path: root/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-04-29 03:18:25 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2023-04-29 03:18:25 +0200
commit45298f3d4ef14cf3cc8eafb568f8b891c0aa4b41 (patch)
treeb19c371ecd9155bd4736ce01d0eb5e3c46ef3bfb /src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph
parenta9c76153fd9a472679c1fc85189f6d4ecda7979e (diff)
GraphUI GridLayout: Remove old unused layout0(..) method
Diffstat (limited to 'src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/layout/GridLayout.java b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/layout/GridLayout.java
index acc82208f..6990ac75d 100644
--- a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/layout/GridLayout.java
+++ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/layout/GridLayout.java
@@ -118,9 +118,6 @@ public class GridLayout implements Group.Layout {
public void layout(final Group g, final AABBox box, final PMVMatrix pmv) {
- layout1(g, box, pmv);
- }
- private void layout1(final Group g, final AABBox box, final PMVMatrix pmv) {
final Vec3f zeroVec3 = new Vec3f();
final boolean hasCellWidth = !FloatUtil.isZero(cellWidth);
final boolean hasCellHeight = !FloatUtil.isZero(cellHeight);
@@ -319,137 +316,6 @@ public class GridLayout implements Group.Layout {
- /**
- * A fast path layout for set cellWidth > 0 && cellHeight > 0,
- * w/o consideration of individual shape height.
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private void layout0(final Group g, final AABBox box, final PMVMatrix pmv) {
- final Vec3f zeroVec3 = new Vec3f();
- final boolean hasCellWidth = !FloatUtil.isZero(cellWidth);
- final boolean hasCellHeight = !FloatUtil.isZero(cellHeight);
- if( !hasCellWidth || !hasCellHeight ) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(toString());
- }
- final boolean isCenteredHoriz = hasCellWidth && alignment.isSet(Alignment.Bit.Center);
- final boolean isCenteredVert = hasCellHeight && alignment.isSet(Alignment.Bit.Center);
- final boolean isScaled = alignment.isSet(Alignment.Bit.Fill) && ( hasCellWidth || hasCellHeight );
- final List<Shape> shapes = g.getShapes();
- if( Order.COLUMN == order ) {
- row_count = (int) Math.ceil( (double)shapes.size() / (double)col_limit );
- col_count = col_limit;
- } else { // Order.ROW_MAJOR == order
- row_count = row_limit;
- col_count = (int) Math.ceil( (double)shapes.size() / (double)row_limit );
- }
- if( TRACE_LAYOUT ) {
- System.err.println("gl.00: "+row_count+" x "+col_count+", "+box);
- }
- int col_i = 0, row_i = 0;
- final AABBox sbox = new AABBox();
- final Vec3f diffBL = new Vec3f();
- for(int i=0; i < shapes.size(); ++i) {
- final Shape s = shapes.get(i);
- // measure size
- pmv.glPushMatrix();
- s.setTransform(pmv);
- {
- final AABBox sbox0 = s.getBounds();
- sbox0.transformMv(pmv, sbox);
- if( !diffBL.set( sbox0.getLow().x(), sbox0.getLow().y(), 0).min( zeroVec3 ).isZero() ) {
- // pmv.mulMvMatVec3f(diffBL).scale(-1f, -1f, 0f);
- final Vec3f ss = s.getScale();
- diffBL.scale(-1f*ss.x(), -1f*ss.y(), 0f);
- }
- }
- pmv.glPopMatrix();
- final float zPos = sbox.getCenter().z();
- if( TRACE_LAYOUT ) {
- System.err.println("gl["+i+"].0: "+s);
- System.err.println("gl["+i+"].0: sbox "+sbox+", diffBL "+diffBL);
- }
- // IF hasCell{Width|Height}: Uniform scale w/ lowest axis scale and center position on lower-scale axis
- final float sxy;
- float dxh = 0, dyh = 0;
- if( isScaled ) {
- // scaling to cell size
- final float shapeWidthU = sbox.getWidth();
- final float shapeHeightU = sbox.getHeight();
- final float cellWidthU = hasCellWidth ? cellWidth : shapeWidthU;
- final float cellHeightU = hasCellHeight ? cellHeight : shapeHeightU;
- final float sx = cellWidthU / shapeWidthU;
- final float sy = cellHeightU/ shapeHeightU;
- sxy = sx < sy ? sx : sy;
- dxh += shapeWidthU * ( sx - sxy ) * 0.5f; // adjustment for scale-axis
- dyh += shapeHeightU * ( sy - sxy ) * 0.5f; // ditto
- if( TRACE_LAYOUT ) {
- System.err.println("gl["+i+"].s: "+sx+" x "+sy+" -> "+sxy+": +"+dxh+" / "+dyh+", U: s "+shapeWidthU+" x "+shapeHeightU+", sz "+cellWidthU+" x "+cellHeightU);
- }
- } else {
- sxy = 1;
- }
- final float shapeWidthS = sxy*sbox.getWidth();
- final float shapeHeightS = sxy*sbox.getHeight();
- final float cellWidthS = hasCellWidth ? cellWidth : shapeWidthS;
- final float cellHeightS = hasCellHeight ? cellHeight : shapeHeightS;
- final float x = ( ( col_i ) * ( cellWidthS + gap.width() ) );
- final float y = ( ( row_count - row_i - 1 ) * ( cellHeightS + gap.height() ) );
- if( isCenteredHoriz ) {
- dxh += 0.5f * ( cellWidthS - shapeWidthS ); // actual horiz-centered
- }
- if( isCenteredVert ) {
- dyh += 0.5f * ( cellHeightS - shapeHeightS ); // actual vert-centered
- }
- if( TRACE_LAYOUT ) {
- System.err.println("gl["+i+"].m: "+x+" / "+y+" + "+dxh+" / "+dyh+", S: s "+shapeWidthS+" x "+shapeHeightS+", sz "+cellWidthS+" x "+cellHeightS+", box "+box.getWidth()+" x "+box.getHeight());
- }
- {
- // New shape position, relative to previous position
- final float aX = x + dxh;
- final float aY = y + dyh;
- s.moveTo( aX, aY, 0f );
- s.move( diffBL.scale(sxy) ); // remove the bottom-left delta
- // s.move( sbox.getLow().mul(-1f) ); // remove the bottom-left delta
- // resize bounds including padding, excluding margin
- box.resize( aX, aY, zPos);
- box.resize( aX + cellWidthS, aY + cellHeightS, zPos);
- }
- s.scale( sxy, sxy, 1f);
- if( TRACE_LAYOUT ) {
- System.err.println("gl["+i+"].x: "+x+" / "+y+" + "+dxh+" / "+dyh+" -> "+s.getPosition()+", p3 "+shapeWidthS+" x "+shapeHeightS+", sz3 "+cellWidthS+" x "+cellHeightS+", box "+box.getWidth()+" x "+box.getHeight());
- System.err.println("gl["+i+"].x: "+s);
- }
- // position for next cell
- if( Order.COLUMN == order ) {
- if( col_i + 1 == col_count ) {
- col_i = 0;
- row_i++;
- } else {
- col_i++;
- }
- } else { // Order.ROW_MAJOR == order
- if( row_i + 1 == row_count ) {
- row_i = 0;
- col_i++;
- } else {
- row_i++;
- }
- }
- }
- if( TRACE_LAYOUT ) {
- System.err.println("gl.xx: "+box);
- }
- }
public String toString() {
return "Grid["+col_count+"x"+row_count+", "+order+", cell["+cellWidth+" x "+cellHeight+", a "+alignment+"], "+gap+"]";