path: root/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2014-04-01 16:31:05 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2014-04-01 16:31:05 +0200
commitb935d5248aef79e2386a284b32f5888348a382d6 (patch)
tree6b661210ee531968fcf7d5c75ded4ed58bd3b0fc /src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java
parent07d1c5a272e528d130daf37b9aa7077aac8d748e (diff)
Bug 801: WIP 1/2 - Add color attribute; Switch Shader instead of branching in shader; Update attributes and uniforms manually, drop ShaderState;
- ShaderCode - add int insertShaderSource(int shaderIdx, int position, Class<?> context, String path) - insertShaderSource(..): pos==-1 -> append code - VectorUtil - add isVec3InTriangle3(..., float epsilon) - add testSeg2SegIntersection(..., float epsilon) - add testTri2SegIntersection(..., float epsilon) - AffineTransform: Return result for chaining - Font - Add pixel precise 'getPointsBounds(final AffineTransform transform, CharSequence string, float pixelSize)' - Rename getString*() -> getMetric*() - OTGlyph: Release _points field, no more used - - Graph Triangulation - Count additional vertices in: Triangulator, CDTriangulator2D - OutlineShape: - Allow skipping of 'transformOutlines2Quadratic', i.e. allow tagging OutlineShape to be quadratic_nurbs via 'setIsQuadraticNurbs()' - Clarify cleanup ot outlines in same method 'cleanupOutlines()' - Count additional vertices .. - Graph Shader: - Start splitting and segmenting shader code for: - pass1 / pass2 - features, i.e. sampleCont, color-channel, ..
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java
index 4a12ed8d9..afaae3679 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/VBORegion2PVBAAES2.java
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import javax.media.opengl.GL2ES2;
import javax.media.opengl.GL;
import javax.media.opengl.GLUniformData;
-import javax.media.opengl.fixedfunc.GLMatrixFunc;
import jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.shader.AttributeNames;
import jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.shader.UniformNames;
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.FBObject.TextureAttachment;
import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.AABBox;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataServer;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.PMVMatrix;
-import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderState;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderProgram;
public class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
private static final boolean DEBUG_FBO_1 = false;
@@ -85,38 +84,102 @@ public class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
- private GLArrayDataServer verticeTxtAttr;
- private GLArrayDataServer texCoordTxtAttr;
- private GLArrayDataServer indicesTxtBuffer;
- private GLArrayDataServer verticeFboAttr;
- private GLArrayDataServer texCoordFboAttr;
+ // Pass-1:
+ private GLArrayDataServer gca_VerticesAttr;
+ private GLArrayDataServer gca_CurveParamsAttr;
+ private GLArrayDataServer gca_ColorsAttr;
+ private GLArrayDataServer indicesBuffer;
+ private ShaderProgram spPass1 = null;
+ // Pass-2:
+ private GLArrayDataServer gca_FboVerticesAttr;
+ private GLArrayDataServer gca_FboTexCoordsAttr;
private GLArrayDataServer indicesFbo;
+ private final GLUniformData gcu_FboTexUnit;
+ private final GLUniformData gcu_FboTexSize;
+ private final PMVMatrix fboPMVMatrix;
+ private final GLUniformData gcu_PMVMatrix02;
+ private boolean gcu_FboTexSize_dirty = true;
+ private boolean gcu_PMVMatrix02_dirty = true;
+ private ShaderProgram spPass2 = null;
private FBObject fbo;
private TextureAttachment texA;
- private final PMVMatrix fboPMVMatrix;
- GLUniformData mgl_fboPMVMatrix;
private int fboWidth = 0;
private int fboHeight = 0;
private boolean fboDirty = true;
- GLUniformData mgl_ActiveTexture;
- GLUniformData mgl_TextureSize;
final int[] maxTexSize = new int[] { -1 } ;
+ public void useShaderProgram(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer, final int renderModes, final boolean pass1, final int quality, final int sampleCount) {
+ final RenderState rs = renderer.getRenderState();
+ final boolean updateLocation0 = renderer.useShaderProgram(gl, renderModes, pass1, quality, sampleCount);
+ final ShaderProgram sp = renderer.getRenderState().getShaderProgram();
+ final boolean updateLocation;
+ if( pass1 ) {
+ updateLocation = !sp.equals(spPass1);
+ spPass1 = sp;
+ rs.update(gl, updateLocation, renderModes, true);
+ rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, updateLocation, gcu_PMVMatrix02);
+ rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, updateLocation, gca_VerticesAttr);
+ rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, updateLocation, gca_CurveParamsAttr);
+ if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) {
+ rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, updateLocation, gca_ColorsAttr);
+ }
+ System.err.println("XXX changedSP.p1 "+updateLocation+" / "+updateLocation0+", "+rs);
+ } else {
+ updateLocation = !sp.equals(spPass2);
+ spPass2 = sp;
+ rs.update(gl, updateLocation, renderModes, false);
+ rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, updateLocation, gca_FboVerticesAttr);
+ rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, updateLocation, gca_FboTexCoordsAttr);
+ rs.updateUniformDataLoc(gl, updateLocation, true, gcu_FboTexUnit);
+ rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, updateLocation, gcu_FboTexSize);
+ System.err.println("XXX changedSP.p2 "+updateLocation+" / "+updateLocation0+", "+rs);
+ }
+ }
public VBORegion2PVBAAES2(final int renderModes, final int textureUnit) {
final int initialElementCount = 256;
- fboPMVMatrix = new PMVMatrix();
- mgl_fboPMVMatrix = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_PMVMatrix, 4, 4, fboPMVMatrix.glGetPMvMatrixf());
- mgl_ActiveTexture = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_TextureUnit, textureUnit);
- indicesTxtBuffer = GLArrayDataServer.createData(3, GL2ES2.GL_SHORT, initialElementCount, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);
- verticeTxtAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.VERTEX_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL2ES2.GL_FLOAT,
+ // Pass 1:
+ indicesBuffer = GLArrayDataServer.createData(3, GL2ES2.GL_SHORT, initialElementCount, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ gca_VerticesAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.VERTEX_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL2ES2.GL_FLOAT,
false, initialElementCount, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
- texCoordTxtAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.TEXCOORD_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL2ES2.GL_FLOAT,
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.CURVEPARAMS_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL2ES2.GL_FLOAT,
false, initialElementCount, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ if( hasColorChannel() ) {
+ gca_ColorsAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.COLOR_ATTR_NAME, 4, GL2ES2.GL_FLOAT,
+ false, initialElementCount, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ } else {
+ gca_ColorsAttr = null;
+ }
+ // Pass 2:
+ fboPMVMatrix = new PMVMatrix();
+ gcu_PMVMatrix02 = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_PMVMatrix02, 4, 4, fboPMVMatrix.glGetPMvMatrixf());
+ gcu_FboTexUnit = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_FboTexUnit, textureUnit);
+ gcu_FboTexSize = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_FboTexSize, 2, Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(2));
+ indicesFbo = GLArrayDataServer.createData(3, GL2ES2.GL_SHORT, 2, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ indicesFbo.puts((short) 0); indicesFbo.puts((short) 1); indicesFbo.puts((short) 3);
+ indicesFbo.puts((short) 1); indicesFbo.puts((short) 2); indicesFbo.puts((short) 3);
+ indicesFbo.seal(true);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.FBO_TEXCOORDS_ATTR_NAME, 2, GL2ES2.GL_FLOAT,
+ false, 4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.seal(true);
+ gca_FboVerticesAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.FBO_VERTEX_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL2ES2.GL_FLOAT,
+ false, 4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
@@ -125,88 +188,86 @@ public class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
System.err.println("VBORegion2PES2 Clear: " + this);
// Thread.dumpStack();
- if( null != indicesTxtBuffer ) {
- indicesTxtBuffer.seal(gl, false);
- indicesTxtBuffer.rewind();
+ if( null != indicesBuffer ) {
+ indicesBuffer.seal(gl, false);
+ indicesBuffer.rewind();
- if( null != verticeTxtAttr ) {
- verticeTxtAttr.seal(gl, false);
- verticeTxtAttr.rewind();
+ if( null != gca_VerticesAttr ) {
+ gca_VerticesAttr.seal(gl, false);
+ gca_VerticesAttr.rewind();
- if( null != texCoordTxtAttr ) {
- texCoordTxtAttr.seal(gl, false);
- texCoordTxtAttr.rewind();
+ if( null != gca_CurveParamsAttr ) {
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr.seal(gl, false);
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr.rewind();
+ }
+ if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) {
+ gca_ColorsAttr.seal(gl, false);
+ gca_ColorsAttr.rewind();
fboDirty = true;
- protected final void pushVertex(float[] coords, float[] texParams) {
- verticeTxtAttr.putf(coords[0]);
- verticeTxtAttr.putf(coords[1]);
