path: root/src/jogl
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-09-24 08:21:51 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-09-24 08:21:51 +0200
commitc9bf488a916ee1a27dc1ce46467b0a40a365a492 (patch)
tree00e3f53c2b4badfc599fa384b0685fc33f705364 /src/jogl
parent55052919c8977dcf103f53a44f0391de39eb3979 (diff)
Graph Fonts: Remove not required text files from Ubuntu fonts
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 409 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/font/fonts/ubuntu/CONTRIBUTING.txt b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/font/fonts/ubuntu/CONTRIBUTING.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 15bdc0c0b..000000000
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/font/fonts/ubuntu/CONTRIBUTING.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-The Ubuntu Font Family is very long-term endeavour, and the first time
-that a professionally-designed font has been funded specifically with
-the intent of being an on-going community expanded project:
- http://font.ubuntu.com/
-Development of the Ubuntu Font Family is undertaken on Launchpad:
- http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/
-and this is where milestones, bug management and releases are handled.
-Contributions are welcomed. Your work will be used on millions of
-computers every single day! Following the initial bootstrapping of
-Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic and Hebrew expansion will be undertaken
-by font designers from the font design and Ubuntu communities.
-To ensure that the Ubuntu Font Family can be re-licensed to future
-widely-used libre font licences, copyright assignment is being required:
- https://launchpad.net/~uff-contributors
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/font/fonts/ubuntu/FONTLOG.txt b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/font/fonts/ubuntu/FONTLOG.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cf0e4c111..000000000
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/font/fonts/ubuntu/FONTLOG.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-This is the FONTLOG file for the Ubuntu Font Family and attempts to follow
-the recommendations at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL-FAQ_web#43cecb44
-The new Ubuntu Font Family was started to enable the personality of
-Ubuntu to be seen and felt in every menu, button and dialog.
-The typeface is sans-serif, uses OpenType features and is manually
-hinted for clarity on desktop and mobile computing screens.
-The scope of the Ubuntu Font Family includes all the languages used by
-the various Ubuntu users around the world in tune with Ubuntu's
-philosophy which states that every user should be able to use their
-software in the language of their choice. So the Ubuntu Font Family
-project will be extended to cover many more written languages.
-The Ubuntu Font Family has been creating during 2010. As of December 2010
-coverage is provided for Latin, Cyrillic and Greek across Regular, Italic,
-Bold and Bold-Italic.
-2010-03-08 (Paul Sladen) Ubuntu Font Family version 0.71.2
- * (Production) Adjust Medium WeightClass to 500 (Md, MdIt) (LP: #730912)
-2010-03-07 (Paul Sladen) Ubuntu Font Family version 0.71.1
- * (Design) Add Capitalised version of glyphs and kern. (Lt, LtIt,
- Md, MdIt) DM (LP: #677446)
- * (Design) Re-space and tighen Regular and Italic by amount specified
- by Mark Shuttleworth (minus 4 FUnits). (Rg, It) (LP: #677149)
- * (Design) Design: Latin (U+0192) made straight more like l/c f with
- tail (LP: #670768)
- * (Design) (U+01B3) should have hook on right, as the lowercase
- (U+01B4) (LP: #681026)
- * (Design) Tail of Light Italic germandbls, longs and lowercase 'f'
- to match Italic/BoldItalic (LP: #623925)
- * (Production) Update <case> feature (Lt, LtIt, Md, MdIt). DM
- (LP: #676538, #676539)
- * (Production) Remove Bulgarian locl feature for Italics. (LP: #708578)
- * (Production) Update Description information with new string:
- "The Ubuntu Font Family are libre fonts funded by Canonical Ltd
- on behalf of the Ubuntu project. The font design work and
- technical implementation is being undertaken by Dalton Maag. The
- typeface is sans-serif, uses OpenType features and is manually
- hinted for clarity on desktop and mobile computing screens. The
- scope of the Ubuntu Font Family includes all the languages used
- by the various Ubuntu users around the world in tune with
- Ubuntu's philosophy which states that every user should be able
- to use their software in the language of their choice. The
- project is ongoing, and we expect the family will be extended to
- cover many written languages in the coming years."
