path: root/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/tess/Loop.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/tess/Loop.java')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/tess/Loop.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/tess/Loop.java
index a27540878..d94ab775d 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/tess/Loop.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/tess/Loop.java
@@ -42,14 +42,19 @@ public class Loop {
private final AABBox box = new AABBox();
private GraphOutline initialOutline = null;
- private Loop(final GraphOutline polyline, final Winding winding){
+ private Loop(final GraphOutline polyline, final int edgeType){
initialOutline = polyline;
- this.root = initFromPolyline(initialOutline, winding);
+ this.root = initFromPolyline(initialOutline, edgeType);
- public static Loop create(final GraphOutline polyline, final Winding winding) {
- final Loop res = new Loop(polyline, winding);
- return null != res.root ? res : null;
+ public static Loop create(final GraphOutline polyline, final int edgeType) {
+ final Loop res = new Loop(polyline, edgeType);
+ if( null == res.root ) {
+ return null;
+ } else if( HEdge.HOLE == edgeType ) {
+ res.addConstraintCurveImpl(polyline);
+ }
+ return res;
public HEdge getHEdge(){
@@ -64,7 +69,12 @@ public class Loop {
final HEdge prev = root.getPrev();
final HEdge next1 = root.getNext();
- final HEdge next2 = findClosestValidNeighbor(next1.getNext(), delaunay);
+ final HEdge next2;
+ if( CDTriangulator2D.DEBUG ) {
+ next2 = isValidNeighborDbg(next1.getNext(), delaunay);
+ } else {
+ next2 = isValidNeighbor(next1.getNext(), delaunay);
+ }
if(next2 == null){
root = root.getNext();
return null;
@@ -97,26 +107,12 @@ public class Loop {
return (root.getNext().getNext().getNext() == root);
- private static float area(final ArrayList<GraphVertex> vertices) {
- final int n = vertices.size();
- float area = 0.0f;
- for (int p = n - 1, q = 0; q < n; p = q++) {
- final Vec3f pCoord = vertices.get(p).getCoord();
- final Vec3f qCoord = vertices.get(q).getCoord();
- area += pCoord.x() * qCoord.y() - qCoord.x() * pCoord.y();
- }
- return area;
- }
- private static Winding getWinding(final ArrayList<GraphVertex> vertices) {
- return area(vertices) >= 0 ? Winding.CCW : Winding.CW ;
- }
* Create a connected list of half edges (loop)
* from the boundary profile
- * @param reqWinding requested winding of edges, either {@link Winding#CCW} for {@link HEdge#BOUNDARY} or {@link Winding#CW} for {@link HEdge#HOLE}
+ * @param edgeType either {@link HEdge#BOUNDARY} requiring {@link Winding#CCW} or {@link HEdge#HOLE} using {@link Winding#CW} or even {@link Winding#CCW}
- private HEdge initFromPolyline(final GraphOutline outline, final Winding reqWinding){
+ private HEdge initFromPolyline(final GraphOutline outline, final int edgeType) {
final ArrayList<GraphVertex> vertices = outline.getGraphPoint();
if(vertices.size()<3) {
@@ -126,21 +122,19 @@ public class Loop {
return null;
- final Winding hasWinding = getWinding( vertices ); // requires area-winding detection
- final int edgeType = reqWinding == Winding.CCW ? HEdge.BOUNDARY : HEdge.HOLE ;
+ final Winding winding = outline.getOutline().getWinding();
+ final Winding edgeWinding = HEdge.BOUNDARY == edgeType ? Winding.CCW : Winding.CW;
+ if( HEdge.BOUNDARY == edgeType && Winding.CCW != winding ) {
+ // XXXX
+ System.err.println("Loop.init.xx.01: BOUNDARY req CCW but has "+winding);
+ // outline.getOutline().print(System.err);
+ Thread.dumpStack();
+ }
HEdge firstEdge = null;
HEdge lastEdge = null;
- /**
- * The winding conversion CW -> CCW can't be resolved here (-> Rami?)
- * Therefore we require outline boundaries to be in CCW, see API-doc comment in OutlineShape.
- *
- * Original comment:
- * FIXME: handle case when vertices come inverted - Rami
- * Skips inversion CW -> CCW
- */
- if( hasWinding == reqWinding || reqWinding == Winding.CCW ) {
+ if( winding == edgeWinding || HEdge.BOUNDARY == edgeType ) {
// Correct Winding or skipped CW -> CCW (no inversion possible here, too late ??)
final int max = vertices.size() - 1;
for(int index = 0; index <= max; ++index) {
@@ -162,8 +156,8 @@ public class Loop {
lastEdge = edge;
- } else { // if( reqWinding == Winding.CW ) {
- // CCW -> CW
+ } else { // if( hasWinding == Winding.CW ) {
+ // CCW <-> CW
for(int index = vertices.size() - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
final GraphVertex v1 = vertices.get(index);
box.resize(v1.x(), v1.y(), v1.z());
@@ -191,10 +185,12 @@ public class Loop {
public void addConstraintCurve(final GraphOutline polyline) {
// GraphOutline outline = new GraphOutline(polyline);
/**needed to generate vertex references.*/
- if( null == initFromPolyline(polyline, Winding.CW) ) { // -> HEdge.HOLE
+ if( null == initFromPolyline(polyline, HEdge.HOLE) ) {
+ addConstraintCurveImpl(polyline);
+ }
+ private void addConstraintCurveImpl(final GraphOutline polyline) {
final GraphVertex v3 = locateClosestVertex(polyline);
if( null == v3 ) {
System.err.println( "Graph: Loop.locateClosestVertex returns null; root valid? "+(null!=root));
@@ -220,18 +216,20 @@ public class Loop {
HEdge.connect(crossEdgeSib, root);
- /** Locates the vertex and update the loops root
+ /**
+ * Locates the vertex and update the loops root
* to have (root + vertex) as closest pair
- * @param polyline the control polyline
- * to search for closestvertices
+ * @param polyline the control polyline to search for closestvertices in CW
* @return the vertex that is closest to the newly set root Hedge.