- verticeTxtAttr.putf(coords[2]);
- texCoordTxtAttr.putf(texParams[0]);
- texCoordTxtAttr.putf(texParams[1]);
- texCoordTxtAttr.putf(texParams[2]);
+ protected final void pushVertex(final float[] coords, final float[] texParams, float[] rgba) {
+ gca_VerticesAttr.putf(coords[0]);
+ gca_VerticesAttr.putf(coords[1]);
+ gca_VerticesAttr.putf(coords[2]);
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr.putf(texParams[0]);
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr.putf(texParams[1]);
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr.putf(texParams[2]);
+ if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) {
+ if( null != rgba ) {
+ gca_ColorsAttr.putf(rgba[0]);
+ gca_ColorsAttr.putf(rgba[1]);
+ gca_ColorsAttr.putf(rgba[2]);
+ gca_ColorsAttr.putf(rgba[3]);
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null color given for COLOR_CHANNEL rendering mode");
+ }
+ }
protected final void pushIndex(int idx) {
- indicesTxtBuffer.puts((short)idx);
+ indicesBuffer.puts((short)idx);
protected void updateImpl(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer) {
if(null == indicesFbo) {
- final ShaderState st = renderer.getShaderState();
- indicesFbo = GLArrayDataServer.createData(3, GL2ES2.GL_SHORT, 2, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);
- indicesFbo.puts((short) 0); indicesFbo.puts((short) 1); indicesFbo.puts((short) 3);
- indicesFbo.puts((short) 1); indicesFbo.puts((short) 2); indicesFbo.puts((short) 3);
- indicesFbo.seal(true);
- texCoordFboAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.TEXCOORD_ATTR_NAME, 2, GL2ES2.GL_FLOAT,
- false, 4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
- st.ownAttribute(texCoordFboAttr, true);
- texCoordFboAttr.putf(0); texCoordFboAttr.putf(0);
- texCoordFboAttr.putf(0); texCoordFboAttr.putf(1);
- texCoordFboAttr.putf(1); texCoordFboAttr.putf(1);
- texCoordFboAttr.putf(1); texCoordFboAttr.putf(0);
- texCoordFboAttr.seal(true);
- verticeFboAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.VERTEX_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL2ES2.GL_FLOAT,
- false, 4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
- st.ownAttribute(verticeFboAttr, true);
- st.ownAttribute(verticeTxtAttr, true);
- st.ownAttribute(texCoordTxtAttr, true);
System.err.println("VBORegion2PVBAAES2 Create: " + this);
// seal buffers
- indicesTxtBuffer.seal(gl, true);
- indicesTxtBuffer.enableBuffer(gl, false);
- texCoordTxtAttr.seal(gl, true);
- texCoordTxtAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
- verticeTxtAttr.seal(gl, true);
- verticeTxtAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ indicesBuffer.seal(gl, true);
+ indicesBuffer.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr.seal(gl, true);
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ gca_VerticesAttr.seal(gl, true);
+ gca_VerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) {
+ gca_ColorsAttr.seal(gl, true);
+ gca_ColorsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ }
// update all bbox related data
- verticeFboAttr.seal(gl, false);
- verticeFboAttr.rewind();
- verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMinX()); verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMinY()); verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMinZ());
- verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMinX()); verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMaxY()); verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMinZ());
- verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMaxX()); verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMaxY()); verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMinZ());
- verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMaxX()); verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMinY()); verticeFboAttr.putf(box.getMinZ());
- verticeFboAttr.seal(gl, true);
- verticeFboAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
- fboPMVMatrix.glMatrixMode(GLMatrixFunc.GL_PROJECTION);
- fboPMVMatrix.glLoadIdentity();
- fboPMVMatrix.glOrthof(box.getMinX(), box.getMaxX(), box.getMinY(), box.getMaxY(), -1, 1);
+ gca_FboVerticesAttr.seal(gl, false);
+ {
+ final FloatBuffer fb = (FloatBuffer)gca_FboVerticesAttr.getBuffer();
+ fb.put( 2, box.getMinZ());
+ fb.put( 5, box.getMinZ());
+ fb.put( 8, box.getMinZ());
+ fb.put(11, box.getMinZ());
+ }
+ // Pending .. (follow fboDirty)
+ // gca_FboVerticesAttr.seal(gl, true);
+ // gca_FboVerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ // fboPMVMatrix.glMatrixMode(GLMatrixFunc.GL_PROJECTION);
+ // fboPMVMatrix.glLoadIdentity();
+ // fboPMVMatrix.glOrthof(box.getMinX(), box.getMaxX(), box.getMinY(), box.getMaxY(), -1, 1);
// push data 2 GPU ..
