path: root/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/pngj/ImageLineHelper.java
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2014-07-03 16:21:36 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2014-07-03 16:21:36 +0200
commit556d92b63555a085b25e32b1cd55afce24edd07a (patch)
tree6be2b02c62a77d5aba81ffbe34c46960608be163 /src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/pngj/ImageLineHelper.java
parenta90f4a51dffec3247278e3c683ed4462b1dd9ab5 (diff)
Code Clean-Up based on our Recommended Settings (jogamp-scripting c47bc86ae2ee268a1f38c5580d11f93d7f8d6e74)
- Change non static accesses to static members using declaring type - Change indirect accesses to static members to direct accesses (accesses through subtypes) - Add final modifier to private fields - Add final modifier to method parameters - Add final modifier to local variables - Remove unnecessary casts - Remove unnecessary '$NON-NLS$' tags - Remove trailing white spaces on all lines
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/pngj/ImageLineHelper.java')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/pngj/ImageLineHelper.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/pngj/ImageLineHelper.java
index 4636c3955..616ccd560 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/pngj/ImageLineHelper.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/pngj/ImageLineHelper.java
@@ -33,28 +33,28 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
* @return R G B (A), one sample 0-255 per array element. Ready for
* pngw.writeRowInt()
- public static int[] palette2rgb(ImageLine line, PngChunkPLTE pal, PngChunkTRNS trns, int[] buf) {
- boolean isalpha = trns != null;
- int channels = isalpha ? 4 : 3;
- int nsamples = line.imgInfo.cols * channels;
+ public static int[] palette2rgb(ImageLine line, final PngChunkPLTE pal, final PngChunkTRNS trns, int[] buf) {
+ final boolean isalpha = trns != null;
+ final int channels = isalpha ? 4 : 3;
+ final int nsamples = line.imgInfo.cols * channels;
if (buf == null || buf.length < nsamples)
buf = new int[nsamples];
if (!line.samplesUnpacked)
line = line.unpackToNewImageLine();
- boolean isbyte = line.sampleType == SampleType.BYTE;
- int nindexesWithAlpha = trns != null ? trns.getPalletteAlpha().length : 0;
+ final boolean isbyte = line.sampleType == SampleType.BYTE;
+ final int nindexesWithAlpha = trns != null ? trns.getPalletteAlpha().length : 0;
for (int c = 0; c < line.imgInfo.cols; c++) {
- int index = isbyte ? (line.scanlineb[c] & 0xFF) : line.scanline[c];
+ final int index = isbyte ? (line.scanlineb[c] & 0xFF) : line.scanline[c];
pal.getEntryRgb(index, buf, c * channels);
if (isalpha) {
- int alpha = index < nindexesWithAlpha ? trns.getPalletteAlpha()[index] : 255;
+ final int alpha = index < nindexesWithAlpha ? trns.getPalletteAlpha()[index] : 255;
buf[c * channels + 3] = alpha;
return buf;
- public static int[] palette2rgb(ImageLine line, PngChunkPLTE pal, int[] buf) {
+ public static int[] palette2rgb(final ImageLine line, final PngChunkPLTE pal, final int[] buf) {
return palette2rgb(line, pal, null, buf);
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
* Just for basic info or debugging. Shows values for first and last pixel.
* Does not include alpha
- public static String infoFirstLastPixels(ImageLine line) {
+ public static String infoFirstLastPixels(final ImageLine line) {
return line.imgInfo.channels == 1 ? String.format("first=(%d) last=(%d)", line.scanline[0],
line.scanline[line.scanline.length - 1]) : String.format("first=(%d %d %d) last=(%d %d %d)",
line.scanline[0], line.scanline[1], line.scanline[2], line.scanline[line.scanline.length
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
line.scanline[line.scanline.length - line.imgInfo.channels + 2]);
- public static String infoFull(ImageLine line) {
- ImageLineStats stats = new ImageLineStats(line);
+ public static String infoFull(final ImageLine line) {
+ final ImageLineStats stats = new ImageLineStats(line);
return "row=" + line.getRown() + " " + stats.toString() + "\n " + infoFirstLastPixels(line);
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
+ String.format(" maxdif=(%.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f)", maxdif[0], maxdif[1], maxdif[2], maxdif[3]);
- public ImageLineStats(ImageLine line) {
+ public ImageLineStats(final ImageLine line) {
this.channels = line.channels;
if (line.channels < 3)
throw new PngjException("ImageLineStats only works for RGB - RGBA");
@@ -146,18 +146,18 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
* integer packed R G B only for bitdepth=8! (does not check!)
