path: root/src/graphui
diff options
authorSven Göthel <[email protected]>2024-01-19 06:11:46 +0100
committerSven Göthel <[email protected]>2024-01-19 06:11:46 +0100
commit95de4407faf91f30ccecb3af1aad4242172a6e0f (patch)
tree555ba6ff89995f0f686b1b3cc9a1b0179bf83e86 /src/graphui
parenta516c694031e77c0e94d30f769c66495c4bf72ea (diff)
GraphUI RangeSlider/RangedGroup: Fix overall integration, adding more API comments; UIMediaGrid01 now uses RangedGroup
RangeSlider - Fix pageSize, i.e. allow valid content.getBounds() be pending @ validateImpl() - Clip value [0, maximum - pageSize] - Has to use Float.isFinite() to capture both, NaN and Infinity -- used for pageSize, determining whether slider uses pageSize rect-knob or position round-knob -- used for minMax, val, val_pct and temp range + pageSize_pct -- don't overwrite valid pageSize if leading to !isFinite() - Reuse setKnobSize() for ctor as well, where padding is be done once (FIXME?) - Tested via RangedGroup w/ UIMediaGrid01 and FontView0 -- vertical slider, inverse and !inverse
Diffstat (limited to 'src/graphui')
2 files changed, 272 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangeSlider.java b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangeSlider.java
index 6c8398081..afcc1faef 100644
--- a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangeSlider.java
+++ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangeSlider.java
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import com.jogamp.graph.ui.layout.Padding;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.shapes.BaseButton;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.shapes.Button;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.shapes.Rectangle;
+import com.jogamp.math.FloatUtil;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec2f;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec3f;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec4f;
@@ -91,12 +92,13 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
public void run(SliderListener l);
+ private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final float pageKnobScale = 0.6f; // 0.6 * barWidth
private static final float pageBarLineScale = 0.25f; // 1/4 * ( barWidth - pageKnobWidth )
private static final float pageKnobSizePctMin = 5f/100f;
private final boolean horizontal;
- /** Knob height orthogonal to sliding direction */
- private float knobHeight;
+ /** Knob thickness orthogonal to sliding direction */
+ private float knobThickn;
/** Knob length in sliding direction */
private float knobLength;
private final Vec2f size;
@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
private final GraphShape knob;
private ArrayList<SliderListener> sliderListeners = new ArrayList<SliderListener>();
private final Vec2f minMax = new Vec2f(0, 100);
+ private final float knobScale;
private float pageSize;
private float val=0, val_pct=0;
private boolean inverted=false;
@@ -116,9 +119,12 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
* This slider comprises a background bar and a positional round knob,
* with {@link #getValue()} at center position.
* </p>
+ * <p>
+ * The spatial {@code size} gets automatically updated at {@link #validate(GL2ES2)}
+ * </p>
* @param renderModes Graph's {@link Region} render modes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence) create(..)}.
- * @param size width and height of this slider box. A horizontal slider has width >= height.
- * @param knobScale multiple of slider-bar height for {@link #getKnobHeight()}
+ * @param size spatial dimension of this slider box. A horizontal slider has width >= height.
+ * @param knobScale multiple of slider-bar height for {@link #getKnobThickness()}
* @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider
* @param unitSize size of one unit (element) in sliding direction
* @param value current value of slider
@@ -133,8 +139,11 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
* This slider comprises a framing bar and a rectangular page-sized knob,
* with {@link #getValue()} at page-start position.
* </p>
+ * <p>
+ * The spatial {@code size} and {@code pageSize} gets automatically updated at {@link #validate(GL2ES2)}
+ * </p>
* @param renderModes Graph's {@link Region} render modes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence) create(..)}.
- * @param size width and height of this slider box. A horizontal slider has width >= height.
+ * @param size spatial dimension of this slider box. A horizontal slider has width >= height.
