path: root/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/JNLPSecurityManager.java
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diff --git a/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/JNLPSecurityManager.java b/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/JNLPSecurityManager.java
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index 0000000..3934607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/runtime/JNLPSecurityManager.java
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+// Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Jon A. Maxwell (JAM)
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+package net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime;
+import java.awt.Frame;
+import java.awt.Window;
+import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
+import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
+import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
+import java.net.SocketPermission;
+import java.security.AllPermission;
+import java.security.AccessControlException;
+import java.security.AccessController;
+import java.security.Permission;
+import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
+import java.security.SecurityPermission;
+import java.util.PropertyPermission;
+import javax.swing.JWindow;
+import net.sourceforge.jnlp.JNLPFile;
+import net.sourceforge.jnlp.security.SecurityWarningDialog;
+import net.sourceforge.jnlp.services.ServiceUtil;
+import net.sourceforge.jnlp.util.WeakList;
+import sun.awt.AWTSecurityManager;
+import sun.awt.AppContext;
+import sun.security.util.SecurityConstants;
+ * Security manager for JNLP environment. This security manager
+ * cannot be replaced as it always denies attempts to replace the
+ * security manager or policy.<p>
+ *
+ * The JNLP security manager tracks windows created by an
+ * application, allowing those windows to be disposed when the
+ * application exits but the JVM does not. If security is not
+ * enabled then the first application to call System.exit will
+ * halt the JVM.<p>
+ *
+ * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Jon A. Maxwell (JAM)</a> - initial author
+ * @version $Revision: 1.17 $
+ */
+class JNLPSecurityManager extends AWTSecurityManager {
+ // todo: some apps like JDiskReport can close the VM even when
+ // an exit class is set - fix!
+ // todo: create an event dispatch thread for each application,
+ // so that the context classloader doesn't have to be switched
+ // to the foreground application (the currently the approach
+ // since some apps need their classloader as event dispatch
+ // thread's context classloader).
+ // todo: use a custom Permission object to identify the current
+ // application in an AccessControlContext by setting a side
+ // effect in its implies method. Use a custom
+ // AllPermissions-like permission to do this for apps granted
+ // all permissions (but investigate whether this will nuke
+ // the all-permission optimizations in the JRE).
+ // todo: does not exit app if close button pressed on JFrame
+ // with CLOSE_ON_EXIT (or whatever) set; if doesn't exit, use an
+ // WindowListener to catch WindowClosing event, then if exit is
+ // called immediately afterwards from AWT thread.
+ // todo: deny all permissions to applications that should have
+ // already been 'shut down' by closing their resources and
+ // interrupt the threads if operating in a shared-VM (exit class
+ // set). Deny will probably will slow checks down a lot though.
+ // todo: weak remember last getProperty application and
+ // re-install properties if another application calls, or find
+ // another way for different apps to have different properties
+ // in java.lang.Sytem with the same names.
+ private static String R(String key) { return JNLPRuntime.getMessage(key); }
+ /** only class that can exit the JVM, if set */
+ private Object exitClass = null;
+ /** this exception prevents exiting the JVM */
+ private SecurityException closeAppEx = // making here prevents huge stack traces
+ new SecurityException(JNLPRuntime.getMessage("RShutdown"));
+ /** weak list of windows created */
+ private WeakList weakWindows = new WeakList();
+ /** weak list of applications corresponding to window list */
+ private WeakList weakApplications = new WeakList();
+ /** weak reference to most app who's windows was most recently activated */
+ private WeakReference activeApplication = null;
+ /** Sets whether or not exit is allowed (in the context of the plugin, this is always false) */
+ private boolean exitAllowed = true;
+ /**
+ * The AppContext of the main application (netx). We need to store this here
+ * so we can return this when no code from an external application is
+ * running on the thread
+ */
+ private AppContext mainAppContext;
+ /**
+ * Creates a JNLP SecurityManager.
