path: root/alc
diff options
authorChris Robinson <[email protected]>2023-04-30 03:24:20 -0700
committerChris Robinson <[email protected]>2023-04-30 03:24:20 -0700
commit755429798a1dbe658d2a4d342927c9b9272629ee (patch)
tree0053b909087c640db818049923167c986f283dab /alc
parentd7e22a8ada669910882ae34e0b57da6712629e72 (diff)
Move debug functions to their own source
Diffstat (limited to 'alc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/alc/context.cpp b/alc/context.cpp
index 3f7b456d..5b476009 100644
--- a/alc/context.cpp
+++ b/alc/context.cpp
@@ -349,172 +349,6 @@ void ALCcontext::sendDebugMessage(DebugSource source, DebugType type, ALuint id,
-FORCE_ALIGN void AL_APIENTRY alDebugMessageCallbackSOFT(ALDEBUGPROCSOFT callback, void *userParam) noexcept
- ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
- if(!context) UNLIKELY return;
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->mDebugCbLock};
- context->mDebugCb = callback;
- context->mDebugParam = userParam;
-FORCE_ALIGN void AL_APIENTRY alDebugMessageInsertSOFT(ALenum source, ALenum type, ALuint id,
- ALenum severity, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message) noexcept
- ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
- if(!context) UNLIKELY return;
- if(!message)
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Null message pointer");
- DebugSource dsource{};
- switch(source)
- {
- case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_SOFT: dsource = DebugSource::ThirdParty; break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_SOFT: dsource = DebugSource::Application; break;
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Debug source enum 0x%04x not allowed", source);
- default:
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug source enum 0x%04x", source);
- }
- DebugType dtype{};
- switch(type)
- {
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_SOFT: dtype = DebugType::Error; break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_SOFT: dtype = DebugType::DeprecatedBehavior; break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_SOFT: dtype = DebugType::UndefinedBehavior; break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_SOFT: dtype = DebugType::Portability; break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_SOFT: dtype = DebugType::Performance; break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER_SOFT: dtype = DebugType::Marker; break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_SOFT: dtype = DebugType::Other; break;
- default:
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug type 0x%04x", type);
- }
- DebugSeverity dseverity{};
- switch(severity)
- {
- case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_SOFT: dseverity = DebugSeverity::High; break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_SOFT: dseverity = DebugSeverity::Medium; break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_SOFT: dseverity = DebugSeverity::Low; break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION_SOFT: dseverity = DebugSeverity::Notification; break;
- default:
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_ENUM, "Invalid debug severity 0x%04x", severity);
- }
- context->debugMessage(dsource, dtype, id, dseverity, length, message);
-namespace {
-template<typename T, T ...Vals>
-constexpr auto make_array(std::integer_sequence<T, Vals...>)
-{ return std::array<T,sizeof...(Vals)>{Vals...}; }
-template<typename T, size_t N, typename Indices = std::make_integer_sequence<T,N>>
-constexpr auto make_array()
-{ return make_array(Indices{}); }
-} // namespace
-FORCE_ALIGN void AL_APIENTRY alDebugMessageControlSOFT(ALenum source, ALenum type, ALenum severity,
- ALsizei count, const ALuint *ids, ALboolean enable) noexcept
- ContextRef context{GetContextRef()};
- if(!context) UNLIKELY return;
- if(count > 0)
- {
- if(!ids)
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "IDs is null with non-0 count");
- if(source == AL_DONT_CARE_SOFT)
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE,
- "Debug source cannot be AL_DONT_CARE_SOFT with IDs");
- if(type == AL_DONT_CARE_SOFT)
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE,
- "Debug type cannot be AL_DONT_CARE_SOFT with IDs");
- if(severity != AL_DONT_CARE_SOFT)
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE,
- "Debug severity must be AL_DONT_CARE_SOFT with IDs");
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Debug ID filtering not supported");
- return;
- }
- if(enable != AL_TRUE && enable != AL_FALSE)
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Invalid debug enable %d", enable);
- static constexpr size_t ElemCount{DebugSourceCount + DebugTypeCount + DebugSeverityCount};
- static constexpr auto Values = make_array<uint,ElemCount>();
- al::span<const uint> srcIndices{al::as_span(Values).subspan<DebugSourceBase,DebugSourceCount>()};
- switch(source)
- {
- case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_SOFT: srcIndices = srcIndices.subspan(0, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_AUDIO_SYSTEM_SOFT: srcIndices = srcIndices.subspan(1, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_SOFT: srcIndices = srcIndices.subspan(2, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_SOFT: srcIndices = srcIndices.subspan(3, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_SOFT: srcIndices = srcIndices.subspan(4, 1); break;
- case AL_DONT_CARE_SOFT: break;
- default:
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Invalid debug source 0x%04x", source);
- }
- al::span<const uint> typeIndices{al::as_span(Values).subspan<DebugTypeBase,DebugTypeCount>()};
- switch(type)
- {
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_SOFT: typeIndices = typeIndices.subspan(0, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_SOFT: typeIndices = typeIndices.subspan(1, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_SOFT: typeIndices = typeIndices.subspan(2, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_SOFT: typeIndices = typeIndices.subspan(3, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_SOFT: typeIndices = typeIndices.subspan(4, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER_SOFT: typeIndices = typeIndices.subspan(5, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_SOFT: typeIndices = typeIndices.subspan(6, 1); break;
- case AL_DONT_CARE_SOFT: break;
- default:
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Invalid debug type 0x%04x", type);
- }
- al::span<const uint> svrIndices{al::as_span(Values).subspan<DebugSeverityBase,DebugSeverityCount>()};
- switch(severity)
- {
- case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_SOFT: svrIndices = svrIndices.subspan(0, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_SOFT: svrIndices = svrIndices.subspan(1, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_SOFT: svrIndices = svrIndices.subspan(2, 1); break;
- case AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION_SOFT: svrIndices = svrIndices.subspan(3, 1); break;
- case AL_DONT_CARE_SOFT: break;
- default:
- return context->setError(AL_INVALID_VALUE, "Invalid debug severity 0x%04x", severity);
- }
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{context->mDebugCbLock};
- auto apply_filter = [enable,&context](const uint filter)
- {
- auto iter = std::lower_bound(context->mDebugFilters.cbegin(),
- context->mDebugFilters.cend(), filter);
- if(enable && (iter == context->mDebugFilters.cend() || *iter != filter))
- context->mDebugFilters.insert(iter, filter);
- else if(!enable && iter != context->mDebugFilters.cend() && *iter == filter)
- context->mDebugFilters.erase(iter);
- };
- auto apply_severity = [apply_filter,svrIndices](const uint filter)
- {
- std::for_each(svrIndices.cbegin(), svrIndices.cend(),
- [apply_filter,filter](const uint idx){ apply_filter(filter | (1<<idx)); });
- };
- auto apply_type = [apply_severity,typeIndices](const uint filter)
- {
- std::for_each(typeIndices.cbegin(), typeIndices.cend(),
- [apply_severity,filter](const uint idx){ apply_severity(filter | (1<<idx)); });
- };
- std::for_each(srcIndices.cbegin(), srcIndices.cend(),
- [apply_type](const uint idx){ apply_type(1<<idx); });
namespace {