path: root/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-28 01:43:35 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-28 01:43:35 +0100
commit4207f9c279e832e3afcb3f5fc6cd8d84cb4cfe4c (patch)
treecf3671058d55b47ab6cb6f36f369928606137628 /LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h
parentc29cd1a2fbff6282bab956ad61661ac9d48c4e6e (diff)
Bump OculusVR RIFT SDK to
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h
index f002d14..cea2261 100644..100755
--- a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h
@@ -29,7 +29,11 @@ limitations under the License.
#include "Sensors/OVR_DeviceConstants.h"
#include "Displays/OVR_Display.h"
+#include "Vision/SensorFusion/Vision_SensorStateReader.h"
#include "OVR_Profile.h"
+#include "OVR_CAPI.h" // ovrDistortionMesh
+#include "OVR_StereoProjection.h"
// CAPI Forward declaration.
typedef struct ovrFovPort_ ovrFovPort;
@@ -41,117 +45,6 @@ class SensorDevice; // Opaque forward declaration
-// ***** Stereo Enumerations
-// StereoEye specifies which eye we are rendering for; it is used to
-// retrieve StereoEyeParams.
-enum StereoEye
- StereoEye_Center,
- StereoEye_Left,
- StereoEye_Right
-// ***** FovPort
-// FovPort describes Field Of View (FOV) of a viewport.
-// This class has values for up, down, left and right, stored in
-// tangent of the angle units to simplify calculations.
-// As an example, for a standard 90 degree vertical FOV, we would
-// have: { UpTan = tan(90 degrees / 2), DownTan = tan(90 degrees / 2) }.
-// CreateFromRadians/Degrees helper functions can be used to
-// access FOV in different units.
-struct FovPort
- float UpTan;
- float DownTan;
- float LeftTan;
- float RightTan;
- FovPort ( float sideTan = 0.0f ) :
- UpTan(sideTan), DownTan(sideTan), LeftTan(sideTan), RightTan(sideTan) { }
- FovPort ( float u, float d, float l, float r ) :
- UpTan(u), DownTan(d), LeftTan(l), RightTan(r) { }
- // C-interop support: FovPort <-> ovrFovPort (implementation in OVR_CAPI.cpp).
- FovPort(const ovrFovPort& src);
- operator ovrFovPort () const;
- static FovPort CreateFromRadians(float horizontalFov, float verticalFov)
- {
- FovPort result;
- result.UpTan = tanf ( verticalFov * 0.5f );
- result.DownTan = tanf ( verticalFov * 0.5f );
- result.LeftTan = tanf ( horizontalFov * 0.5f );
- result.RightTan = tanf ( horizontalFov * 0.5f );
- return result;
- }
- static FovPort CreateFromDegrees(float horizontalFovDegrees,
- float verticalFovDegrees)
- {
- return CreateFromRadians(DegreeToRad(horizontalFovDegrees),
- DegreeToRad(verticalFovDegrees));
- }
- // Get Horizontal/Vertical components of Fov in radians.
- float GetVerticalFovRadians() const { return atanf(UpTan) + atanf(DownTan); }
- float GetHorizontalFovRadians() const { return atanf(LeftTan) + atanf(RightTan); }
- // Get Horizontal/Vertical components of Fov in degrees.
- float GetVerticalFovDegrees() const { return RadToDegree(GetVerticalFovRadians()); }
- float GetHorizontalFovDegrees() const { return RadToDegree(GetHorizontalFovRadians()); }
- // Compute maximum tangent value among all four sides.
- float GetMaxSideTan() const
- {
- return Alg::Max(Alg::Max(UpTan, DownTan), Alg::Max(LeftTan, RightTan));
- }
- // Converts Fov Tan angle units to [-1,1] render target NDC space
- Vector2f TanAngleToRendertargetNDC(Vector2f const &tanEyeAngle);
- // Compute per-channel minimum and maximum of Fov.
