path: root/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-02-10 14:20:35 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-02-10 14:20:35 +0100
commitfeb8de27f848b5213423389cf0e19cbd88095682 (patch)
treeec7051b6fec0a78a4f78b1958a3f7999a063c1d9 /src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java
parentbc951476c67282d9676f33ee25fb0f697a4dbe45 (diff)
Font/Graph, {Font, Glyph}/Typecast: Add kerning and expose values in original font-units (FU) to have them scaled later ( fu * pixelScale / unitsPerEM )
Scaling from font-units (funits, or FU) is now performed by the renderer itself, i.e. applying the scale-factor 'fontPixelSize / font.getMetrics().getUnitsPerEM()' to the PMV matrix to render the whole graph GLRegion. This finally provides proper device and resolution independent font utilization. Further, preliminary kerning has been added. +++ Also ... TypecastFont: - getGlyphID(..) getGlyph(..) enforce symbol mapping to Glyph.ID_SPACE Glyph.ID_CR, as some fonts ave an erroneous cmap (FreeSerif-Regular) - add getKerning(..) TODO: Add binary search - Set TypecastFont.USE_PRESCALED_ADVANCE := false, i.e. dropping all prescaled pixel-sized advance values mapped to font pixel-size as we utilize font-units only for later uniform scaling. - Drop virtual getPixelSize() and add static FontScale.toPixels(..) - Add fullString() for debugging purposed, including some font tables
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java
index 597a7e76f..9f25b5481 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.AABBox;
* TrueType Font Specification:
* <ul>
* <li>http://www.freetype.org/freetype2/documentation.html</li>
- * <li>http://developer.apple.com/fonts/ttrefman/rm06/Chap6.html</li>
+ * <li>https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM06/Chap6.html</li>
* <li>http://www.microsoft.com/typography/SpecificationsOverview.mspx</li>
* <li>http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/</li>
* </ul>
@@ -76,20 +76,54 @@ public interface Font {
* Depending on the font's direction, horizontal or vertical,
* the following tables shall be used:
- * Vertical http://developer.apple.com/fonts/TTRefMan/RM06/Chap6vhea.html
- * Horizontal http://developer.apple.com/fonts/TTRefMan/RM06/Chap6hhea.html
+ * Vertical https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM06/Chap6vhea.html
+ * Horizontal https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM06/Chap6hhea.html
public interface Metrics {
- float getAscent(final float pixelSize);
- float getDescent(final float pixelSize);
- float getLineGap(final float pixelSize);
- float getMaxExtend(final float pixelSize);
- float getScale(final float pixelSize);
+ /**
+ * @return ascent in font-units to be divided by {@link #getUnitsPerEM()}
+ */
+ int getAscentFU();
+ /**
+ * @return descent in font-units to be divided by {@link #getUnitsPerEM()}
+ */
+ int getDescentFU();
+ /**
+ * @return line-gap in font-units to be divided by {@link #getUnitsPerEM()}
+ */
+ int getLineGapFU();
+ /**
+ * @return max-extend in font-units to be divided by {@link #getUnitsPerEM()}
+ */
+ int getMaxExtendFU();
+ /** Returns the font's units per EM from the 'head' table. One em square covers one glyph. */
+ int getUnitsPerEM();
+ /**
+ * Return fractional font em-size [0..1], i.e. funits divided by {@link #getUnitsPerEM()}, i.e.
+ * <pre>
+ * return funits / head.unitsPerEM;
+ * </pre>
+ * @param funits smallest font unit, where {@link #getUnitsPerEM()} square covers whole glyph
+ * @return fractional font em-size [0..1]
+ */
+ float getScale(final int funits);
+ /**
+ * @param dest AABBox instance set to this metrics boundary in font-units
+ * @return the given and set AABBox 'dest' in font units
+ */
+ AABBox getBBox(final AABBox dest);
* @param dest AABBox instance set to this metrics boundary w/ given pixelSize
- * @param pixelSize Use <code>pointSize * resolution</code> for resolution correct pixel-size, see {@link Font#getPixelSize(float, float)}
+ * @param pixelSize pixel-size of font, for resolution correct pixel-size use {@link FontScale#toPixels(float, float)}
* @param tmpV3 caller provided temporary 3-component vector
- * @return the given and set AABBox 'dest'
+ * @return the given and set AABBox 'dest' in pixel size
AABBox getBBox(final AABBox dest, final float pixelSize, final float[] tmpV3);
@@ -108,118 +142,192 @@ public interface Font {
public static final int ID_CR = 2;
public static final int ID_SPACE = 3;
- public Font getFont();
- public char getSymbol();
- public short getID();
- public AABBox getBBox();
+ Font getFont();
+ char getSymbol();
+ int getID();
- *
- * @param pixelSize Use <code>pointSize * resolution</code> for resolution correct pixel-size, see {@link Font#getPixelSize(float, float)}
- * @return
+ * Return fractional font em-size [0..1], i.e. funits divided by {@link #getUnitsPerEM()}, i.e.
