path: root/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph
diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-09-26 05:34:24 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-09-26 05:34:24 +0200
commit893903d2ece1193aa87257bd6162754dfb89f9f9 (patch)
treec3b96a3a489f3442000aac8aef2c4350ef2529f5 /src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph
parent3025466c5c79ffb06c761dbfa380e643d562994a (diff)
GraphUI Button: Support toggle'ed labels and fixed font size scaling for symbols (see setFixedLabelSize()),
This allows convenient instantiation of a Button changing its text (or symbol) when toggled, e.g.: UISceneDemo03: + final Button button = new Button(options.renderModes, fontSymbols, + fontSymbols.getUTF16String("play_arrow"), fontSymbols.getUTF16String("pause"), + buttonWidth, buttonHeight, buttonZOffset); + button.setSpacing(symSpacing, fixedSymSize); +++ setFixedLabelSize(..): Sets fixed label font size clipped to range [0 .. 1], defaults to {@code 0, 0}. Use {@code w=0, h=1} when using single symbols from fixed sized symbol fonts! Use {@link #setSpacing(Vec2f, Vec2f)} to also set spacing. The fixed label font size is used as the denominator when scaling.{@code max(fixedLabelSize, fontLabelSize)}, hence reasonable values are either {@code 1} to enable using the given font-size for the axis or {@code 0} to scale up/down the font to match the button box less spacing for the axis.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/shapes/Button.java b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/shapes/Button.java
index e3a8b6ae2..60cdec7fa 100644
--- a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/shapes/Button.java
+++ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/shapes/Button.java
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ import com.jogamp.graph.font.Font;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.GraphShape;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Shape;
-import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene.PMVMatrixSetup;
import com.jogamp.math.FloatUtil;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec2f;
import com.jogamp.math.Vec3f;
@@ -80,9 +79,10 @@ public class Button extends BaseButton {
public static final float DEFAULT_LABEL_ZOFFSET = 0.000153f; // 0.00015256461 = 16 zBits, -1 zDist, 0.1 zNear, i.e. FloatUtil.getZBufferEpsilon(16, -1f, 0.1f)
private float labelZOffset;
- private final Label0 label;
- private float spacingX = DEFAULT_SPACING_X;
- private float spacingY = DEFAULT_SPACING_Y;
+ private final Label0 labelOff, labelOn;
+ private volatile Label0 labelNow;
+ private final Vec2f spacing = new Vec2f(DEFAULT_SPACING_X, DEFAULT_SPACING_Y);
+ private final Vec2f fixedLabelSize = new Vec2f(0, 0);
* Create a text labeled button Graph based {@link GLRegion} UI {@link Shape}.
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class Button extends BaseButton {
public Button(final int renderModes, final Font labelFont, final CharSequence labelText,
final float width, final float height) {
- this(renderModes, labelFont, labelText, width, height, DEFAULT_LABEL_ZOFFSET);
+ this(renderModes, labelFont, labelText, null, width, height, DEFAULT_LABEL_ZOFFSET);
@@ -115,15 +115,58 @@ public class Button extends BaseButton {
public Button(final int renderModes, final Font labelFont, final CharSequence labelText,
final float width, final float height, final float zOffset) {
+ this(renderModes, labelFont, labelText, null, width, height, zOffset);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a text labeled button Graph based {@link GLRegion} UI {@link Shape}.
+ * <p>
+ * If {@code labelTextOn} is not {@code null}, constructor enables {@link #setToggleable(boolean) toggle-able} mode
+ * to automatically switch the labels depending on {@Link #isToggleOn()}.
+ * </p>
+ * @param renderModes Graph's {@link Region} render modes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence) create(..)}.
+ * @param labelFont {@link Font} for the label
+ * @param labelTextOff the label text of the toggle-off state (current at creation), see {@link #isToggleOn()}
+ * @param labelTextOn optional label text of the toggle-on state, see {@link #isToggleOn()}. If not {@code null}, enables {@link #setToggleable(boolean) toggle-able} mode.
