path: root/src/demos/com
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authorSven Göthel <[email protected]>2024-02-13 23:03:01 +0100
committerSven Göthel <[email protected]>2024-02-13 23:03:01 +0100
commit949676fb8cac4d6aa626a375501e41a65a1a11fa (patch)
treed472a4bbc06e9f019db7d3e5964feb780426110f /src/demos/com
parent08f0d34424aab6a496a71fa5d83af6c407c7c569 (diff)
Bug 1501: Apply intersection tests for non-convex shapes to reject new CCW and non-circulcircle triangulation candidates in our Delaunay tessellator
<https://jogamp.org/bugzilla//show_bug.cgi?id=1501#c6> The used Delaunay tessellation works well with (almost) convex shapes. In case e.g. a glyph gets to the extremes like 'M' in FreeMono or any other complex Chinese symbol - it may just simply happen that the new non-circumcircle triangle point crosses the inner (hope) or outer boundaries of the given polygon. Applying further constraint at Loop.cut() resolves most cases by rejecting the proposed CCW and non-circumcircle triangle candidate if its new two line-segments intersects with the original polygon. This results in mostly proper rendered Chinese fonts and also FreeMono is now readable - overal remaining bugs in Glyphs is low. +++ Of course, this intersection test is costly around >= O(log(n)*n) costs, practically adding a measured ~65% processing time. E.g. for FontView01 using FreeSerif.ttf - orig total took 1430.817638ms, per-glyph 0.2236ms, glyphs 6399 - fix total took 2377.337359ms, per-glyph 0.371517ms, glyphs 6399 Pure Glyph/Shape instantiation shows > 2x costs: 750 ms 100% convex (fake) 1875 ms 0% convex (fake) 1870 ms 13% convex 824/6399 +++ Hence it is desired to either (1) Manually mark a polygon non-convex to add described intersection test for accuracy. Also may be used to just drop the additional costs despite the lack of correctness. PROVIDED (2) Determine non-convex nature of a polygon with a and overall less expensive algorithm. If considerably cheaper, this could reduce O(log(n) * n) -> O(n) or even O(log n). Added convex/non-convex classification while ignoring off-curve points, but only ~13% of FreeSerif is pure convex, hence there is no benefit with this classification type. It might be desired to attempt other classes, i.e. being rendered in non-convex mode w/o intersection tests. See - GENERALIZED DELAUNAY TRIANGULATIONS OF NON-CONVEX DOMAINS https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/28782/0000614.pdf;sequence=1 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_self-intersecting_polygons - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_polygon
Diffstat (limited to 'src/demos/com')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/FontView01.java b/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/FontView01.java
index 9a143a29d..2035c39cc 100644
--- a/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/FontView01.java
+++ b/src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/graph/ui/FontView01.java
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.util.Animator;
public class FontView01 {
private static final float GlyphGridWidth = 3/4f; // FBO AA: 3/4f = 0.75f dropped fine grid lines @ 0.2f thickness; 0.70f OK
private static final float GlyphGridBorderThickness = 0.02f; // thickness 0.2f dropping
- private static final Vec4f GlyphGridBorderColor = new Vec4f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1);
+ private static final Vec4f GlyphGridBorderColorConvex = new Vec4f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.7f, 1);
+ private static final Vec4f GlyphGridBorderColorComplex = new Vec4f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1);
// static CommandlineOptions options = new CommandlineOptions(1280, 720, Region.MSAA_RENDERING_BIT, Region.DEFAULT_AA_QUALITY, 4);
// static CommandlineOptions options = new CommandlineOptions(1280, 720, Region.VBAA_RENDERING_BIT);
@@ -420,6 +421,7 @@ public class FontView01 {
printScreenOnGLThread(scene, window.getChosenGLCapabilities(), font, gridDim.contourChars.get(0));
// stay open ..
