path: root/src/jogl/classes
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RegionRenderer.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RegionRenderer.java
index e9c185753..df8be39d2 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RegionRenderer.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RegionRenderer.java
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ package com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Locale;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GL;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2;
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderCode;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderProgram;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureSequence;
import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform;
+import com.jogamp.common.util.IntObjectHashMap;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region;
import com.jogamp.math.Recti;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec4f;
@@ -274,11 +276,17 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
- for(final Iterator<ShaderProgram> i = shaderPrograms.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ for(final Iterator<IntObjectHashMap.Entry> i = shaderPrograms0.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ final ShaderProgram sp = (ShaderProgram) i.next().getValue();
+ sp.destroy(gl);
+ }
+ shaderPrograms0.clear();
+ for(final Iterator<ShaderProgram> i = shaderPrograms1.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
final ShaderProgram sp = i.next();
- shaderPrograms.clear();
+ shaderPrograms1.clear();
initialized = false;
@@ -529,41 +537,25 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
final boolean hasColorChannel; // pass1 only
final boolean hasColorTexture; // pass1 only
final String colorTexSeqID;
- final int colorTexSeqHash;
- final String texLookupFuncName;
final int hashValue;
- ShaderKey(final int renderModes, final boolean pass1_, final int pass2Quality, final int sampleCount, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq, final boolean hasClipFrustum) {
- isTwoPass = Region.isTwoPass( renderModes );
- pass1 = pass1_;
- sms = pass1 ? ShaderModeSelector1.selectPass1(renderModes) :
- ShaderModeSelector1.selectPass2(renderModes, pass2Quality, sampleCount);
- hasFrustumClipping = hasClipFrustum && ( ( !isTwoPass && pass1 ) || ( isTwoPass && !pass1 ) );
- hasColorChannel = pass1 && Region.hasColorChannel( renderModes );
- hasColorTexture = pass1 && Region.hasColorTexture( renderModes ) && null != colorTexSeq;
+ ShaderKey(final boolean isTwoPass, final boolean pass1, final ShaderModeSelector1 sms,
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping, final boolean hasColorChannel,
+ final boolean hasColorTexture, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq, final int colorTexSeqHash)
+ {
+ this.isTwoPass = isTwoPass;
+ this.pass1 = pass1;
+ this.sms = sms;
+ this.hasFrustumClipping = hasFrustumClipping;
+ this.hasColorChannel = hasColorChannel;
+ this.hasColorTexture = hasColorTexture;
if( hasColorTexture ) {
- texLookupFuncName = colorTexSeq.setTextureLookupFunctionName(gcuTexture2D);
- colorTexSeqID = colorTexSeq.getTextureFragmentShaderHashID();
- colorTexSeqHash = colorTexSeq.getTextureFragmentShaderHashCode();
+ this.colorTexSeqID = colorTexSeq.getTextureFragmentShaderHashID();
} else {
- texLookupFuncName = null;
- colorTexSeqID = "";
- colorTexSeqHash = 0;
- }
- {
- // 31 * x == (x << 5) - x
- int hash = 31 * ( isTwoPass ? 1 : 0 );
- hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( pass1 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
- // hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + pass2Quality; // included in sms
- // hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + sampleCount; // included in sms
- hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + sms.ordinal();
- hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasFrustumClipping ? 1 : 0 );
- hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasColorChannel ? 1 : 0 );
- hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasColorTexture ? 1 : 0 );
- hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + colorTexSeqHash;
- hashValue = hash;
+ this.colorTexSeqID = "";
+ hashValue = shaderKeyHash(isTwoPass, pass1, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel, hasColorTexture, sms, colorTexSeqHash);
public final int hashCode() { return hashValue; }
@@ -586,11 +578,34 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
public String toString() {
- return "ShaderKey[hash 0x"+Integer.toHexString(hashValue)+", is2Pass "+isTwoPass+", pass1 "+pass1+
- ", has[clip "+hasFrustumClipping+", colChan "+hasColorChannel+", colTex "+hasColorTexture+"], "+sms+"]";
+ return shaderKeyToString(hashValue, isTwoPass, pass1, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel, hasColorTexture, sms);
- private final HashMap<ShaderKey, ShaderProgram> shaderPrograms = new HashMap<ShaderKey, ShaderProgram>();
+ private final IntObjectHashMap shaderPrograms0 = new IntObjectHashMap();
+ private final HashMap<ShaderKey, ShaderProgram> shaderPrograms1 = new HashMap<ShaderKey, ShaderProgram>();
+ private final boolean useShaderPrograms0 = true;
+ private static String shaderKeyToString(final int hashCode, final boolean isTwoPass, final boolean pass1,
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping, final boolean hasColorChannel, final boolean hasColorTexture,
+ final ShaderModeSelector1 sms) {
+ return "ShaderKey[hash 0x"+Integer.toHexString(hashCode)+", is2Pass "+isTwoPass+", pass1 "+pass1+
+ ", has[clip "+hasFrustumClipping+", colChan "+hasColorChannel+", colTex "+hasColorTexture+"], "+sms+"]";
+ }
+ private static int shaderKeyHash(final boolean isTwoPass, final boolean pass1,
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping, final boolean hasColorChannel, final boolean hasColorTexture,
+ final ShaderModeSelector1 sms, final int colorTexSeqHash) {
+ // 31 * x == (x << 5) - x
+ int hash = 31 * ( isTwoPass ? 1 : 0 );
+ hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( pass1 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
+ // hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + pass2Quality; // included in sms
+ // hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + sampleCount; // included in sms
+ hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + sms.ordinal();
+ hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasFrustumClipping ? 1 : 0 );
+ hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasColorChannel ? 1 : 0 );
+ hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ( hasColorTexture ? 1 : 0 );
+ hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + colorTexSeqHash;
+ return hash;
+ }
* Generate, selects and caches the desired Curve-Graph {@link ShaderProgram} according to the given parameters.
@@ -609,30 +624,140 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
* @see RenderState#getShaderProgram()
public final boolean useShaderProgram(final GL2ES2 gl, final int renderModes, final boolean pass1, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq) {
- final ShaderKey shaderKey = new ShaderKey(renderModes, pass1, getAAQuality(), getSampleCount(), colorTexSeq, null != getClipFrustum());
+ final boolean isTwoPass = Region.isTwoPass( renderModes );
+ final ShaderModeSelector1 sms = pass1 ? ShaderModeSelector1.selectPass1(renderModes) :
+ ShaderModeSelector1.selectPass2(renderModes, getAAQuality(), getSampleCount());
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping = ( null != getClipFrustum() ) && ( ( !isTwoPass && pass1 ) || ( isTwoPass && !pass1 ) );
+ final boolean hasColorChannel = pass1 && Region.hasColorChannel( renderModes );
+ final boolean hasColorTexture = pass1 && Region.hasColorTexture( renderModes ) && null != colorTexSeq;
+ final int colorTexSeqHash;
+ final String colTexLookupFuncName;
+ if( hasColorTexture ) {