indicesFbo.seal(gl, true);
@@ -223,7 +284,7 @@ public class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
protected void drawImpl(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer, final int[/*1*/] sampleCount) {
- if( 0 >= indicesTxtBuffer.getElementCount() ) {
+ if( 0 >= indicesBuffer.getElementCount() ) {
System.err.printf("VBORegion2PVBAAES2.drawImpl: Empty%n");
@@ -387,56 +448,47 @@ public class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
final float minY = box.getMinY()-diffObjBorderHeight;
final float maxX = box.getMaxX()+diffObjBorderWidth+diffObjWidth+diffObjResizeWidth;
final float maxY = box.getMaxY()+diffObjBorderHeight+diffObjHeight+diffObjResizeHeight;
- verticeFboAttr.seal(false);
+ gca_FboVerticesAttr.seal(false);
- final FloatBuffer fb = (FloatBuffer)verticeFboAttr.getBuffer();
+ final FloatBuffer fb = (FloatBuffer)gca_FboVerticesAttr.getBuffer();
fb.put(0, minX); fb.put( 1, minY);
fb.put(3, minX); fb.put( 4, maxY);
fb.put(6, maxX); fb.put( 7, maxY);
fb.put(9, maxX); fb.put(10, minY);
- verticeFboAttr.seal(true);
+ gca_FboVerticesAttr.seal(true);
fboPMVMatrix.glOrthof(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, -1, 1);
+ gcu_PMVMatrix02_dirty = true;
+ useShaderProgram(gl, renderer, getRenderModes(), true, getQuality(), sampleCount[0]);
renderRegion2FBO(gl, rs, targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight, newFboWidth, newFboHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight, sampleCount[0]);
+ useShaderProgram(gl, renderer, getRenderModes(), false, getQuality(), sampleCount[0]);
renderFBO(gl, rs, targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight, sampleCount[0]);
- private void setTexSize(final GL2ES2 gl, final ShaderState st, final boolean firstPass, final int width, final int height, final int sampleCount) {
- if(null == mgl_TextureSize) {
- mgl_TextureSize = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_TextureSize, 3, Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(3));
- }
- final FloatBuffer texSize = (FloatBuffer) mgl_TextureSize.getBuffer();
- texSize.put(0, width);
- texSize.put(1, height);
- if( firstPass ) {
- texSize.put(2, 0f);
- } else {
- texSize.put(2, sampleCount);
- }
- st.uniform(gl, mgl_TextureSize);
- }
private void renderFBO(final GL2ES2 gl, final RenderState rs, final int targetFboWidth, final int targetFboHeight,
final int vpWidth, final int vpHeight, final int sampleCount) {
- final ShaderState st = rs.getShaderState();
gl.glViewport(0, 0, vpWidth, vpHeight);
- st.uniform(gl, mgl_ActiveTexture);
- gl.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + mgl_ActiveTexture.intValue());
- setTexSize(gl, st, false, fboWidth, fboHeight, sampleCount);
+ if( gcu_FboTexSize_dirty ) {
+ gl.glUniform(gcu_FboTexSize);
+ gcu_FboTexSize_dirty = false;
+ }
+ gl.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + gcu_FboTexUnit.intValue());
fbo.use(gl, texA);
- verticeFboAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true);
- texCoordFboAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true);
+ gca_FboVerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true);
indicesFbo.bindBuffer(gl, true); // keeps VBO binding
gl.glDrawElements(GL2ES2.GL_TRIANGLES, indicesFbo.getElementCount() * indicesFbo.getComponentCount(), GL2ES2.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
indicesFbo.bindBuffer(gl, false);
- texCoordFboAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
- verticeFboAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ gca_FboVerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
// setback: gl.glActiveTexture(currentActiveTextureEngine[0]);
@@ -445,8 +497,6 @@ public class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
private void renderRegion2FBO(final GL2ES2 gl, final RenderState rs,
final int targetFboWidth, final int targetFboHeight, final int newFboWidth, final int newFboHeight,
final int vpWidth, final int vpHeight, final int sampleCount) {
- final ShaderState st = rs.getShaderState();
if( 0 >= targetFboWidth || 0 >= targetFboHeight ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("fboSize must be greater than 0: "+targetFboWidth+"x"+targetFboHeight);
@@ -454,6 +504,12 @@ public class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
if(null == fbo) {
fboWidth = newFboWidth;
fboHeight = newFboHeight;
+ final FloatBuffer fboTexSize = (FloatBuffer) gcu_FboTexSize.getBuffer();
+ {
+ fboTexSize.put(0, fboWidth);
+ fboTexSize.put(1, fboHeight);
+ gcu_FboTexSize_dirty=true;
+ }
fbo = new FBObject();
fbo.reset(gl, fboWidth, fboHeight);
// Shall not use bilinear (GL_LINEAR), due to own VBAA. Result is smooth w/o it now!