* @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider
* @param unitSize size of one unit (element) in sliding direction
* @param pageSize size of one virtual-page, triggers rendering mode from knob to rectangle
@@ -147,6 +156,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
private RangeSlider(final int renderModes_, final Vec2f size, final float knobScale,
final Vec2f minMax, final float unitSize, final float pageSz, final float value) {
final int renderModes = renderModes_ & ~(Region.COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT);
+ this.knobScale = knobScale;
this.unitSize = unitSize;
this.pageSize = pageSz;
this.horizontal = size.x() >= size.y();
@@ -156,41 +166,26 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
this.size = new Vec2f(size);
- if( Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
- if( horizontal ) {
- knobHeight = size.y()*knobScale;
- setPaddding(new Padding(knobHeight/2f, 0, knobHeight/2f, 0));
- } else {
- knobHeight = size.x()*knobScale;
- setPaddding(new Padding(0, knobHeight/2f, 0, knobHeight/2f));
- }
- knobLength = knobHeight;
- bar = new Rectangle(renderModes, this.size.x(), this.size.y(), 0);
- knob = new BaseButton(renderModes , knobHeight*1.01f, knobHeight);
- setBackgroundBarColor(0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.5f);
- } else {
- final float pageSizePct = Math.max(pageKnobSizePctMin, pageSize / getRange(minMax));
+ if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("RangeSlider.ctor0 "+getDescription()); }
+ setMinMaxImpl(minMax.x(), minMax.y()); // pre-set for setKnobSize()
+ setKnobSize(pageSize, false, false);
+ if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("RangeSlider.ctor1 "+getDescription()); }
+ if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
final float barLineWidth;
- final float width, height;
if( horizontal ) {
- height = size.y() * pageKnobScale;
- width = pageSizePct * this.size.x();
- barLineWidth = ( size.y() - height ) * pageBarLineScale;
- knobLength = width;
- knobHeight = height;
- setPaddding(new Padding(size.y()/2f, 0, size.y()/2f, 0));
+ barLineWidth = ( size.y() - knobThickn ) * pageBarLineScale;
+ knob = new Rectangle(renderModes, knobLength, knobThickn, 0);
} else {
- width = size.x() * pageKnobScale;
- height = pageSizePct * this.size.y();
- barLineWidth = ( size.x() - width ) * pageBarLineScale;
- knobLength = height;
- knobHeight = width;
- setPaddding(new Padding(0, size.x()/2f, 0, size.x()/2f));
- // System.err.println("ZZZ minMax "+minMax+", pageSize "+pageSize+" "+(pageSizePct*100f)+"% -> "+knobHeight+"/"+this.size.y());
+ barLineWidth = ( size.x() - knobThickn ) * pageBarLineScale;
+ knob = new Rectangle(renderModes, knobThickn, knobLength, 0);
bar = new Rectangle(renderModes, this.size.x(), this.size.y(), barLineWidth);
- knob = new Rectangle(renderModes, width, height, 0);
+ } else {
+ bar = new Rectangle(renderModes, this.size.x(), this.size.y(), 0);
+ knob = new BaseButton(renderModes , knobThickn*1.01f, knobThickn);
+ setBackgroundBarColor(0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.5f);
+ if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("RangeSlider.ctor3 "+getDescription()); }
setColor(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.7f);
@@ -203,16 +198,16 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
barAndKnob.addShape( knob );
- setMinMax(minMax, value);
+ reconfig(minMax, true, value, false, 0);
knob.onMove((final Shape s, final Vec3f origin, final Vec3f dest) -> {
final float old_val = val;
final float old_val_pct = val_pct;
- if( Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
- setValuePct( getKnobValuePct( dest.x(), dest.y(), knobLength/2f ) ); // centered
- } else {
+ if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
final float dy = inverted ? +knobLength: 0; // offset to knob start
setValuePct( getKnobValuePct( dest.x(), dest.y(), dy ) );
+ } else {
+ setValuePct( getKnobValuePct( dest.x(), dest.y(), knobLength/2f ) ); // centered
dispatchToListener( (final SliderListener l) -> {
l.dragged(RangeSlider.this, old_val, val, old_val_pct, val_pct);
@@ -249,7 +244,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
- } else if( !Float.isNaN(pageSize) ){
+ } else if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ){
if( e.getRotation()[1] < 0f ) {
if( inverted ) {
@@ -331,7 +326,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
- if( !action && !Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
+ if( !action && Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
if( keySym == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN ) {
action = true;
if( inverted ) {
@@ -437,44 +432,137 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
return mark;
+ /** Returns spatial dimension of this slider */
public final Vec2f getSize() { return size; }
- /** Knob height orthogonal to sliding direction */
- public final float getKnobHeight() { return knobHeight; }
- /** Knob length in sliding direction */
+ /** Returns spatial knob thickness orthogonal to sliding direction */
+ public final float getKnobThickness() { return knobThickn; }
+ /** Returns spatial knob length in sliding direction */
public final float getKnobLength() { return knobLength; }
/** Returns slider value range, see {@link #setMinMax(Vec2f, float)} */
public Vec2f getMinMax() { return minMax; }
+ /** Returns {@link #getMinMax()} range. */
public float getRange() { return minMax.y() - minMax.x(); }
- private float getRange(final Vec2f minMax) { return minMax.y() - minMax.x(); }
+ private static float getRange(final Vec2f minMax) { return minMax.y() - minMax.x(); }
+ /** Returns current slider value */
public float getValue() { return val; }
+ /** Returns current slider {@link #getValue() value} in percentage of {@link #getRange()}, */
public float getValuePct() { return val_pct; }
- public RangeSlider setPageSize(final float v) {
- if( Float.isNaN(this.pageSize) || Float.isNaN(v) ) {
- return this;
- }
- this.pageSize = v;
- final float pageSizePct = Math.max(pageKnobSizePctMin, pageSize / getRange());
- final float width, height;
- if( horizontal ) {
- height = size.y() * pageKnobScale;
- width = pageSizePct * this.size.x();
- knobLength = width;
- knobHeight = height;
+ /**
+ * Sets the page-size if a rectangular knob is being used, i.e. {@link #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float)},
+ * otherwise does nothing.
