_index;
+ int outIndex = 0;
+ int lowx_int, highx_int, lowy_int, highy_int;
+ float x_percent, y_percent;
+ float lowx_float, highx_float, lowy_float, highy_float;
+ float convy_float, convx_float;
+ int convy_int, convx_int;
+ int l, m;
+ int left, right;
+ if( widthIn == widthOut * 2 && heightIn == heightOut * 2 ) {
+ HalveImage.halveImagePackedPixel( components, extract, widthIn, heightIn, dataIn, dataOut,
+ pixelSizeInBytes, rowSizeInBytes, isSwap );
+ return;
+ }
+ convy = (float)heightIn / (float)heightOut;
+ convx = (float)widthIn / (float)widthOut;
+ convy_int = (int)Math.floor( convy );
+ convy_float = convy - convy_int;
+ convx_int = (int)Math.floor( convx );
+ convx_float = convx - convx_int;
+ area = convx * convy;
+ lowy_int = 0;
+ lowy_float = 0.0f;
+ highy_int = convy_int;
+ highy_float = convx_float;
+ for( i = 0; i < heightOut; i++ ) {
+ // Clamp here to be sure we don't read beyond input buffer.
+ if (highy_int >= heightIn)
+ highy_int = heightIn - 1;
+ lowx_int = 0;
+ lowx_float = 0.0f;
+ highx_int = convx_int;
+ highx_float = convx_float;
+ for( j = 0; j < widthOut; j++ ) {
+ // ok now apply box filter to box that goes from( lowx, lowy )
+ // to ( highx, highy ) on input data into this pixel on output data
+ totals[0] = totals[1] = totals[2] = totals[3] = 0.0f;
+ // calculate that value for pixels in the 1st row
+ xindex = lowx_int * pixelSizeInBytes;
+ if( (highy_int > lowy_int) && (highx_int > lowx_int) ) {
+ y_percent = 1 - lowy_float;
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * rowSizeInBytes;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * percent;
+ }
+ left = temp;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += pixelSizeInBytes;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ temp += pixelSizeInBytes;
+ right = temp;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * percent;
+ }
+ // calculate the value for pixels in the last row
+ y_percent = highy_float;
+ percent = y_percent * ( 1 - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + highy_int * rowSizeInBytes;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * percent;
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += pixelSizeInBytes;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ temp += pixelSizeInBytes;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * percent;
+ }
+ // calculate the value for pixels in the 1st and last column
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ left += rowSizeInBytes;
+ right += rowSizeInBytes;
+ dataIn.position( left );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ dataIn.position( right );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractMoreTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += ( extractTotals[k] * ( 1 - lowx_float ) + extractMoreTotals[k] * highx_float );
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( highy_int > lowy_int ) {
+ x_percent = highx_float - lowx_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowy_float ) * x_percent;
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * rowSizeInBytes;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * percent;
+ }
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp += rowSizeInBytes;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * x_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ percent = x_percent * highy_float;
+ temp += rowSizeInBytes;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * percent;
+ }
+ } else if( highx_int > lowx_int ) {
+ y_percent = highy_float - lowy_float;
+ percent = ( 1 - lowx_float ) * y_percent;
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * rowSizeInBytes;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * percent;
+ }
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ temp += pixelSizeInBytes;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * y_percent;
+ }
+ }
+ temp += pixelSizeInBytes;
+ percent = y_percent * highx_float;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * percent;
+ }
+ } else {
+ percent = ( highy_float - lowy_float ) * ( highx_float - lowx_float );
+ temp = xindex + lowy_int * rowSizeInBytes;
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * percent;
+ }
+ }
+ // this is for the pixels in the body
+ temp0 = xindex + pixelSizeInBytes + ( lowy_int + 1 ) * rowSizeInBytes;
+ for( m = lowy_int + 1; m < highy_int; m++ ) {
+ temp = temp0;
+ for( l = lowx_int + 1; l < highx_int; l++ ) {
+ dataIn.position( temp );
+ extract.extract( isSwap, dataIn, extractTotals );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ totals[k] += extractTotals[k] * percent;
+ }
+ temp += pixelSizeInBytes;
+ }
+ temp0 += rowSizeInBytes;
+ }
+ outIndex = ( j + ( i * widthOut ) );
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ shoveTotals[k] = totals[k] / area;
+ }
+ extract.shove( shoveTotals, outIndex, dataOut );
+ lowx_int = highx_int;
+ lowx_float = highx_float;
+ highx_int += convx_int;
+ highx_float += convx_float;
+ if( highx_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highx_float -= 1.0f;
+ highx_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ lowy_int = highy_int;
+ lowy_float = highy_float;
+ highy_int += convy_int;