@@ -472,33 +528,46 @@ public class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
fboWidth = newFboWidth;
fboHeight = newFboHeight;
+ final FloatBuffer fboTexSize = (FloatBuffer) gcu_FboTexSize.getBuffer();
+ {
+ fboTexSize.put(0, fboWidth);
+ fboTexSize.put(1, fboHeight);
+ gcu_FboTexSize_dirty=true;
+ }
} else {
- setTexSize(gl, st, true, vpWidth, vpHeight, sampleCount);
//render texture
gl.glViewport(0, 0, fboWidth, fboHeight);
- st.uniform(gl, mgl_fboPMVMatrix); // use orthogonal matrix
+ if( gcu_PMVMatrix02_dirty ) {
+ gl.glUniform(gcu_PMVMatrix02);
+ gcu_PMVMatrix02_dirty = false;
+ }
fboDirty = false;
- st.uniform(gl, rs.getPMVMatrix()); // switch back to real PMV matrix
private void renderRegion(final GL2ES2 gl) {
- verticeTxtAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true);
- texCoordTxtAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true);
- indicesTxtBuffer.bindBuffer(gl, true); // keeps VBO binding
+ gca_VerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true);
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true);
+ if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) {
+ gca_ColorsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true);
+ }
+ indicesBuffer.bindBuffer(gl, true); // keeps VBO binding
- gl.glDrawElements(GL2ES2.GL_TRIANGLES, indicesTxtBuffer.getElementCount() * indicesTxtBuffer.getComponentCount(), GL2ES2.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
+ gl.glDrawElements(GL2ES2.GL_TRIANGLES, indicesBuffer.getElementCount() * indicesBuffer.getComponentCount(), GL2ES2.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
- indicesTxtBuffer.bindBuffer(gl, false);
- texCoordTxtAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
- verticeTxtAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ indicesBuffer.bindBuffer(gl, false);
+ if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) {
+ gca_ColorsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ }
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
+ gca_VerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false);
@@ -507,35 +576,35 @@ public class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion {
System.err.println("VBORegion2PES2 Destroy: " + this);
// Thread.dumpStack();
- final ShaderState st = renderer.getShaderState();
if(null != fbo) {
fbo = null;
texA = null;
- if(null != verticeTxtAttr) {
- st.ownAttribute(verticeTxtAttr, false);
- verticeTxtAttr.destroy(gl);
- verticeTxtAttr = null;
+ if(null != gca_VerticesAttr) {
+ gca_VerticesAttr.destroy(gl);
+ gca_VerticesAttr = null;
+ }
+ if(null != gca_CurveParamsAttr) {
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr.destroy(gl);
+ gca_CurveParamsAttr = null;
- if(null != texCoordTxtAttr) {
- st.ownAttribute(texCoordTxtAttr, false);
- texCoordTxtAttr.destroy(gl);
- texCoordTxtAttr = null;
+ if(null != gca_ColorsAttr) {
+ gca_ColorsAttr.destroy(gl);
+ gca_ColorsAttr = null;
- if(null != indicesTxtBuffer) {
- indicesTxtBuffer.destroy(gl);
- indicesTxtBuffer = null;
+ if(null != indicesBuffer) {
+ indicesBuffer.destroy(gl);
+ indicesBuffer = null;
- if(null != verticeFboAttr) {
- st.ownAttribute(verticeFboAttr, false);
- verticeFboAttr.destroy(gl);
- verticeFboAttr = null;
+ if(null != gca_FboVerticesAttr) {
+ gca_FboVerticesAttr.destroy(gl);
+ gca_FboVerticesAttr = null;
- if(null != texCoordFboAttr) {
- st.ownAttribute(texCoordFboAttr, false);
- texCoordFboAttr.destroy(gl);
- texCoordFboAttr = null;
+ if(null != gca_FboTexCoordsAttr) {
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.destroy(gl);
+ gca_FboTexCoordsAttr = null;
if(null != indicesFbo) {