diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h')
-rw-r--r-- | LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h | 917 |
1 files changed, 466 insertions, 451 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h b/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h index 097a501..fbabc6a 100644 --- a/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h +++ b/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h @@ -1,451 +1,466 @@ -/************************************************************************************
-PublicHeader: None
-Filename : dxgi_ovr_filter.h
-Content : Shared usermode/kernel mode definitions for IOCTL functionality.
- Also used from LibOVR to access the driver.
-Created : January 27, 2014
-Authors : Dean Beeler
-Copyright : Copyright 2013 Oculus, LLC. All Rights reserved.
-Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Oculus LLC license
-agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-#ifndef OVR_dxgi_ovr_filter_h
-#define OVR_dxgi_ovr_filter_h
-#include <Windows.h>
-#include <InitGuid.h>
-#if USERMODE_TEST_ROTATION // Used only by the um test application
-#define TEST_ROTATION 0 // Kernel-mode parameters
-#define SURFACE_WIDTH 1920
-#define SURFACE_HEIGHT 1080
-#define SURFACE_WIDTH 1080
-#define SURFACE_HEIGHT 1920
-// {46231713-49FD-4922-84E3-9FF907C06803}
- 0x46231713, 0x49fd, 0x4922, 0x84, 0xe3, 0x9f, 0xf9, 0x7, 0xc0, 0x68, 0x3);
-#define FUNCTION_INDEX 0xb800
-#pragma pack(push,1)
-#define OVR_RIFT_MODE_OFF 0 // Disabled
-#define OVR_RIFT_MODE_ENABLED 1 // Enabled
-#define OVR_RIFT_MODE_EXTEND 2 // Extending 2D displays. Without this flag
- // 2D displays are disabled when the Rift
- // is active
-#define OVR_RIFT_MODE_FRONTBUFFER 4 // Enable front buffer only for Rift
-#define OVR_RIFT_MODE_LOCKMOUSE 8 // Prevent mouse from entering bounds
-#define OVR_ESCAPE_TYPE_HANDLE 1 // Escape to notify driver of our collected handles
-#define OVR_FlipImmediate 0x2
-#define OVR_FlipOnNextVSync 0x4
-// Structures for application to UM driver
-// Kernel32.dll functionality
-typedef HMODULE (WINAPI *WinLoadLibraryA) ( LPCSTR );
-typedef HMODULE (WINAPI *WinLoadLibraryW) ( LPCWSTR );
-typedef HMODULE (WINAPI *WinLoadLibraryExA) ( LPCSTR, HANDLE, DWORD );
-typedef HMODULE (WINAPI *WinLoadLibraryExW) ( LPCWSTR, HANDLE, DWORD );
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *WinGetModuleHandleExA)( DWORD, LPCSTR, HMODULE* );
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *WinGetModuleHandleExW)( DWORD, LPCWSTR, HMODULE* );
-// Overridden DirectX 9 entry points
-typedef void* (WINAPI *WinDirect3DCreate9)(UINT SDKVersion);
-typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinDirect3DCreate9Ex)(UINT SDKVersion, void** aDevice);
-#if !defined(HEADLESS_APP)
-// Overridden DXGI entry points
-typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory)(
- __in REFIID riid,
- __out void **ppFactory
- );
-typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory1)(
- __in REFIID riid,
- __out void **ppFactory
- );
-typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory2)(
- __in UINT flags,
- __in const IID &riid,
- __out void **ppFactory
- );
-#else /* !defined(HEADLESS_APP) */
-typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory)(
- void ** riid,
- void **ppFactory
- );
-typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory1)(
- void ** riid,
- void **ppFactory
- );
-typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory2)(
- UINT flags,
- const IID &riid,
- void **ppFactory
- );
-#endif /* !defined(HEADLESS_APP) */
-// Application usermode callbacks from usermode driver. These
-// functions are all provided by the calling application that uses
-// the filter mode driver
-// IsInitializingDisplay is used at runtime to validate that
-// the created resource (RT or bind_present) matches the resolution
-// of our expected backbuffer. If the application returns true,
-// our usermode driver will convert this to a primary
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IsInitializingDisplay) ( PVOID, UINT, UINT );
-// RiftForContext is a function that will return the Rift device of
-// the concerned context. This is for targeting a particular
-// device instance with a particular Rift for rendering
-typedef ULONG (WINAPI *RiftForContext)( PVOID, HANDLE );
-// CloseRiftForContext is a function that informs the application
-// the created device is shutting down and the context
-// can freedly disassociate with the particular
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CloseRiftForContext)( PVOID, HANDLE, ULONG );
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *WindowDisplayResolution)( PVOID, UINT*, UINT*, UINT*, UINT*, BOOL* );
-// IsCreatingBackBuffer is a function directed at the runtime shim
-// to confirm that the runtime is actively creating the additional
-// swapchain for rotation and display out to the rift.