- static FovPort Min(const FovPort& a, const FovPort& b)
- {
- FovPort fov( Alg::Min( a.UpTan , b.UpTan ),
- Alg::Min( a.DownTan , b.DownTan ),
- Alg::Min( a.LeftTan , b.LeftTan ),
- Alg::Min( a.RightTan, b.RightTan ) );
- return fov;
- }
- static FovPort Max(const FovPort& a, const FovPort& b)
- {
- FovPort fov( Alg::Max( a.UpTan , b.UpTan ),
- Alg::Max( a.DownTan , b.DownTan ),
- Alg::Max( a.LeftTan , b.LeftTan ),
- Alg::Max( a.RightTan, b.RightTan ) );
- return fov;
- }
-// ***** ScaleAndOffset
-struct ScaleAndOffset2D
- Vector2f Scale;
- Vector2f Offset;
- ScaleAndOffset2D(float sx = 0.0f, float sy = 0.0f, float ox = 0.0f, float oy = 0.0f)
- : Scale(sx, sy), Offset(ox, oy)
- { }
// ***** Misc. utility functions.
// Inputs are 4 points (pFitX[0],pFitY[0]) through (pFitX[3],pFitY[3])
@@ -285,8 +178,8 @@ struct DistortionRenderDesc
// Set update mode: Stereo (both sides together), mono (same in both eyes),
// Alternating, Alternating scan-lines.
-// Win32 Oculus VR Display Driver Shim Information
-struct Win32ShimInfo
+// Oculus VR Display Driver Shim Information
+struct ExtraMonitorInfo
int DeviceNumber;
int NativeWidth;
@@ -294,11 +187,11 @@ struct Win32ShimInfo
int Rotation;
int UseMirroring;
- Win32ShimInfo() :
- DeviceNumber(-1),
- NativeWidth(-1),
- NativeHeight(-1),
- Rotation(-1),
+ ExtraMonitorInfo() :
+ DeviceNumber(0),
+ NativeWidth(1920),
+ NativeHeight(1080),
+ Rotation(0),
@@ -315,6 +208,7 @@ public:
// Characteristics of the HMD screen and enclosure
HmdTypeEnum HmdType;
+ bool DebugDevice; // Indicates if the HMD is a virtual debug device, such as when there is no HMD present.
Size<int> ResolutionInPixels;
Size<float> ScreenSizeInMeters;
float ScreenGapSizeInMeters;
@@ -323,7 +217,6 @@ public:
Vector2f PelOffsetR; // Offsets from the green pel in pixels (i.e. usual values are 0.5 or 0.333)
Vector2f PelOffsetB;
// Timing & shutter data. All values in seconds.
struct ShutterInfo
@@ -342,7 +235,7 @@ public:
// Windows:
// "\\\\.\\DISPLAY3", etc. Can be used in EnumDisplaySettings/CreateDC.
String DisplayDeviceName;
- Win32ShimInfo ShimInfo;
+ ExtraMonitorInfo ShimInfo;
// MacOS:
int DisplayId;
@@ -370,6 +263,7 @@ public:
+ DebugDevice(false),
@@ -409,6 +303,7 @@ public:
Manufacturer = src.Manufacturer;
Version = src.Version;
HmdType = src.HmdType;
+ DebugDevice = src.DebugDevice;
ResolutionInPixels = src.ResolutionInPixels;
ScreenSizeInMeters = src.ScreenSizeInMeters;
ScreenGapSizeInMeters = src.ScreenGapSizeInMeters;
@@ -475,6 +370,13 @@ struct HmdRenderInfo
Vector2f PelOffsetR; // Offsets from the green pel in pixels (i.e. usual values are 0.5 or 0.333)
Vector2f PelOffsetB;
+ // Display is rotated 0/90/180/270 degrees counter-clockwise?
+ int Rotation;
+ // Some displays scan out in different directions, so this flag can be used to change
+ // where we render the latency test pixel.