+ colTexLookupFuncName = colorTexSeq.setTextureLookupFunctionName(gcuTexture2D);
+ colorTexSeqHash = colorTexSeq.getTextureFragmentShaderHashCode();
+ } else {
+ colTexLookupFuncName = "";
+ colorTexSeqHash = 0;
+ }
+ if( useShaderPrograms0 ) {
+ return useShaderProgram0(gl, renderModes, isTwoPass, pass1, sms, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel,
+ hasColorTexture, colorTexSeq, colTexLookupFuncName, colorTexSeqHash);
+ } else {
+ // FIXME
+ return useShaderProgram1(gl, renderModes, isTwoPass, pass1, sms, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel,
+ hasColorTexture, colorTexSeq, colTexLookupFuncName, colorTexSeqHash);
+ }
+ }
+ private final boolean useShaderProgram0(final GL2ES2 gl, final int renderModes,
+ final boolean isTwoPass, final boolean pass1, final ShaderModeSelector1 sms,
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping, final boolean hasColorChannel,
+ final boolean hasColorTexture, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq,
+ final String colTexLookupFuncName, final int colorTexSeqHash)
+ {
+ final int shaderHashCode = shaderKeyHash(isTwoPass, pass1, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel, hasColorTexture, sms, colorTexSeqHash);
+ /**
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("XXX "+Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes, getAAQuality(), getSampleCount(), 0)+", "+
+ shaderKeyToString(shaderHashCode, isTwoPass, pass1, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel, hasColorTexture, sms));
+ } */
+ ShaderProgram sp = (ShaderProgram) shaderPrograms0.get( shaderHashCode );
+ if( null != sp ) {
+ final boolean spChanged = rs.setShaderProgram(gl, sp);
+ if( spChanged ) {
+ System.err.printf("RegionRenderer.useShaderProgram0.X1: GOT renderModes %s, %s -> sp %d / %d (changed)%n",
+ Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes),
+ shaderKeyToString(shaderHashCode, isTwoPass, pass1, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel, hasColorTexture, sms),
+ sp.program(), sp.id());
+ } else if( DEBUG_ALL_EVENT ) {
+ System.err.printf("RegionRenderer.useShaderProgram0.X1: GOT renderModes %s, %s -> sp %d / %d (keep)%n",
+ Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes),
+ shaderKeyToString(shaderHashCode, isTwoPass, pass1, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel, hasColorTexture, sms),
+ sp.program(), sp.id());
+ }
+ }
+ return spChanged;
+ }
+ sp = createShaderProgram(gl, renderModes, isTwoPass, pass1, sms, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel,
+ hasColorTexture, colorTexSeq, colTexLookupFuncName, colorTexSeqHash);
+ rs.setShaderProgram(gl, sp);
+ {
+ // shaderPrograms0.containsKey(shaderHashCode);
+ final ShaderProgram spOld = (ShaderProgram) shaderPrograms0.put(shaderHashCode, sp);
+ if( null != spOld ) {
+ // shaderPrograms0.put(shaderHashCode, spOld); // move back old value
+ // useShaderPrograms0 = false;
+ final String msg = String.format((Locale)null,
+ "RegionRenderer.useShaderProgram0: WARNING Shader-HashCode Collision: hash 0x%s: %s, %s -> sp %d / %d (changed, new)%n",
+ Integer.toHexString(shaderHashCode),
+ Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes),
+ shaderKeyToString(shaderHashCode, isTwoPass, pass1, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel, hasColorTexture, sms),
+ sp.program(), sp.id());
+ throw new RuntimeException(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ System.err.printf("RegionRenderer.useShaderProgram0.X1: PUT renderModes %s, %s -> sp %d / %d (changed, new)%n",
+ Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes), shaderHashCode, sp.program(), sp.id());
+ // rsFp.dumpShaderSource(System.err);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private final boolean useShaderProgram1(final GL2ES2 gl, final int renderModes,
+ final boolean isTwoPass, final boolean pass1, final ShaderModeSelector1 sms,
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping, final boolean hasColorChannel,
