path: root/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2013-08-22 23:46:35 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2013-08-22 23:46:35 +0200
commitf18a94b3defef16e98badd6d99f2422609aa56c5 (patch)
treedbcdc4ac0721ddd595c1a0a1bc38736a95486481 /src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java
parentc1b44f3f26a8e44d34dc79850716174a8b36ad91 (diff)
AudioSink: Add END_OF_STREAM_PTS, initSink(..) args: frameGrowAmount and frameLimit allowing an optional used Ringbuffer to grow in implementation.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java
index 217ab2954..dd1351756 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ALAudioSink.java
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
package jogamp.opengl.openal.av;
-import jogamp.opengl.util.av.SyncedRingbuffer;
+import com.jogamp.common.util.LFRingbuffer;
+import com.jogamp.common.util.Ringbuffer;
import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.LockFactory;
import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.RecursiveLock;
import com.jogamp.openal.AL;
@@ -44,10 +44,6 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.util.av.AudioSink;
public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
- /** Chunk of audio processed at one time. FIXME: Parameterize .. */
- public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
- public static final int SAMPLES_PER_BUFFER = BUFFER_SIZE / 2;
private static final ALC alc;
private static final AL al;
private static final boolean staticAvailable;
@@ -55,14 +51,10 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
private String deviceSpecifier;
private ALCdevice device;
private ALCcontext context;
- // private static final ThreadLocal<GLContext> currentContext = new ThreadLocal<GLContext>();
- protected final RecursiveLock lock = LockFactory.createRecursiveLock();
+ private final RecursiveLock lock = LockFactory.createRecursiveLock();
- /** Sample period in seconds */
- public float samplePeriod;
/** Playback speed, range [0.5 - 2.0], default 1.0. */
- public float playSpeed;
+ private float playSpeed;
static class ActiveBuffer {
ActiveBuffer(Integer name, int pts, int size) {
@@ -76,9 +68,12 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
public String toString() { return "ABuffer[name "+name+", pts "+pts+", size "+size+"]"; }
- int[] alBuffers = null;
- private SyncedRingbuffer<Integer> alBufferAvail = null;
- private SyncedRingbuffer<ActiveBuffer> alBufferPlaying = null;
+ private int[] alBuffers = null;
+ private int frameGrowAmount = 0;
+ private int frameLimit = 0;
+ private Ringbuffer<Integer> alBufferAvail = null;
+ private Ringbuffer<ActiveBuffer> alBufferPlaying = null;
private volatile int alBufferBytesQueued = 0;
private volatile int playingPTS = AudioFrame.INVALID_PTS;
private volatile int enqueuedFrameCount;
@@ -107,6 +102,19 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
staticAvailable = null != alc && null != al;
+ private static Ringbuffer.AllocEmptyArray<Integer> rbAllocIntArray = new Ringbuffer.AllocEmptyArray<Integer>() {
+ @Override
+ public Integer[] newArray(int size) {
+ return new Integer[size];
+ }
+ };
+ private static Ringbuffer.AllocEmptyArray<ActiveBuffer> rbAllocActiveBufferArray = new Ringbuffer.AllocEmptyArray<ActiveBuffer>() {
+ @Override
+ public ActiveBuffer[] newArray(int size) {
+ return new ActiveBuffer[size];
+ }
+ };
public ALAudioSink() {
initialized = false;
chosenFormat = null;
@@ -220,7 +228,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
- public final AudioDataFormat initSink(AudioDataFormat requestedFormat, int frameCount) {
+ public final AudioDataFormat initSink(AudioDataFormat requestedFormat, int initialFrameCount, int frameGrowAmount, int frameLimit) {
if( !staticAvailable ) {
return null;
@@ -231,7 +239,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
) {
return null; // not supported w/ OpenAL
- samplePeriod = 1.0f / requestedFormat.sampleRate;
+ // final float samplePeriod = 1.0f / requestedFormat.sampleRate;
switch( requestedFormat.channelCount ) {
case 1: {
switch ( requestedFormat.sampleSize ) {
@@ -254,19 +262,21 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
// Allocate buffers
- alBuffers = new int[frameCount];
- al.alGenBuffers(frameCount, alBuffers, 0);
+ alBuffers = new int[initialFrameCount];
+ al.alGenBuffers(initialFrameCount, alBuffers, 0);
final int err = al.alGetError();
if( err != AL.AL_NO_ERROR ) {
alBuffers = null;
throw new RuntimeException("ALAudioSink: Error generating Buffers: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(err));
- final Integer[] alBufferRingArray = new Integer[frameCount];