- public static int getPixelRGB8(ImageLine line, int column) {
- int offset = column * line.channels;
+ public static int getPixelRGB8(final ImageLine line, final int column) {
+ final int offset = column * line.channels;
return (line.scanline[offset] << 16) + (line.scanline[offset + 1] << 8) + (line.scanline[offset + 2]);
- public static int getPixelARGB8(ImageLine line, int column) {
- int offset = column * line.channels;
+ public static int getPixelARGB8(final ImageLine line, final int column) {
+ final int offset = column * line.channels;
return (line.scanline[offset + 3] << 24) + (line.scanline[offset] << 16) + (line.scanline[offset + 1] << 8)
+ (line.scanline[offset + 2]);
- public static void setPixelsRGB8(ImageLine line, int[] rgb) {
+ public static void setPixelsRGB8(final ImageLine line, final int[] rgb) {
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < line.imgInfo.cols; i++) {
line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] >> 16) & 0xFF);
line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] >> 8) & 0xFF);
@@ -165,18 +165,18 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
- public static void setPixelRGB8(ImageLine line, int col, int r, int g, int b) {
+ public static void setPixelRGB8(final ImageLine line, int col, final int r, final int g, final int b) {
col *= line.channels;
line.scanline[col++] = r;
line.scanline[col++] = g;
line.scanline[col] = b;
- public static void setPixelRGB8(ImageLine line, int col, int rgb) {
+ public static void setPixelRGB8(final ImageLine line, final int col, final int rgb) {
setPixelRGB8(line, col, (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF, (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF, rgb & 0xFF);
- public static void setPixelsRGBA8(ImageLine line, int[] rgb) {
+ public static void setPixelsRGBA8(final ImageLine line, final int[] rgb) {
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < line.imgInfo.cols; i++) {
line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] >> 16) & 0xFF);
line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] >> 8) & 0xFF);
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
- public static void setPixelRGBA8(ImageLine line, int col, int r, int g, int b, int a) {
+ public static void setPixelRGBA8(final ImageLine line, int col, final int r, final int g, final int b, final int a) {
col *= line.channels;
line.scanline[col++] = r;
line.scanline[col++] = g;
@@ -193,53 +193,53 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
line.scanline[col] = a;
- public static void setPixelRGBA8(ImageLine line, int col, int rgb) {
+ public static void setPixelRGBA8(final ImageLine line, final int col, final int rgb) {
setPixelRGBA8(line, col, (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF, (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF, rgb & 0xFF, (rgb >> 24) & 0xFF);
- public static void setValD(ImageLine line, int i, double d) {
+ public static void setValD(final ImageLine line, final int i, final double d) {
line.scanline[i] = double2int(line, d);
- public static int interpol(int a, int b, int c, int d, double dx, double dy) {
+ public static int interpol(final int a, final int b, final int c, final int d, final double dx, final double dy) {
// a b -> x (0-1)
// c d
- double e = a * (1.0 - dx) + b * dx;
- double f = c * (1.0 - dx) + d * dx;
+ final double e = a * (1.0 - dx) + b * dx;
+ final double f = c * (1.0 - dx) + d * dx;
return (int) (e * (1 - dy) + f * dy + 0.5);
- public static double int2double(ImageLine line, int p) {
+ public static double int2double(final ImageLine line, final int p) {
return line.bitDepth == 16 ? p / 65535.0 : p / 255.0;
// TODO: replace my multiplication? check for other bitdepths
- public static double int2doubleClamped(ImageLine line, int p) {
+ public static double int2doubleClamped(final ImageLine line, final int p) {
// TODO: replace my multiplication?