+ * @param pageSz the page-size, which will be clipped to {@link #getMinMax()}.
+ * @return this instance of chaining
+ * @see #getPageSize()
+ * @see #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float)
+ */
+ public RangeSlider setPageSize(final float pageSz) {
+ return setKnobSize(pageSz, true, true);
+ }
+ private RangeSlider setKnobSize(final float pageSz, final boolean adjKnob, final boolean adjValue) {
+ if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) && Float.isFinite(pageSz) ) {
+ final float range = getRange(minMax);
+ if( Float.isFinite(range) && !FloatUtil.isZero(range) ) {
+ pageSize = Math.min(minMax.y(), Math.max(minMax.x(), pageSz));
+ }
+ final float pageSizePct = getPageSizePct(pageKnobSizePctMin);
+ final float width, height;
+ if( horizontal ) {
+ width = pageSizePct * this.size.x();
+ height = size.y() * pageKnobScale;
+ knobLength = width;
+ knobThickn = height;
+ if( !paddingSet ) {
+ setPaddding(new Padding(size.y()/2f, 0, size.y()/2f, 0));
+ paddingSet = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ width = size.x() * pageKnobScale;
+ height = pageSizePct * this.size.y();
+ knobLength = height;
+ knobThickn = width;
+ if( !paddingSet ) {
+ setPaddding(new Padding(0, size.x()/2f, 0, size.x()/2f));
+ paddingSet = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if( adjKnob ) {
+ ((Rectangle)knob).setDimension(width, height, 0);
+ }
+ if( adjValue ) {
+ setValue( val );
+ }
+ } else if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
+ // nop w/ invalid pageSz but valid pageSize
} else {
- width = size.x() * pageKnobScale;
- height = pageSizePct * this.size.y();
- knobLength = height;
- knobHeight = width;
+ if( horizontal ) {
+ knobThickn = size.y()*knobScale;
+ if( !paddingSet ) {
+ setPaddding(new Padding(knobThickn/2f, 0, knobThickn/2f, 0));
+ paddingSet = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ knobThickn = size.x()*knobScale;
+ if( !paddingSet ) {
+ setPaddding(new Padding(0, knobThickn/2f, 0, knobThickn/2f));
+ paddingSet = true;
+ }
+ }
+ knobLength = knobThickn;
- ((Rectangle)knob).setDimension(width, height, 0);
return this;
- public float getPageSize() { return this.pageSize; }
+ private boolean paddingSet = false;
- public void setUnitSize(final float v) { this.unitSize = v; }
- public float getUnitSize() { return this.unitSize; }
+ private void setMinMaxImpl(final float min, final float max) {
+ this.minMax.set(Float.isFinite(min) ? min : 0, Float.isFinite(max) ? max : 0);
+ }
+ private RangeSlider reconfig(final Vec2f minMax,
+ final boolean modValue, final float value,
+ final boolean modKnobSz, final float pageSz)
+ {
+ if( null != minMax ) {
+ setMinMaxImpl(minMax.x(), minMax.y());
+ }
+ if( modKnobSz ) {
+ setKnobSize(pageSz, true, !modValue);
+ }
+ if( modValue ) {
+ setValue( value );
+ }
+ if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("RangeSlider.cfg "+getDescription()); }
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the page-size if a rectangular knob is being used, i.e. {@link #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float)},
+ * otherwise returns {@link Float#NaN}.