- (Rg, It, Bd, BdIt, Lt, LtIt, Md, MdIt) (LP: #690590)
- * (Production) Pixel per em indicator added at U+F000 (Lt, LtIt, Md,
- MdIt) (LP: #615787)
- * (Production) Version number indicator added at U+EFFD (Lt, LtIt, Md,
- MdIt) (LP: #640623)
- * (Production) fstype bit set to 0 - Editable (Lt, LtIt, Md, MdIt)
- (LP: #648406)
- * (Production) Localisation of name table has been removed because
- of problems with Mac OS/X interpretation of localisation. DM
- (LP: #730785)
- * (Hinting) Regular '?' dot non-circular (has incorrect control
- value). (LP: #654336)
- * (Hinting) Too much space after latin capital 'G' in 13pt
- regular. Now reduced. (LP: #683437)
- * (Hinting) Balance Indian Rupee at 18,19pt (LP: #662177)
- * (Hinting) Make Regular '£' less ambiguous at 13-15 ppm (LP: #685562)
- * (Hinting) Regular capital 'W' made symmetrical at 31 ppem (LP: #686168)
-2010-12-14 (Paul Sladen) Ubuntu Font Family version 0.70.1
- Packaging, rebuilt from '2010-12-08 UbuntuFontsSourceFiles_070.zip':
- * (Midstream) Fstype bit != 0 (LP: #648406)
- * (Midstream) Add unit test to validate fstype bits (LP: #648406)
- * (Midstream) Add unit test to validate licence
-2010-12-14 (Paul Sladen) Ubuntu Font Family version 0.70
- Release notes 0.70:
- * (Design) Add Capitalised version of glyphs and kern. (Rg, It, Bd,
- BdIt) DM (LP: #676538, #677446)
- * (Design) Give acute and grave a slight upright move to more match
- the Hungarian double acute angle. (Rg, It, Bd, BdIt) (LP: #656647)
- * (Design) Shift Bold Italic accent glyphs to be consistent with the
- Italic. (BdIt only) DM (LP: #677449)
- * (Design) Check spacing and kerning of dcaron, lcaron and
- tcaron. (Rg, It, Bd, BdIt) (LP: #664722)
- * (Design) Add positive kerning to () {} [] to open out the
- combinations so they are less like a closed box. (Rg, It, Bd,
- BdIt) (LP: #671228)
- * (Design) Change design of acute.asc and check highest points (Bd
- and BdIt only) DM
- * (Production) Update <case> feature. DM (LP: #676538, #676539)
- * (Production) Remove Romanian locl feature. (Rg, It, Bd, BdIt)
- (LP: #635615)
- * (Production) Update Copyright information with new
- strings. "Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd. Licensed under the Ubuntu
- Font Licence 1.0" Trademark string "Ubuntu and Canonical are
- registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd." (Rg, It, Bd, BdIt) DM
- (LP: #677450)
- * (Design) Check aligning of hyphen, math signs em, en, check braces
- and other brackets. 16/11 (LP: #676465)
- * (Production) Pixel per em indicator added at U+F000 (Rg, It, Bd,
- BdIt) (LP: #615787)
- * (Production) Version number indicator added at U+EFFD (Rg, It, Bd,
- BdIt) (LP: #640623)
- * (Production) fstype bit set to 0 - Editable (Rg, It, Bd, BdIt)
- (LP: #648406)
-2010-10-05 (Paul Sladen) Ubuntu Font Family version 0.69
- [Dalton Maag]
- * Italic,
- - Hinting on lowercase Italic l amended 19ppm (LP: #632451)
- - Hinting on lowercase Italic u amended 12ppm (LP: #626376)
- * Regular, Italic, Bold, BoldItalic
- - New Rupee Sign added @ U+20B9 (LP: #645987)
- - Ubuntu Roundel added @ U+E0FF (LP: #651606)
- [Paul Sladen]
- * All
- - Removed "!ubu" GSUB.calt ligature for U+E0FF (LP: #651606)
-If you make modifications be sure to add your name (N), email (E),
-web-address (if you have one) (W) and description (D). This list is in
-alphabetical order.
