path: root/src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/GLContext.java
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authorKenneth Russel <kbrussel@alum.mit.edu>2005-10-24 19:21:03 +0000
committerKenneth Russel <kbrussel@alum.mit.edu>2005-10-24 19:21:03 +0000
commitd6f9dbc493df725d3d574403549de142c5e1222a (patch)
tree8eb152b0627f8d1897a27c5204d6ce2efb4963e4 /src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/GLContext.java
parent42843c3290d64c41c9c8a18b93f5ad3c00d35ddc (diff)
Merged JSR-231 branch on to the main JOGL trunk. The main trunk now
contains the evolving JSR-231 Reference Implementation and the JSR-231 branch is permanently closed. git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/projects/SUN/JOGL/git-svn/svn-server-sync/jogl/trunk@401 232f8b59-042b-4e1e-8c03-345bb8c30851
Diffstat (limited to 'src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/GLContext.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 764 deletions
diff --git a/src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/GLContext.java b/src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/GLContext.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 41fa98c4b..000000000
--- a/src/net/java/games/jogl/impl/GLContext.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
- *
- * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use
- * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear
- * facility.
- *
- * Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored
- * and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline.
- */
-package net.java.games.jogl.impl;
-import java.awt.Component;
-import net.java.games.jogl.*;
-import net.java.games.gluegen.runtime.*;
-public abstract class GLContext {
- protected static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.debug("GLContext");
- protected static final boolean VERBOSE = Debug.verbose();
- protected static final boolean NO_FREE = Debug.isPropertyDefined("jogl.GLContext.nofree");
- static {
- NativeLibLoader.load();
- }
- protected Component component;
- // Indicates whether the component (if an onscreen context) has been
- // realized. Plausibly, before the component is realized the JAWT
- // should return an error or NULL object from some of its
- // operations; this appears to be the case on Win32 but is not true
- // at least with Sun's current X11 implementation (1.4.x), which
- // crashes with no other error reported if the DrawingSurfaceInfo is
- // fetched from a locked DrawingSurface during the validation as a
- // result of calling show() on the main thread. To work around this
- // we prevent any JAWT or OpenGL operations from being done until
- // addNotify() is called on the component.
- protected boolean realized;
- protected GLCapabilities capabilities;
- protected GLCapabilitiesChooser chooser;
- protected GL gl;
- protected static final GLUProcAddressTable gluProcAddressTable = new GLUProcAddressTable();
- protected static boolean haveResetGLUProcAddressTable;
- protected GLU glu = new GLUImpl(gluProcAddressTable);
- protected Thread renderingThread;
- protected Runnable deferredReshapeAction;
- // Support for OpenGL context destruction and recreation in the face
- // of the setRenderingThread optimization, which makes the context
- // permanently current on the animation thread. FIXME: should make
- // this more uniform and general, possibly by implementing in terms
- // of Runnables; however, necessary sequence of operations in
- // invokeGL makes this tricky.
- protected boolean deferredDestroy;
- protected boolean deferredSetRealized;
- // Error checking for setRenderingThread to ensure that one thread
- // doesn't attempt to call setRenderingThread on more than one
- // drawable
- protected static final ThreadLocal perThreadRenderingContext = new ThreadLocal();
- // This is a workaround for a bug in NVidia's drivers where
- // vertex_array_range is only safe for single-threaded use; a bug
- // has been filed, ID 80174. When an Animator is created for a
- // GLDrawable, the expectation is that the Animator will be started
- // shortly and that the user doesn't want rendering to occur from
- // the AWT thread. However, there is a small window between when the
- // Animator is created and attached to the GLDrawable and when it's
- // started (and sets the rendering thread) when repaint events can
- // be issued by the AWT thread if the component is realized. To work
- // around this problem, we currently specify in the Animator's API
- // that between the time it's created and started no redraws will
- // occur.
- protected volatile boolean willSetRenderingThread;
- // Flag for disabling all repaint and resize processing on the AWT
- // thread to avoid application-level deadlocks; only really used for
- // GLCanvas
- protected boolean noAutoRedraw;
- // Flag for enabling / disabling automatic swapping of the front and
- // back buffers
- protected boolean autoSwapBuffers = true;
- // Offscreen context handling. Offscreen contexts should handle
- // these resize requests in makeCurrent and clear the
- // pendingOffscreenResize flag.