+ * @see #setPageSize(float)
+ * @see #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float)
+ */
+ public float getPageSize() { return pageSize; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the page-size percentage if a rectangular knob is being used, i.e. {@link #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float)},
+ * otherwise returns {@link Float#NaN}.
+ * @param minPct minimum percentage to be returned, should be >= 0
+ * @see #setPageSize(float)
+ * @see #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float)
+ */
+ public float getPageSizePct(final float minPct) {
+ if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
+ final float range = getRange(minMax);
+ return Float.isFinite(range) && !FloatUtil.isZero(range) ? Math.max(minPct, pageSize / range) : minPct;
+ } else {
+ return Float.NaN;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Sets the size of one unit (element) in sliding direction */
+ public RangeSlider setUnitSize(final float v) { unitSize = v; return this; }
+ /** Returns the size of one unit (element) in sliding direction */
+ public float getUnitSize() { return unitSize; }
* Sets whether this slider uses an inverted value range,
@@ -486,24 +574,71 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
public boolean isInverted() { return inverted; }
- * Sets slider value range and current value
+ * Sets slider value range and current value, also updates related pageSize parameter if used.
* @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider
- * @param value current value of slider
+ * @param value new value of slider, clipped against {@link #getMinMax()}
* @return this instance of chaining
public RangeSlider setMinMax(final Vec2f minMax, final float value) {
- this.minMax.set(minMax);
- return setValue( value );
+ return reconfig(minMax, true, value, true, pageSize);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets slider value range, also updates related pageSize parameter if used.
+ * @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider
+ * @return this instance of chaining
+ */
+ public RangeSlider setMinMax(final Vec2f minMax) {
+ return reconfig(minMax, false, 0, true, pageSize);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls {@link #setMinMax(Vec2f, float)} and {@link #setPageSize(float)}.
+ * @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider
+ * @param value new value of slider, clipped against {@code minMax}
+ * @param pageSz the page-size, which will be clipped to {@code minMax}
+ * @return this instance of chaining
+ */
+ public RangeSlider setMinMaxPgSz(final Vec2f minMax, final float value, final float pageSz) {
+ return reconfig(minMax, true, value, true, pageSz);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls {@link #setMinMax(Vec2f, float)} and {@link #setPageSize(float)}.
+ * @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider
+ * @param pageSz the page-size, which will be clipped to {@code minMax}
+ * @return this instance of chaining
+ */
+ public RangeSlider setMinMaxPgSz(final Vec2f minMax, final float pageSz) {
+ return reconfig(minMax, false, 0, true, pageSz);
public RangeSlider setValuePct(final float v) {
- final float pct = Math.max(0.0f, Math.min(1.0f, v));
- return setValue( minMax.x() + ( pct * getRange() ) );
+ final float range = getRange();
+ if( Float.isFinite(v) && Float.isFinite(range) && !FloatUtil.isZero(range) ) {
+ final float pgsz_pct = Float.isFinite(pageSize) ? pageSize / range : 0f;
+ final float pct = Math.max(0f, Math.min(1f - pgsz_pct, v));
+ return setValue( minMax.x() + ( pct * range ) );
+ } else {
+ return setValue( 0f );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets slider value
+ * @param v new value of slider, clipped against {@link #getMinMax()}
+ * @return this instance of chaining
+ */
public RangeSlider setValue(final float v) {
- val = Math.max(minMax.x(), Math.min(minMax.y(), v));
- val_pct = ( val - minMax.x() ) / getRange();
+ final float v1 = Float.isFinite(v) ? v : 0f;
+ final float pgsz = Float.isFinite(pageSize) ? pageSize : 0f;
+ final float range = getRange();
+ val = Math.max(minMax.x(), Math.min(minMax.y() - pgsz, v1));
+ if( Float.isFinite(range) && !FloatUtil.isZero(range) ) {
+ val_pct = ( val - minMax.x() ) / range;
+ } else {
+ val_pct = 0f;
+ }
return this;
@@ -523,25 +658,25 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
* @param posRes {@link Vec2f} result storage
* @param val_pct value percentage within [0..1]
* @param itemLen item length in sliding direction
- * @param itemHeight item height orthogonal to sliding direction
+ * @param itemThickn item thickness orthogonal to sliding direction
- private Vec2f getItemPctPos(final Vec2f posRes, final float val_pct, final float itemLen, final float itemHeight) {
