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4 files changed, 107 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLBuffer.java b/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLBuffer.java
index e42b9064..fd8611e5 100644
--- a/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLBuffer.java
+++ b/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLBuffer.java
@@ -8,46 +8,31 @@ import static com.mbien.opencl.CLException.*;
* @author Michael Bien
-public final class CLBuffer<B extends Buffer> extends CLMemory<B> {
+public class CLBuffer<B extends Buffer> extends CLMemory<B> {
- private CLBuffer(CLContext context, B directBuffer, long id) {
+ protected CLBuffer(CLContext context, B directBuffer, long id) {
super(context, directBuffer, id);
static <B extends Buffer> CLBuffer<B> create(CLContext context, B directBuffer, int flags) {
- return create(context, directBuffer, flags, 0);
- }
- static <B extends Buffer> CLBuffer<B> create(CLContext context, B directBuffer, int flags, int glBuffer) {
if(directBuffer != null && !directBuffer.isDirect())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer is not a direct buffer");
+ B host_ptr = null;
CL cl = context.cl;
- long id;
int[] result = new int[1];
- if(glBuffer == 0) {
- B host_ptr = null;
- if(isHostPointerFlag(flags)) {
- host_ptr = directBuffer;
- }
- id = cl.clCreateBuffer(context.ID, flags, sizeOfBufferElem(directBuffer)*directBuffer.capacity(), host_ptr, result, 0);
- }else{
- if(isHostPointerFlag(flags)) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(
- "CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR or CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR can not be used with OpenGL Buffers.");
- }
- CLGLI clgli = (CLGLI)cl;
- id = clgli.clCreateFromGLBuffer(context.ID, flags, glBuffer, result, 0);
+ if(isHostPointerFlag(flags)) {
+ host_ptr = directBuffer;
+ long id = cl.clCreateBuffer(context.ID, flags, sizeOfBufferElem(directBuffer)*directBuffer.capacity(), host_ptr, result, 0);
checkForError(result[0], "can not create cl buffer");
return new CLBuffer<B>(context, directBuffer, id);
public <T extends Buffer> CLBuffer<T> cloneWith(T directBuffer) {
return new CLBuffer<T>(context, directBuffer, ID);
diff --git a/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLGLBuffer.java b/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLGLBuffer.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..566f45ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLGLBuffer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+package com.mbien.opencl;
+import java.nio.Buffer;
+import static com.mbien.opencl.CLGLI.*;
+ * Shared buffer between OpenGL and OpenCL contexts.
+ * @author Michael Bien
+ */
+public final class CLGLBuffer<B extends Buffer> extends CLBuffer<B> {
+ private CLGLBuffer(CLContext context, B directBuffer, long id) {
+ super(context, directBuffer, id);
+ }
+ static <B extends Buffer> CLGLBuffer<B> create(CLContext context, B directBuffer, int flags, int glBuffer) {
+ if(directBuffer != null && !directBuffer.isDirect())
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer is not a direct buffer");
+ if(isHostPointerFlag(flags)) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ "CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR or CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR can not be used with OpenGL Buffers.");
+ }
+ CL cl = context.cl;
+ int[] result = new int[1];
+ CLGLI clgli = (CLGLI)cl;
+ long id = clgli.clCreateFromGLBuffer(context.ID, flags, glBuffer, result, 0);
+ return new CLGLBuffer<B>(context, directBuffer, id);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <T extends Buffer> CLGLBuffer<T> cloneWith(T directBuffer) {
+ return new CLGLBuffer<T>(context, directBuffer, ID);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the OpenGL buffer type of this shared buffer.
+ */
+ public GLObjectType getGLObjectType() {
+ int[] array = new int[1];
+ int ret = ((CLGLI)cl).clGetGLObjectInfo(ID, array, 0, null, 0);
+ CLException.checkForError(ret, "error while asking for gl object info");
+ return GLObjectType.valueOf(array[0]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the OpenGL object id of this shared buffer.