- double d = line.bitDepth == 16 ? p / 65535.0 : p / 255.0;
+ final double d = line.bitDepth == 16 ? p / 65535.0 : p / 255.0;
return d <= 0.0 ? 0 : (d >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : d);
- public static int double2int(ImageLine line, double d) {
+ public static int double2int(final ImageLine line, double d) {
d = d <= 0.0 ? 0 : (d >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : d);
return line.bitDepth == 16 ? (int) (d * 65535.0 + 0.5) : (int) (d * 255.0 + 0.5); //
- public static int double2intClamped(ImageLine line, double d) {
+ public static int double2intClamped(final ImageLine line, double d) {
d = d <= 0.0 ? 0 : (d >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : d);
return line.bitDepth == 16 ? (int) (d * 65535.0 + 0.5) : (int) (d * 255.0 + 0.5); //
- public static int clampTo_0_255(int i) {
+ public static int clampTo_0_255(final int i) {
return i > 255 ? 255 : (i < 0 ? 0 : i);
- public static int clampTo_0_65535(int i) {
+ public static int clampTo_0_65535(final int i) {
return i > 65535 ? 65535 : (i < 0 ? 0 : i);
- public static int clampTo_128_127(int x) {
+ public static int clampTo_128_127(final int x) {
return x > 127 ? 127 : (x < -128 ? -128 : x);
@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
* You probably should use {@link ImageLine#unpackToNewImageLine()}
- public static int[] unpack(ImageInfo imgInfo, int[] src, int[] dst, boolean scale) {
- int len1 = imgInfo.samplesPerRow;
- int len0 = imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked;
+ public static int[] unpack(final ImageInfo imgInfo, final int[] src, int[] dst, final boolean scale) {
+ final int len1 = imgInfo.samplesPerRow;
+ final int len0 = imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked;
if (dst == null || dst.length < len1)
dst = new int[len1];
if (imgInfo.packed)
@@ -267,9 +267,9 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
return dst;
- public static byte[] unpack(ImageInfo imgInfo, byte[] src, byte[] dst, boolean scale) {
- int len1 = imgInfo.samplesPerRow;
- int len0 = imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked;
+ public static byte[] unpack(final ImageInfo imgInfo, final byte[] src, byte[] dst, final boolean scale) {
+ final int len1 = imgInfo.samplesPerRow;
+ final int len0 = imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked;
if (dst == null || dst.length < len1)
dst = new byte[len1];
if (imgInfo.packed)
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
* You probably should use {@link ImageLine#packToNewImageLine()}
- public static int[] pack(ImageInfo imgInfo, int[] src, int[] dst, boolean scale) {
- int len0 = imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked;
+ public static int[] pack(final ImageInfo imgInfo, final int[] src, int[] dst, final boolean scale) {
+ final int len0 = imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked;
if (dst == null || dst.length < len0)
dst = new int[len0];
if (imgInfo.packed)
@@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
return dst;
- public static byte[] pack(ImageInfo imgInfo, byte[] src, byte[] dst, boolean scale) {
- int len0 = imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked;
+ public static byte[] pack(final ImageInfo imgInfo, final byte[] src, byte[] dst, final boolean scale) {
+ final int len0 = imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked;
if (dst == null || dst.length < len0)
dst = new byte[len0];
if (imgInfo.packed)
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
return dst;
- static int getMaskForPackedFormats(int bitDepth) { // Utility function for pack/unpack
+ static int getMaskForPackedFormats(final int bitDepth) { // Utility function for pack/unpack
if (bitDepth == 4)
return 0xf0;
else if (bitDepth == 2)
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ public class ImageLineHelper {
return 0x80; // bitDepth == 1
- static int getMaskForPackedFormatsLs(int bitDepth) { // Utility function for pack/unpack
+ static int getMaskForPackedFormatsLs(final int bitDepth) { // Utility function for pack/unpack
if (bitDepth == 4)
return 0x0f;
else if (bitDepth == 2)