+ */
+ JNLPSecurityManager() {
+ // this has the side-effect of creating the Swing shared Frame
+ // owner. Since no application is running at this time, it is
+ // not added to any window list when checkTopLevelWindow is
+ // called for it (and not disposed).
+ if (!JNLPRuntime.isHeadless())
+ new JWindow().getOwner();
+ mainAppContext = AppContext.getAppContext();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns whether the exit class is present on the stack, or
+ * true if no exit class is set.
+ */
+ public boolean isExitClass() {
+ return isExitClass(getClassContext());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns whether the exit class is present on the stack, or
+ * true if no exit class is set.
+ */
+ private boolean isExitClass(Class stack[]) {
+ if (exitClass == null)
+ return true;
+ for (int i=0; i < stack.length; i++)
+ if (stack[i] == exitClass)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the exit class, which is the only class that can exit the
+ * JVM; if not set then any class can exit the JVM.
+ *
+ * @param exitClass the exit class
+ * @throws IllegalStateException if the exit class is already set
+ */
+ public void setExitClass(Class exitClass) throws IllegalStateException {
+ if (this.exitClass != null)
+ throw new IllegalStateException(R("RExitTaken"));
+ this.exitClass = exitClass;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the current Application, or null if none can be
+ * determined.
+ */
+ protected ApplicationInstance getApplication() {
+ return getApplication(getClassContext(), 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the application the opened the specified window (only
+ * call from event dispatch thread).
+ */
+ protected ApplicationInstance getApplication(Window window) {
+ for (int i = weakWindows.size(); i-->0;) {
+ Window w = (Window) weakWindows.get(i);
+ if (w == null) {
+ weakWindows.remove(i);
+ weakApplications.remove(i);
+ }
+ if (w == window)
+ return (ApplicationInstance) weakApplications.get(i);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the current Application, or null.
+ */
+ protected ApplicationInstance getApplication(Class stack[], int maxDepth) {
+ if (maxDepth <= 0)
+ maxDepth = stack.length;
+ // this needs to be tightened up
+ for (int i=0; i < stack.length && i < maxDepth; i++) {
+ if (stack[i].getClassLoader() instanceof JNLPClassLoader) {
+ JNLPClassLoader loader = (JNLPClassLoader) stack[i].getClassLoader();
+ if (loader != null && loader.getApplication() != null) {
+ return loader.getApplication();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the application's thread group if the application can
+ * be determined; otherwise returns super.getThreadGroup()
+ */
+ public ThreadGroup getThreadGroup() {
+ ApplicationInstance app = getApplication();
+ if (app == null)
+ return super.getThreadGroup();
+ return app.getThreadGroup();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Throws a SecurityException if the permission is denied,
+ * otherwise return normally. This method always denies
+ * permission to change the security manager or policy.
+ */
+ public void checkPermission(Permission perm) {
+ String name = perm.getName();
+ // Enable this manually -- it'll produce too much output for -verbose
+ // otherwise.
+ // if (true)
+ // System.out.println("Checking permission: " + perm.toString());
+ if (!JNLPRuntime.isWebstartApplication() &&
+ ("setPolicy".equals(name) || "setSecurityManager".equals(name)))
+ throw new SecurityException(R("RCantReplaceSM"));
+ try {
+ // deny all permissions to stopped applications
+ // The call to getApplication() below might not work if an
+ // application hasn't been fully initialized yet.
+// if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) {
+// if (!"getClassLoader".equals(name)) {
+// ApplicationInstance app = getApplication();
+// if (app != null && !app.isRunning())
+// throw new SecurityException(R("RDenyStopped"));
+// }
+// }
+ try {
+ super.checkPermission(perm);
+ } catch (SecurityException se) {
+ //This section is a special case for dealing with SocketPermissions.
+ if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug())
+ System.err.println("Requesting permission: " + perm.toString());
+ //Change this SocketPermission's action to connect and accept
+ //(and resolve). This is to avoid asking for connect permission
+ //on every address resolve.