- protected boolean pendingOffscreenResize;
- protected int pendingOffscreenWidth;
- protected int pendingOffscreenHeight;
- // Cache of the functions that are available to be called at the current
- // moment in time
- protected FunctionAvailabilityCache functionAvailability;
- // Support for recursive makeCurrent() calls as well as calling
- // other drawables' display() methods from within another one's
- protected static final ThreadLocal perThreadContextStack = new ThreadLocal() {
- protected synchronized Object initialValue() {
- return new GLContextStack();
- }
- };
- // This thread-local variable helps implement setRenderingThread()'s
- // optimized context handling. When the bottommost invokeGL() on the
- // execution stack finishes for the rendering thread for that
- // context, we pop the context off the context stack but do not free
- // it, instead storing it in this thread-local variable. This gives
- // us enough information to recover the context stack state in
- // subsequent invokeGL() calls.
- protected static final ThreadLocal perThreadSavedCurrentContext = new ThreadLocal() {
- protected synchronized Object initialValue() {
- return new GLContextInitActionPair(null, null);
- }
- };
- public GLContext(Component component,
- GLCapabilities capabilities,
- GLCapabilitiesChooser chooser,
- GLContext shareWith) {
- this.component = component;
- this.capabilities = (GLCapabilities) capabilities.clone();
- this.chooser = chooser;
- setGL(createGL());
- functionAvailability = new FunctionAvailabilityCache(this);
- if (shareWith != null) {
- GLContextShareSet.registerSharing(this, shareWith);
- }
- }
- /** Runs the given runnable with this OpenGL context valid. */
- public synchronized void invokeGL(Runnable runnable, boolean isReshape, Runnable initAction) throws GLException {
- // Could be more clever about not calling this every time, but
- // Thread.currentThread() is very fast and this makes the logic simpler
- Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
- // Defer JAWT and OpenGL operations until onscreen components are
- // realized
- if (!isRealized() ||
- willSetRenderingThread ||
- (renderingThread != null &&
- renderingThread != currentThread)) {
- // Support for removeNotify()/addNotify() when the
- // setRenderingThread optimization is in effect and before the
- // animation thread gets a chance to handle either request
- if (!isRealized() && deferredSetRealized) {
- setRealized();
- deferredSetRealized = false;
- } else {
- if (isReshape) {
- deferredReshapeAction = runnable;
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- if (isReshape && noAutoRedraw && !SingleThreadedWorkaround.doWorkaround()) {
- // Don't process reshape requests on the AWT thread
- deferredReshapeAction = runnable;
- return;
- }
- if (deferredDestroy) {
- deferredDestroy = false;
- if (renderingThread != null) {
- // Need to disable the setRenderingThread optimization to free
- // up the context
- setRenderingThread(null, initAction);
- }
- destroy();
- return;
- }
- // The goal of this code is to optimize OpenGL context handling as
- // much as possible. In particular:
- //
- // - setRenderingThread() works by making the "bottommost" OpenGL
- // context current once and not freeing it until the rendering
- // thread has been unset. Note that subsequent pushes of other
- // contexts will still necessarily cause them to be made current
- // and freed.
- //
- // - If the same context is pushed on the per-thread context stack
- // more than once back-to-back, the subsequent pushes will not
- // actually cause a makeCurrent/free to occur.
- //
- // Complexities occur because setRenderingThread() can be called
- // at any time. Currently we implement the rendering thread
- // optimization by popping it off the OpenGL context stack and
- // storing it in a thread-local variable.
- GLContextStack ctxStack = getPerThreadContextStack();
- GLContext savedPerThreadContext = getPerThreadSavedCurrentContext();
- Runnable savedPerThreadInitAction = getPerThreadSavedInitAction();
- setPerThreadSavedCurrentContext(null, null);
- if (ctxStack.size() == 0 &&
- savedPerThreadContext != null) {
- // The setRenderingThread optimization moved the current context
- // into thread-local storage. Put it back on the context stack,
- // because we might need to free it later.
- ctxStack.push(savedPerThreadContext, savedPerThreadInitAction);
- }
- GLContext curContext = ctxStack.peekContext();
- Runnable curInitAction = ctxStack.peekInitAction();
- boolean mustDoMakeCurrent = true;
- if (curContext == this) {
- mustDoMakeCurrent = false;
- }
- if (mustDoMakeCurrent) {
- if (curContext != null) {
- if (DEBUG && VERBOSE) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": Freeing context " + curContext + " due to recursive makeCurrent");
- }
- curContext.free();
- }
- if (!makeCurrent(initAction)) {
- // Couldn't make the thread current because the component has not yet
- // been visualized, and therefore the context cannot be created.