+ final boolean hasColorTexture, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq,
+ final String colTexLookupFuncName, final int colorTexSeqHash) {
+ final ShaderKey shaderKey = new ShaderKey(isTwoPass, pass1, sms, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel,
+ hasColorTexture, colorTexSeq, colorTexSeqHash);
if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("XXX "+Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes, sampleCount, 0)+", "+shaderKey);
+ System.err.println("XXX "+Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes, getAAQuality(), getSampleCount(), 0)+", "+shaderKey);
} */
- ShaderProgram sp = shaderPrograms.get( shaderKey );
+ ShaderProgram sp = shaderPrograms1.get( shaderKey );
if( null != sp ) {
final boolean spChanged = rs.setShaderProgram(gl, sp);
if( spChanged ) {
- System.err.printf("RegionRenderer.useShaderProgram.X1: GOT renderModes %s, %s -> sp %d / %d (changed)%n",
+ System.err.printf("RegionRenderer.useShaderProgram1.X1: GOT renderModes %s, %s -> sp %d / %d (changed)%n",
Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes), shaderKey, sp.program(), sp.id());
} else if( DEBUG_ALL_EVENT ) {
- System.err.printf("RegionRenderer.useShaderProgram.X1: GOT renderModes %s, %s -> sp %d / %d (keep)%n",
+ System.err.printf("RegionRenderer.useShaderProgram1.X1: GOT renderModes %s, %s -> sp %d / %d (keep)%n",
Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes), shaderKey, sp.program(), sp.id());
return spChanged;
+ sp = createShaderProgram(gl, renderModes, isTwoPass, pass1, sms, hasFrustumClipping, hasColorChannel,
+ hasColorTexture, colorTexSeq, colTexLookupFuncName, colorTexSeqHash);
+ rs.setShaderProgram(gl, sp);
+ shaderPrograms1.put(shaderKey, sp);
+ System.err.printf("RegionRenderer.useShaderProgram1.X1: PUT renderModes %s, %s -> sp %d / %d (changed, new)%n",
+ Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes), shaderKey, sp.program(), sp.id());
+ // rsFp.dumpShaderSource(System.err);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private final ShaderProgram createShaderProgram(final GL2ES2 gl, final int renderModes,
+ final boolean isTwoPass, final boolean pass1, final ShaderModeSelector1 sms,
+ final boolean hasFrustumClipping, final boolean hasColorChannel,
+ final boolean hasColorTexture, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq,
+ final String colTexLookupFuncName, final int colorTexSeqHash)
+ {
final String versionedBaseName = getVersionedShaderName();
final String vertexShaderName;
- if( shaderKey.isTwoPass ) {
+ if( isTwoPass ) {
vertexShaderName = versionedBaseName+"-pass"+(pass1?1:2);
} else {
vertexShaderName = versionedBaseName+"-single";
@@ -640,13 +765,13 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
final ShaderCode rsVp = ShaderCode.create(gl, GL2ES2.GL_VERTEX_SHADER, AttributeNames.class, SHADER_SRC_SUB, SHADER_BIN_SUB, vertexShaderName, true);
final ShaderCode rsFp = ShaderCode.create(gl, GL2ES2.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, AttributeNames.class, SHADER_SRC_SUB, SHADER_BIN_SUB, versionedBaseName+"-segment-head", true);
- if( shaderKey.hasColorTexture && GLES2.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES == colorTexSeq.getTextureTarget() ) {
+ if( hasColorTexture && GLES2.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES == colorTexSeq.getTextureTarget() ) {
if( !gl.isExtensionAvailable(GLExtensions.OES_EGL_image_external) ) {
throw new GLException(GLExtensions.OES_EGL_image_external+" requested but not available");
boolean preludeGLSLVersion = true;
- if( shaderKey.hasColorTexture && GLES2.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES == colorTexSeq.getTextureTarget() ) {
+ if( hasColorTexture && GLES2.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES == colorTexSeq.getTextureTarget() ) {
if( Platform.OSType.ANDROID == Platform.getOSType() && gl.isGLES3() ) {
// Bug on Nexus 10, ES3 - Android 4.3, where
// GL_OES_EGL_image_external extension directive leads to a failure _with_ '#version 300 es' !