- for(int i=0; i<frameCount; i++) {
+ final Integer[] alBufferRingArray = new Integer[initialFrameCount];
+ for(int i=0; i<initialFrameCount; i++) {
alBufferRingArray[i] = Integer.valueOf(alBuffers[i]);
- alBufferAvail = new SyncedRingbuffer<Integer>(alBufferRingArray, true /* full */);
- alBufferPlaying = new SyncedRingbuffer<ActiveBuffer>(new ActiveBuffer[frameCount], false /* full */);
+ alBufferAvail = new LFRingbuffer<Integer>(alBufferRingArray, rbAllocIntArray);
+ alBufferPlaying = new LFRingbuffer<ActiveBuffer>(initialFrameCount, rbAllocActiveBufferArray);
+ this.frameGrowAmount = frameGrowAmount;
+ this.frameLimit = frameLimit;
} finally {
@@ -276,6 +286,49 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
return chosenFormat;
+ private boolean growBuffers() {
+ if( !alBufferAvail.isEmpty() || !alBufferPlaying.isFull() ) {
+ throw new InternalError("Buffers: Avail is !empty "+alBufferAvail+", Playing is !full "+alBufferPlaying);
+ }
+ if( alBufferAvail.capacity() >= frameLimit || alBufferPlaying.capacity() >= frameLimit ) {
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.growBuffers: Frame limit "+frameLimit+" reached: Avail "+alBufferAvail+", Playing "+alBufferPlaying);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ final int[] newElems = new int[frameGrowAmount];
+ al.alGenBuffers(frameGrowAmount, newElems, 0);
+ final int err = al.alGetError();
+ if( err != AL.AL_NO_ERROR ) {
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.growBuffers: Error generating "+frameGrowAmount+" new Buffers: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(err));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ final Integer[] newElemsI = new Integer[frameGrowAmount];
+ for(int i=0; i<frameGrowAmount; i++) {
+ newElemsI[i] = Integer.valueOf(newElems[i]);
+ }
+ final int oldSize = alBuffers.length;
+ final int newSize = oldSize + frameGrowAmount;
+ final int[] newBuffers = new int[newSize];
+ System.arraycopy(alBuffers, 0, newBuffers, 0, oldSize);
+ System.arraycopy(newElems, 0, newBuffers, oldSize, frameGrowAmount);
+ alBuffers = newBuffers;
+ alBufferAvail.growBuffer(newElemsI, frameGrowAmount, rbAllocIntArray);
+ alBufferPlaying.growBuffer(null, frameGrowAmount, rbAllocActiveBufferArray);
+ if( alBufferAvail.isEmpty() || alBufferPlaying.isFull() ) {
+ throw new InternalError("Buffers: Avail is empty "+alBufferAvail+", Playing is full "+alBufferPlaying);
+ }
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Buffer grown "+frameGrowAmount+": Avail "+alBufferAvail+", playing "+alBufferPlaying);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
private void destroyBuffers() {
if( !staticAvailable ) {
@@ -344,15 +397,13 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
return initialized;
- private final int dequeueBuffer(boolean all, boolean wait) {
- if( !lock.isLocked() ) {
- throw new InternalError("XXX");
- }
+ private final int dequeueBuffer(boolean flush, boolean wait) {
int alErr = AL.AL_NO_ERROR;
final int releaseBufferCount;
- if( all ) {
+ if( flush ) {
releaseBufferCount = alBufferPlaying.size();
} else if( alBufferBytesQueued > 0 ) {
+ final int releaseBufferLimes = Math.max(1, alBufferPlaying.size() / 4 );
final int[] val=new int[1];
int i=0;
do {
@@ -361,22 +412,23 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
if( AL.AL_NO_ERROR != alErr ) {
throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while quering processed buffers at source. "+this);
- if( wait && val[0] <= 0 ) {
+ if( wait && val[0] < releaseBufferLimes ) {
- // clip wait at 60Hz - min 1ms
- final int sleep = Math.max(1, Math.min(15, getQueuedTimeImpl( alBufferBytesQueued / alBufferPlaying.size() ) ));
+ // clip wait at [2 .. 100] ms
+ final int avgBufferDura = getQueuedTimeImpl( alBufferBytesQueued / alBufferPlaying.size() );
+ final int sleep = Math.max(2, Math.min(100, releaseBufferLimes * avgBufferDura));
if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Dequeue.wait["+i+"]: sleep "+sleep+" ms, playImpl "+isPlayingImpl1()+", processed "+val[0]+", "+this);
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Dequeue.wait["+i+"]: avgBufferDura "+avgBufferDura+", releaseBufferLimes "+releaseBufferLimes+", sleep "+sleep+" ms, playImpl "+isPlayingImpl1()+", processed "+val[0]+", "+this);
try {
- Thread.sleep(sleep);
+ Thread.sleep( sleep - 1 );
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
- } while ( wait && val[0] <= 0 && alBufferBytesQueued > 0 );
+ } while ( wait && val[0] < releaseBufferLimes && alBufferBytesQueued > 0 );
releaseBufferCount = val[0];
} else {
releaseBufferCount = 0;
