diff options
3 files changed, 89 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/FontView01.java b/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/FontView01.java
index dd416e58d..b7b5f3168 100644
--- a/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/FontView01.java
+++ b/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/FontView01.java
@@ -290,9 +290,11 @@ public class FontView01 {
final RangeSlider rs1 = new RangeSlider(options.renderModes,
new Vec2f((GlyphGridWidth/gridDim.rawSize.x())/5f, glyphGrid.getBounds().getHeight()),
new Vec2f(0, gridDim.contourChars.size()/gridDim.columns), gridDim.rows, 0).setInverted(sliderInverted);
+ rs1.setColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.7f);
final RangeSlider rs2 = new RangeSlider(options.renderModes,
new Vec2f((GlyphGridWidth/gridDim.rawSize.x())/5f, glyphGrid.getBounds().getHeight()), 2,
new Vec2f(0, gridDim.contourChars.size()/gridDim.columns), 0).setInverted(sliderInverted);
+ rs2.setColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.7f);
final SliderListener sliderListener = new SliderListener() {
public void clicked(final RangeSlider w, final MouseEvent e) { }
diff --git a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/MediaPlayer.java b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/MediaPlayer.java
index fd455695a..4ea05912b 100644
--- a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/MediaPlayer.java
+++ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/MediaPlayer.java
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ public class MediaPlayer extends Widget {
for(final GLMediaPlayer.Chapter c : mp.getChapters()) {
+ ctrlSlider.addMark(c.start, new Vec4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.5f));
} else if( eventMask.isSet(GLMediaPlayer.EventMask.Bit.Play) ) {
diff --git a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangeSlider.java b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangeSlider.java
index f6498974e..4c608128e 100644
--- a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangeSlider.java
+++ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangeSlider.java
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ package com.jogamp.graph.ui.widgets;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.GLRegion;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer;
+import com.jogamp.graph.ui.GraphShape;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Group;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Shape;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.layout.Padding;
@@ -79,14 +80,14 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
private static final float pageBarLineScale = 0.25f; // 1/4 * ( barWidth - pageKnobWidth )
private static final float pageKnobSizePctMin = 5f/100f;
private final boolean horizontal;
- /** Width of knob orthogonal to sliding direction */
- private float knobDiameter;
- /** Half length of knob in sliding direction */
- private float knobHalfLen;
+ /** Knob height orthogonal to sliding direction */
+ private float knobHeight;
+ /** Knob length in sliding direction */
+ private float knobLength;
private final Vec2f size;
- private final Group barAndKnob;
+ private final Group barAndKnob, marks;
private final Rectangle bar;
- private final Shape knob;
+ private final GraphShape knob;
private SliderListener sliderListener = null;
private final Vec2f minMax = new Vec2f(0, 100);
private float pageSize;
@@ -131,43 +132,46 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
this.horizontal = size.x() >= size.y();
barAndKnob = new Group();
+ marks = new Group();
+ marks.setInteractive(false).setToggleable(false).setDraggable(false).setResizable(false);
this.size = new Vec2f(size);
if( Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
if( horizontal ) {
- knobDiameter = size.y()*knobScale;
- setPaddding(new Padding(knobHalfLen, 0, knobHalfLen, 0));
+ knobHeight = size.y()*knobScale;
+ setPaddding(new Padding(knobHeight/2f, 0, knobHeight/2f, 0));
} else {
- knobDiameter = size.x()*knobScale;
- setPaddding(new Padding(0, knobHalfLen, 0, knobHalfLen));
+ knobHeight = size.x()*knobScale;
+ setPaddding(new Padding(0, knobHeight/2f, 0, knobHeight/2f));
- knobHalfLen = knobDiameter * 0.5f;
+ knobLength = knobHeight;
bar = new Rectangle(renderModes, this.size.x(), this.size.y(), 0);
- knob = new BaseButton(renderModes , knobDiameter*1.01f, knobDiameter);
+ knob = new BaseButton(renderModes , knobHeight*1.01f, knobHeight);
setBackgroundBarColor(0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.5f);
} else {
final float pageSizePct = Math.max(pageKnobSizePctMin, pageSize / getRange(minMax));
final float barLineWidth;