-// When creating the original swapchain this function should return false
-// so the orignal swapchain isn't inadvertantly coopted.
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IsCreatingBackBuffer)( PVOID );
-// Callback from the usermode driver to obtain the desire to see debug statements from
-// the usermode drivers on the output console. Only called one per usermode driver shim
-// and usermode runtime.
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ShouldEnableDebug)( VOID );
-// Callback from the usermode driver to the runtime obtain the vsync status
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ShouldVSync)( VOID );
-// Callback from usermode mode and runtime driver to obtain expected native width,
-// height and degrees rotation of the rift
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ExpectedResolution)( PVOID, UINT*, UINT*, UINT* );
-// Usermode callback that reports whether or not mirroring is enabled
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MirroringEnabled)( PVOID );
-// Callback from the shim for Unity and other plugins used to
-// report the swapchain that was created by the application
-typedef void* (WINAPI *GetDX11SwapChain)( PVOID );
-// Callback to report the HWND associated with this context
-typedef HWND (WINAPI* GetWindowForContext)( PVOID );
-// Should present Rift on context
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PresentRiftOnContext)( PVOID );
-// Used by a pre-loaded shim (d3d9, dxgi, opengl32) to
-// identify which api version we loaded
-// 1 = OpenGL
-// 9 = DirectX 9
-// 10 = DirectX 1X
-typedef int (WINAPI* ActiveAPIVersion)( PVOID );
-// Get the version of the runtime filter.
-typedef ULONG (WINAPI* GetRTFilterVersion)();
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4201)
- UINT32 version;
- PVOID context;
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- IsInitializingDisplay pfnInitializingDisplay;
- RiftForContext pfnRiftForContext;
- CloseRiftForContext pfnCloseRiftForContext;
- WindowDisplayResolution pfnWindowDisplayResolution;
- IsCreatingBackBuffer pfnIsCreatingBackBuffer;
- ShouldEnableDebug pfnShouldEnableDebug;
- ShouldVSync pfnShouldVSync;
- ExpectedResolution pfnExpectedResolution;
- MirroringEnabled pfnMirroringEnabled;
- GetDX11SwapChain pfnGetDX11SwapChain;
- GetWindowForContext pfnGetWindowForContext;
- PresentRiftOnContext pfnPresentRiftOnContext;
- ActiveAPIVersion pfnActiveAPIVersion;
- };
- PROC placeholders[128];
- };
- // Used by Runtime filter for linking with original libraries
- WinDirect3DCreate9 pfnDirect3DCreate9;
- WinDirect3DCreate9Ex pfnDirect3DCreate9Ex;
- WinCreateDXGIFactory pfnCreateDXGIFactory;
- WinCreateDXGIFactory1 pfnCreateDXGIFactory1;
- WinCreateDXGIFactory2 pfnCreateDXGIFactory2;
-#pragma warning(pop)
-// OVRDisplay.dll functionality
-typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PreloadLibraryFn) ( WinLoadLibraryA , LPCSTR, PLINK_APPLICATION_DRIVER appDriver );
-typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PreloadLibraryRTFn) ( PLINK_APPLICATION_DRIVER appDriver );
-// Structures for UM driver to KM driver
-typedef struct _QUERY_KM_DRIVER
- UINT32 magic; // Friend or foe identifier for our filter driver
- UINT32 maxVidPnSources; // Returns the maximum number of video present network sources