+ bool OffsetLatencyTester;
// Characteristics of the lenses.
float CenterFromTopInMeters;
float LensSeparationInMeters;
@@ -491,7 +393,7 @@ struct HmdRenderInfo
float FirstScanlineToLastScanline; // for global shutter, will be zero.
float PixelSettleTime; // estimated.
float PixelPersistence; // Full persistence = 1/framerate.
- } Shutter;
+ } Shutter;
// These are all set from the user's profile.
@@ -520,6 +422,8 @@ struct HmdRenderInfo
LensSurfaceToMidplateInMeters = 0.0f;
PelOffsetR = Vector2f ( 0.0f, 0.0f );
PelOffsetB = Vector2f ( 0.0f, 0.0f );
+ Rotation = 0;
+ OffsetLatencyTester = false;
Shutter.Type = HmdShutter_LAST;
Shutter.VsyncToNextVsync = 0.0f;
Shutter.VsyncToFirstScanline = 0.0f;
@@ -547,6 +451,30 @@ struct HmdRenderInfo
+// ProfileRenderInfo
+// Render-related information from the user profile.
+struct ProfileRenderInfo
+ // Type of eye cup on the headset
+ // ie. "A", "Orange A"
+ String EyeCupType;
+ // IPD/2 offset for each eye
+ float Eye2Nose[2];
+ // Eye to plate distance for each eye
+ float Eye2Plate[2];
+ // Eye relief dial
+ int EyeReliefDial;
+ ProfileRenderInfo();
// Stateless computation functions, in somewhat recommended execution order.
@@ -558,12 +486,16 @@ const float OVR_DEFAULT_EXTRA_EYE_ROTATION = 30.0f * MATH_FLOAT_DEGREETORADFACTO
// Useful for development without an actual HMD attached.
HMDInfo CreateDebugHMDInfo(HmdTypeEnum hmdType);
+// Fills in a render info object from a user Profile object.
+// It may need to fill in some defaults, so it also takes in the HMD type.
+ProfileRenderInfo GenerateProfileRenderInfoFromProfile( HMDInfo const& hmdInfo,
+ Profile const* profile );
// profile may be NULL, in which case it uses the hard-coded defaults.
// distortionType should be left at the default unless you require something specific for your distortion shaders.
// eyeCupOverride can be EyeCup_LAST, in which case it uses the one in the profile.
HmdRenderInfo GenerateHmdRenderInfoFromHmdInfo ( HMDInfo const &hmdInfo,
- Profile const *profile = NULL,
+ ProfileRenderInfo const& profileRenderInfo,
DistortionEqnType distortionType = Distortion_CatmullRom10,
EyeCupType eyeCupOverride = EyeCup_LAST );
@@ -594,17 +526,6 @@ Sizei CalculateIdealPixelSize ( StereoEye eyeType, DistortionRende
Recti GetFramebufferViewport ( StereoEye eyeType, HmdRenderInfo const &hmd );
-Matrix4f CreateProjection ( bool rightHanded, FovPort fov,
- float zNear = 0.01f, float zFar = 10000.0f );
-Matrix4f CreateOrthoSubProjection ( bool rightHanded, StereoEye eyeType,
- float tanHalfFovX, float tanHalfFovY,
- float unitsX, float unitsY, float distanceFromCamera,
- float interpupillaryDistance, Matrix4f const &projection,
- float zNear = 0.0f, float zFar = 0.0f );
-ScaleAndOffset2D CreateNDCScaleAndOffsetFromFov ( FovPort fov );
ScaleAndOffset2D CreateUVScaleAndOffsetfromNDCScaleandOffset ( ScaleAndOffset2D scaleAndOffsetNDC,
Recti renderedViewport,
Sizei renderTargetSize );
@@ -676,6 +597,97 @@ inline Vector2f TransformTanFovSpaceToRendertargetNDC ( StereoEyeParams const &e
return TransformTanFovSpaceToRendertargetNDC ( eyeParams.EyeToSourceNDC, tanEyeAngle );
+// CalculateOrientationTimewarpMatrix
+// For Orientation-only Timewarp, the inputs are quaternions and the output is
+// a transform matrix. The matrix may need to be transposed depending on which
+// renderer is used. This function produces one compatible with D3D11.