+ OutlineShape.printPerf(System.err);
static void printScreenOnGLThread(final Scene scene, final GLCapabilitiesImmutable caps, final Font font, final int codepoint) {
@@ -435,6 +437,7 @@ public class FontView01 {
final int rows;
final int rowsPerPage;
final int elemCount;
+ int convexGlyphCount;
int maxNameLen;
public GridDim(final Font font, final int columns, final int rowsPerPage, final int xReserved) {
@@ -453,11 +456,15 @@ public class FontView01 {
private int scanContourGlyphs(final Font font) {
final long t0 = Clock.currentNanos();
+ convexGlyphCount = 0;
maxNameLen = 1;
final int[] max = { max_glyph_count };
font.forAllGlyphs((final Glyph fg) -> {
if( !fg.isNonContour() && max[0]-- > 0 ) {
contourChars.add( fg.getCodepoint() );
+ if( null != fg.getShape() && fg.getShape().isConvex() ) {
+ ++convexGlyphCount;
+ }
maxNameLen = Math.max(maxNameLen, fg.getName().length());
@@ -468,7 +475,7 @@ public class FontView01 {
return contourChars.size();
- public String toString() { return "GridDim[contours "+glyphCount+", "+columns+"x"+rows+"="+(columns*rows)+">="+elemCount+", rows/pg "+rowsPerPage+"]"; }
+ public String toString() { return "GridDim[contours "+glyphCount+", convex "+convexGlyphCount+" ("+((float)convexGlyphCount/(float)glyphCount)*100+"%), "+columns+"x"+rows+"="+(columns*rows)+">="+elemCount+", rows/pg "+rowsPerPage+"]"; }
static Group getGlyphShapeHolder(final Shape shape0) {
@@ -498,6 +505,7 @@ public class FontView01 {
for(int idx = 0; idx < gridDim.glyphCount; ++idx) {
final char codepoint = gridDim.contourChars.get(idx);
final Font.Glyph fg = font.getGlyph(codepoint);
+ final boolean isConvex = null != fg.getShape() ? fg.getShape().isConvex() : true;
final GlyphShape g = new GlyphShape(options.renderModes, fg, 0, 0);
g.setColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1).setName("GlyphShape");
@@ -511,7 +519,8 @@ public class FontView01 {
final AABBox gbox = fg.getBounds(tmpBox); // g.getBounds(glp);
final boolean addUnderline = showUnderline && gbox.getMinY() < 0f;
final Group c1 = new Group( new BoxLayout( 1f, 1f, addUnderline ? Alignment.None : Alignment.Center) );
- c1.setBorder(GlyphGridBorderThickness).setBorderColor(GlyphGridBorderColor).setInteractive(true).setDragAndResizable(false).setName("GlyphHolder2");
+ c1.setBorder(GlyphGridBorderThickness).setBorderColor(isConvex ? GlyphGridBorderColorConvex : GlyphGridBorderColorComplex)
+ .setInteractive(true).setDragAndResizable(false).setName("GlyphHolder2");
if( addUnderline ) {
final Shape underline = new Rectangle(options.renderModes, 1f, gbox.getMinY(), 0.01f).setInteractive(false).setColor(0f, 0f, 1f, 0.25f);
@@ -565,11 +574,12 @@ public class FontView01 {
static String getGlyphInfo(final Font.Glyph g) {
final OutlineShape os = g.getShape();
+ final boolean isConvex = null != os ? os.isConvex() : true;
final int osVertices = null != os ? os.getVertexCount() : 0;
final String name_s = null != g.getName() ? g.getName() : "";
final AABBox bounds = g.getBounds();
final String box_s = String.format("Box %+.3f/%+.3f%n %+.3f/%+.3f", bounds.getLow().x(), bounds.getLow().y(), bounds.getHigh().x(), bounds.getHigh().y());
- return String.format((Locale)null, "%s%nHeight: %1.3f%nLine Height: %1.3f%n%nSymbol: %04x, id %04x%nName: '%s'%nDim %1.3f x %1.3f%n%s%nAdvance %1.3f%nLS Bearings: %1.3f%nVertices: %03d",
+ return String.format((Locale)null, "%s%nHeight: %1.3f%nLine Height: %1.3f%n%nSymbol: %04x, id %04x%nName: '%s'%nDim %1.3f x %1.3f%n%s%nAdvance %1.3f%nLS Bearings: %1.3f%nVertices: %03d%n%s",
g.getFont().getMetrics().getAscent() - g.getFont().getMetrics().getDescent(), // font hhea table
g.getFont().getLineHeight(), // font hhea table
@@ -577,6 +587,6 @@ public class FontView01 {
bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight(), box_s,
- osVertices);
+ osVertices, isConvex?"Convex":"Non-Convex");