path: root/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av
diff options
authorSven Gothel <sgothel@jausoft.com>2013-08-26 09:59:47 +0200
committerSven Gothel <sgothel@jausoft.com>2013-08-26 09:59:47 +0200
commite28a3b39e1e8caf3f6cf3bfe82efdaae818a6c7b (patch)
tree92166bb7d9df0829ed45db383181b6f999c95d6d /src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av
parent871c7cac1939e6c7fbcd33aa031b7861f63da6ae (diff)
AudioSink: Fixe type names ; Enhance AudioFormat negotiation ; ALAudioSink adds AL_SOFT_buffer_samples support w/ full AL caps
- Fixe type names: - Remove AudioDataType, we only support PCM here anyways - AudioDataFormat -> AudioFormat / Add 'planar' attribute to distingush packed/planar data type - Validate float types - Enhance AudioFormat negotiation - Add 'isSupported(AudioFormat format)' which _shall_ be used before 'init(..)' to test/negotiate format - Add getMaxSupportedChannels(), which may be used w/ getPreferredFormat() if orig requested format fails via 'isSupported(..)' - 'init(..)' returns boolean only. - ALAudioSink adds AL_SOFT_buffer_samples support w/ full AL caps - Determine whether AL_SOFT_buffer_samples is supported - Use new JOAL ALHelper to convert AudioFormat -> AL-types, which also answers the 'isSupported(..)' query. - Now allows multiple: channles, sample-types, etc.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java
index d3964a2cf..3daedd52e 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ import com.jogamp.openal.AL;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALC;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALCcontext;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALCdevice;
+import com.jogamp.openal.ALExt;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALFactory;
+import com.jogamp.openal.util.ALHelpers;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.av.AudioSink;
@@ -47,12 +49,16 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.util.av.AudioSink;
public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
+ private static final String AL_SOFT_buffer_samples = "AL_SOFT_buffer_samples";
private static final ALC alc;
private static final AL al;
+ private static final ALExt alExt;
private static final boolean staticAvailable;
private String deviceSpecifier;
private ALCdevice device;
+ private boolean hasSOFTBufferSamples;
+ private AudioFormat preferredAudioFormat;
private ALCcontext context;
private final RecursiveLock lock = LockFactory.createRecursiveLock();
@@ -91,8 +97,10 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
private volatile int enqueuedFrameCount;
private int[] alSource = null;
- private AudioDataFormat chosenFormat;
- private int alFormat;
+ private AudioFormat chosenFormat;
+ private int alChannelLayout;
+ private int alSampleType;
+ private int alFormat;
private boolean initialized;
private volatile boolean playRequested = false;
@@ -100,9 +108,11 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
static {
ALC _alc = null;
AL _al = null;
+ ALExt _alExt = null;
try {
_alc = ALFactory.getALC();
_al = ALFactory.getAL();
+ _alExt = ALFactory.getALExt();
} catch(Throwable t) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("ALAudioSink: Catched "+t.getClass().getName()+": "+t.getMessage());
@@ -111,7 +121,8 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
alc = _alc;
al = _al;
- staticAvailable = null != alc && null != al;
+ alExt = _alExt;
+ staticAvailable = null != alc && null != al && null != alExt;
public ALAudioSink() {
@@ -138,7 +149,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
// Create audio context.
context = alc.alcCreateContext(device, null);
if (context == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("ALAudioSink: Error creating OpenAL context");
+ throw new RuntimeException("ALAudioSink: Error creating OpenAL context for "+deviceSpecifier);
@@ -148,6 +159,16 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
throw new RuntimeException("ALAudioSink: Error making OpenAL context current");
+ hasSOFTBufferSamples = al.alIsExtensionPresent(AL_SOFT_buffer_samples);
+ preferredAudioFormat = queryPreferredAudioFormat();
+ if( DEBUG | true ) {
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: OpenAL Extensions:"+al.alGetString(AL.AL_EXTENSIONS));
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: Null device OpenAL Extensions:"+alc.alcGetString(null, ALC.ALC_EXTENSIONS));
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: Device "+deviceSpecifier+" OpenAL Extensions:"+alc.alcGetString(device, ALC.ALC_EXTENSIONS));
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasSOFTBufferSamples "+hasSOFTBufferSamples);
+ System.out.println("ALAudioSink: preferredAudioFormat "+preferredAudioFormat);
+ }
// Create source
alSource = new int[1];
@@ -175,6 +196,16 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
+ private final AudioFormat queryPreferredAudioFormat() {
+ int sampleRate = DefaultFormat.sampleRate;
+ final int[] value = new int[1];
+ alc.alcGetIntegerv(device, ALC.ALC_FREQUENCY, 1, value, 0);
+ if ( alc.alcGetError(device) == ALC.ALC_NO_ERROR ) {
+ sampleRate = value[0];
+ }
+ return new AudioFormat(sampleRate, DefaultFormat.sampleSize, DefaultFormat.channelCount, DefaultFormat.signed, DefaultFormat.fixedP, DefaultFormat.planar, DefaultFormat.littleEndian);