-#ifndef _D3DUKMDT_H_
-typedef struct _HandleNotepad
- // These are assigned around CreateResource
- HANDLE hUsermodeInResource;
- HANDLE hUsermodeOutResource;
- // These are assigned within the kernel with
- // DxgkDdiCreateAllocation and
- // DxgkDdiOpenAllocation
- D3DKMT_HANDLE hAllocation;
- PVOID hDeviceSpecificHandle;
- PVOID hKernelDriverHandle;
- // These are assigned around pfnAllocateCb
- HANDLE hUsermodeSharedResource;
- D3DKMT_HANDLE hKernelModeSharedResource;
- ULONG childUid;
- UINT pitch;
-} HandleNotepad, *PHandleNotepad;
- UINT32 magic; // Friend or foe identifier for our filter driver
- PVOID originalPrivataDataPtr; // Location in usermode of the original private data structure
- UINT originalPrivateSize; // Size of private data structure at the end of this header
- PVOID hAllocationHandle; // User-mode-assigned allocation handle for CreateAllocation
- PVOID hDeviceSpecificHandle; // Assigned in kernal OpenAllocation
- PVOID hInternalHandle; // Assigned in kernal CreateAllocation
- UINT pitch; // Hinted surface pitch
- BYTE originalPrivateData[1]; // Variable length
-typedef struct _ESCAPE_STRUCTURE
- UINT32 magic; // Friend or foe identifier for our filter driver
- UINT32 escapeType; // Specifier for individual type of escape message
- // Type 1 for notepad
- union {
- HandleNotepad notepad;
- };
-// Structures for internal operation of KM driver
-typedef struct _RIFT_SYNC
- ULONG childUid; // ChildUid as reported by RIFT_STATUS
- ULONG vsync; // 1 for vsync, 0 for immediate
-typedef struct _RIFT_MODE
- ULONG childUid; // ChildUid as reported by RIFT_STATUS
- ULONG mode; // Bitmap of mode values, defined by OVR_RIFT_HOME_*
- HANDLE userModeHandle; // Handle of render target created in user mode
- // that's usable as a primary
-typedef struct _RIFT_STATUS
- ULONG childUid; // Display driver assigned Uid for this display
- ULONG mode; // Active rift mode, see OVR_RIFT_MODE_*
- ULONG serialNumber; // Serial number as reported in the Rift's EDID
- ULONG textureHandle; // Handle of shared render resource -- NULL if not shared
-typedef struct _RIFT_STATUS_ARRAY
- ULONG arraySize; // Size of pre-allocated RIFT_STATUS structures.
- RIFT_STATUS status[1]; // Array of status blocks containing connection information on each Rift
-#pragma pack(pop)
-// IOCTL for UM application to KM driver
-#define OVR_STATUS_FAIL -1
-// Returns the number of Rift displays attached to the video adapter
-// If 0, no Rift displays have been connected.
-// If greater than 0, use this size to pre-allocate space for an array
-// of rift statuses
-// Input Buffer: Nothing
-// Output Buffer: LONG - count of Rift displays attached to video adapter
-// Fills out a pre-allocated array with information on the individually attached
-// screens.
-// On Input, specify the arraySize as the size of the allocation.
-// On Output, the arraySize will be updated with the actual number of Rifts
-// reported. Use IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GET_RIFT_COUNT to query the number of Rifts.
-// If the count changes (added or removed) between calls, the function will either fail
-// due to the buffer being too small, or the arraySize count will be updated
-// with a new count of devices along with their respective parameters.