- // We'll defer any actions until invokeGL() is called again at a time
- // when the component has been visualized.
- if (isReshape) {
- deferredReshapeAction = runnable;
- }
- // Clean up after ourselves on the way out.
- // NOTE that this is an abbreviated version of the code below
- // and should probably be refactored/cleaned up -- this bug
- // fix was done without a lot of intense thought about the
- // situation
- if (curContext != null) {
- curContext.makeCurrent(curInitAction);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (DEBUG && VERBOSE) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": Making context " + this + " current");
- }
- }
- ctxStack.push(this, initAction);
- // At this point the OpenGL context is current. Offscreen contexts
- // handle resizing the backing bitmap in makeCurrent. Therefore we
- // may need to free and make the context current again if we
- // didn't actually make it current above.
- if (pendingOffscreenResize && renderingThread != null) {
- ctxStack.pop();
- free();
- if (!makeCurrent(initAction)) {
- throw new GLException("Error while resizing offscreen context");
- }
- ctxStack.push(this, initAction);
- }
- RuntimeException userException = null;
- GLException internalException = null;
- try {
- if (deferredReshapeAction != null) {
- deferredReshapeAction.run();
- deferredReshapeAction = null;
- }
- runnable.run();
- if (autoSwapBuffers && !isReshape) {
- swapBuffers();
- }
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- userException = e;
- throw(userException);
- } finally {
- if (userException != null) {
- // Disallow setRenderingThread if display action is throwing exceptions
- renderingThread = null;
- }
- boolean mustSkipFreeForRenderingThread = false;
- if (currentThread == renderingThread && curContext == null) {
- mustSkipFreeForRenderingThread = true;
- setPerThreadSavedCurrentContext(this, initAction);
- }
- // Always pop myself off the per-thread context stack
- ctxStack.pop();
- // Free the context unless the setRenderingThread optimization
- // kicks in.
- if (mustDoMakeCurrent && !mustSkipFreeForRenderingThread) {
- if (DEBUG && VERBOSE) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": Freeing context " + this);
- }
- try {
- free();
- } catch (GLException e) {
- internalException = e;
- }
- if (curContext != null) {
- if (DEBUG && VERBOSE) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": Making context " + curContext + " current again");
- }
- try {
- curContext.makeCurrent(curInitAction);
- } catch (GLException e) {
- internalException = e;
- }
- }
- }
- // Check to see whether we pushed any remaining entry on the
- // per-thread context stack. If so, put it back in thread-local
- // storage unless the rendering thread optimization was recently
- // disabled.
- if (savedPerThreadContext != null) {
- assert(savedPerThreadContext == curContext);
- ctxStack.pop();
- if (savedPerThreadContext.getRenderingThread() == null) {
- try {
- savedPerThreadContext.free();
- } catch (GLException e) {
- internalException = e;
- }
- } else {
- setPerThreadSavedCurrentContext(savedPerThreadContext, savedPerThreadInitAction);
- }
- }
- // Make sure the end user's exception shows up in any stack
- // traces; the rethrow of the userException above should take
- // precedence if the internalException will otherwise squelch it
- if (internalException != null) {
- if (userException != null &&
- internalException.getCause() == null) {
- internalException.initCause(userException);
- throw(internalException);
- } else if (userException == null) {
- throw(internalException);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public GL getGL() {
- return gl;
- }
- public void setGL(GL gl) {
- this.gl = gl;
- // Also reset the GL object for the pure-Java GLU implementation
- ((GLUImpl) glu).setGL(gl);
- }
- public GLU getGLU() {
- return glu;
- }
- public void setGLU(GLU glu) {
- this.glu = glu;
- }
- /** Gives a hint to the context that setRenderingThread will be
- called in the near future; causes redraws to be halted. This is
- a workaround for bugs in NVidia's drivers and is used only by
- the Animator class. */
- public synchronized void willSetRenderingThread() {
- this.willSetRenderingThread = true;
- }
- public synchronized void setRenderingThread(Thread currentThreadOrNull, Runnable initAction) {
- if (SingleThreadedWorkaround.doWorkaround()) {