+ highy_float += convy_float;
+ if( highy_float > 1.0f ) {
+ highy_float -= 1.0f;
+ highy_int++;
+ }
+ }
+ assert( outIndex == ( widthOut * heightOut - 1) );
+ }
+ public static void scaleInternal3D( int components, int widthIn, int heightIn,
+ int depthIn, ShortBuffer dataIn, int widthOut, int heightOut,
+ int depthOut, ShortBuffer dataOut ) {
+ float x, lowx, highx, convx, halfconvx;
+ float y, lowy, highy, convy, halfconvy;
+ float z, lowz, highz, convz, halfconvz;
+ float xpercent, ypercent, zpercent;
+ float percent;
+ // max compnents in a format is 4
+ float[] totals = new float[4];
+ float volume;
+ int i, j, d, k, zint, yint, xint, xindex, yindex, zindex;
+ int temp;
+ lowy = highy = lowx = highx = 0.0f;
+ convz = (float)depthIn / depthOut;
+ convy = (float)heightIn / heightOut;
+ convx = (float)widthIn / widthOut;
+ halfconvz = convz / 2.0f;
+ halfconvy = convy / 2.0f;
+ halfconvx = convx / 2.0f;
+ for( d = 0; d < depthOut; d++ ) {
+ z = convz * ( d + 0.5f );
+ if( depthIn > depthOut ) {
+ highz = z + halfconvz;
+ lowz = z - halfconvz;
+ } else {
+ highz = z + 0.5f;
+ lowz = z - 0.5f;
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < heightOut; i++ ) {
+ y = convy * ( i + 0.5f );
+ if( heightIn > heightOut ) {
+ highz = y + halfconvy;
+ lowz = y - halfconvy;
+ } else {
+ highz = y + 0.5f;
+ lowz = y - 0.5f;
+ }
+ for( j = 0; j < widthOut; j++ ) {
+ x = convx * ( j + 0.5f );
+ if( depthIn > depthOut ) {
+ highz = x + halfconvx;
+ lowz = x - halfconvx;
+ } else {
+ highz = x + 0.5f;
+ lowz = x - 0.5f;
+ }
+ // Ok, now apply box filter to box that goes from ( lowx, lowy, lowz )
+ // to ( highx, highy, highz ) on input data into this pixel on output data
+ totals[0] = totals[1] = totals[2] = totals[3] = 0.0f;
+ volume = 0.0f;
+ z = lowz;
+ zint = (int)(Math.floor( z ) );
+ while( z < highz ) {
+ zindex = ( zint + depthIn ) % depthIn;
+ if( highz < zint + 1 ) {
+ zpercent = highz - z;
+ } else {
+ zpercent = zint + 1 - z;
+ }
+ y = lowy;
+ yint = (int)(Math.floor( y ) );
+ while( y < highy ) {
+ yindex = ( yint + heightIn ) % heightIn;
+ if( highy < yint + 1 ) {
+ ypercent = highy - y;
+ } else {
+ ypercent = yint + 1 - y;
+ }
+ x = lowx;
+ xint = (int)(Math.floor( x ) );
+ while( x < highx ) {
+ xindex = (xint + widthIn ) % widthIn;
+ if( highx < xint + 1 ) {
+ xpercent = highx - x;
+ } else {
+ xpercent = xint + 1 - x;
+ }
+ percent = xpercent * ypercent * zpercent;
+ volume += percent;
+ temp = (xindex + ( yindex *widthIn) + (zindex * widthIn *heightIn)) * components;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ assert( 0 <= (temp+k) && (temp+k) < (widthIn * heightIn * depthIn * components) );
+ totals[k] += dataIn.get( temp + k ) * percent;
+ }
+ xint++;
+ x = xint;
+ } // while x
+ yint++;
+ y = yint;
+ } // while y
+ zint++;
+ z = zint;
+ } // while z
+ temp = ( j + ( i * widthOut ) + (d * widthOut * heightOut ) ) * components;
+ for( k = 0; k < components; k++ ) {
+ // totals should be rounded in the case of enlarging an rgb ramp when the type is 332 or 4444
+ assert( 0 <= ( temp + k ) && ( temp + k ) < (widthOut * heightOut* depthOut * components) );
+ dataOut.put( temp + k, (short)((totals[k] + 0.5f) / volume ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static int gluScaleImage3D( GL gl, int format, int widthIn, int heightIn,
+ int depthIn, int typeIn, ByteBuffer dataIn, int widthOut, int heightOut,
+ int depthOut, int typeOut, ByteBuffer dataOut ) {
+ int components;
+ ShortBuffer beforeImage, afterImage;
+ PixelStorageModes psm = new PixelStorageModes();
+ if( widthIn == 0 || heightIn == 0 || depthIn == 0 ||
+ widthOut == 0 || heightOut == 0 || depthOut == 0 ) {
+ return( 0 );
+ }
+ if( widthIn < 0 || heightIn < 0 || depthIn < 0 ||
+ widthOut < 0 || heightOut < 0 || depthOut < 0 ) {
+ }
+ if( !Mipmap.legalFormat(format) || !Mipmap.legalType(typeIn) ||
+ !Mipmap.legalType(typeOut) || typeIn == GL.GL_BITMAP ||
+ typeOut == GL.GL_BITMAP ) {
+ }
+ if( !Mipmap.isLegalFormatForPackedPixelType( format, typeIn ) ) {
+ }
+ if( !Mipmap.isLegalFormatForPackedPixelType( format, typeOut ) ) {
+ }
+ try {
+ beforeImage = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect( Mipmap.imageSize3D( widthIn,
+ heightIn, depthIn, format, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT ) ).order(
+ ByteOrder.nativeOrder() ).asShortBuffer();
+ afterImage = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect( Mipmap.imageSize3D( widthIn,
+ heightIn, depthIn, format, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT ) ).order(
+ ByteOrder.nativeOrder() ).asShortBuffer();
+ } catch( OutOfMemoryError err ) {
+ return( GLU.GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
+ }
+ Mipmap.retrieveStoreModes3D( gl, psm );
+ Image.fillImage3D( psm, widthIn, heightIn, depthIn, format, typeIn,
+ Mipmap.is_index( format ), dataIn, beforeImage );
+ components = Mipmap.elements_per_group( format, 0 );
+ ScaleInternal.scaleInternal3D( components, widthIn, heightIn, depthIn,
+ beforeImage, widthOut, heightOut, depthOut, afterImage );
+ Image.emptyImage3D( psm, widthOut, heightOut, depthOut, format, typeOut,
+ Mipmap.is_index( format ), afterImage, dataOut );
+ return( 0 );
+ }