-N: Amélie Bonet
-W: http://ameliebonet.com/
-D: Type design with Dalton Maag, particularly Ubuntu Mono
-N: Ron Carpenter
-N: Vincent Connare
-N: Lukas Paltram
-W: http://www.daltonmaag.com/
-D: Type design and engineering with Dalton Maag
-N: Dave Crossland
-W: http://understandingfonts.com/
-D: Documentation and libre licensing guidance
-N: Iain Farrell
-W: http://www.flickr.com/photos/iain
-D: Ubuntu Font Family delivery for the Ubuntu UX team
-N: Shiraaz Gabru
-W: http://www.daltonmaag.com/
-D: Ubuntu Font Family project management at Dalton Maag
-N: Marcus Haslam
-W: http://design.canonical.com/author/marcus-haslam/
-D: Creative inspiration
-N: Ben Laenen
-D: Inspiration behind the pixels-per-em (PPEM) readout debugging glyph at U+F000
- (for this font the concept was re-implemented from scratch by Dalton-Maag)
-N: Bruno Maag
-W: http://www.daltonmaag.com/
-D: Stylistic direction of the Ubuntu Font Family, as head of Dalton Maag
-N: Ivanka Majic
-W: http://www.ivankamajic.com/
-D: Guiding the UX team and Cyrillic feedback
-N: David Marshall
-N: Malcolm Wooden
-W: http://www.daltonmaag.com/
-D: Font Engineering and technical direction
-N: Rodrigo Rivas
-D: Indian Rupee Sign glyph
-N: Mark Shuttleworth
-W: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/
-D: Executive quality-control and funding
-N: Paul Sladen
-W: http://www.paul.sladen.org/
-D: Bug triaging, packaging
-N: Nicolas Spalinger
-W: http://planet.open-fonts.org
-D: Continuous guidance on libre/open font licensing, best practises in source
- tree layout, release and packaging (pkg-fonts Debian team)
-N: Kenneth Wimer
-D: Initial PPA packaging
-* Canonical Ltd is the primary commercial sponsor of the Ubuntu and
- Kubuntu operating systems
-* Dalton Maag are a custom type foundry headed by Bruno Maag
-For further documentation, information on contributors, source code
-downloads and those involved with the Ubuntu Font Family, visit:
- http://font.ubuntu.com/
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/font/fonts/ubuntu/LICENCE-FAQ.txt b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/font/fonts/ubuntu/LICENCE-FAQ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 776a25edf..000000000
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/font/fonts/ubuntu/LICENCE-FAQ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- Ubuntu Font Family Licensing FAQ
- Stylistic Foundations
- The Ubuntu Font Family is the first time that a libre typeface has been
- designed professionally and explicitly with the intent of developing a
- public and long-term community-based development process.
- When developing an open project, it is generally necessary to have firm
- foundations: a font needs to maintain harmony within itself even across
- many type designers and writing systems. For the [1]Ubuntu Font Family,
- the process has been guided with the type foundry Dalton Maag setting
- the project up with firm stylistic foundation covering several
- left-to-right scripts: Latin, Greek and Cyrillic; and right-to-left
- scripts: Arabic and Hebrew (due in 2011).
- With this starting point the community will, under the supervision of
- [2]Canonical and [3]Dalton Maag, be able to build on the existing font
- sources to expand their character coverage. Ultimately everybody will
- be able to use the Ubuntu Font Family in their own written languages
- across the whole of Unicode (and this will take some time!).
- Licensing
- The licence chosen by any free software project is one of the
- foundational decisions that sets out how derivatives and contributions
- can occur, and in turn what kind of community will form around the
- project.
- Using a licence that is compatible with other popular licences is a
- powerful constraint because of the [4]network effects: the freedom to
- share improvements between projects allows free software to reach
- high-quality over time. Licence-proliferation leads to many
- incompatible licences, undermining the network effect, the freedom to
- share and ultimately making the libre movement that Ubuntu is a part of
- less effective. For all kinds of software, writing a new licence is not
- to be taken lightly and is a choice that needs to be thoroughly
- justified if this path is taken.
- Today it is not clear to Canonical what the best licence for a font
- project like the Ubuntu Font Family is: one that starts life designed
- by professionals and continues with the full range of community
- development, from highly commercial work in new directions to curious
- beginners' experimental contributions. The fast and steady pace of the
- Ubuntu release cycle means that an interim libre licence has been
- necessary to enable the consideration of the font family as part of
- Ubuntu 10.10 operating system release.
- Before taking any decision on licensing, Canonical as sponsor and
- backer of the project has reviewed the many existing licenses used for
- libre/open fonts and engaged the stewards of the most popular licenses
- in detailed discussions. The current interim licence is the first step
- in progressing the state-of-the-art in licensing for libre/open font
- development.
- The public discussion must now involve everyone in the (comparatively
- new) area of the libre/open font community; including font users,
- software freedom advocates, open source supporters and existing libre
- font developers. Most importantly, the minds and wishes of professional
- type designers considering entering the free software business
- community must be taken on board.
- Conversations and discussion has taken place, privately, with
- individuals from the following groups (generally speaking personally on
- behalf of themselves, rather than their affiliations):
- * [5]SIL International
- * [6]Open Font Library
- * [7]Software Freedom Law Center
- * [8]Google Font API
- Document embedding
- One issue highlighted early on in the survey of existing font licences
- is that of document embedding. Almost all font licences, both free and
- unfree, permit embedding a font into a document to a certain degree.