- willSetRenderingThread = false;
- return;
- }
- Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
- if (currentThreadOrNull != null && currentThreadOrNull != currentThread) {
- throw new GLException("Argument must be either the current thread or null");
- }
- if (renderingThread != null && currentThreadOrNull != null) {
- throw new GLException("Attempt to re-set or change rendering thread");
- }
- if (renderingThread == null && currentThreadOrNull == null) {
- throw new GLException("Attempt to clear rendering thread when already cleared");
- }
- Object currentThreadRenderingContext = perThreadRenderingContext.get();
- if (currentThreadOrNull != null &&
- currentThreadRenderingContext != null &&
- currentThreadRenderingContext != this) {
- throw new GLException("Attempt to call setRenderingThread on more than one drawable in this thread");
- }
- this.willSetRenderingThread = false;
- if (currentThreadOrNull == null) {
- renderingThread = null;
- perThreadRenderingContext.set(null);
- // Just in case the end user wasn't planning on drawing the
- // drawable even once more (which would give us a chance to free
- // the context), try to free the context now by performing an
- // invokeGL with a do-nothing action
- invokeGL(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- }
- }, false, initAction);
- } else {
- renderingThread = currentThreadOrNull;
- perThreadRenderingContext.set(this);
- }
- }
- public Thread getRenderingThread() {
- return renderingThread;
- }
- public void setNoAutoRedrawMode(boolean noAutoRedraw) {
- this.noAutoRedraw = noAutoRedraw;
- }
- public boolean getNoAutoRedrawMode() {
- return noAutoRedraw;
- }
- public void setAutoSwapBufferMode(boolean autoSwapBuffers) {
- this.autoSwapBuffers = autoSwapBuffers;
- }
- public boolean getAutoSwapBufferMode() {
- return autoSwapBuffers;
- }
- /** Swaps the buffers of the OpenGL context if necessary. All error
- conditions cause a GLException to be thrown. */
- public abstract void swapBuffers() throws GLException;
- /** Routine needed only for offscreen contexts in order to resize
- the underlying bitmap. Called by GLJPanel. */
- public void resizeOffscreenContext(int newWidth, int newHeight) {
- if (!isOffscreen()) {
- throw new GLException("Should only call for offscreen OpenGL contexts");
- }
- pendingOffscreenResize = true;
- pendingOffscreenWidth = newWidth;
- pendingOffscreenHeight = newHeight;
- }
- /** Indicates which floating-point pbuffer implementation is in
- use. Returns one of GLPbuffer.APPLE_FLOAT, GLPbuffer.ATI_FLOAT,
- or GLPbuffer.NV_FLOAT. */
- public int getFloatingPointMode() throws GLException {
- throw new GLException("Not supported on non-pbuffer contexts");
- }
- /** Returns a non-null (but possibly empty) string containing the
- space-separated list of available platform-dependent (e.g., WGL,
- GLX) extensions. Can only be called while this context is
- current. */
- public abstract String getPlatformExtensionsString();
- /**
- * Resets the cache of which GL functions are available for calling through this
- * context. See {@link #isFunctionAvailable(String)} for more information on
- * the definition of "available".
- */
- protected void resetGLFunctionAvailability() {
- // In order to be able to allow the user to uniformly install the
- // debug and trace pipelines in their GLEventListener.init()
- // method (for both GLCanvas and GLJPanel), we need to reset the
- // actual GL object in the GLDrawable as well
- setGL(createGL());
- functionAvailability.flush();
- if (!haveResetGLUProcAddressTable) {
- if (DEBUG) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": !!! Initializing GLU extension address table");
- }
- resetProcAddressTable(gluProcAddressTable);
- haveResetGLUProcAddressTable = true; // Only need to do this once globally
- }
- recomputeSingleThreadedWorkaround();
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the specified OpenGL core- or extension-function can be
- * successfully called using this GL context given the current host (OpenGL
- * <i>client</i>) and display (OpenGL <i>server</i>) configuration.
- *
- * See {@link GL#isFunctionAvailable(String)} for more details.
- *
- * @param glFunctionName the name of the OpenGL function (e.g., use
- * "glPolygonOffsetEXT" to check if the {@link
- * net.java.games.jogl.GL#glPolygonOffsetEXT(float,float)} is available).
