path: root/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/PMVMatrix.java
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2014-03-14 07:50:20 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2014-03-14 07:50:20 +0100
commitb3fb80b4e03818f1f7dfdddd1ffcb01e6a0a8acc (patch)
tree4c1de742b4e9d4a7a2f1981ba6a2fd358622099d /src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/PMVMatrix.java
parent3a3bbd87955321d790ba0f63402c573047304b1a (diff)
Math and PMVMatrix: Cleanup and Refine
- Added final qualifier where possible - Refined API doc - FloatUtil: - Add machine EPSILON - fixed value and runtime computed (real machEps) - incl. isZero(..), isEqual(..) - Add makeRotationAxis(..) - Moved from PMVMatrix for reusage - Add makeRotationEuler(..) - New, not recommended due to Gimbal-Lock - Add copyMatrix[Column|Row](..) - Add more PI variations and trigo-func float mappings - Removed cross and normalize, use VectorUtil! VectorUtil: - Add copyVec* - Add equals and isZero w/ and w/o EPSILON - Add distance[Square] - Add length[Square] PMVMatrix: - Removed 'destroy' method in favor of making most fields 'final'. AffineTransform: - Added AABBox transform - Public multiply
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/PMVMatrix.java')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/PMVMatrix.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/PMVMatrix.java
index 270bf34f6..2001f8cdf 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/PMVMatrix.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/PMVMatrix.java
@@ -247,10 +247,11 @@ public class PMVMatrix implements GLMatrixFunc {
- vec3f = new float[3];
+ tmpVec3f = new float[3];
+ tmpMatrix = new float[16];
+ matrixRot = new float[16];
matrixMult = new float[16];
matrixTrans = new float[16];
- matrixRot = new float[16];
matrixScale = new float[16];
matrixOrtho = new float[16];
matrixFrustum = new float[16];
@@ -277,45 +278,12 @@ public class PMVMatrix implements GLMatrixFunc {
requestMask = 0;
matrixMode = GL_MODELVIEW;
- mulPMV = null;
frustum = null;
/** @see #PMVMatrix(boolean) */
public final boolean usesBackingArray() { return usesBackingArray; }
- public final void destroy() {
- if(null!=projectFloat) {
- projectFloat.destroy(); projectFloat=null;
- }
- matrixBuffer=null;
- matrixBuffer=null; matrixPMvMvit=null; matrixPMvMvi=null; matrixPMv=null;
- matrixP=null; matrixTex=null; matrixMv=null; matrixMvi=null; matrixMvit=null;
- vec3f = null;
- matrixMult = null;
- matrixTrans = null;
- matrixRot = null;
- matrixScale = null;
- matrixOrtho = null;
- matrixFrustum = null;
- if(null!=matrixPStack) {
- matrixPStack=null;
- }
- if(null!=matrixMvStack) {
- matrixMvStack=null;
- }
- if(null!=matrixPStack) {
- matrixPStack=null;
- }
- if(null!=matrixTStack) {
- matrixTStack=null;
- }
- }
/** Returns the current matrix-mode, one of {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW GL_MODELVIEW}, {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION GL_PROJECTION} or {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE GL_TEXTURE}. */
public final int glGetMatrixMode() {
return matrixMode;
@@ -651,11 +619,11 @@ public class PMVMatrix implements GLMatrixFunc {
public final void glTranslatef(final float x, final float y, final float z) {
- // Translation matrix:
- // 1 0 0 x
- // 0 1 0 y
- // 0 0 1 z
- // 0 0 0 1
+ // Translation matrix (Column Order):
+ // 1 0 0 0
+ // 0 1 0 0
+ // 0 0 1 0
+ // x y z 1
matrixTrans[0+4*3] = x;
matrixTrans[1+4*3] = y;
matrixTrans[2+4*3] = z;
@@ -663,45 +631,15 @@ public class PMVMatrix implements GLMatrixFunc {
- public final void glRotatef(final float angdeg, float x, float y, float z) {
- final float angrad = angdeg * (float) Math.PI / 180.0f;
- final float c = (float)Math.cos(angrad);
- final float ic= 1.0f - c;
- final float s = (float)Math.sin(angrad);
- vec3f[0]=x; vec3f[1]=y; vec3f[2]=z;