private GraphVertex locateClosestVertex(final GraphOutline polyline) {
HEdge closestE = null;
GraphVertex closestV = null;
+ // final Winding winding = polyline.getOutline().getWinding();
+ // final Winding winding = getWinding( vertices ); // requires area-winding detection
float minDistance = Float.MAX_VALUE;
- boolean inValid = false;
final ArrayList<GraphVertex> initVertices = initialOutline.getGraphPoint();
final ArrayList<GraphVertex> vertices = polyline.getGraphPoint();
@@ -242,16 +240,17 @@ public class Loop {
final GraphVertex cand = vertices.get(pos);
final float distance = v.getCoord().dist( cand.getCoord() );
if(distance < minDistance){
+ boolean inside = false;
for (final GraphVertex vert:vertices){
- if(vert == v || vert == nextV || vert == cand)
+ if(vert == v || vert == nextV || vert == cand) {
- inValid = VectorUtil.isInCircleVec2(v.getPoint(), nextV.getPoint(),
- cand.getPoint(), vert.getPoint());
- if(inValid){
+ }
+ inside = VectorUtil.isInCircleVec2d(v.getPoint(), nextV.getPoint(), cand.getPoint(), vert.getPoint());
+ if(inside){
- if(!inValid){
+ if(!inside){
closestV = cand;
minDistance = distance;
closestE = v.findBoundEdge();
@@ -268,39 +267,67 @@ public class Loop {
return closestV;
- private HEdge findClosestValidNeighbor(final HEdge edge, final boolean delaunay) {
+ private HEdge isValidNeighbor(final HEdge candEdge, final boolean delaunay) {
final HEdge next = root.getNext();
- if(!VectorUtil.isCCW(root.getGraphPoint().getPoint(), next.getGraphPoint().getPoint(),
- edge.getGraphPoint().getPoint())){
+ if( !VectorUtil.isCCW( root.getGraphPoint().getPoint(), next.getGraphPoint().getPoint(),
+ candEdge.getGraphPoint().getPoint()) ) {
return null;
- final HEdge candEdge = edge;
- boolean inValid = false;
- if(delaunay){
- final Vertex cand = candEdge.getGraphPoint().getPoint();
- HEdge e = candEdge.getNext();
- while (e != candEdge){
- if(e.getGraphPoint() == root.getGraphPoint()
- || e.getGraphPoint() == next.getGraphPoint()
- || e.getGraphPoint().getPoint() == cand){
- e = e.getNext();
- continue;
- }
- inValid = VectorUtil.isInCircleVec2(root.getGraphPoint().getPoint(), next.getGraphPoint().getPoint(),
- cand, e.getGraphPoint().getPoint());
- if(inValid){
- break;
+ if( !delaunay ) {
+ return candEdge;
+ }
+ final Vertex candPoint = candEdge.getGraphPoint().getPoint();
+ HEdge e = candEdge.getNext();
+ while (e != candEdge){
+ final GraphVertex egp = e.getGraphPoint();
+ if(egp != root.getGraphPoint() &&
+ egp != next.getGraphPoint() &&
+ egp.getPoint() != candPoint )
+ {
+ if( VectorUtil.isInCircleVec2d(root.getGraphPoint().getPoint(), next.getGraphPoint().getPoint(),
+ candPoint, egp.getPoint()) ) {
+ return null;
- e = e.getNext();
+ e = e.getNext();
- if(!inValid){
+ return candEdge;
+ }
+ private HEdge isValidNeighborDbg(final HEdge candEdge, final boolean delaunay) {
+ final HEdge next = root.getNext();
+ if( !VectorUtil.isCCW( root.getGraphPoint().getPoint(), next.getGraphPoint().getPoint(),
+ candEdge.getGraphPoint().getPoint()) ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if( !delaunay ) {
return candEdge;
- return null;
+ final Vertex candPoint = candEdge.getGraphPoint().getPoint();
+ HEdge e = candEdge.getNext();
+ while (e != candEdge){
+ final GraphVertex egp = e.getGraphPoint();
+ if(egp != root.getGraphPoint() &&
+ egp != next.getGraphPoint() &&
+ egp.getPoint() != candPoint )
+ {
+ final double v = VectorUtil.inCircleVec2dVal(root.getGraphPoint().getPoint(), next.getGraphPoint().getPoint(),
+ candPoint, egp.getPoint());
+ if( v > VectorUtil.InCircleDThreshold ) {
+ if( CDTriangulator2D.DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.printf("Loop.isInCircle.1: %30.30f: %s, of%n- %s%n- %s%n- %s%n",
+ v, candPoint, root.getGraphPoint().getPoint(), next.getGraphPoint().getPoint(), egp.getPoint());
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ if( CDTriangulator2D.DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.printf("Loop.isInCircle.0: %30.30f: %s, of%n- %s%n- %s%n- %s%n",
+ v, candPoint, root.getGraphPoint().getPoint(), next.getGraphPoint().getPoint(), egp.getPoint());
+ }
+ }
+ e = e.getNext();
+ }
+ System.err.printf("Loop.isInCircle.0: %s%n", candPoint);
+ return candEdge;
/** Create a triangle from the param vertices only if