path: root/make/build.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'make/build.xml')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/make/build.xml b/make/build.xml
index f9eb19b..9076c5f 100755
--- a/make/build.xml
+++ b/make/build.xml
@@ -34,14 +34,6 @@
<property name="gluegen.excludes" value="com/jogamp/gluegen/runtime/BufferFactoryInternal.java,com/sun/gluegen/nativesig/**" />
- <target name="setup.javase">
- <!-- not needed anymore -->
- </target>
- <target name="setup.javacdc">
- <!-- not needed anymore -->
- </target>
<target name="init" depends="gluegen.properties.load.user,setup-excludes-1,setup-excludes-2">
<!-- Declare all paths and user defined variables. -->
@@ -72,10 +64,6 @@
<mkdir dir="${classes}" />
<mkdir dir="${classes-cdc}" />
- <!-- Set up Java SE and Java CDC files -->
- <antcall target="setup.javase" inheritRefs="true" />
- <antcall target="setup.javacdc" inheritRefs="true" />
<!-- Create the classpath for ANTLR. This requires the user-defined
- "antlr.jar" property. -->
<path id="antlr.classpath">
@@ -434,7 +422,41 @@
- Build GlueGen.
- <target name="gluegen.build" depends="init">
+ <target name="pre-build">
+ <antcall target="create-map" inheritrefs="true">
+ <param name="map.name" value="IntObjectHashMap"/>
+ <param name="map.value" value="Object"/>
+ <param name="map.null" value="null"/>
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="create-map" inheritrefs="true">
+ <param name="map.name" value="IntLongHashMap"/>
+ <param name="map.value" value="long"/>
+ <param name="map.null" value="0"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="create-map">
+ <!-- substitutes certain token in IntIntHashmap to create new primitive HasmMap-->
+ <copy file="${src.java}/com/jogamp/common/util/IntIntHashMap.java"
+ tofile="${src.generated.java}/com/jogamp/common/util/${map.name}.java" overwrite="true">
+ <filterchain>
+ <replaceregex pattern="IntIntHashMap" replace="${map.name}"/>
+ <replaceregex pattern="@see ${map.name}" replace="@see IntIntHashMap"/>
+ <replaceregex pattern="/\*value\*/int/\*value\*/" replace="${map.value}"/>
+ <replaceregex pattern="/\*null\*/0/\*null\*/" replace="${map.null}"/>
+ </filterchain>
+ <!-- no clue why we have to do this twice... otherwise it will only replace one token per line -->
+ <filterchain>
+ <replaceregex pattern="/\*value\*/int/\*value\*/" replace="${map.value}"/>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <target name="gluegen.build" depends="init, pre-build">
<!-- Because ANTLR looks for importVocab files in the current
working directory, it likes to have all of its files,
including supergrammars, in one place, so copy all of the