+ Permission tmpPerm = null;
+ if (perm instanceof SocketPermission) {
+ tmpPerm = new SocketPermission(perm.getName(),
+ // before proceeding, check if we are trying to connect to same origin
+ ApplicationInstance app = getApplication();
+ JNLPFile file = app.getJNLPFile();
+ String srcHost = file.getSourceLocation().getAuthority();
+ String destHost = name;
+ // host = abc.xyz.com or abc.xyz.com:<port>
+ if (destHost.indexOf(':') >= 0)
+ destHost = destHost.substring(0, destHost.indexOf(':'));
+ // host = abc.xyz.com
+ String[] hostComponents = destHost.split("\\.");
+ int length = hostComponents.length;
+ if (length >= 2) {
+ // address is in xxx.xxx.xxx format
+ destHost = hostComponents[length -2] + "." + hostComponents[length -1];
+ // host = xyz.com i.e. origin
+ boolean isDestHostName = false;
+ // make sure that it is not an ip address
+ try {
+ Integer.parseInt(hostComponents[length -1]);
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ isDestHostName = true;
+ }
+ if (isDestHostName) {
+ // okay, destination is hostname. Now figure out if it is a subset of origin
+ if (srcHost.endsWith(destHost)) {
+ addPermission(tmpPerm);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (perm instanceof SecurityPermission) {
+ // JCE's initialization requires putProviderProperty permission
+ if (perm.equals(new SecurityPermission("putProviderProperty.SunJCE"))) {
+ if (inTrustedCallChain("com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE", "run")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (perm instanceof RuntimePermission) {
+ // KeyGenerator's init method requires internal spec access
+ if (perm.equals(new SecurityPermission("accessClassInPackage.sun.security.internal.spec"))) {
+ if (inTrustedCallChain("javax.crypto.KeyGenerator", "init")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ tmpPerm = perm;
+ }
+ if (tmpPerm != null) {
+ //askPermission will only prompt the user on SocketPermission
+ //meaning we're denying all other SecurityExceptions that may arise.
+ if (askPermission(tmpPerm)) {
+ addPermission(tmpPerm);
+ //return quietly.
+ } else {
+ throw se;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (SecurityException ex) {
+ if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) {
+ System.out.println("Denying permission: "+perm);
+ }
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns weather the given class and method are in the current stack,
+ * and whether or not everything upto then is trusted
+ *
+ * @param className The name of the class to look for in the stack
+ * @param methodName The name of the method for the given class to look for in the stack
+ * @return Weather or not class::method() are in the chain, and everything upto there is trusted
+ */
+ private boolean inTrustedCallChain(String className, String methodName) {
+ StackTraceElement[] stack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
+ for (int i=0; i < stack.length; i++) {
+ // Everything up to the desired class/method must be trusted
+ if (!stack[i].getClass().getProtectionDomain().implies(new AllPermission())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (stack[i].getClassName().equals(className) &&
+ stack[i].getMethodName().equals(methodName)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asks the user whether or not to grant permission.
+ * @param perm the permission to be granted
+ * @return true if the permission was granted, false otherwise.
+ */
+ private boolean askPermission(Permission perm) {
+ ApplicationInstance app = getApplication();
+ if (app != null && !app.isSigned()) {
+ if (perm instanceof SocketPermission
+ && ServiceUtil.checkAccess(SecurityWarningDialog.AccessType.NETWORK, perm.getName())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a permission to the JNLPClassLoader.