- Embedding a font with other works that make up a document creates a
- "combined work" and copyleft would normally require the whole document
- to be distributed under the terms of the font licence. As beautiful as
- the font might be, such a licence makes a font too restrictive for
- useful general purpose digital publishing.
- The situation is not entirely unique to fonts and is encountered also
- with tools such as GNU Bison: a vanilla GNU GPL licence would require
- anything generated with Bison to be made available under the terms of
- the GPL as well. To avoid this, Bison is [9]published with an
- additional permission to the GPL which allows the output of Bison to be
- made available under any licence.
- The conflict between licensing of fonts and licensing of documents, is
- addressed in two popular libre font licences, the SIL OFL and GNU GPL:
- * [10]SIL Open Font Licence: When OFL fonts are embedded in a
- document, the OFL's terms do not apply to that document. (See
- [11]OFL-FAQ for details.
- * [12]GPL Font Exception: The situation is resolved by granting an
- additional permission to allow documents to not be covered by the
- GPL. (The exception is being reviewed).
- The Ubuntu Font Family must also resolve this conflict, ensuring that
- if the font is embedded and then extracted it is once again clearly
- under the terms of its libre licence.
- Long-term licensing
- Those individuals involved, especially from Ubuntu and Canonical, are
- interested in finding a long-term libre licence that finds broad favour
- across the whole libre/open font community. The deliberation during the
- past months has been on how to licence the Ubuntu Font Family in the
- short-term, while knowingly encouraging everyone to pursue a long-term
- goal.
- * [13]Copyright assignment will be required so that the Ubuntu Font
- Family's licensing can be progressively expanded to one (or more)
- licences, as best practice continues to evolve within the
- libre/open font community.
- * Canonical will support and fund legal work on libre font licensing.
- It is recognised that the cost and time commitments required are
- likely to be significant. We invite other capable parties to join
- in supporting this activity.
- The GPL version 3 (GPLv3) will be used for Ubuntu Font Family build
- scripts and the CC-BY-SA for associated documentation and non-font
- content: all items which do not end up embedded in general works and
- documents.
-Ubuntu Font Licence
- For the short-term only, the initial licence is the [14]Ubuntu Font
- License (UFL). This is loosely inspired from the work on the SIL
- OFL 1.1, and seeks to clarify the issues that arose during discussions
- and legal review, from the perspective of the backers, Canonical Ltd.
- Those already using established licensing models such as the GPL, OFL
- or Creative Commons licensing should have no worries about continuing
- to use them. The Ubuntu Font Licence (UFL) and the SIL Open Font
- Licence (SIL OFL) are not identical and should not be confused with
- each other. Please read the terms precisely. The UFL is only intended
- as an interim license, and the overriding aim is to support the
- creation of a more suitable and generic libre font licence. As soon as
- such a licence is developed, the Ubuntu Font Family will migrate to
- it—made possible by copyright assignment in the interium. Between the
- OFL 1.1, and the UFL 1.0, the following changes are made to produce the
- Ubuntu Font Licence:
- * Clarification:
- 1. Document embedding (see [15]embedding section above).
- 2. Apply at point of distribution, instead of receipt
- 3. Author vs. copyright holder disambiguation (type designers are
- authors, with the copyright holder normally being the funder)
- 4. Define "Propagate" (for internationalisation, similar to the GPLv3)
- 5. Define "Substantially Changed"
- 6. Trademarks are explicitly not transferred
- 7. Refine renaming requirement
- Streamlining:
- 8. Remove "not to be sold separately" clause
- 9. Remove "Reserved Font Name(s)" declaration
- A visual demonstration of how these points were implemented can be
- found in the accompanying coloured diff between SIL OFL 1.1 and the
- Ubuntu Font Licence 1.0: [16]ofl-1.1-ufl-1.0.diff.html
- 1. http://font.ubuntu.com/
- 2. http://www.canonical.com/
- 3. http://www.daltonmaag.com/
- 4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_effect
- 5. http://scripts.sil.org/
- 6. http://openfontlibrary.org/
- 7. http://www.softwarefreedom.org/
- 8. http://code.google.com/webfonts
- 9. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#CanIUseGPLToolsForNF
- 10. http://scripts.sil.org/OFL_web
- 11. http://scripts.sil.org/OFL-FAQ_web
- 12. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#FontException
- 13. https://launchpad.net/~uff-contributors
- 14. http://font.ubuntu.com/ufl/ubuntu-font-licence-1.0.txt
- 15. http://font.ubuntu.com/ufl/FAQ.html#embedding
- 16. http://font.ubuntu.com/ufl/ofl-1.1-ufl-1.0.diff.html