+// eye: Input quaternion of EyeRenderPose.Orientation inverted.
+// pred: Input quaternion of predicted eye pose at scanout.
+// M: Output D3D11-compatible transform matrix for the Timewarp shader.
+void CalculateOrientationTimewarpMatrix(Quatf const & eye, Quatf const & pred, Matrix4f& M);
+// CalculatePositionalTimewarpMatrix
+// The matrix may need to be transposed depending on which
+// renderer is used. This function produces one compatible with D3D11.
+// renderFromEyeInverted: Input render transform from eye inverted.
+// hmdPose: Input predicted head pose from HMD tracking code.
+// extraEyeOffset: Input extra eye position offset applied to calculations.
+// M: Output D3D11-compatible transform matrix for the Timewarp shader.
+void CalculatePositionalTimewarpMatrix(Posef const & renderFromEyeInverted, Posef const & hmdPose,
+ Vector3f const & extraEyeOffset, Matrix4f& M);
+// CalculateTimewarpFromSensors
+// Read current pose from sensors and construct timewarp matrices for start/end
+// predicted poses.
+// hmdPose: RenderPose eye quaternion, *not* inverted.
+// reader: the tracking state
+// poseInFaceSpace: true if the pose supplied is stuck-to-your-face rather than fixed-in-place
+// calcPosition: true if the position part of the result is actually used (false = orientation only)
+// hmdToEyeViewOffset: offset from the HMD "middle eye" to actual eye.
+// startEndTimes: start and end times of the screen - typically fed direct from Timing->GetTimewarpTiming()->EyeStartEndTimes[eyeNum]
+// Results:
+// startEndMatrices: Timewarp matrices for the start and end times respectively.
+// timewarpIMUTime: On success it contains the raw IMU sample time for the pose.
+// Returns false on failure to read state.
+bool CalculateTimewarpFromSensors(Posef const & hmdPose,
+ Vision::TrackingStateReader* reader,
+ bool poseInFaceSpace,
+ bool calcPosition,
+ ovrVector3f const &hmdToEyeViewOffset,
+ const double startEndTimes[2],
+ Matrix4f startEndMatrices[2],
+ double& timewarpIMUTime);
+// Orientation-only version.
+bool CalculateOrientationTimewarpFromSensors(Quatf const & eyeQuat,
+ Vision::TrackingStateReader* reader,
+ const double startEndTimes[2], Matrix4f startEndMatrices[2],
+ double& timewarpIMUTime);
+// CalculateEyeTimewarpTimes
+// Given the scanout start time, duration of scanout, and shutter type, this
+// function returns the timewarp left/right eye start and end prediction times.
+void CalculateEyeTimewarpTimes(double scanoutStartTime, double scanoutDuration,
+ HmdShutterTypeEnum shutterType,
+ double leftEyeStartEndTime[2], double rightEyeStartEndTime[2]);
+// CalculateEyeRenderTimes
+// Given the scanout start time, duration of scanout, and shutter type, this
+// function returns the left/right eye render times.
+void CalculateEyeRenderTimes(double scanoutStartTime, double scanoutDuration,
+ HmdShutterTypeEnum shutterType,
+ double& leftEyeRenderTime, double& rightEyeRenderTime);
+// CalculateDistortionMeshFromFOV
+// This function fills in the target meshData object given the provided
+// parameters, for a single specified eye.
+// Returns false on failure.
+bool CalculateDistortionMeshFromFOV(HmdRenderInfo const & renderInfo,
+ DistortionRenderDesc const & distortionDesc,
+ StereoEye stereoEye, FovPort fov,
+ unsigned distortionCaps,
+ ovrDistortionMesh *meshData);
} //namespace OVR
#endif // OVR_Stereo_h