+ private Vec2f getItemPctPos(final Vec2f posRes, final float val_pct, final float itemLen, final float itemThickn) {
final float v = inverted ? 1f - val_pct : val_pct;
final float itemAdjust;
- if( Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
- itemAdjust = itemLen * 0.5f; // centered
- } else {
+ if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
if( inverted ) {
itemAdjust = itemLen; // top-edge
} else {
itemAdjust = 0; // bottom-edge
+ } else {
+ itemAdjust = itemLen * 0.5f; // centered
if( horizontal ) {
posRes.setX( Math.max(0, Math.min(size.x() - itemLen, v*size.x() - itemAdjust)) );
- posRes.setY( -( itemHeight - size.y() ) * 0.5f );
+ posRes.setY( -( itemThickn - size.y() ) * 0.5f );
} else {
- posRes.setX( -( itemHeight - size.x() ) * 0.5f );
+ posRes.setX( -( itemThickn - size.x() ) * 0.5f );
posRes.setY( Math.max(0, Math.min(size.y() - itemLen, v*size.y() - itemAdjust)) );
return posRes;
@@ -557,7 +692,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
private void setKnob() {
- final Vec2f pos = getItemPctPos(new Vec2f(), val_pct, knobLength, knobHeight);
+ final Vec2f pos = getItemPctPos(new Vec2f(), val_pct, knobLength, knobThickn);
knob.moveTo(pos.x(), pos.y(), Button.DEFAULT_LABEL_ZOFFSET);
@@ -578,7 +713,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
public final Shape setColor(final float r, final float g, final float b, final float a) {
super.setColor(r, g, b, a);
knob.setColor(r, g, b, a);
- if( !Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
+ if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
bar.setColor(r, g, b, 1.0f);
return this;
@@ -601,7 +736,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
public Shape setColor(final Vec4f c) {
- if( !Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
+ if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
bar.setColor(c.x(), c.y(), c.z(), 1.0f);
return this;
@@ -614,7 +749,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
* </p>
public Shape setBackgroundBarColor(final float r, final float g, final float b, final float a) {
- if( Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
+ if( !Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
bar.setColor(r, g, b, a);
return this;
@@ -626,7 +761,7 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
* </p>
public Shape setBackgroundBarColor(final Vec4f c) {
- if( Float.isNaN(pageSize) ) {
+ if( !Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
return this;
@@ -646,8 +781,36 @@ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget {
return this;
+ /** Return string description of current slider setting. */
+ public String getDescription() {
+ final String pre = "value "+val+" "+(100f*val_pct)+"%, range "+minMax;
+ final String post = ", ssize "+size+", knob[l "+knobLength+", t "+knobThickn+"]";
+ if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) {
+ final float pageSizePct = getPageSizePct(pageKnobSizePctMin);
+ final String detail = ", pageSize "+pageSize+" "+(pageSizePct*100f)+"% -> "+knobLength;
+ if( horizontal ) {
+ return "H "+pre+detail+"/"+size.x()+post;
+ } else {
+ return "V "+pre+detail+"/"+size.y()+post;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if( horizontal ) {
+ return "H "+pre+post;
+ } else {
+ return "V "+pre+post;
+ }
+ }
+ }
public String getSubString() {
- return super.getSubString()+", range["+minMax+"] @ "+val+", "+(100f*val_pct)+"%";
+ return super.getSubString()+", "+getDescription()+" @ "+val+", "+(100f*val_pct)+"%";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void validateImpl(final GL2ES2 gl, final GLProfile glp) {
+ if( isShapeDirty() ) {
+ super.validateImpl(gl, glp);
+ setKnobSize(pageSize, true, true);
+ if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("RangeSlider.val "+getDescription()); }
+ }
diff --git a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangedGroup.java b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangedGroup.java
index 9143a9431..211ebe7e9 100644
--- a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangedGroup.java
+++ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/widgets/RangedGroup.java
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ public class RangedGroup extends Widget {
/** {@link RangeSlider} configuration parameter for {@link RangedGroup}. */
public static final class SliderParam {
- /** width and height of this slider box. A horizontal slider has width >= height. */
+ /** spatial dimension of the slider box. A horizontal slider has width >= height. */
public final Vec2f size;
/** size of one unit (element) in sliding direction */
public final float unitSize;
- * Toggle whether this slider uses an inverted value range,
+ * Toggle whether the slider uses an inverted value range,
* e.g. top 0% and bottom 100% for an vertical inverted slider
* instead of bottom 0% and top 100% for a vertical non-inverted slider.