+ */
+ public int getGLObjectID() {
+ int[] array = new int[1];
+ int ret = ((CLGLI)cl).clGetGLObjectInfo(ID, null, 0, array, 0);
+ CLException.checkForError(ret, "error while asking for gl object info");
+ return array[0];
+ }
+ public enum GLObjectType {
+ public final int TYPE;
+ private GLObjectType(int type) {
+ this.TYPE = type;
+ }
+ public static GLObjectType valueOf(int type) {
+ if(type == CL_GL_OBJECT_BUFFER)
+ else if(type == CL_GL_OBJECT_TEXTURE2D)
+ else if(type == CL_GL_OBJECT_TEXTURE3D)
+ else if(type == CL_GL_OBJECT_RENDERBUFFER)
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLGLContext.java b/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLGLContext.java
index 48efb6c0..03367a35 100644
--- a/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLGLContext.java
+++ b/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLGLContext.java
@@ -76,56 +76,14 @@ public final class CLGLContext extends CLContext {
- public final <B extends Buffer> CLBuffer<B> createFromGLBuffer(B directBuffer, int glBuffer, Mem... flags) {
+ public final <B extends Buffer> CLGLBuffer<B> createFromGLBuffer(B directBuffer, int glBuffer, Mem... flags) {
return createFromGLBuffer(directBuffer, glBuffer, Mem.flagsToInt(flags));
- public final <B extends Buffer> CLBuffer<B> createFromGLBuffer(B directBuffer, int glBuffer, int flags) {
- CLBuffer<B> buffer = CLBuffer.create(this, directBuffer, flags, glBuffer);
+ public final <B extends Buffer> CLGLBuffer<B> createFromGLBuffer(B directBuffer, int glBuffer, int flags) {
+ CLGLBuffer<B> buffer = CLGLBuffer.create(this, directBuffer, flags, glBuffer);
return buffer;
- // TODO move somewhere else
- public GLObjectType getGLObjectType(CLBuffer<?> buffer) {
- int[] array = new int[1];
- int ret = ((CLGLI)cl).clGetGLObjectInfo(buffer.ID, array, 0, null, 0);
- CLException.checkForError(ret, "error while asking for gl object info");
- return GLObjectType.valueOf(array[0]);
- }
- public int getGLObjectID(CLBuffer<?> buffer) {
- int[] array = new int[1];
- int ret = ((CLGLI)cl).clGetGLObjectInfo(buffer.ID, null, 0, array, 0);
- CLException.checkForError(ret, "error while asking for gl object info");
- return array[0];
- }
- public enum GLObjectType {
- public final int TYPE;
- private GLObjectType(int type) {
- this.TYPE = type;
- }
- public static GLObjectType valueOf(int type) {
- if(type == CL_GL_OBJECT_BUFFER)
- else if(type == CL_GL_OBJECT_TEXTURE2D)
- else if(type == CL_GL_OBJECT_TEXTURE3D)
- else if(type == CL_GL_OBJECT_RENDERBUFFER)
- return null;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLMemory.java b/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLMemory.java
index 86ad66d4..836987e6 100644
--- a/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLMemory.java
+++ b/src/com/mbien/opencl/CLMemory.java
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package com.mbien.opencl;
import com.sun.gluegen.runtime.BufferFactory;
+import com.sun.gluegen.runtime.PointerBuffer;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.DoubleBuffer;
@@ -85,6 +86,13 @@ public abstract class CLMemory <B extends Buffer> implements CLResource {
return sizeOfBufferElem(buffer) * buffer.capacity();
+ public long getCLSize() {
+ PointerBuffer pb = PointerBuffer.allocateDirect(1);
+ int ret = cl.clGetMemObjectInfo(ID, CL.CL_MEM_SIZE, PointerBuffer.elementSize(), pb.getBuffer(), null);
+ checkForError(ret, "can not optain buffer info");
+ return pb.get();
+ }
public void release() {
int ret = cl.clReleaseMemObject(ID);