path: root/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/TextRegionUtil.java
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diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/TextRegionUtil.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/TextRegionUtil.java
index 8e41ddaa4..428bb350d 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/TextRegionUtil.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/TextRegionUtil.java
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
* Origin of rendered text is 0/0 at bottom left.
* </p>
* <p>
- * The region buffer's size is grown by pre-calculating required string size via {@link #countStringRegion(Font, CharSequence, int[])}.
+ * The region buffer's size is grown by pre-calculating required size via {@link #countStringRegion(Font, CharSequence, int[])}.
* </p>
* @param region the {@link GLRegion} sink
* @param font the target {@link Font}
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
* Origin of rendered text is 0/0 at bottom left.
* </p>
* <p>
- * The region buffer's size is grown by pre-calculating required string size via {@link #countStringRegion(Font, CharSequence, int[])}.
+ * The region buffer's size is grown by pre-calculating required size via {@link #countStringRegion(Font, CharSequence, int[])}.
* </p>
* @param region the {@link GLRegion} sink
* @param font the target {@link Font}
@@ -117,9 +117,31 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
return addStringToRegion(true /* preGrowRegion */, region, font, transform, str, rgbaColor, temp1, temp2);
- private static AABBox addStringToRegion(final boolean preGrowRegion, final Region region, final Font font, final AffineTransform transform,
- final CharSequence str, final Vec4f rgbaColor,
- final AffineTransform temp1, final AffineTransform temp2) {
+ /**
+ * Add the string in 3D space w.r.t. the font in font em-size [0..1] at the end of the {@link GLRegion}
+ * while passing the progressed {@link AffineTransform}.
+ * <p>
+ * The shapes added to the GLRegion are in font em-size [0..1], but can be adjusted with the given transform, progressed and passed to the visitor.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Origin of rendered text is 0/0 at bottom left.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Depending on `preGrowRegion`, the region buffer's size is grown by pre-calculating required size via {@link #countStringRegion(Font, CharSequence, int[])}.
+ * </p>
+ * @param preGrowRegion if true, utilizes {@link #countStringRegion(Font, CharSequence, int[])} to pre-calc required buffer size, otherwise not.
+ * @param region the {@link GLRegion} sink
+ * @param font the target {@link Font}
+ * @param transform optional given transform
+ * @param str string text
+ * @param rgbaColor if {@link Region#hasColorChannel()} RGBA color must be passed, otherwise value is ignored.
+ * @param temp1 temporary AffineTransform storage, mandatory
+ * @param temp2 temporary AffineTransform storage, mandatory
+ * @return the bounding box of the given string by taking each glyph's font em-sized [0..1] OutlineShape into account.
+ */
+ public static AABBox addStringToRegion(final boolean preGrowRegion, final Region region, final Font font, final AffineTransform transform,
+ final CharSequence str, final Vec4f rgbaColor,
+ final AffineTransform temp1, final AffineTransform temp2) {
final Font.GlyphVisitor visitor = new Font.GlyphVisitor() {
public void visit(final char symbol, final Glyph glyph, final AffineTransform t) {
@@ -130,8 +152,7 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
if( preGrowRegion ) {
- final int[] vertIndCount = { 0, 0 };
- countStringRegion(font, str, vertIndCount);
+ final int[] vertIndCount = countStringRegion(font, str, new int[2]);
region.growBuffer(vertIndCount[0], vertIndCount[1]);
return font.processString(visitor, transform, str, temp1, temp2);
@@ -145,17 +166,19 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
* @param font the target {@link Font}
* @param str string text
* @param vertIndexCount the int[2] storage where the counted vertices and indices are added, vertices at [0] and indices at [1]
+ * @return the given int[2] storage for chaining
* @see Region#setBufferCapacity(int, int)
* @see Region#growBuffer(int, int)
* @see #drawString3D(GL2ES2, GLRegion, RegionRenderer, Font, CharSequence, float[], int[], AffineTransform, AffineTransform)
- public static void countStringRegion(final Font font, final CharSequence str, final int[/*2*/] vertIndexCount) {
+ public static int[] countStringRegion(final Font font, final CharSequence str, final int[/*2*/] vertIndexCount) {
final Font.GlyphVisitor2 visitor = new Font.GlyphVisitor2() {
public final void visit(final char symbol, final Font.Glyph glyph) {
Region.countOutlineShape(glyph.getShape(), vertIndexCount);
} };
font.processString(visitor, str);
+ return vertIndexCount;
@@ -259,7 +282,7 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
* Try using {@link #drawString3D(GL2ES2, GLRegion, RegionRenderer, Font, CharSequence, float[], int[], AffineTransform, AffineTransform)} to reuse {@link AffineTransform} instances.
* <p>
- * The region buffer's size is grown by pre-calculating required string size via {@link #countStringRegion(Font, CharSequence, int[])}.
+ * The region buffer's size is grown by pre-calculating required size via {@link #countStringRegion(Font, CharSequence, int[])}.
* </p>
public static AABBox drawString3D(final GL2ES2 gl, final GLRegion region, final RegionRenderer renderer,
@@ -279,7 +302,7 @@ public class TextRegionUtil {
* Origin of rendered text is 0/0 at bottom left.
* </p>
* <p>
- * The region buffer's size is grown by pre-calculating required string size via {@link #countStringRegion(Font, CharSequence, int[])}.
+ * The region buffer's size is grown by pre-calculating required size via {@link #countStringRegion(Font, CharSequence, int[])}.
* </p>
* @param gl the current GL state
* @param region