- final float knobWidth, knobHeight;
+ final float width, height;
if( horizontal ) {
- knobHeight = size.y() * pageKnobScale;
- knobWidth = pageSizePct * this.size.x();
- barLineWidth = ( size.y() - knobHeight ) * pageBarLineScale;
- knobHalfLen = knobWidth * 0.5f;
- knobDiameter = knobHeight;
+ height = size.y() * pageKnobScale;
+ width = pageSizePct * this.size.x();
+ barLineWidth = ( size.y() - height ) * pageBarLineScale;
+ knobLength = width;
+ knobHeight = height;
setPaddding(new Padding(size.y(), 0, size.y(), 0));
} else {
- knobWidth = size.x() * pageKnobScale;
- knobHeight = pageSizePct * this.size.y();
- barLineWidth = ( size.x() - knobWidth ) * pageBarLineScale;
- knobHalfLen = knobHeight * 0.5f;
- knobDiameter = knobWidth;
+ width = size.x() * pageKnobScale;
+ height = pageSizePct * this.size.y();
+ barLineWidth = ( size.x() - width ) * pageBarLineScale;
+ knobLength = height;
+ knobHeight = width;
setPaddding(new Padding(0, size.x(), 0, size.x()));
// System.err.println("ZZZ minMax "+minMax+", pageSize "+pageSize+" "+(pageSizePct*100f)+"% -> "+knobHeight+"/"+this.size.y());
bar = new Rectangle(renderModes, this.size.x(), this.size.y(), barLineWidth);
- knob = new Rectangle(renderModes, knobWidth, knobHeight, 0);
+ knob = new Rectangle(renderModes, width, height, 0);
- setColor(0.30f, 0.30f, 0.30f, 1.0f);
+ setColor(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.7f);
@@ -175,6 +179,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
barAndKnob.addShape( bar );
+ barAndKnob.addShape( marks );
barAndKnob.addShape( knob );
@@ -183,7 +188,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
knob.onMove((final Shape s, final Vec3f origin, final Vec3f dest) -> {
final float old_val = val;
final float old_val_pct = val_pct;
- setValuePct( getKnobValuePct( dest.x(), dest.y(), knobHalfLen ) );
+ setValuePct( getKnobValuePct( dest.x(), dest.y(), knobLength/2f ) );
if( null != sliderListener ) {
sliderListener.dragged(this, old_val, val, old_val_pct, val_pct);
@@ -347,14 +352,27 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
public Rectangle getBar() { return bar; }
- public Shape getKnob() { return knob; }
+ public GraphShape getKnob() { return knob; }
+ public Group getMarks() { return marks; }
+ public RangeSlider clearMarks(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer) { marks.clear(gl, renderer); return this; }
+ public RangeSlider addMark(final float value, final Vec4f color) {
+ final float sizexy = horizontal ? size.y() : size.x();
+ final GraphShape item = new Rectangle(knob.getRenderModes(), sizexy, sizexy, 0);
+ final Vec2f pos = getItemValuePos(new Vec2f(), value, sizexy, sizexy);
+ item.setInteractive(false).setToggleable(false).setDraggable(false).setResizable(false);
+ item.setColor(color);
+ item.moveTo(pos.x(), pos.y(), 0);
+ marks.addShape(item);
+ return this;
+ }
public final Vec2f getSize() { return size; }
- /** Height of knob orthogonal to sliding direction */
- public final float getKnobHeight() { return knobDiameter; }
- /** Length of knob in sliding direction */
- public final float getKnobLength() { return knobHalfLen*2f; }
+ /** Knob height orthogonal to sliding direction */
+ public final float getKnobHeight() { return knobHeight; }
+ /** Knob length in sliding direction */
+ public final float getKnobLength() { return knobLength; }
+ /** Returns slider value range, see {@link #setMinMax(Vec2f, float)} */
public Vec2f getMinMax() { return minMax; }
public float getRange() { return minMax.y() - minMax.x(); }
private float getRange(final Vec2f minMax) { return minMax.y() - minMax.x(); }
@@ -367,19 +385,19 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
this.pageSize = v;
final float pageSizePct = Math.max(pageKnobSizePctMin, pageSize / getRange());
- final float knobWidth, knobHeight;
+ final float width, height;
if( horizontal ) {
- knobHeight = size.y() * pageKnobScale;
- knobWidth = pageSizePct * this.size.x();
- knobHalfLen = knobWidth * 0.5f;
- knobDiameter = knobHeight;
+ height = size.y() * pageKnobScale;
+ width = pageSizePct * this.size.x();
+ knobLength = width;
+ knobHeight = height;
} else {
- knobWidth = size.x() * pageKnobScale;
- knobHeight = pageSizePct * this.size.y();
- knobHalfLen = knobHeight * 0.5f;
- knobDiameter = knobWidth;
+ width = size.x() * pageKnobScale;
+ height = pageSizePct * this.size.y();
+ knobLength = height;
+ knobHeight = width;
- ((Rectangle)knob).setDimension(knobWidth, knobHeight, 0);
+ ((Rectangle)knob).setDimension(width, height, 0);
return this;
public float getPageSize() { return this.pageSize; }
@@ -410,16 +428,30 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
- * Knob position reflects value on its center and ranges from zero to max.
