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2 files changed, 282 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/alc/backends/pipewire.cpp b/alc/backends/pipewire.cpp
index e450848b..d19fcaa4 100644
--- a/alc/backends/pipewire.cpp
+++ b/alc/backends/pipewire.cpp
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "core/logging.h"
#include "dynload.h"
#include "opthelpers.h"
+#include "ringbuffer.h"
/* Ignore warnings caused by PipeWire headers (lots in standard C++ mode). */
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")
@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ using std::chrono::nanoseconds;
using uint = unsigned int;
constexpr char pwireDevice[] = "PipeWire Output";
+constexpr char pwireInput[] = "PipeWire Input";
@@ -937,13 +939,13 @@ spa_audio_info_raw make_spa_info(DeviceBase *device, use_f32p_e use_f32p)
else switch(device->FmtType)
- case DevFmtByte: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S8;
- case DevFmtUByte: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_U8;
- case DevFmtShort: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S16;
- case DevFmtUShort: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_U16;
- case DevFmtInt: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S32;
- case DevFmtUInt: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_U32;
- case DevFmtFloat: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_F32;
+ case DevFmtByte: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S8; break;
+ case DevFmtUByte: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_U8; break;
+ case DevFmtShort: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S16; break;
+ case DevFmtUShort: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_U16; break;
+ case DevFmtInt: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S32; break;
+ case DevFmtUInt: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_U32; break;
+ case DevFmtFloat: info.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_F32; break;
info.rate = device->Frequency;
@@ -971,10 +973,7 @@ spa_audio_info_raw make_spa_info(DeviceBase *device, use_f32p_e use_f32p)
return info;
-struct PipeWirePlayback final : public BackendBase {
- PipeWirePlayback(DeviceBase *device) noexcept : BackendBase{device} { }
- ~PipeWirePlayback();
+class PipeWirePlayback final : public BackendBase {
void stateChangedCallback(pw_stream_state old, pw_stream_state state, const char *error);
static void stateChangedCallbackC(void *data, pw_stream_state old, pw_stream_state state,
const char *error)
@@ -1013,6 +1012,10 @@ struct PipeWirePlayback final : public BackendBase {
return ret;
+ PipeWirePlayback(DeviceBase *device) noexcept : BackendBase{device} { }
+ ~PipeWirePlayback();
const pw_stream_events PipeWirePlayback::sEvents{PipeWirePlayback::InitEvent()};
@@ -1383,6 +1386,250 @@ ClockLatency PipeWirePlayback::getClockLatency()
return ret;
+class PipeWireCapture final : public BackendBase {
+ void stateChangedCallback(pw_stream_state old, pw_stream_state state, const char *error);
+ static void stateChangedCallbackC(void *data, pw_stream_state old, pw_stream_state state,
+ const char *error)
+ { static_cast<PipeWireCapture*>(data)->stateChangedCallback(old, state, error); }
+ void inputCallback();
+ static void inputCallbackC(void *data)
+ { static_cast<PipeWireCapture*>(data)->inputCallback(); }
+ void open(const char *name) override;
+ void start() override;
+ void stop() override;
+ void captureSamples(al::byte *buffer, uint samples) override;
+ uint availableSamples() override;
+ uint32_t mTargetId{PwIdAny};
+ ThreadMainloop mLoop;
+ PwStreamPtr mStream;
+ RingBufferPtr mRing{};
+ static const pw_stream_events sEvents;
+ static constexpr pw_stream_events InitEvent()
+ {
+ pw_stream_events ret{};
+ ret.state_changed = &PipeWireCapture::stateChangedCallbackC;
+ ret.process = &PipeWireCapture::inputCallbackC;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ PipeWireCapture(DeviceBase *device) noexcept : BackendBase{device} { }
+ ~PipeWireCapture();
+ DEF_NEWDEL(PipeWireCapture)
+const pw_stream_events PipeWireCapture::sEvents{PipeWireCapture::InitEvent()};
+ if(mLoop && mStream)
+ {
+ MainloopLockGuard _{mLoop};
+ mStream = nullptr;
+ }
+void PipeWireCapture::stateChangedCallback(pw_stream_state, pw_stream_state, const char*)
