path: root/src/jogl/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/glsl/ShaderProgram.java
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/glsl/ShaderProgram.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/glsl/ShaderProgram.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c06eae383..000000000
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/sun/opengl/util/glsl/ShaderProgram.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-package com.sun.opengl.util.glsl;
-import javax.media.opengl.*;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.nio.*;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
-public class ShaderProgram {
- public ShaderProgram() {
- id = getNextID();
- }
- public boolean linked() {
- return programLinked;
- }
- public boolean inUse() {
- return programInUse;
- }
- public int program() { return shaderProgram; }
- /**
- * returns the uniq shader id as an integer
- * @see #key()
- */
- public int id() { return id.intValue(); }
- /**
- * returns the uniq shader id as an Integer
- *
- * @see #id()
- */
- public Integer key() { return id; }
- /**
- * Detaches all shader codes and deletes the program.
- * Destroys the shader codes as well.
- * Calls release(gl, true)
- *
- * @see #release(GL2ES2, boolean)
- */
- public synchronized void destroy(GL2ES2 gl) {
- release(gl, true);
- }
- /**
- * Detaches all shader codes and deletes the program.
- * Calls release(gl, false)
- *
- * @see #release(GL2ES2, boolean)
- */
- public synchronized void release(GL2ES2 gl) {
- release(gl, false);
- }
- /**
- * Detaches all shader codes and deletes the program.
- * If releaseShaderToo is true, destroys the shader codes as well.
- */
- public synchronized void release(GL2ES2 gl, boolean releaseShaderToo) {
- glUseProgram(gl, false);
- for(Iterator iter=shaderMap.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- ShaderCode shaderCode = (ShaderCode) iter.next();
- ShaderUtil.detachShader(gl, shaderProgram, shaderCode.shader());
- if(releaseShaderToo) {
- shaderCode.destroy(gl);
- }
- }
- shaderMap.clear();
- gl.glDeleteProgram(shaderProgram);
- shaderProgram=-1;
- }
- //
- // ShaderCode handling
- //
- /**
- * Adds a new shader to a this non running program.
- *
- * @return false if the program is in use, or the shader already exist,
- * otherwise true.
- */
- public synchronized boolean add(ShaderCode shaderCode) {
- if(shaderMap.containsKey(shaderCode.key())) return false;
- shaderMap.put(shaderCode.key(), shaderCode);
- return true;
- }
- public synchronized ShaderCode getShader(int id) {
- return (ShaderCode) shaderMap.get(new Integer(id));
- }
- //
- // Program handling
- //
- /**
- * Replace a shader in a 'running' program.
- * Refetches all previously bin/get attribute names
- * and resets all attribute data as well
- *
- * @see getAttribLocation
- * @param gl
- * @param oldShaderID the to be replace Shader
- * @param newShader the new ShaderCode
- * @param verboseOut the optional verbose outputstream
- * @throws GLException is the program is not linked
- *
- * @see #glRefetchAttribLocations
- * @see #glResetAllVertexAttributes
- * @see #glReplaceShader
- */
- public synchronized boolean glReplaceShader(GL2ES2 gl, int oldShaderID, ShaderCode newShader, PrintStream verboseOut) {
- if(!programLinked) throw new GLException("Program is not linked");
- boolean shaderWasInUse = programInUse;
- glUseProgram(gl, false);
- if(!newShader.compile(gl, verboseOut)) {
- return false;
- }
- if(oldShaderID>=0) {
- ShaderCode oldShader = (ShaderCode) shaderMap.remove(new Integer(oldShaderID));
- if(null!=oldShader) {
- ShaderUtil.detachShader(gl, shaderProgram, oldShader.shader());
- }
- }
- add(newShader);
- ShaderUtil.attachShader(gl, shaderProgram, newShader.shader());
- gl.glLinkProgram(shaderProgram);
- if ( ! ShaderUtil.isProgramValid(gl, shaderProgram, System.err) ) {
- return false;
- }
- if(shaderWasInUse) {
- glUseProgram(gl, true);
- }
- return true;
- }
- public synchronized boolean link(GL2ES2 gl, PrintStream verboseOut) {
- if(programLinked) throw new GLException("Program is already linked");
- if(0>shaderProgram) {
- shaderProgram = gl.glCreateProgram();
- }
- for(Iterator iter=shaderMap.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- ShaderCode shaderCode = (ShaderCode) iter.next();
- if(!shaderCode.compile(gl, verboseOut)) {
- return false;
- }
- ShaderUtil.attachShader(gl, shaderProgram, shaderCode.shader());
- }
- // Link the program
- gl.glLinkProgram(shaderProgram);
- programLinked = ShaderUtil.isProgramValid(gl, shaderProgram, System.err);
- return programLinked;
- }
- public boolean equals(Object obj) {
- if(this==obj) return true;
- if(obj instanceof ShaderCode) {
- return id()==((ShaderCode)obj).id();
- }
- return false;
- }
- public int hashCode() {
- return id.intValue();
- }
- public String toString() {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- buf.append("ShaderProgram[id="+id);
- buf.append(", linked="+programLinked+", inUse="+programInUse+", program: "+shaderProgram+", [");
- for(Iterator iter=shaderMap.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- buf.append((ShaderCode) iter.next());
- buf.append(" ");
- }
- buf.append("]");
- return buf.toString();
- }
- protected synchronized void glUseProgram(GL2ES2 gl, boolean on) {
- if(!programLinked) throw new GLException("Program is not linked");
- if(programInUse==on) return;
- gl.glUseProgram(on?shaderProgram:0);
- programInUse = on;
- //Throwable tX = new Throwable("Info: ShaderProgram.glUseProgram: "+on);
- //tX.printStackTrace();
- }
- protected boolean programLinked = false;
- protected boolean programInUse = false;
- protected int shaderProgram=-1;
- protected HashMap shaderMap = new HashMap();
- protected Integer id = null;
- private static synchronized Integer getNextID() {
- return new Integer(nextID++);
- }
- protected static int nextID = 1;