- */
- protected boolean isFunctionAvailable(String glFunctionName) {
- return functionAvailability.isFunctionAvailable(mapToRealGLFunctionName(glFunctionName));
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the specified OpenGL extension can be
- * successfully called using this GL context given the current host (OpenGL
- * <i>client</i>) and display (OpenGL <i>server</i>) configuration.
- *
- * See {@link GL#isExtensionAvailable(String)} for more details.
- *
- * @param glExtensionName the name of the OpenGL extension (e.g.,
- */
- public boolean isExtensionAvailable(String glExtensionName) {
- return functionAvailability.isExtensionAvailable(mapToRealGLExtensionName(glExtensionName));
- }
- /**
- * Pbuffer support; indicates whether this context is capable of
- * creating a subordinate pbuffer context (distinct from an
- * "offscreen context", which is typically software-rendered on all
- * platforms).
- */
- public abstract boolean canCreatePbufferContext();
- /**
- * Pbuffer support; creates a subordinate GLContext for a pbuffer
- * associated with this context.
- */
- public abstract GLContext createPbufferContext(GLCapabilities capabilities,
- int initialWidth,
- int initialHeight);
- /**
- * Pbuffer support; given that this is a GLContext associated with a
- * pbuffer, binds this pbuffer to its texture target.
- */
- public abstract void bindPbufferToTexture();
- /**
- * Pbuffer support; given that this is a GLContext associated with a
- * pbuffer, releases this pbuffer from its texture target.
- */
- public abstract void releasePbufferFromTexture();
- /*
- * Sets the swap interval for onscreen OpenGL contexts. Has no
- * effect for offscreen contexts.
- */
- public void setSwapInterval(final int interval) {
- }
- /** Maps the given "platform-independent" function name to a real function
- name. Currently this is only used to map "glAllocateMemoryNV" and
- associated routines to wglAllocateMemoryNV / glXAllocateMemoryNV. */
- protected abstract String mapToRealGLFunctionName(String glFunctionName);
- /** Maps the given "platform-independent" extension name to a real
- function name. Currently this is only used to map
- "GL_ARB_pbuffer" and "GL_ARB_pixel_format" to "WGL_ARB_pbuffer"
- and "WGL_ARB_pixel_format" (not yet mapped to X11). */
- protected abstract String mapToRealGLExtensionName(String glExtensionName);
- /** Create the GL for this context. */
- protected abstract GL createGL();
- /** Hook indicating whether the concrete GLContext implementation is
- offscreen and therefore whether we need to process resize
- requests. */
- protected abstract boolean isOffscreen();
- /** Only called for offscreen contexts; returns the buffer from
- which to read pixels (GL.GL_FRONT or GL.GL_BACK). */
- public abstract int getOffscreenContextReadBuffer();
- /** Only called for offscreen contexts; needed by glReadPixels */
- public abstract int getOffscreenContextWidth();
- /** Only called for offscreen contexts; needed by glReadPixels */
- public abstract int getOffscreenContextHeight();
- /** Only called for offscreen contexts; needed by glReadPixels */
- public abstract int getOffscreenContextPixelDataType();
- /** On some platforms the mismatch between OpenGL's coordinate
- system (origin at bottom left) and the window system's
- coordinate system (origin at top left) necessitates a vertical
- flip of pixels read from offscreen contexts. */
- public abstract boolean offscreenImageNeedsVerticalFlip();
- /** Attempts to make the GL context current. If necessary, creates a
- context and calls the initAction once the context is current.