+{ mLoop.signal(false); }
+void PipeWireCapture::inputCallback()
+ pw_buffer *pw_buf{pw_stream_dequeue_buffer(mStream.get())};
+ if UNLIKELY(!pw_buf) return;
+ spa_data *bufdata{pw_buf->buffer->datas};
+ const uint offset{minu(bufdata->chunk->offset, bufdata->maxsize)};
+ const uint size{minu(bufdata->chunk->size, bufdata->maxsize - offset)};
+ mRing->write(static_cast<char*>(bufdata->data) + offset, size / mRing->getElemSize());
+ pw_stream_queue_buffer(mStream.get(), pw_buf);
+void PipeWireCapture::open(const char *name)
+ static std::atomic<uint> OpenCount{0};
+ uint32_t targetid{PwIdAny};
+ std::string devname{};
+ if(!name)
+ {
+ EventWatcherLockGuard _{gEventHandler};
+ gEventHandler.waitForInit();
+ auto match = DeviceList.cend();
+ if(!DefaultSourceDev.empty())
+ {
+ auto match_default = [](const DeviceNode &n) -> bool
+ { return n.mDevName == DefaultSourceDev; };
+ match = std::find_if(DeviceList.cbegin(), DeviceList.cend(), match_default);
+ }
+ if(match == DeviceList.cend())
+ {
+ auto match_capture = [](const DeviceNode &n) -> bool
+ { return n.mCapture; };
+ match = std::find_if(DeviceList.cbegin(), DeviceList.cend(), match_capture);
+ }
+ if(match == DeviceList.cend())
+ {
+ auto match_playback = [](const DeviceNode &n) -> bool
+ { return !n.mCapture; };
+ match = std::find_if(DeviceList.cbegin(), DeviceList.cend(), match_playback);
+ if(match == DeviceList.cend())
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::NoDevice,
+ "No PipeWire capture device found"};
+ }
+ targetid = match->mId;
+ if(match->mCapture) devname = match->mName;
+ else devname = "Monitor of "+match->mName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EventWatcherLockGuard _{gEventHandler};
+ gEventHandler.waitForInit();
+ auto match_name = [name](const DeviceNode &n) -> bool
+ { return n.mCapture && n.mName == name; };
+ auto match = std::find_if(DeviceList.cbegin(), DeviceList.cend(), match_name);
+ if(match == DeviceList.cend() && std::strcmp(name, "Monitor of ") == 0)
+ {
+ const char *sinkname{name + 11};
+ auto match_sinkname = [sinkname](const DeviceNode &n) -> bool
+ { return !n.mCapture && n.mName == sinkname; };
+ match = std::find_if(DeviceList.cbegin(), DeviceList.cend(), match_sinkname);
+ }
+ if(match == DeviceList.cend())
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::NoDevice,
+ "Device name \"%s\" not found", name};
+ targetid = match->mId;
+ devname = name;
+ }
+ if(!mLoop)
+ {
+ const uint count{OpenCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed)};
+ const std::string thread_name{"ALSoftC" + std::to_string(count)};
+ mLoop = ThreadMainloop{pw_thread_loop_new(thread_name.c_str(), nullptr)};
+ if(!mLoop)
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
+ "Failed to create PipeWire mainloop (errno: %d)", errno};
+ if(int res{mLoop.start()})
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
+ "Failed to start PipeWire mainloop (res: %d)", res};
+ }
+ /* TODO: Ensure the target ID is still valid/usable and accepts streams. */
+ mTargetId = targetid;
+ if(!devname.empty())
+ mDevice->DeviceName = std::move(devname);
+ else
+ mDevice->DeviceName = pwireInput;
+ spa_audio_info_raw info{make_spa_info(mDevice, UseDevType)};
+ constexpr uint32_t pod_buffer_size{1024};
+ auto pod_buffer = std::make_unique<al::byte[]>(pod_buffer_size);
+ spa_pod_builder b{make_pod_builder(pod_buffer.get(), pod_buffer_size)};
+ const spa_pod *params[]{spa_format_audio_raw_build(&b, SPA_PARAM_EnumFormat, &info)};
+ if(!params[0])
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
+ "Failed to set PipeWire audio format parameters"};
+ pw_properties *props{pw_properties_new(
+ nullptr)};
+ if(!props)
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
+ "Failed to create PipeWire stream properties (errno: %d)", errno};
+ auto&& binary = GetProcBinary();
+ const char *appname{binary.fname.length() ? binary.fname.c_str() : "OpenAL Soft"};
+ pw_properties_set(props, PW_KEY_NODE_NAME, appname);
+ pw_properties_set(props, PW_KEY_NODE_DESCRIPTION, appname);
+ /* We don't actually care what the latency/update size is, as long as it's
+ * reasonable. Unfortunately, when unspecified PipeWire seems to default to
+ * around 40ms, which isn't great. So request 20ms instead.