- FloatUtil.normalize(vec3f);
- x = vec3f[0]; y = vec3f[1]; z = vec3f[2];
- // Rotation matrix:
- // xx(1-c)+c xy(1-c)+zs xz(1-c)-ys 0
- // xy(1-c)-zs yy(1-c)+c yz(1-c)+xs 0
- // xz(1-c)+ys yz(1-c)-xs zz(1-c)+c 0
- // 0 0 0 1
- final float xy = x*y;
- final float xz = x*z;
- final float xs = x*s;
- final float ys = y*s;
- final float yz = y*z;
- final float zs = z*s;
- matrixRot[0*4+0] = x*x*ic+c;
- matrixRot[0*4+1] = xy*ic+zs;
- matrixRot[0*4+2] = xz*ic-ys;
- matrixRot[1*4+0] = xy*ic-zs;
- matrixRot[1*4+1] = y*y*ic+c;
- matrixRot[1*4+2] = yz*ic+xs;
- matrixRot[2*4+0] = xz*ic+ys;
- matrixRot[2*4+1] = yz*ic-xs;
- matrixRot[2*4+2] = z*z*ic+c;
+ public final void glRotatef(final float angdeg, final float x, final float y, final float z) {
+ final float angrad = angdeg * FloatUtil.PI / 180.0f;
+ FloatUtil.makeRotationAxis(angrad, x, y, z, matrixRot, 0, tmpVec3f);
glMultMatrixf(matrixRot, 0);
public final void glScalef(final float x, final float y, final float z) {
- // Scale matrix:
+ // Scale matrix (Any Order):
// x 0 0 0
// 0 y 0 0
// 0 0 z 0
@@ -715,11 +653,11 @@ public class PMVMatrix implements GLMatrixFunc {
public final void glOrthof(final float left, final float right, final float bottom, final float top, final float zNear, final float zFar) {
- // Ortho matrix:
- // 2/dx 0 0 tx
- // 0 2/dy 0 ty
- // 0 0 2/dz tz
- // 0 0 0 1
+ // Ortho matrix (Column Order):
+ // 2/dx 0 0 0
+ // 0 2/dy 0 0
+ // 0 0 2/dz 0
+ // tx ty tz 1
final float dx=right-left;
final float dy=top-bottom;
final float dz=zFar-zNear;
@@ -745,11 +683,11 @@ public class PMVMatrix implements GLMatrixFunc {
if(left==right || top==bottom) {
throw new GLException("GL_INVALID_VALUE: top,bottom and left,right must not be equal");
- // Frustum matrix:
- // 2*zNear/dx 0 A 0
- // 0 2*zNear/dy B 0
- // 0 0 C D
- // 0 0 -1 0
+ // Frustum matrix (Column Order):
+ // 2*zNear/dx 0 0 0
+ // 0 2*zNear/dy 0 0
+ // A B C -1
+ // 0 0 D 0
final float zNear2 = 2.0f*zNear;
final float dx=right-left;
final float dy=top-bottom;
@@ -1041,10 +979,9 @@ public class PMVMatrix implements GLMatrixFunc {
if( 0 != ( dirtyBits & ( DIRTY_FRUSTUM & requestMask ) ) ) {
if( null == frustum ) {
frustum = new Frustum();
- mulPMV = new float[16];
- FloatUtil.multMatrixf(matrixP, matrixMv, mulPMV, 0);
- frustum.updateByPMV(mulPMV, 0);
+ FloatUtil.multMatrixf(matrixP, matrixMv, tmpMatrix, 0);
+ frustum.updateByPMV(tmpMatrix, 0);
dirtyBits &= ~DIRTY_FRUSTUM;
mod = true;
@@ -1118,17 +1055,17 @@ public class PMVMatrix implements GLMatrixFunc {
return res;
- protected final float[] matrixBufferArray;
protected final boolean usesBackingArray;
- protected Buffer matrixBuffer;
- protected FloatBuffer matrixIdent, matrixPMvMvit, matrixPMvMvi, matrixPMv, matrixP, matrixTex, matrixMv, matrixMvi, matrixMvit;
- protected float[] matrixMult, matrixTrans, matrixRot, matrixScale, matrixOrtho, matrixFrustum, vec3f;
- protected FloatStack matrixTStack, matrixPStack, matrixMvStack;
+ protected final float[] matrixBufferArray;
+ protected final Buffer matrixBuffer;
+ protected final FloatBuffer matrixIdent, matrixPMvMvit, matrixPMvMvi, matrixPMv, matrixP, matrixTex, matrixMv, matrixMvi, matrixMvit;
+ protected final float[] matrixMult, matrixTrans, matrixRot, matrixScale, matrixOrtho, matrixFrustum, tmpVec3f;
+ protected final float[] tmpMatrix;
+ protected final FloatStack matrixTStack, matrixPStack, matrixMvStack;
+ protected final ProjectFloat projectFloat;
protected int matrixMode = GL_MODELVIEW;
protected int modifiedBits = MODIFIED_ALL;
protected int dirtyBits = DIRTY_ALL; // contains the dirty bits, i.e. hinting for update operation
protected int requestMask = 0; // may contain the requested dirty bits: DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW
- protected ProjectFloat projectFloat;
- protected float[] mulPMV; // premultiplied PMV
protected Frustum frustum;