+ * @param perm the permission to add to the JNLPClassLoader
+ */
+ private void addPermission(Permission perm) {
+ if (JNLPRuntime.getApplication().getClassLoader() instanceof JNLPClassLoader) {
+ JNLPClassLoader cl = (JNLPClassLoader) JNLPRuntime.getApplication().getClassLoader();
+ cl.addPermission(perm);
+ if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug()) {
+ if (cl.getPermissions(null).implies(perm))
+ System.err.println("Added permission: " + perm.toString());
+ else
+ System.err.println("Unable to add permission: " + perm.toString());
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug())
+ System.err.println("Unable to add permission: " + perm + ", classloader not JNLP.");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the window can be displayed without an applet
+ * warning banner, and adds the window to the list of windows to
+ * be disposed when the calling application exits.
+ */
+ public boolean checkTopLevelWindow(Object window) {
+ ApplicationInstance app = getApplication();
+ // remember window -> application mapping for focus, close on exit
+ if (app != null && window instanceof Window) {
+ Window w = (Window) window;
+ if (JNLPRuntime.isDebug())
+ System.err.println("SM: app: "+app.getTitle()+" is adding a window: "+window);
+ weakWindows.add(window); // for mapping window -> app
+ weakApplications.add(app);
+ app.addWindow(w);
+ }
+ // change coffee cup to netx for default icon
+ if (window instanceof Window)
+ for (Window w = (Window)window; w != null; w = w.getOwner())
+ if (window instanceof Frame)
+ ((Frame)window).setIconImage(JNLPRuntime.getWindowIcon());
+ // todo: set awt.appletWarning to custom message
+ // todo: logo on with glass pane on JFrame/JWindow?
+ return super.checkTopLevelWindow(window);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the caller can exit the system. This method
+ * identifies whether the caller is a real call to Runtime.exec
+ * and has special behavior when returning from this method
+ * would exit the JVM and an exit class is set: if the caller is
+ * not the exit class then the calling application will be
+ * stopped and its resources destroyed (when possible), and an
+ * exception will be thrown to prevent the JVM from shutting
+ * down.<p>
+ *
+ * Calls not from Runtime.exit or with no exit class set will
+ * behave normally, and the exit class can always exit the JVM.
+ */
+ public void checkExit(int status) {
+ // applets are not allowed to exit, but the plugin main class (primordial loader) is
+ Class stack[] = getClassContext();
+ if (!exitAllowed) {
+ for (int i=0; i < stack.length; i++)
+ if (stack[i].getClassLoader() != null)
+ throw new AccessControlException("Applets may not call System.exit()");
+ }
+ super.checkExit(status);
+ boolean realCall = (stack[1] == Runtime.class);
+ if (isExitClass(stack)) // either exitClass called or no exitClass set
+ return; // to Runtime.exit or fake call to see if app has permission
+ // not called from Runtime.exit()
+ if (!realCall) {
+ // apps that can't exit should think they can exit normally
+ super.checkExit(status);
+ return;
+ }
+ // but when they really call, stop only the app instead of the JVM
+ ApplicationInstance app = getApplication(stack, 0);
+ if (app == null) {
+ // should check caller to make sure it is JFrame.close or
+ // other known System.exit call
+ if (activeApplication != null)
+ app = (ApplicationInstance) activeApplication.get();
+ if (app == null)
+ throw new SecurityException(R("RExitNoApp"));
+ }
+ app.destroy();
+ throw closeAppEx;
+ }
+ protected void disableExit() {
+ exitAllowed = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This returns the appropriate {@link AppContext}. Hooks in AppContext
+ * check if the current {@link SecurityManager} is an instance of
+ * AWTSecurityManager and if so, call this method to give it a chance to
+ * return the appropriate appContext based on the application that is
+ * running.<p>
+ *
+ * This can be called from any thread (possibly a swing thread) to find out
+ * the AppContext for the thread (which may correspond to a particular
+ * applet).
+ */
+ @Override
+ public AppContext getAppContext() {
+ ApplicationInstance app = getApplication();
+ if (app == null) {
+ /*
+ * if we cannot find an application based on the code on the stack,
+ * then assume it is the main application
+ */
+ return mainAppContext;
+ } else {
+ return app.getAppContext();
+ }
+ }