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class RangedGroup extends Widget {
- * @param size width and height of this slider box. A horizontal slider has width >= height.
+ * @param size spatial dimension of this slider box. A horizontal slider has width >= height.
* @param unitSize size of one unit (element) in sliding direction
* @param inverted toggle to invert value range, see {@link #inverted}
@@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ public class RangedGroup extends Widget {
* Construct a {@link RangedGroup}
* @param renderModes Graph's {@link Region} render modes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence) create(..)}.
* @param content the {@link Group} with content to view
- * @param contentSize the fixed size of the clipped content to view, i.e. page-size
- * @param horizSliderParam optional horizontal slider parameters, null for none
- * @param vertSliderParam optional vertical slider parameters, null for none
+ * @param contentSize the fixed spatial size of the clipped content to view, i.e. page-size
+ * @param horizSliderParam optional initial horizontal slider parameters, null for none
+ * @param vertSliderParam optional initial vertical slider parameters, null for none
public RangedGroup(final int renderModes, final Group content, final Vec2f contentSize,
- final SliderParam horizSliderParam, final SliderParam vertSliderParam)
+ final SliderParam horizSliderParam, final SliderParam vertSliderParam)
super( new GridLayout(1 + (null != vertSliderParam ? 1 : 0), 0f, 0f, Alignment.None)); // vertical slider adds to the right column
this.content = content;
@@ -108,8 +108,11 @@ public class RangedGroup extends Widget {
public void dragged(final RangeSlider w, final float old_val, final float val, final float old_val_pct, final float val_pct) {
final Vec3f oldPos = content.getPosition();
- final float newXPos = w.getValue();
- content.moveTo(contentPosZero.x()+newXPos, oldPos.y(), oldPos.z());
+ if( vertSlider.isInverted() ) {
+ content.moveTo(contentPosZero.x()-val, oldPos.y(), oldPos.z());
+ } else {
+ content.moveTo(contentPosZero.x()+val, oldPos.y(), oldPos.z());
+ }
} );
} else {
@@ -123,8 +126,11 @@ public class RangedGroup extends Widget {
public void dragged(final RangeSlider w, final float old_val, final float val, final float old_val_pct, final float val_pct) {
final Vec3f oldPos = content.getPosition();
- final float newYPos = w.getValue();
- content.moveTo(oldPos.x(), contentPosZero.y()+newYPos, oldPos.z());
+ if( vertSlider.isInverted() ) {
+ content.moveTo(oldPos.x(), contentPosZero.y()+val, oldPos.z());
+ } else {
+ content.moveTo(oldPos.x(), contentPosZero.y()-val, oldPos.z());
+ }
} );
} else {
@@ -139,7 +145,9 @@ public class RangedGroup extends Widget {
public Group getContent() { return content; }
public Vec2f getContentSize(final Vec2f out) { return clippedContent.getFixedSize(out); }
public Group getClippedContent() { return clippedContent; }
+ /** Returns the used horizontal {@link RangeSlider} or {@code null}. */
public RangeSlider getHorizSlider() { return horizSlider; }
+ /** Returns the used vertical {@link RangeSlider} or {@code null}. */
public RangeSlider getVertSlider() { return vertSlider; }
@@ -147,19 +155,19 @@ public class RangedGroup extends Widget {
if( isShapeDirty() ) {
super.validateImpl(gl, glp);
- final AABBox b = content.getBounds();
+ final AABBox cb = content.getBounds();
final Vec3f contentSize = clippedContent.getFixedSize();
contentPosZero.set(0, 0);
if( null != horizSlider ) {
- horizSlider.setMinMax(new Vec2f(0, content.getBounds().getWidth()), 0);
+ horizSlider.setMinMax(new Vec2f(0, content.getBounds().getWidth()));
if( horizSlider.isInverted() ) {
- contentPosZero.setX( contentSize.x() - b.getWidth() );
+ contentPosZero.setX( cb.getWidth() - contentSize.x() );
if( null != vertSlider ) {
- vertSlider.setMinMax(new Vec2f(0, content.getBounds().getHeight()), 0);
+ vertSlider.setMinMax(new Vec2f(0, content.getBounds().getHeight()));
if( vertSlider.isInverted() ) {
- contentPosZero.setY( contentSize.y() - b.getHeight() );
+ contentPosZero.setY( contentSize.y() - cb.getHeight() );