+ * @param width width of the button
+ * @param height height of the button
+ * @param zOffset the Z-axis offset, used to separate the {@link BaseButton} from the {@link Label}
+ * @see FloatUtil#getZBufferEpsilon(int, float, float)
+ */
+ public Button(final int renderModes, final Font labelFont, final CharSequence labelTextOff, final CharSequence labelTextOn,
+ final float width, final float height, final float zOffset) {
super(renderModes | Region.COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT, width, height);
this.labelZOffset = zOffset;
- this.label = new Label0(labelFont, labelText, new Vec4f( 1.66f, 1.66f, 1.66f, 1.0f )); // 0.60 * 1.66 ~= 1.0
+ this.labelOff = new Label0(labelFont, labelTextOff, new Vec4f( 1.66f, 1.66f, 1.66f, 1.0f )); // 0.60 * 1.66 ~= 1.0
+ this.labelNow = this.labelOff;
+ if( null != labelTextOn ) {
+ this.labelOn = new Label0(labelFont, labelTextOn, new Vec4f( 1.66f, 1.66f, 1.66f, 1.0f )); // 0.60 * 1.66 ~= 1.0
+ this.setToggleable(true);
+ } else {
+ this.labelOn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void toggleNotify(final boolean on) {
+ int i=0;
+ if( null != labelOn ) {
+ if( on ) {
+ labelNow = labelOn;
+ i = 1;
+ } else {
+ labelNow = labelOff;
+ i = -1;
+ }
+ markShapeDirty();
+ }
/** Returns the label {@link Font}. */
- public Font getFont() { return label.getFont(); }
- /** Returns the label text. */
- public CharSequence getText() { return label.getText(); }
+ public Font getFont() { return labelNow.getFont(); }
+ /** Returns the text of the current label. */
+ public CharSequence getText() { return labelNow.getText(); }
public void draw(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer, final int[] sampleCount) {
@@ -147,38 +190,42 @@ public class Button extends BaseButton {
// Sum Region buffer size of base-shape + text
final int[/*2*/] vertIndexCount = Region.countOutlineShape(shape, new int[2]);
- TextRegionUtil.countStringRegion(label.getFont(), label.getText(), vertIndexCount);
+ TextRegionUtil.countStringRegion(labelNow.getFont(), labelNow.getText(), vertIndexCount);
resetGLRegion(glp, gl, null, vertIndexCount[0], vertIndexCount[1]);
region.addOutlineShape(shape, null, rgbaColor);
// Precompute text-box size .. guessing pixelSize
- final float lw = box.getWidth() * ( 1f - spacingX ) ;
- final float lh = box.getHeight() * ( 1f - spacingY ) ;
- final AABBox lbox0_em = label.getFont().getGlyphBounds(label.getText(), tempT1, tempT2);
- // final AABBox lbox0_em = label.getFont().getGlyphShapeBounds(null, label.getText(), tempT1, tempT2);
- final float lsx = lw / lbox0_em.getWidth();
- final float lsy = lh / lbox0_em.getHeight();
+ final AABBox lbox0_em = labelNow.getFont().getGlyphBounds(labelNow.getText(), tempT1, tempT2);
+ final float lw = box.getWidth() * ( 1f - spacing.x() ) ;
+ final float lsx = lw / Math.max(fixedLabelSize.x(), lbox0_em.getWidth());
+ final float lh = box.getHeight() * ( 1f - spacing.y() ) ;
+ final float lsy = lh / Math.max(fixedLabelSize.y(), lbox0_em.getHeight());
final float lScale = lsx < lsy ? lsx : lsy;
// Setting left-corner transform using text-box in font em-size [0..1]
- final AABBox lbox1_s = new AABBox(lbox0_em).scale2(lScale);
+ final AABBox lbox0_s = new AABBox(lbox0_em).scale2(lScale);
// Center text .. (share same center w/ button)
- final Vec3f lctr = lbox1_s.getCenter();