+ * <pre>
+ * return funits / head.unitsPerEM;
+ * </pre>
+ * @param funits smallest font unit, where {@link #getUnitsPerEM()} square covers whole glyph
+ * @return fractional font em-size [0..1]
- public float getScale(final float pixelSize);
+ float getScale(final int funits);
* @param dest AABBox instance set to this metrics boundary w/ given pixelSize
- * @param pixelSize Use <code>pointSize * resolution</code> for resolution correct pixel-size, see {@link Font#getPixelSize(float, float)}
+ * @param pixelSize pixel-size of font, for resolution correct pixel-size use {@link FontScale#toPixels(float, float)}
* @param tmpV3 caller provided temporary 3-component vector
- * @return the given and set AABBox 'dest'
+ * @return the given and set AABBox 'dest' in pixel size
+ */
+ AABBox getBBox(final AABBox dest, final float pixelSize, float[] tmpV3);
+ /**
+ * Return the AABBox in font-units to be divided by unitsPerEM
+ * @param dest AABBox instance set to this metrics boundary in font-units
+ * @return the given and set AABBox 'dest' in font-units
+ */
+ AABBox getBBoxFU(final AABBox dest);
+ /**
+ * Return the AABBox in font-units to be divided by unitsPerEM
- public AABBox getBBox(final AABBox dest, final float pixelSize, float[] tmpV3);
+ AABBox getBBoxFU();
+ /** Return advance in font units to be divided by unitsPerEM */
+ int getAdvanceFU();
+ /** Return advance in font em-size [0..1] */
+ float getAdvance();
- *
- * @param pixelSize Use <code>pointSize * resolution</code> for resolution correct pixel-size, see {@link Font#getPixelSize(float, float)}
- * @param useFrationalMetrics
- * @return
+ * @param pixelSize pixel-size of font, for resolution correct pixel-size use {@link FontScale#toPixels(float, float)}
+ * @return pixel size of advance
- public float getAdvance(final float pixelSize, boolean useFrationalMetrics);
- public OutlineShape getShape();
- public int hashCode();
+ float getAdvance(final float pixelSize);
+ OutlineShape getShape();
+ @Override
+ int hashCode();
- public String getName(final int nameIndex);
- public StringBuilder getName(final StringBuilder string, final int nameIndex);
+ String getName(final int nameIndex);
+ StringBuilder getName(final StringBuilder string, final int nameIndex);
/** Shall return the family and subfamily name, separated a dash.
* <p>{@link #getName(StringBuilder, int)} w/ {@link #NAME_FAMILY} and {@link #NAME_SUBFAMILY}</p>
* <p>Example: "{@code Ubuntu-Regular}"</p> */
- public StringBuilder getFullFamilyName(final StringBuilder buffer);
+ StringBuilder getFullFamilyName(final StringBuilder buffer);
+ StringBuilder getAllNames(final StringBuilder string, final String separator);
- public StringBuilder getAllNames(final StringBuilder string, final String separator);
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param glyphID
+ * @param pixelSize pixel-size of font, for resolution correct pixel-size use {@link FontScale#toPixels(float, float)}
+ * @return pixel size of advance width
+ */
+ float getAdvanceWidth(final int glyphID, final float pixelSize);
- * <pre>
- Font Scale Formula:
- inch: 25.4 mm
- pointSize: [point] = [1/72 inch]
- [1] Scale := pointSize * resolution / ( 72 points per inch * units_per_em )
- [2] PixelSize := pointSize * resolution / ( 72 points per inch )
- [3] Scale := PixelSize / units_per_em
- * </pre>
- * @param fontSize in point-per-inch
- * @param resolution display resolution in dots-per-inch
- * @return pixel-per-inch, pixelSize scale factor for font operations.
+ * Return advance-width of given glyphID in font em-size [0..1]
+ * @param glyphID
- public float getPixelSize(final float fontSize /* points per inch */, final float resolution);
+ float getAdvanceWidth(final int glyphID);
- *
+ * Return advance-width of given glyphID in font-units to be divided by unitsPerEM
* @param glyphID
- * @param pixelSize Use <code>pointSize * resolution</code> for resolution correct pixel-size, see {@link #getPixelSize(float, float)}
- * @return
- public float getAdvanceWidth(final int glyphID, final float pixelSize);
- public Metrics getMetrics();
- public Glyph getGlyph(final char symbol);
- public int getNumGlyphs();
+ int getAdvanceWidthFU(final int glyphID);
+ * Returns the optional kerning inter-glyph distance within words in fractional font em-size [0..1].