+ }
private final void lockContext() {
@@ -212,53 +243,78 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
final int alBuffersLen = null != alBufferNames ? alBufferNames.length : 0;
final int ctxHash = context != null ? context.hashCode() : 0;
return "ALAudioSink[init "+initialized+", playRequested "+playRequested+", device "+deviceSpecifier+", ctx "+toHexString(ctxHash)+", alSource "+alSrcName+
- ", chosen "+chosenFormat+", alFormat "+toHexString(alFormat)+
- ", playSpeed "+playSpeed+", buffers[total "+alBuffersLen+", avail "+alFramesAvail.size()+", "+
+ ", chosen "+chosenFormat+
+ ", al[chan "+ALHelpers.alChannelLayoutName(alChannelLayout)+", type "+ALHelpers.alSampleTypeName(alSampleType)+
+ ", fmt "+toHexString(alFormat)+", soft "+hasSOFTBufferSamples+
+ "], playSpeed "+playSpeed+", buffers[total "+alBuffersLen+", avail "+alFramesAvail.size()+", "+
"queued["+alFramesPlaying.size()+", apts "+getPTS()+", "+getQueuedTime() + " ms, " + alBufferBytesQueued+" bytes], "+
"queue[g "+frameGrowAmount+", l "+frameLimit+"]";
public final String getPerfString() {
final int alBuffersLen = null != alBufferNames ? alBufferNames.length : 0;
return "Play [buffer "+alFramesPlaying.size()+"/"+alBuffersLen+", apts "+getPTS()+", "+getQueuedTime() + " ms, " + alBufferBytesQueued+" bytes]";
- public final AudioDataFormat getPreferredFormat() {
- return DefaultFormat;
+ public final AudioFormat getPreferredFormat() {
+ if( !staticAvailable ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return preferredAudioFormat;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public final int getMaxSupportedChannels() {
+ if( !staticAvailable ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return hasSOFTBufferSamples ? 8 : 2;
- public final AudioDataFormat init(AudioDataFormat requestedFormat, float frameDuration, int initialQueueSize, int queueGrowAmount, int queueLimit) {
+ public final boolean isSupported(AudioFormat format) {
if( !staticAvailable ) {
- return null;
+ return false;
- if( !requestedFormat.fixedP ||
- !requestedFormat.littleEndian ||
- ( 1 != requestedFormat.channelCount && requestedFormat.channelCount != 2 ) ||
- ( 8 != requestedFormat.sampleSize && requestedFormat.sampleSize != 16 )
- ) {
- return null; // not supported w/ OpenAL
- }
- // final float samplePeriod = 1.0f / requestedFormat.sampleRate;
- switch( requestedFormat.channelCount ) {
- case 1: {
- switch ( requestedFormat.sampleSize ) {
- case 8:
- alFormat = AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO8; break;
- case 16:
- alFormat = AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO16; break;
- }
- } break;
- case 2:
- switch ( requestedFormat.sampleSize ) {
- case 8:
- alFormat = AL.AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; break;
- case 16:
- alFormat = AL.AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; break;
+ if( format.planar || !format.littleEndian ) {
+ // FIXME big-endian supported w/ SOFT where it's native format!
+ return false;
+ }
+ final int alChannelLayout = ALHelpers.getDefaultALChannelLayout(format.channelCount);
+ if( AL.AL_NONE != alChannelLayout ) {
+ final int alSampleType = ALHelpers.getALSampleType(format.sampleSize, format.signed, format.fixedP);
+ if( AL.AL_NONE != alSampleType ) {
+ lockContext();
+ try {
+ final int alFormat = ALHelpers.getALFormat(alChannelLayout, alSampleType, hasSOFTBufferSamples, al, alExt);
+ return AL.AL_NONE != alFormat;
+ } finally {
+ unlockContext();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public final boolean init(AudioFormat requestedFormat, float frameDuration, int initialQueueSize, int queueGrowAmount, int queueLimit) {
+ if( !staticAvailable ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ alChannelLayout = ALHelpers.getDefaultALChannelLayout(requestedFormat.channelCount);
+ alSampleType = ALHelpers.getALSampleType(requestedFormat.sampleSize, requestedFormat.signed, requestedFormat.fixedP);
try {
+ if( AL.AL_NONE != alChannelLayout && AL.AL_NONE != alSampleType ) {
+ alFormat = ALHelpers.getALFormat(alChannelLayout, alSampleType, hasSOFTBufferSamples, al, alExt);
+ } else {
+ alFormat = AL.AL_NONE;
+ }
+ if( AL.AL_NONE == alFormat ) {
+ // not supported
+ return false;
+ }
// Allocate buffers
@@ -290,7 +346,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
chosenFormat = requestedFormat;
- return chosenFormat;
+ return true;
private static int[] concat(int[] first, int[] second) {
@@ -548,7 +604,15 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
if( !alFramesPlaying.put( alFrame ) ) {
throw new InternalError("Internal Error: "+this);
- al.alBufferData(alFrame.alBuffer, alFormat, bytes, byteCount, chosenFormat.sampleRate);
+ if( hasSOFTBufferSamples ) {
+ final int samplesPerChannel = chosenFormat.getBytesSampleCount(byteCount) / chosenFormat.channelCount;
+ // final int samplesPerChannel = ALHelpers.bytesToSampleCount(byteCount, alChannelLayout, alSampleType);
+ alExt.alBufferSamplesSOFT(alFrame.alBuffer, chosenFormat.sampleRate, alFormat,
+ samplesPerChannel, alChannelLayout, alSampleType, bytes);
+ } else {
+ al.alBufferData(alFrame.alBuffer, alFormat, bytes, byteCount, chosenFormat.sampleRate);
+ }
final int[] alBufferNames = new int[] { alFrame.alBuffer };
al.alSourceQueueBuffers(alSource[0], 1, alBufferNames, 0);
alErr = al.alGetError();