+ final Vec3f lctr = lbox0_s.getCenter();
final Vec3f ctr = box.getCenter();
final Vec2f ltxy = new Vec2f(ctr.x() - lctr.x(), ctr.y() - lctr.y() );
if( DEBUG_DRAW ) {
- System.err.println("Button: dim "+width+" x "+height+", spacing "+spacingX+", "+spacingY);
- System.err.println("Button: net-text "+lw+" x "+lh);
- System.err.println("Button: shape "+box);
- System.err.println("Button: text_em "+lbox0_em+" em, "+label.getText());
+ System.err.println("Button: dim "+width+" x "+height+", spacing "+spacing+", fixedLabelSize "+fixedLabelSize);
+ System.err.println("Button: text0_em "+lbox0_em+" em, "+labelNow.getText());
+ System.err.println("Button: shape "+box);
+ System.err.println("Button: text-space "+lw+" x "+lh);
System.err.println("Button: lscale "+lsx+" x "+lsy+" -> "+lScale);
- System.err.printf ("Button: text_s %s%n", lbox1_s);
+ System.err.printf ("Button: text0_s %s%n", lbox0_s);
System.err.printf ("Button: ltxy %s, %f / %f%n", ltxy, ltxy.x() * lScale, ltxy.y() * lScale);
+ final float x0 = ( box.getWidth() - lbox0_s.getWidth() ) * 0.5f;
+ final float y0 = ( box.getHeight() - lbox0_s.getHeight() ) * 0.5f;
+ final AABBox lbox3 = new AABBox(new Vec3f(x0, y0, 0), new Vec3f(x0 + lbox0_s.getWidth(), y0 + lbox0_s.getHeight(), 0));
+ addRectangle(region, this.oshapeSharpness, lbox3, null, 0.0001f, new Vec4f(0, 0, 0, 1));
+ System.err.printf("Button.X: lbox3 %s%n", lbox3);
- final AABBox lbox2 = label.addShapeToRegion(lScale, region, ltxy, tempT1, tempT2, tempT3);
+ final AABBox lbox2 = labelNow.addShapeToRegion(lScale, region, ltxy, tempT1, tempT2, tempT3);
if( DEBUG_DRAW ) {
System.err.printf("Button.X: lbox2 %s%n", lbox2);
@@ -215,61 +262,115 @@ public class Button extends BaseButton {
return setLabelZOffset( FloatUtil.getZBufferEpsilon(zBits, zDist, zNear) );
- public final float getSpacingX() { return spacingX; }
- public final float getSpacingY() { return spacingY; }
+ /** Returns the current fixed label font size, see {@Link #setFixedLabelSize(Vec2f)} and {@link #setSpacing(Vec2f, Vec2f)}. */
+ public final Vec2f getFixedLabelSize() { return fixedLabelSize; }
- * In percent of text label
+ * Sets fixed label font size clipped to range [0 .. 1], defaults to {@code 0, 0}.
+ * <p>
+ * Use {@code w=0, h=1} when using single symbols from fixed sized symbol fonts!
+ * Use {@link #setSpacing(Vec2f, Vec2f)} to also set spacing.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * The fixed label font size is used as the denominator when scaling.{@code max(fixedLabelSize, fontLabelSize)},
+ * hence reasonable values are either {@code 1} to enable using the given font-size
+ * for the axis or {@code 0} to scale up/down the font to match the button box less spacing for the axis.
+ * </p>
+ * @see #setSpacing(Vec2f, Vec2f)
+ * @see #setSpacing(Vec2f)
+ */
+ public final Button setFixedLabelSize(final float w, final float h) {
+ fixedLabelSize.set(
+ Math.max(0f, Math.min(1f, w)),
+ Math.max(0f, Math.min(1f, h)) );
+ markShapeDirty();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public final Button setFixedLabelSize(final Vec2f v) {
+ return setFixedLabelSize(v.x(), v.y());
+ }
+ /** Returns the current spacing size, see {@Link #setSpacing(Vec2f)} and {@link #setSpacing(Vec2f, Vec2f)}. */
+ public final Vec2f getSpacing() { return spacing; }
+ /**
+ * Sets spacing in percent of text label, clipped to range [0 .. 1].
