path: root/common/polyphase_resampler.cpp
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authorChris Robinson <chris.kcat@gmail.com>2019-11-28 10:54:47 -0800
committerChris Robinson <chris.kcat@gmail.com>2019-11-28 10:54:47 -0800
commitc093728ced2da0eb5fb01235c62460262b704790 (patch)
tree8ff77170d197628875f5af3fda7c855fa2d244bf /common/polyphase_resampler.cpp
parent576adf06b16f6b1c88991970dce06fcabbb04f28 (diff)
Move the polyphase resampler to the common lib
Diffstat (limited to 'common/polyphase_resampler.cpp')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/polyphase_resampler.cpp b/common/polyphase_resampler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4605b732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/polyphase_resampler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#include "polyphase_resampler.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+namespace {
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+#define EPSILON 1e-9
+using uint = unsigned int;
+/* This is the normalized cardinal sine (sinc) function.
+ *
+ * sinc(x) = { 1, x = 0
+ * { sin(pi x) / (pi x), otherwise.
+ */
+double Sinc(const double x)
+ if(std::abs(x) < EPSILON)
+ return 1.0;
+ return std::sin(M_PI * x) / (M_PI * x);
+/* The zero-order modified Bessel function of the first kind, used for the
+ * Kaiser window.
+ *
+ * I_0(x) = sum_{k=0}^inf (1 / k!)^2 (x / 2)^(2 k)
+ * = sum_{k=0}^inf ((x / 2)^k / k!)^2
+ */
+double BesselI_0(const double x)
+ double term, sum, x2, y, last_sum;
+ int k;
+ // Start at k=1 since k=0 is trivial.
+ term = 1.0;
+ sum = 1.0;
+ x2 = x/2.0;
+ k = 1;
+ // Let the integration converge until the term of the sum is no longer
+ // significant.
+ do {
+ y = x2 / k;
+ k++;
+ last_sum = sum;
+ term *= y * y;
+ sum += term;
+ } while(sum != last_sum);
+ return sum;
+/* Calculate a Kaiser window from the given beta value and a normalized k
+ * [-1, 1].
+ *
+ * w(k) = { I_0(B sqrt(1 - k^2)) / I_0(B), -1 <= k <= 1
+ * { 0, elsewhere.
+ *
+ * Where k can be calculated as:
+ *
+ * k = i / l, where -l <= i <= l.
+ *
+ * or:
+ *
+ * k = 2 i / M - 1, where 0 <= i <= M.
+ */
+double Kaiser(const double b, const double k)
+ if(!(k >= -1.0 && k <= 1.0))
+ return 0.0;
+ return BesselI_0(b * std::sqrt(1.0 - k*k)) / BesselI_0(b);
+// Calculates the greatest common divisor of a and b.
+uint Gcd(uint x, uint y)
+ while(y > 0)
+ {
+ uint z{y};
+ y = x % y;
+ x = z;
+ }
+ return x;
+/* Calculates the size (order) of the Kaiser window. Rejection is in dB and
+ * the transition width is normalized frequency (0.5 is nyquist).
+ *
+ * M = { ceil((r - 7.95) / (2.285 2 pi f_t)), r > 21
+ * { ceil(5.79 / 2 pi f_t), r <= 21.
+ *
+ */
+uint CalcKaiserOrder(const double rejection, const double transition)
+ double w_t = 2.0 * M_PI * transition;
+ if(rejection > 21.0)
+ return static_cast<uint>(std::ceil((rejection - 7.95) / (2.285 * w_t)));
+ return static_cast<uint>(std::ceil(5.79 / w_t));
+// Calculates the beta value of the Kaiser window. Rejection is in dB.
+double CalcKaiserBeta(const double rejection)
+ if(rejection > 50.0)
+ return 0.1102 * (rejection - 8.7);
+ if(rejection >= 21.0)
+ return (0.5842 * std::pow(rejection - 21.0, 0.4)) +
+ (0.07886 * (rejection - 21.0));
+ return 0.0;
+/* Calculates a point on the Kaiser-windowed sinc filter for the given half-
+ * width, beta, gain, and cutoff. The point is specified in non-normalized
+ * samples, from 0 to M, where M = (2 l + 1).
+ *
+ * w(k) 2 p f_t sinc(2 f_t x)
+ *
+ * x -- centered sample index (i - l)
+ * k -- normalized and centered window index (x / l)
+ * w(k) -- window function (Kaiser)
+ * p -- gain compensation factor when sampling
+ * f_t -- normalized center frequency (or cutoff; 0.5 is nyquist)
+ */
+double SincFilter(const uint l, const double b, const double gain, const double cutoff,
+ const uint i)
+ const double x{static_cast<double>(i) - l};
+ return Kaiser(b, x / l) * 2.0 * gain * cutoff * Sinc(2.0 * cutoff * x);
+} // namespace
+// Calculate the resampling metrics and build the Kaiser-windowed sinc filter
+// that's used to cut frequencies above the destination nyquist.
+void PPhaseResampler::init(const uint srcRate, const uint dstRate)
+ const uint gcd{Gcd(srcRate, dstRate)};
+ mP = dstRate / gcd;
+ mQ = srcRate / gcd;
+ /* The cutoff is adjusted by half the transition width, so the transition
+ * ends before the nyquist (0.5). Both are scaled by the downsampling
+ * factor.
+ */
+ double cutoff, width;
+ if(mP > mQ)
+ {
+ cutoff = 0.475 / mP;
+ width = 0.05 / mP;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cutoff = 0.475 / mQ;
+ width = 0.05 / mQ;
+ }
+ // A rejection of -180 dB is used for the stop band. Round up when
+ // calculating the left offset to avoid increasing the transition width.
+ const uint l{(CalcKaiserOrder(180.0, width)+1) / 2};
+ const double beta{CalcKaiserBeta(180.0)};
+ mM = l*2 + 1;
+ mL = l;
+ mF.resize(mM);
+ for(uint i{0};i < mM;i++)
+ mF[i] = SincFilter(l, beta, mP, cutoff, i);
+// Perform the upsample-filter-downsample resampling operation using a
+// polyphase filter implementation.
+void PPhaseResampler::process(const uint inN, const double *in, const uint outN, double *out)
+ if(outN == 0)
+ return;
+ const uint p{mP}, q{mQ}, m{mM}, l{mL};
+ // Handle in-place operation.
+ std::vector<double> workspace;
+ double *work{out};
+ if(work == in)
+ {
+ workspace.resize(outN);
+ work = workspace.data();
+ }
+ // Resample the input.
+ const double *f{mF.data()};
+ for(uint i{0};i < outN;i++)
+ {
+ double r{0.0};
+ // Input starts at l to compensate for the filter delay. This will
+ // drop any build-up from the first half of the filter.
+ uint j_f{(l + (q * i)) % p};
+ uint j_s{(l + (q * i)) / p};
+ while(j_f < m)
+ {
+ // Only take input when 0 <= j_s < inN. This single unsigned
+ // comparison catches both cases.
+ if(j_s < inN)
+ r += f[j_f] * in[j_s];
+ j_f += p;
+ j_s--;
+ }
+ work[i] = r;
+ }
+ // Clean up after in-place operation.
+ if(work != out)
+ std::copy_n(work, outN, out);