-// Input Buffer: PRIFT_STATUS - Pointer to allocated status array
-// Output Buffer: LONG - Count of Rift displays reported in the structure. -1 if out of
-// memory
-// Changes the mode of an attached Rift (DEPRECATED)
-// Input Buffer: PRIFT_MODE - Pointer to a mode structure specifying the childUid and
-// mode for a particular Rift
-// Output Buffer: LONG - Non-zero on error, 0 on successful mode change
-// Lock the primary of the rift and obtain an address
-// Input Buffer: ULONG - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered
-// Output Buffer: ULONG_PTR - Pointer to a usermode mapped address of the primary
-// Release Rift primary
-// Input Buffer: PULONG_PTR - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered and virtual pointer
-// Output Buffer: NOTHING
-// Point the rift to another render target
-// Input Buffer: PHANDLE - Array of handles, rift and the render target resource
-// Output Buffer: NOTHING
-// Enable or disable vsync on Rift present
-// Input Buffer: PRIFT_SYNC - Pointer to a mode structure specifying the childUid and
-// and sync
-// Output Buffer: NOTHING
-// Get scan line
-// Input Buffer: ULONG - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered
-// Output Buffer: ULONG - 31st bit is set if in vertical blank, high 15 bits has per second
-// frame number (0-74), low 16 bits has scanline (0-1919)
-// Enable or disable compatibility mode. Entering compatibility mode will fail if
-// the Rift is already actively scanning out a surface
-// Input Buffer: LONG - Bit assignments:
-// LSB (bit 0) is a flag for compatibility mode itself.
-// 1 means compatibility mode.
-// 0 means application direct mode.
-// Bit 1 means "Hide DK1's".
-// 1 means operate DK1's in synchronous with the compatibility mode exactly.
-// 0 means operate in DK1 legacy mode.
-// Output Buffer: LONG - Result value (see OVR statuses)
-// 0 = success
-// -1 = general failure
-// -2 = failure, rift scanning out
-// -3 = already active
-// -4 = rift not present
-// Call to obtain the current status of compatibility mode
-// Input Buffer: NOTHING
-// Output Buffer: LONG - Bit assignments:
-// LSB (bit 0) is a flag for compatibility mode itself.
-// 1 means compatibility mode.
-// 0 means application direct mode.
-// Bit 1 means "Hide DK1's".
-// 1 means operate DK1's in synchronous with the compatibility mode exactly.
-// 0 means operate in DK1 legacy mode.
-// Call to set the power mode of a particular Rift
-// Input Buffer: PULONG_PTR - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered and ULONG value
-// second ULONG has value of
-// 0 to simply obtain the power status of the display
-// 1 to set the display into a full power state (needs a primary to fully scan out)
-// 2 to set the display into sleep mode
-// 3 to set the display into full power off mode (WARNING: Will potentially trash primary)
-// Output Buffer: LONG - Result value
-// 0 = Failure to obtain power status
-// 1 = Full power
-// 2 = Sleep
-// 3 = Power off
-// Return the EDID of the display in the output buffer. The driver
-// will copy as many bytes as possible to fill the buffer.
-// Input Buffer: ULONG - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered
-// Output Buffer: PCHAR - Preallocated buffer of a variable size to store the EDID from the display
+/************************************************************************************ + +PublicHeader: None +Filename : dxgi_ovr_filter.h +Content : Shared usermode/kernel mode definitions for IOCTL functionality. + Also used from LibOVR to access the driver. +Created : January 27, 2014 +Authors : Dean Beeler + +Copyright : Copyright 2013 Oculus, LLC. All Rights reserved. + +Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Oculus LLC license +agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which +otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. + +/************************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef OVR_dxgi_ovr_filter_h +#define OVR_dxgi_ovr_filter_h + +#include <Kernel/OVR_Win32_IncludeWindows.h> +#include <InitGuid.h> + +#define USERMODE_TEST_ROTATION 1 + +#if USERMODE_TEST_ROTATION // Used only by the um test application +#define USERMODE_SURFACE_WIDTH 1920 +#define USERMODE_SURFACE_HEIGHT 1080 +#else +#define USERMODE_SURFACE_WIDTH 1080 +#define USERMODE_SURFACE_HEIGHT 1920 +#endif + +#define TEST_ROTATION 0 // Kernel-mode parameters + +#if TEST_ROTATION +#define SURFACE_WIDTH 1920 +#define SURFACE_HEIGHT 1080 +#else +#define SURFACE_WIDTH 1080 +#define SURFACE_HEIGHT 1920 +#endif + +// {46231713-49FD-4922-84E3-9FF907C06803} +DEFINE_GUID(GUID_DEVINTERFACE_OVRRIFTMGR, + 0x46231713, 0x49fd, 0x4922, 0x84, 0xe3, 0x9f, 0xf9, 0x7, 0xc0, 0x68, 0x3); + +#define QUERYADAPTER_MAGICSIZE 17836 +#define QUERYADAPTER_MAGICHEADER 0x4f565246 // OVRF +#define QUERYADAPTER_MAXPATH 2048 + +#define FUNCTION_INDEX 0xb800 + +#pragma pack(push,1) + +#define OVR_RIFT_MODE_OFF 0 // Disabled +#define OVR_RIFT_MODE_ENABLED 1 // Enabled +#define OVR_RIFT_MODE_EXTEND 2 // Extending 2D displays. Without this flag + // 2D displays are disabled when the Rift + // is active +#define OVR_RIFT_MODE_FRONTBUFFER 4 // Enable front buffer only for Rift +#define OVR_RIFT_MODE_LOCKMOUSE 8 // Prevent mouse from entering bounds + +#define OVR_ESCAPE_TYPE_HANDLE 1 // Escape to notify driver of our collected handles + +#define OVR_FlipImmediate 0x2 +#define OVR_FlipOnNextVSync 0x4 + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Structures for application to UM driver + +// Kernel32.dll functionality +typedef HMODULE (WINAPI *WinLoadLibraryA) ( LPCSTR ); +typedef HMODULE (WINAPI *WinLoadLibraryW) ( LPCWSTR ); +typedef HMODULE (WINAPI *WinLoadLibraryExA) ( LPCSTR, HANDLE, DWORD ); +typedef HMODULE (WINAPI *WinLoadLibraryExW) ( LPCWSTR, HANDLE, DWORD ); +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *WinGetModuleHandleExA)( DWORD, LPCSTR, HMODULE* ); +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *WinGetModuleHandleExW)( DWORD, LPCWSTR, HMODULE* ); + +// Overridden DirectX 9 entry points +typedef void* (WINAPI *WinDirect3DCreate9)(UINT SDKVersion); +typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinDirect3DCreate9Ex)(UINT SDKVersion, void** aDevice); + +#if !defined(HEADLESS_APP) + +// Overridden DXGI entry points +typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory)( + __in REFIID riid, + __out void **ppFactory + ); + +typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory1)( + __in REFIID riid, + __out void **ppFactory + ); + +typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory2)( + __in UINT flags, + __in const IID &riid, + __out void **ppFactory + ); + +#else /* !defined(HEADLESS_APP) */ + +typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory)( + void ** riid, + void **ppFactory + ); + +typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory1)( + void ** riid, + void **ppFactory + ); + +typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WinCreateDXGIFactory2)( + UINT flags, + const IID &riid, + void **ppFactory + ); + +#endif /* !defined(HEADLESS_APP) */ + +// Application usermode callbacks from usermode driver. These +// functions are all provided by the calling application that uses +// the filter mode driver + +// IsInitializingDisplay is used at runtime to validate that +// the created resource (RT or bind_present) matches the resolution +// of our expected backbuffer. If the application returns true, +// our usermode driver will convert this to a primary +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IsInitializingDisplay) ( PVOID, UINT, UINT ); +// RiftForContext is a function that will return the Rift device of +// the concerned context. This is for targeting a particular +// device instance with a particular Rift for rendering +typedef ULONG (WINAPI *RiftForContext)( PVOID, HANDLE ); +// CloseRiftForContext is a function that informs the application +// the created device is shutting down and the context +// can freedly disassociate with the particular +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CloseRiftForContext)( PVOID, HANDLE, ULONG ); +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *WindowDisplayResolution)( PVOID, UINT*, UINT*, UINT*, UINT*, BOOL* ); +// IsCreatingBackBuffer is a function directed at the runtime shim +// to confirm that the runtime is actively creating the additional +// swapchain for rotation and display out to the rift. +// When creating the original swapchain this function should return false +// so the orignal swapchain isn't inadvertantly coopted. +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IsCreatingBackBuffer)( PVOID ); +// Callback from the usermode driver to obtain the desire to see debug statements from +// the usermode drivers on the output console. Only called one per usermode driver shim +// and usermode