+ */
+ pw_properties_setf(props, PW_KEY_NODE_LATENCY, "%u/%u", (mDevice->Frequency+25) / 50,
+ mDevice->Frequency);
+ MainloopUniqueLock plock{mLoop};
+ mStream = PwStreamPtr{pw_stream_new_simple(mLoop.getLoop(), "Capture Stream", props,
+ &sEvents, this)};
+ if(!mStream)
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::NoDevice,
+ "Failed to create PipeWire stream (errno: %d)", errno};
+ if(int res{pw_stream_connect(mStream.get(), PW_DIRECTION_INPUT, mTargetId, Flags, params, 1)})
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
+ "Error connecting PipeWire stream (res: %d)", res};
+ /* Wait for the stream to become paused (ready to start streaming). */
+ pw_stream_state state{};
+ const char *error{};
+ while((state=pw_stream_get_state(mStream.get(), &error)) != PW_STREAM_STATE_PAUSED)
+ {
+ if(state == PW_STREAM_STATE_ERROR)
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
+ "Error connecting PipeWire stream: \"%s\"", error};
+ mLoop.wait();
+ }
+ plock.unlock();
+ setDefaultWFXChannelOrder();
+ /* Ensure at least a 100ms capture buffer. */
+ mRing = RingBuffer::Create(maxu(mDevice->Frequency/10, mDevice->BufferSize),
+ mDevice->frameSizeFromFmt(), false);
+void PipeWireCapture::start()
+ MainloopLockGuard _{mLoop};
+ if(int res{pw_stream_set_active(mStream.get(), true)})
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
+ "Failed to start PipeWire stream (res: %d)", res};
+void PipeWireCapture::stop()
+ MainloopLockGuard _{mLoop};
+ if(int res{pw_stream_set_active(mStream.get(), false)})
+ throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
+ "Failed to stop PipeWire stream (res: %d)", res};
+ /* Wait for the stream to stop playing. */
+ pw_stream_state state{};
+ while((state=pw_stream_get_state(mStream.get(), nullptr)) == PW_STREAM_STATE_STREAMING)
+ mLoop.wait();
+uint PipeWireCapture::availableSamples()
+{ return static_cast<uint>(mRing->readSpace()); }
+void PipeWireCapture::captureSamples(al::byte *buffer, uint samples)
+{ mRing->read(buffer, samples); }
} // namespace
@@ -1399,7 +1646,7 @@ bool PipeWireBackendFactory::init()
bool PipeWireBackendFactory::querySupport(BackendType type)
-{ return (type == BackendType::Playback); }
+{ return type == BackendType::Playback || type == BackendType::Capture; }
std::string PipeWireBackendFactory::probe(BackendType type)
@@ -1410,6 +1657,8 @@ std::string PipeWireBackendFactory::probe(BackendType type)
auto match_defsink = [](const DeviceNode &n) -> bool
{ return n.mDevName == DefaultSinkDev; };
+ auto match_defsource = [](const DeviceNode &n) -> bool
+ { return n.mDevName == DefaultSourceDev; };
auto sort_devnode = [](DeviceNode &lhs, DeviceNode &rhs) noexcept -> bool
{ return lhs.mId < rhs.mId; };
@@ -1432,6 +1681,23 @@ std::string PipeWireBackendFactory::probe(BackendType type)
case BackendType::Capture:
+ defmatch = std::find_if(defmatch, DeviceList.cend(), match_defsource);
+ if(defmatch != DeviceList.cend())
+ {
+ if(!defmatch->mCapture)
+ outnames.append("Monitor of ");
+ outnames.append(defmatch->mName.c_str(), defmatch->mName.length()+1);
+ }
+ for(auto iter = DeviceList.cbegin();iter != DeviceList.cend();++iter)
+ {
+ if(iter != defmatch && iter->mCapture)
+ outnames.append(iter->mName.c_str(), iter->mName.length()+1);
+ }
+ for(auto iter = DeviceList.cbegin();iter != DeviceList.cend();++iter)
+ {
+ if(iter != defmatch && !iter->mCapture)
+ outnames.append("Monitor of ").append(iter->mName.c_str(), iter->mName.length()+1);
+ }
@@ -1442,6 +1708,8 @@ BackendPtr PipeWireBackendFactory::createBackend(DeviceBase *device, BackendType
if(type == BackendType::Playback)
return BackendPtr{new PipeWirePlayback{device}};
+ if(type == BackendType::Capture)
+ return BackendPtr{new PipeWireCapture{device}};
return nullptr;
diff --git a/common/ringbuffer.h b/common/ringbuffer.h
index fa8fce10..9628505c 100644
--- a/common/ringbuffer.h
+++ b/common/ringbuffer.h
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ public:
void writeAdvance(size_t cnt) noexcept
{ mWritePtr.fetch_add(cnt, std::memory_order_acq_rel); }
+ size_t getElemSize() const noexcept { return mElemSize; }
* Create a new ringbuffer to hold at least `sz' elements of `elem_sz'
* bytes. The number of elements is rounded up to the next power of two