* @param spacingX spacing in percent on X, default is {@link #DEFAULT_SPACING_X}
* @param spacingY spacing in percent on Y, default is {@link #DEFAULT_SPACING_Y}
+ * @see #setSpacing(Vec2f)
+ * @see #setSpacing(Vec2f, Vec2f)
public final Button setSpacing(final float spacingX, final float spacingY) {
- if ( spacingX < 0.0f ) {
- this.spacingX = 0.0f;
- } else if ( spacingX > 1.0f ) {
- this.spacingX = 1.0f;
- } else {
- this.spacingX = spacingX;
- }
- if ( spacingY < 0.0f ) {
- this.spacingY = 0.0f;
- } else if ( spacingY > 1.0f ) {
- this.spacingY = 1.0f;
- } else {
- this.spacingY = spacingY;
- }
+ spacing.set(
+ Math.max(0f, Math.min(1f, spacingX)),
+ Math.max(0f, Math.min(1f, spacingY)) );
return this;
+ /**
+ * Sets spacing in percent of text label, clipped to range [0 .. 1].
+ * @param spacingX spacing in percent on X, default is {@link #DEFAULT_SPACING_X}
+ * @param spacingY spacing in percent on Y, default is {@link #DEFAULT_SPACING_Y}
+ * @see #setSpacing(Vec2f, Vec2f)
+ */
+ public final Button setSpacing(final Vec2f spacing) {
+ return setSpacing(spacing.x(), spacing.y());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets spacing {@link #setSpacing(Vec2f)} and fixed label font size {@link #setFixedLabelSize(Vec2f)} for convenience.
+ * @see #setSpacing(Vec2f)
+ * @see #setFixedLabelSize(Vec2f)
+ */
+ public final Button setSpacing(final Vec2f spacing, final Vec2f fixedLabelSize) {
+ setSpacing(spacing.x(), spacing.y());
+ setFixedLabelSize(fixedLabelSize.x(), fixedLabelSize.y());
+ return this;
+ }
+ /** Returns the label color. */
public final Vec4f getLabelColor() {
- return label.getColor();
+ return labelNow.getColor();
+ /** Sets the label color. */
public final Button setLabelColor(final float r, final float g, final float b) {
- label.setColor(r, g, b, 1.0f);
+ labelOff.setColor(r, g, b, 1.0f);
+ if( null != labelOn ) {
+ labelOn.setColor(r, g, b, 1.0f);
+ }
return this;
+ /** Sets the label font. */
public final Button setFont(final Font labelFont) {
- if( !label.getFont().equals(labelFont) ) {
- label.setFont(labelFont);
+ if( !labelOff.getFont().equals(labelFont) ) {
+ labelOff.setFont(labelFont);
+ if( null != labelOn ) {
+ if( !labelOn.getFont().equals(labelFont) ) {
+ labelOn.setFont(labelFont);
+ markShapeDirty();
+ }
+ }
return this;
+ /** Sets the current label text. */
public final Button setText(final CharSequence labelText) {
- if( !label.getText().equals(labelText) ) {
- label.setText(labelText);
+ if( !labelNow.getText().equals(labelText) ) {
+ labelNow.setText(labelText);
return this;
+ /** Sets the current label text. */
public final Button setText(final Font labelFont, final CharSequence labelText) {
- if( !label.getText().equals(labelText) || !label.getFont().equals(labelFont) ) {
- label.setFont(labelFont);
- label.setText(labelText);
+ if( !labelNow.getText().equals(labelText) || !labelNow.getFont().equals(labelFont) ) {
+ labelNow.setFont(labelFont);
+ labelNow.setText(labelText);
return this;
@@ -277,6 +378,9 @@ public class Button extends BaseButton {
public String getSubString() {
- return super.getSubString()+", "+ label + ", " + "spacing["+spacingX+", "+spacingY+"], zOff "+labelZOffset;
+ final String onS = null != labelOn ? ( labelOn + (labelNow == labelOn ? "*" : "" ) + ", " ) : "";
+ final String offS = labelOff + (labelNow == labelOff ? "*" : "" ) + ", ";
+ final String flsS = fixedLabelSize.isZero() ? "" : "fixedLabelSize["+fixedLabelSize+"], ";
+ return super.getSubString()+", "+ offS + onS + "spacing["+spacing+"], "+flsS+"zOff "+labelZOffset;