runtime. +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ShouldEnableDebug)( VOID ); +// Callback from the usermode driver to the runtime obtain the vsync status +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ShouldVSync)( VOID ); +// Callback from usermode mode and runtime driver to obtain expected native width, +// height and degrees rotation of the rift +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ExpectedResolution)( PVOID, UINT*, UINT*, UINT* ); +// Usermode callback that reports whether or not mirroring is enabled +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MirroringEnabled)( PVOID ); +// Callback from the shim for Unity and other plugins used to +// report the swapchain that was created by the application +typedef void* (WINAPI *GetDX11SwapChain)( PVOID ); +// Callback to report the HWND associated with this context +typedef HWND (WINAPI* GetWindowForContext)( PVOID ); +// Should present Rift on context +typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PresentRiftOnContext)( PVOID ); +// Used by a pre-loaded shim (d3d9, dxgi, opengl32) to +// identify which api version we loaded +// 1 = OpenGL +// 9 = DirectX 9 +// 10 = DirectX 1X +typedef int (WINAPI* ActiveAPIVersion)( PVOID ); + +// Get the version of the runtime filter. +typedef ULONG (WINAPI* GetRTFilterVersion)(); + +#pragma warning(push) +#pragma warning(disable: 4201) + +typedef struct _LINK_APPLICATION_DRIVER +{ + UINT32 version; + PVOID context; + + union + { + struct + { + IsInitializingDisplay pfnInitializingDisplay; + RiftForContext pfnRiftForContext; + CloseRiftForContext pfnCloseRiftForContext; + WindowDisplayResolution pfnWindowDisplayResolution; + IsCreatingBackBuffer pfnIsCreatingBackBuffer; + ShouldEnableDebug pfnShouldEnableDebug; + ShouldVSync pfnShouldVSync; + ExpectedResolution pfnExpectedResolution; + MirroringEnabled pfnMirroringEnabled; + GetDX11SwapChain pfnGetDX11SwapChain; + GetWindowForContext pfnGetWindowForContext; + PresentRiftOnContext pfnPresentRiftOnContext; + ActiveAPIVersion pfnActiveAPIVersion; + }; + + PROC placeholders[128]; + }; + + + // Used by Runtime filter for linking with original libraries + WinDirect3DCreate9 pfnDirect3DCreate9; + WinDirect3DCreate9Ex pfnDirect3DCreate9Ex; + WinCreateDXGIFactory pfnCreateDXGIFactory; + WinCreateDXGIFactory1 pfnCreateDXGIFactory1; + WinCreateDXGIFactory2 pfnCreateDXGIFactory2; +} LINK_APPLICATION_DRIVER, *PLINK_APPLICATION_DRIVER; + +#pragma warning(pop) + + +// OVRDisplay.dll functionality +typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PreloadLibraryFn) ( WinLoadLibraryA , LPCSTR, PLINK_APPLICATION_DRIVER appDriver ); +typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PreloadLibraryRTFn) ( PLINK_APPLICATION_DRIVER appDriver ); + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Structures for UM driver to KM driver + +typedef struct _QUERY_KM_DRIVER +{ + UINT32 magic; // Friend or foe identifier for our filter driver + // See: QUERYADAPTER_MAGICHEADER + UINT32 maxVidPnSources; // Returns the maximum number of video present network sources +} QUERY_KM_DRIVER, *PQUERY_KM_DRIVER; + +#ifndef _D3DUKMDT_H_ +typedef UINT D3DKMT_HANDLE; +#endif + +typedef struct _HandleNotepad +{ + // These are assigned around CreateResource + HANDLE hUsermodeInResource; + HANDLE hUsermodeOutResource; + + // These are assigned within the kernel with + // DxgkDdiCreateAllocation and + // DxgkDdiOpenAllocation + D3DKMT_HANDLE hAllocation; + PVOID hDeviceSpecificHandle; + PVOID hKernelDriverHandle; + + // These are assigned around pfnAllocateCb + HANDLE hUsermodeSharedResource; + D3DKMT_HANDLE hKernelModeSharedResource; + + ULONG childUid; + + UINT pitch; + +} HandleNotepad, *PHandleNotepad; + + +typedef struct _ALLOC_PRIVATE_STRUCTURE +{ + UINT32 magic; // Friend or foe identifier for our filter driver + + PVOID originalPrivataDataPtr; // Location in usermode of the original private data structure + UINT originalPrivateSize; // Size of private data structure at the end of this header + + PVOID hAllocationHandle; // User-mode-assigned allocation handle for CreateAllocation + PVOID hDeviceSpecificHandle; // Assigned in kernal OpenAllocation + PVOID hInternalHandle; // Assigned in kernal CreateAllocation + UINT pitch; // Hinted surface pitch + + BYTE originalPrivateData[1]; // Variable length + + +} ALLOC_PRIVATE_STRUCTURE, *PALLOC_PRIVATE_STRUCTURE; + +typedef struct _ESCAPE_STRUCTURE +{ + UINT32 