@@ -660,7 +785,7 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
int posVp = rsVp.defaultShaderCustomization(gl, preludeGLSLVersion, true);
// rsFp.defaultShaderCustomization(gl, true, true);
int posFp = preludeGLSLVersion ? rsFp.addGLSLVersion(gl) : 0;
- if( shaderKey.hasColorTexture ) {
+ if( hasColorTexture ) {
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, colorTexSeq.getRequiredExtensionsShaderStub());
if( pass1 && !preludeGLSLVersion || ( gl.isGLES2() && !gl.isGLES3() ) ) {
@@ -686,22 +811,22 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_USE_DISCARD);
- if( shaderKey.hasFrustumClipping ) {
+ if( hasFrustumClipping ) {
posVp = rsVp.insertShaderSource(0, posVp, GLSL_USE_FRUSTUM_CLIPPING);
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_USE_FRUSTUM_CLIPPING);
- if( shaderKey.hasColorChannel ) {
+ if( hasColorChannel ) {
posVp = rsVp.insertShaderSource(0, posVp, GLSL_USE_COLOR_CHANNEL);
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_USE_COLOR_CHANNEL);
- if( shaderKey.hasColorTexture ) {
+ if( hasColorTexture ) {
rsVp.insertShaderSource(0, posVp, GLSL_USE_COLOR_TEXTURE);
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_USE_COLOR_TEXTURE);
if( !pass1 ) {
- posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_DEF_SAMPLE_COUNT+shaderKey.sms.sampleCount+"\n");
- posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_CONST_SAMPLE_COUNT+shaderKey.sms.sampleCount+".0;\n");
+ posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_DEF_SAMPLE_COUNT+sms.sampleCount+"\n");
+ posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_CONST_SAMPLE_COUNT+sms.sampleCount+".0;\n");
posVp = rsVp.insertShaderSource(0, posVp, GLSL_PARAM_COMMENT_END);
@@ -710,7 +835,7 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
try {
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, AttributeNames.class, "uniforms.glsl");
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, AttributeNames.class, "varyings.glsl");
- if( shaderKey.hasColorTexture || shaderKey.hasFrustumClipping ) {
+ if( hasColorTexture || hasFrustumClipping ) {
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, AttributeNames.class, "functions.glsl");
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
@@ -720,7 +845,7 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read: includes");
- if( shaderKey.hasColorTexture ) {
+ if( hasColorTexture ) {
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, "uniform "+colorTexSeq.getTextureSampler2DType()+" "+UniformNames.gcu_ColorTexUnit+";\n");
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, colorTexSeq.getTextureLookupFragmentShaderImpl());
@@ -728,9 +853,9 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, GLSL_MAIN_BEGIN);
final String passS = pass1 ? "-pass1-" : "-pass2-";
- final String shaderSegment = versionedBaseName+passS+shaderKey.sms.tech+shaderKey.sms.sub+".glsl";
+ final String shaderSegment = versionedBaseName+passS+sms.tech+sms.sub+".glsl";
if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.printf("RegionRendererImpl01.useShaderProgram.1: segment %s%n", shaderSegment);
+ System.err.printf("RegionRenderer.createShaderProgram.1: segment %s%n", shaderSegment);
try {
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, AttributeNames.class, shaderSegment);
@@ -742,11 +867,11 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
posFp = rsFp.insertShaderSource(0, posFp, "}\n");
- if( shaderKey.hasColorTexture ) {
- rsFp.replaceInShaderSource(gcuTexture2D, shaderKey.texLookupFuncName);
+ if( hasColorTexture ) {
+ rsFp.replaceInShaderSource(gcuTexture2D, colTexLookupFuncName);
- sp = new ShaderProgram();
+ final ShaderProgram sp = new ShaderProgram();
@@ -757,14 +882,7 @@ public final class RegionRenderer {
if( !sp.link(gl, System.err) ) {
throw new GLException("could not link program: "+sp);
- rs.setShaderProgram(gl, sp);
- shaderPrograms.put(shaderKey, sp);
- System.err.printf("RegionRenderer.useShaderProgram.X1: PUT renderModes %s, %s -> sp %d / %d (changed, new)%n",
- Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes), shaderKey, sp.program(), sp.id());
- // rsFp.dumpShaderSource(System.err);
- }
- return true;
+ return sp;