- Most error conditions cause an exception to be thrown, except
- for the case where the context can not be created because the
- component has not yet been visualized. In this case makeCurrent
- returns false and the caller should abort any OpenGL event
- processing and instead return immediately. */
- protected abstract boolean makeCurrent(Runnable initAction) throws GLException;
- /** Frees the OpenGL context. All error conditions cause a
- GLException to be thrown. */
- protected abstract void free() throws GLException;
- /** Inform the system that the associated heavyweight widget has
- been realized and that it is safe to create an associated OpenGL
- context. If the widget is later destroyed then destroy() should
- be called, which will cause the underlying OpenGL context to be
- destroyed as well as the realized bit to be set to false. */
- public void setRealized() {
- if (getRenderingThread() != null &&
- Thread.currentThread() != getRenderingThread()) {
- deferredSetRealized = true;
- return;
- }
- setRealized(true);
- }
- /** Sets only the "realized" bit. Should be called by subclasses
- from within the destroy() implementation. */
- protected synchronized void setRealized(boolean realized) {
- this.realized = realized;
- if (DEBUG) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": GLContext.setRealized(" + realized + ") for context " + this);
- }
- }
- /** Indicates whether the component associated with this context has
- been realized. */
- public synchronized boolean getRealized() {
- return realized;
- }
- /** Destroys the underlying OpenGL context and changes the realized
- state to false. This should be called when the widget is being
- destroyed. */
- public synchronized void destroy() throws GLException {
- if (getRenderingThread() != null &&
- Thread.currentThread() != getRenderingThread()) {
- if (DEBUG) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": Deferred destroy for context " + this);
- }
- deferredDestroy = true;
- return;
- }
- setRealized(false);
- GLContextShareSet.contextDestroyed(this);
- destroyImpl();
- }
- /** Destroys the underlying OpenGL context. */
- protected abstract void destroyImpl() throws GLException;
- public synchronized boolean isRealized() {
- return (component == null || getRealized());
- }
- /** Helper routine which resets a ProcAddressTable generated by the
- GLEmitter by looking up anew all of its function pointers. */
- protected void resetProcAddressTable(Object table) {
- Class tableClass = table.getClass();
- java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = tableClass.getDeclaredFields();
- for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
- String addressFieldName = fields[i].getName();
- if (!addressFieldName.startsWith(ProcAddressHelper.PROCADDRESS_VAR_PREFIX)) {
- // not a proc address variable
- continue;
- }
- int startOfMethodName = ProcAddressHelper.PROCADDRESS_VAR_PREFIX.length();
- String glFuncName = addressFieldName.substring(startOfMethodName);
- try {
- java.lang.reflect.Field addressField = tableClass.getDeclaredField(addressFieldName);
- assert(addressField.getType() == Long.TYPE);
- long newProcAddress = dynamicLookupFunction(glFuncName);
- // set the current value of the proc address variable in the table object
- addressField.setLong(table, newProcAddress);
- if (DEBUG) {
- // System.err.println(glFuncName + " = 0x" + Long.toHexString(newProcAddress));
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new GLException("Cannot get GL proc address for method \"" +
- glFuncName + "\": Couldn't set value of field \"" + addressFieldName +
- "\" in class " + tableClass.getName(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- /** Dynamically looks up the given function. */
- protected abstract long dynamicLookupFunction(String glFuncName);
- /** Indicates whether the underlying OpenGL context has been
- created. This is used to manage sharing of display lists and
- textures between contexts. */
- public abstract boolean isCreated();
- /** Support for recursive makeCurrent() calls as well as calling
- other drawables' display() methods from within another one's */
- protected static GLContextStack getPerThreadContextStack() {
- return (GLContextStack) perThreadContextStack.get();
- }
- /** Support for setRenderingThread()'s optimized context handling */
- protected static GLContext getPerThreadSavedCurrentContext() {
- return ((GLContextInitActionPair) perThreadSavedCurrentContext.get()).getContext();
- }
- /** Support for setRenderingThread()'s optimized context handling */
- protected static Runnable getPerThreadSavedInitAction() {
- return ((GLContextInitActionPair) perThreadSavedCurrentContext.get()).getInitAction();
- }
- /** Support for setRenderingThread()'s optimized context handling */
- protected static void setPerThreadSavedCurrentContext(GLContext context, Runnable initAction) {
- perThreadSavedCurrentContext.set(new GLContextInitActionPair(context, initAction));
- }
- /** Support for automatic detection of whether we need to enable the
- single-threaded workaround for ATI and other vendors' cards.
- Should be called by subclasses for onscreen rendering inside
- their makeCurrent() implementation once the context is
- current. */
- private void recomputeSingleThreadedWorkaround() {
- GL gl = getGL();
- String str = gl.glGetString(GL.GL_VENDOR);
- if (str != null && str.indexOf("ATI") >= 0) {
- // Doing this instead of calling setRenderingThread(null) should
- // be OK since we are doing this very early in the maintenance
- // of the per-thread context stack, before we are actually
- // pushing any GLContext objects on it
- SingleThreadedWorkaround.shouldDoWorkaround();
- if( SingleThreadedWorkaround.doWorkaround() ) {
- renderingThread = null;
- }
- }
- }
- protected static String getThreadName() {
- return Thread.currentThread().getName();
- }