@@ -390,26 +442,45 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while dequeueing "+releaseBufferCount+" buffers. "+this);
for ( int i=0; i<releaseBufferCount; i++ ) {
- final ActiveBuffer releasedBuffer = alBufferPlaying.get(true /* clearRef */);
+ final ActiveBuffer releasedBuffer = alBufferPlaying.get();
if( null == releasedBuffer ) {
throw new InternalError("Internal Error: "+this);
- if( releasedBuffer.name.intValue() != buffers[i] ) {
- throw new InternalError("Buffer name mismatch: dequeued: "+buffers[i]+", released "+releasedBuffer);
- // System.err.println("XXX ["+i+"]: dequeued: "+buffers[i]+", released "+releasedBuffer);
+ if( releasedBuffer.name.intValue() != buffers[i] ) {
+ alBufferAvail.dump(System.err, "Avail-deq02-post");
+ alBufferPlaying.dump(System.err, "Playi-deq02-post");
+ throw new InternalError("Buffer name mismatch: dequeued: "+buffers[i]+", released "+releasedBuffer+", "+this);
alBufferBytesQueued -= releasedBuffer.size;
if( !alBufferAvail.put(releasedBuffer.name) ) {
throw new InternalError("Internal Error: "+this);
+ if( flush && ( !alBufferAvail.isFull() || !alBufferPlaying.isEmpty() ) ) {
+ alBufferAvail.dump(System.err, "Avail-deq03-post");
+ alBufferPlaying.dump(System.err, "Playi-deq03-post");
+ throw new InternalError("Flush failure: "+this);
+ }
return releaseBufferCount;
- private static final String toHexString(int v) { return "0x"+Integer.toHexString(v); }
- private static final String getThreadName() { return Thread.currentThread().getName(); }
+ private final int dequeueBuffer(boolean wait, AudioFrame inAudioFrame) {
+ final int dequeuedBufferCount = dequeueBuffer( false /* flush */, wait );
+ final ActiveBuffer currentBuffer = alBufferPlaying.peek();
+ if( null != currentBuffer ) {
+ playingPTS = currentBuffer.pts;
+ } else {
+ playingPTS = inAudioFrame.pts;
+ }
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ if( dequeuedBufferCount > 0 ) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Write "+inAudioFrame.pts+", "+getQueuedTimeImpl(inAudioFrame.dataSize)+" ms, dequeued "+dequeuedBufferCount+", wait "+wait+", "+getPerfString());
+ }
+ }
+ return dequeuedBufferCount;
+ }
public final void enqueueData(AudioFrame audioFrame) {
if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) {
@@ -427,26 +498,26 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while makeCurrent. "+this);
- if( isPlayingImpl0() ) { // dequeue only possible if playing ..
- final boolean wait = alBufferAvail.size() <= 1;
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Dequeue: playImpl "+isPlayingImpl1()+", wait "+wait+", "+this);
- }
- final int dequeuedBufferCount = dequeueBuffer( false /* all */, wait );
- final ActiveBuffer currentBuffer = alBufferPlaying.peek();
- if( null != currentBuffer ) {
- playingPTS = currentBuffer.pts;
- } else {
- playingPTS = audioFrame.pts;
- }
- if( DEBUG ) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Write "+audioFrame.pts+", "+getQueuedTimeImpl(audioFrame.dataSize)+" ms, dequeued "+dequeuedBufferCount+", wait "+wait+", "+getPerfString());
+ final boolean dequeueDone;
+ if( alBufferAvail.isEmpty() ) {
+ // try to dequeue first
+ dequeueDone = dequeueBuffer(false, audioFrame) > 0;
+ if( alBufferAvail.isEmpty() ) {
+ // try to grow
+ growBuffers();
+ } else {
+ dequeueDone = false;
+ }
+ if( !dequeueDone && alBufferPlaying.size() > 0 ) { // dequeue only possible if playing ..
+ final boolean wait = isPlayingImpl0() && alBufferAvail.isEmpty(); // possible if grow failed or already exceeds it's limit!
+ dequeueBuffer(wait, audioFrame);
- final Integer alBufferName = alBufferAvail.get(true /* clearRef */);
+ final Integer alBufferName = alBufferAvail.get();
if( null == alBufferName ) {
- throw new InternalError("Internal Error: "+this);
+ alBufferAvail.dump(System.err, "Avail");
+ throw new InternalError("Internal Error: avail.get null "+alBufferAvail+", "+this);
if( !alBufferPlaying.put( new ActiveBuffer(alBufferName, audioFrame.pts, audioFrame.dataSize) ) ) {
throw new InternalError("Internal Error: "+this);
@@ -597,7 +668,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
try {
// pauseImpl();
- dequeueBuffer( true /* all */, false /* wait */ );
+ dequeueBuffer( true /* flush */, false /* wait */ );
if( alBuffers.length != alBufferAvail.size() || alBufferPlaying.size() != 0 ) {
throw new InternalError("XXX: "+this);
@@ -657,4 +728,7 @@ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
public final int getPTS() { return playingPTS; }
+ private static final String toHexString(int v) { return "0x"+Integer.toHexString(v); }
+ private static final String getThreadName() { return Thread.currentThread().getName(); }