magic; // Friend or foe identifier for our filter driver + + UINT32 escapeType; // Specifier for individual type of escape message + // Type 1 for notepad + union { + HandleNotepad notepad; + }; +} ESCAPE_STRUCTURE, *PESCAPE_STRUCTURE; + +// Structures for internal operation of KM driver + +typedef struct _RIFT_SYNC +{ + ULONG childUid; // ChildUid as reported by RIFT_STATUS + ULONG vsync; // 1 for vsync, 0 for immediate +} RIFT_SYNC, *PRIFT_SYNC; + +typedef struct _RIFT_MODE +{ + ULONG childUid; // ChildUid as reported by RIFT_STATUS + ULONG mode; // Bitmap of mode values, defined by OVR_RIFT_HOME_* + HANDLE userModeHandle; // Handle of render target created in user mode + // that's usable as a primary +} RIFT_MODE, *PRIFT_MODE; + +typedef struct _RIFT_STATUS +{ + ULONG childUid; // Display driver assigned Uid for this display + ULONG mode; // Active rift mode, see OVR_RIFT_MODE_* + ULONG serialNumber; // Serial number as reported in the Rift's EDID + ULONG textureHandle; // Handle of shared render resource -- NULL if not shared +} RIFT_STATUS, *PRIFT_STATUS; + +typedef struct _RIFT_STATUS_ARRAY +{ + ULONG arraySize; // Size of pre-allocated RIFT_STATUS structures. + RIFT_STATUS status[1]; // Array of status blocks containing connection information on each Rift +} RIFT_STATUS_ARRAY, *PRIFT_STATUS_ARRAY; + +#pragma pack(pop) + +// IOCTL for UM application to KM driver + +#define OVR_STATUS_SUCCESS 0 +#define OVR_STATUS_FAIL -1 +#define OVR_STATUS_DRIVER_IN_USE -2 +#define OVR_STATUS_MODE_ALREADY_ACTIVE -3 +#define OVR_STATUS_RIFT_NOT_PRESENT -4 + +// +// Returns the number of Rift displays attached to the video adapter +// If 0, no Rift displays have been connected. +// If greater than 0, use this size to pre-allocate space for an array +// of rift statuses +// +// Input Buffer: Nothing +// Output Buffer: LONG - count of Rift displays attached to video adapter +// +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GET_RIFT_COUNT CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// +// Fills out a pre-allocated array with information on the individually attached +// screens. +// +// On Input, specify the arraySize as the size of the allocation. +// +// On Output, the arraySize will be updated with the actual number of Rifts +// reported. Use IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GET_RIFT_COUNT to query the number of Rifts. +// If the count changes (added or removed) between calls, the function will either fail +// due to the buffer being too small, or the arraySize count will be updated +// with a new count of devices along with their respective parameters. +// +// Input Buffer: PRIFT_STATUS - Pointer to allocated status array +// Output Buffer: LONG - Count of Rift displays reported in the structure. -1 if out of +// memory +// +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GET_RIFT_ARRAY CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 1, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Changes the mode of an attached Rift (DEPRECATED) +// Input Buffer: PRIFT_MODE - Pointer to a mode structure specifying the childUid and +// mode for a particular Rift +// Output Buffer: LONG - Non-zero on error, 0 on successful mode change +// +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_SET_RIFT_MODE CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 2, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Lock the primary of the rift and obtain an address +// Input Buffer: ULONG - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered +// Output Buffer: ULONG_PTR - Pointer to a usermode mapped address of the primary +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GET_RIFT_PRIMARY CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 3, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Release Rift primary +// Input Buffer: PULONG_PTR - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered and virtual pointer +// Output Buffer: NOTHING +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_RELEASE_RIFT_PRIMARY CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 4, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + + +// Point the rift to another render target +// Input Buffer: PHANDLE - Array of handles, rift and the render target resource +// Output Buffer: NOTHING +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_SETRIFTBUFFER CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 5, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Enable or disable vsync on Rift present +// Input Buffer: PRIFT_SYNC - Pointer to a mode structure specifying the childUid and +// and sync +// Output Buffer: NOTHING +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_SETVSYNCMODE CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 6, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Get scan line +// Input Buffer: ULONG - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered +// Output Buffer: ULONG - 31st bit is set if in vertical blank, high 15 bits has per second +// frame number (0-74), low 16 bits has scanline (0-1919) +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GETSCANLINE CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 7, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Enable or disable compatibility mode. Entering compatibility mode will fail if +// the Rift is already actively scanning out a surface +// Input Buffer: LONG - Bit assignments: +// LSB (bit 0) is a flag for compatibility mode itself. +// 1 means compatibility mode. +// 0 means application direct mode. +// Bit 1 means "Hide DK1's". +// 1 means operate DK1's in synchronous with the compatibility mode exactly. +// 0 means operate in DK1 legacy mode. +// Output Buffer: LONG - Result value (see OVR statuses) +// 0 = success +// -1 = general failure +// -2 = failure, rift scanning out +// -3 = already active +// -4 = rift not present +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_SETCOMPATIBILITYMODE CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 8, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Call to obtain the current status of compatibility mode +// Input Buffer: NOTHING +// Output Buffer: LONG - Bit assignments: +// LSB (bit 0) is a flag for compatibility mode itself. +// 1 means compatibility mode. +// 0 means application direct mode. +// Bit 1 means "Hide DK1's". +// 1 means operate DK1's in synchronous with the compatibility mode exactly. +// 0 means operate in DK1 legacy mode. +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GETCOMPATIBILITYMODE CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 9, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Call to set the power mode of a particular Rift +// Input Buffer: PULONG_PTR - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered and ULONG value +// second ULONG has value of +// 0 to simply obtain the power status of the display +// 1 to set the display into a full power state (needs a primary to fully scan out) +// 2 to set the display into sleep mode +// 3 to set the display into full power off mode (WARNING: Will potentially trash primary) +// Output Buffer: LONG - Result value +// 0 = Failure to obtain power status +// 1 = Full power +// 2 = Sleep +// 3 = Power off +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_DISPLAYPOWER CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 10, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Return the EDID of the display in the output buffer. The driver +// will copy as many bytes as possible to fill the buffer. +// Input Buffer: ULONG - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered +// Output Buffer: PCHAR - Preallocated buffer of a variable size to store the EDID from the display +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GETEDID CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 11, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_WAITFORVSYNC CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 12, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Return information about the currently scanned out frame to the rift +// Input Buffer: ULONG - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered +// Output Buffer: UINT64[2] - Preallocated buffer of 2 UINT64s to hold CurrentFrameIndex & QPC time of current scan out start +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GETCURRENTFRAMEINFO CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 13, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +// Return the kernel index of the adapter that the rift is connected to +// Input Buffer: ULONG - ChildUid of a Rift as previously discovered +// Output Buffer: ULONG - The kernel adapter index +#define IOCTL_RIFTMGR_GETRIFTADAPTERID CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO, \ + FUNCTION_INDEX + 14, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) + +#endif |