+ * Returns generic item position reflects value on its center and ranges from zero to max.
+ * @param posRes {@link Vec2f} result storage
+ * @param value value within {@link #getMinMax()}
+ * @param itemLen item length in sliding direction
+ * @param itemHeight item height orthogonal to sliding direction
+ */
+ private Vec2f getItemValuePos(final Vec2f posRes, final float value, final float itemLen, final float itemHeight) {
+ return getItemPctPos(posRes, ( value - minMax.x() ) / getRange(), itemLen, itemHeight);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns generic item position reflects value on its center and ranges from zero to max.
+ * @param posRes {@link Vec2f} result storage
+ * @param val_pct value percentage within [0..1]
+ * @param itemLen item length in sliding direction
+ * @param itemHeight item height orthogonal to sliding direction
- private Vec2f getKnobPos(final Vec2f posRes, final float val_pct) {
+ private Vec2f getItemPctPos(final Vec2f posRes, final float val_pct, final float itemLen, final float itemHeight) {
final float v = inverted ? 1f - val_pct : val_pct;
if( horizontal ) {
- posRes.setX( Math.max(0, Math.min(size.x(), v*size.x() - knobHalfLen)) );
- posRes.setY( -( knobDiameter - size.y() ) * 0.5f );
+ posRes.setX( Math.max(0, Math.min(size.x(), v*size.x() - itemLen/2f)) );
+ posRes.setY( -( itemHeight - size.y() ) * 0.5f );
} else {
- posRes.setX( -( knobDiameter - size.x() ) * 0.5f );
- posRes.setY( Math.max(0, Math.min(size.y() - 2*knobHalfLen, v*size.y() - knobHalfLen)) );
+ posRes.setX( -( itemHeight - size.x() ) * 0.5f );
+ posRes.setY( Math.max(0, Math.min(size.y() - itemLen, v*size.y() - itemLen/2f)) );
return posRes;
@@ -434,7 +466,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
private void setKnob() {
- final Vec2f pos = getKnobPos(new Vec2f(), val_pct);
+ final Vec2f pos = getItemPctPos(new Vec2f(), val_pct, knobLength, knobHeight);
knob.moveTo(pos.x(), pos.y(), Button.DEFAULT_LABEL_ZOFFSET);
@@ -442,13 +474,13 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
* Sets the slider knob color.
* <p>
* If this slider comprises a rectangular page-sized knob,
- * its rectangular frame also shares the same color.
+ * its rectangular frame also shares the same color with alpha 1.0f.
* </p>
* <p>
* Base color w/o color channel, will be modulated w/ pressed- and toggle color
* </p>
* <p>
- * Default RGBA value is 0.30f, 0.30f, 0.30f, 1.0f
+ * Default RGBA value is 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.7f
* </p>
@@ -456,7 +488,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
super.setColor(r, g, b, a);
knob.setColor(r, g, b, a);
if( !Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
- bar.setColor(r, g, b, a);
+ bar.setColor(r, g, b, 1.0f);
return this;
@@ -465,13 +497,13 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
* Sets the slider knob color.
* <p>
* If this slider comprises a rectangular page-sized knob,
- * its rectangular frame also shares the same color.
+ * its rectangular frame also shares the same color with alpha 1.0f.
* </p>
* <p>
* Base color w/o color channel, will be modulated w/ pressed- and toggle color
* </p>
* <p>
- * Default RGBA value is 0.30f, 0.30f, 0.30f, 1.0f
+ * Default RGBA value is 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.7f
* </p>
@@ -479,7 +511,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
if( !Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
- bar.setColor(c);
+ bar.setColor(c.x(), c.y(), c.z(), 1.0f);
return this;