- * @param pixelSize Use <code>pointSize * resolution</code> for resolution correct pixel-size, see {@link #getPixelSize(float, float)}
- * @return
+ * @param left_glyphid left glyph code id
+ * @param right_glyphid right glyph code id
+ * @return fractional font em-size distance [0..1]
- public float getLineHeight(final float pixelSize);
+ float getKerning(final int left_glyphid, final int right_glyphid);
+ /**
+ * Returns the optional kerning inter-glyph distance within words in fractional font-units to be divided by unitsPerEM
+ *
+ * @param left_glyphid left glyph code id
+ * @param right_glyphid right glyph code id
+ * @return font-units to be divided by unitsPerEM
+ */
+ int getKerningFU(final int left_glyphid, final int right_glyphid);
+ Metrics getMetrics();
+ int getGlyphID(final char symbol);
+ Glyph getGlyph(final char symbol);
+ int getNumGlyphs();
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param pixelSize pixel-size of font, for resolution correct pixel-size use {@link FontScale#toPixels(float, float)}
+ * @return pixel size of line height
+ */
+ float getLineHeight(final float pixelSize);
+ /**
+ * Return line height in font em-size [0..1]
+ */
+ float getLineHeight();
+ /**
+ * Return line height in font-units to be divided by unitsPerEM
+ */
+ int getLineHeightFU();
* @param string
- * @param pixelSize Use <code>pointSize * resolution</code> for resolution correct pixel-size, see {@link #getPixelSize(float, float)}
- * @return
+ * @param pixelSize pixel-size of font, for resolution correct pixel-size use {@link FontScale#toPixels(float, float)}
+ * @return pixel size of metric width
- public float getMetricWidth(final CharSequence string, final float pixelSize);
+ float getMetricWidth(final CharSequence string, final float pixelSize);
+ /** Return metric-width in font em-size */
+ float getMetricWidth(final CharSequence string);
+ /** Return metric-width in font-units */
+ int getMetricWidthFU(final CharSequence string);
* @param string
- * @param pixelSize Use <code>pointSize * resolution</code> for resolution correct pixel-size, see {@link #getPixelSize(float, float)}
- * @param tmp
- * @return
+ * @param pixelSize pixel-size of font, for resolution correct pixel-size use {@link FontScale#toPixels(float, float)}
+ * @return pixel size of metric height
- public float getMetricHeight(final CharSequence string, final float pixelSize, final AABBox tmp);
+ float getMetricHeight(final CharSequence string, final float pixelSize);
+ /** Return metric-height in font em-size */
+ float getMetricHeight(final CharSequence string);
+ /** Return metric-height in font-units */
+ int getMetricHeightFU(final CharSequence string);
* Return the <i>layout</i> bounding box as computed by each glyph's metrics.
- * The result is not pixel correct, bit reflects layout specific metrics.
+ * The result is not pixel correct, but reflects layout specific metrics.
* <p>
* See {@link #getPointsBounds(AffineTransform, CharSequence, float, AffineTransform, AffineTransform)} for pixel correct results.
* </p>
* @param string string text
- * @param pixelSize Use <code>pointSize * resolution</code> for resolution correct pixel-size, see {@link #getPixelSize(float, float)}
+ * @param pixelSize pixel-size of font, for resolution correct pixel-size use {@link FontScale#toPixels(float, float)}
- public AABBox getMetricBounds(final CharSequence string, final float pixelSize);
+ AABBox getMetricBounds(final CharSequence string, final float pixelSize);
+ /** Return layout metric-bounds in font em-size, see {@link #getMetricBounds(CharSequence, float)} */
+ AABBox getMetricBounds(final CharSequence string);
+ /** Return layout metric-bounds in font-units, see {@link #getMetricBounds(CharSequence, float)} */
+ AABBox getMetricBoundsFU(final CharSequence string);
* Return the bounding box by taking each glyph's point-based bounding box into account.
* @param transform optional given transform
* @param string string text
- * @param pixelSize Use <code>pointSize * resolution</code> for resolution correct pixel-size, see {@link #getPixelSize(float, float)}
- * @param temp1 temporary AffineTransform storage, mandatory
- * @param temp2 temporary AffineTransform storage, mandatory
+ * @param pixelSize pixel-size of font, for resolution correct pixel-size use {@link FontScale#toPixels(float, float)}
- public AABBox getPointsBounds(final AffineTransform transform, final CharSequence string, final float pixelSize,
- final AffineTransform temp1, final AffineTransform temp2);
+ AABBox getPointsBounds(final AffineTransform transform, final CharSequence string, final float pixelSize);
+ AABBox getPointsBounds(final AffineTransform transform, final CharSequence string);
- public boolean isPrintableChar(final char c);
+ AABBox getPointsBoundsFU(final AffineTransform transform, final CharSequence string);
+ boolean isPrintableChar(final char c);
/** Shall return {@link #getFullFamilyName()} */
public String toString();
+ /** Return all font details as string. */
+ String fullString();