path: root/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorImpl.h
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authorSven Gothel <sgothel@jausoft.com>2015-03-21 23:01:12 +0100
committerSven Gothel <sgothel@jausoft.com>2015-03-21 23:01:12 +0100
commit0c5c4be020c2d55540058a49b2a879f46d5a1e13 (patch)
tree00f84c2ca18cc233b826014094b9cad0769a3ea5 /LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorImpl.h
parentcbbd775b6c754927632c333ff01424a0d2048c7c (diff)
parente490c3c7f7bb5461cfa78a214827aa534fb43a3e (diff)
Merge branch 'vanilla_0.4.4' and resolve conflicts
TODO: Validate for removed patches due to relocation Resolved Conflicts: LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_ThreadsWinAPI.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Linux_HMDDevice.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_OSX_HMDDevice.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Sensor2Impl.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorImpl.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_DeviceStatus.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.h LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HMDDevice.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorImpl.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorImpl.h b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorImpl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f53b831..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorImpl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-Filename : OVR_SensorImpl.h
-Content : Sensor device specific implementation.
-Created : March 7, 2013
-Authors : Lee Cooper
-Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License");
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#ifndef OVR_SensorImpl_h
-#define OVR_SensorImpl_h
-#include "OVR_HIDDeviceImpl.h"
-#include "OVR_SensorTimeFilter.h"
-#include "OVR_Device.h"
-#include "OVR_PhoneSensors.h"
-namespace OVR {
-struct TrackerMessage;
-class ExternalVisitor;
-// SensorDeviceFactory enumerates Oculus Sensor devices.
-class SensorDeviceFactory : public DeviceFactory
- static SensorDeviceFactory &GetInstance();
- // Enumerates devices, creating and destroying relevant objects in manager.
- virtual void EnumerateDevices(EnumerateVisitor& visitor);
- virtual bool MatchVendorProduct(UInt16 vendorId, UInt16 productId) const;
- virtual bool DetectHIDDevice(DeviceManager* pdevMgr, const HIDDeviceDesc& desc);
- DeviceManager* getManager() const { return (DeviceManager*) pManager; }
-// Describes a single a Oculus Sensor device and supports creating its instance.
-class SensorDeviceCreateDesc : public HIDDeviceCreateDesc
- SensorDeviceCreateDesc(DeviceFactory* factory, const HIDDeviceDesc& hidDesc)
- : HIDDeviceCreateDesc(factory, Device_Sensor, hidDesc) { }
- virtual DeviceCreateDesc* Clone() const
- {
- return new SensorDeviceCreateDesc(*this);
- }
- virtual DeviceBase* NewDeviceInstance();
- virtual MatchResult MatchDevice(const DeviceCreateDesc& other,
- DeviceCreateDesc**) const
- {
- if ((other.Type == Device_Sensor) && (pFactory == other.pFactory))
- {
- const SensorDeviceCreateDesc& s2 = (const SensorDeviceCreateDesc&) other;
- if (MatchHIDDevice(s2.HIDDesc))
- return Match_Found;
- }
- return Match_None;
- }
- virtual bool MatchHIDDevice(const HIDDeviceDesc& hidDesc) const
- {
- // should paths comparison be case insensitive?
- return ((HIDDesc.Path.CompareNoCase(hidDesc.Path) == 0) &&
- (HIDDesc.SerialNumber == hidDesc.SerialNumber) &&
- (HIDDesc.VersionNumber == hidDesc.VersionNumber));
- }
- virtual bool GetDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo* info) const;
-// A simple stub for notification of a sensor in Boot Loader mode
-// This descriptor does not support the creation of a device, only the detection
-// of its existence to warn apps that the sensor device needs firmware.
-// The Boot Loader descriptor reuses and is created by the Sensor device factory
-// but in the future may use a dedicated factory
-class BootLoaderDeviceCreateDesc : public HIDDeviceCreateDesc
- BootLoaderDeviceCreateDesc(DeviceFactory* factory, const HIDDeviceDesc& hidDesc)
- : HIDDeviceCreateDesc(factory, Device_BootLoader, hidDesc) { }
- virtual DeviceCreateDesc* Clone() const
- {
- return new BootLoaderDeviceCreateDesc(*this);
- }
- // Boot Loader device creation is not allowed
- virtual DeviceBase* NewDeviceInstance() { return NULL; };
- virtual MatchResult MatchDevice(const DeviceCreateDesc& other,
- DeviceCreateDesc**) const
- {
- if ((other.Type == Device_BootLoader) && (pFactory == other.pFactory))
- {
- const BootLoaderDeviceCreateDesc& s2 = (const BootLoaderDeviceCreateDesc&) other;
- if (MatchHIDDevice(s2.HIDDesc))
- return Match_Found;
- }
- return Match_None;
- }
- virtual bool MatchHIDDevice(const HIDDeviceDesc& hidDesc) const
- {
- // should paths comparison be case insensitive?
- return ((HIDDesc.Path.CompareNoCase(hidDesc.Path) == 0) &&
- (HIDDesc.SerialNumber == hidDesc.SerialNumber));
- }
- virtual bool GetDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo* info) const
- {
- OVR_UNUSED(info);
- return false;
- }
-// ***** OVR::SensorDisplayInfoImpl
-// DisplayInfo obtained from sensor; these values are used to report distortion
-// settings and other coefficients.
-// Older SensorDisplayInfo will have all zeros, causing the library to apply hard-coded defaults.
-// Currently, only resolutions and sizes are used.
-struct SensorDisplayInfoImpl
- enum { PacketSize = 56 };
- UByte Buffer[PacketSize];
- enum
- {
- Mask_BaseFmt = 0x0f,
- Mask_OptionFmts = 0xf0,
- Base_None = 0,
- Base_ScreenOnly = 1,
- Base_Distortion = 2,
- };
- UInt16 CommandId;
- UByte DistortionType;
- UInt16 HResolution, VResolution;
- float HScreenSize, VScreenSize;
- float VCenter;
- float LensSeparation;
- // Currently these values are not well-measured.
- float OutsideLensSurfaceToScreen[2];
- // TODO: add DistortionEqn
- // TODO: currently these values are all zeros and the
- // distortion is hard-coded in HMDDeviceCreateDesc::GetDeviceInfo()
- float DistortionK[6];
- SensorDisplayInfoImpl();
- void Unpack();
-// ***** OVR::SensorDeviceImpl
-// Oculus Sensor interface.
-class SensorDeviceImpl : public HIDDeviceImpl<OVR::SensorDevice>
- SensorDeviceImpl(SensorDeviceCreateDesc* createDesc);
- ~SensorDeviceImpl();
- // DeviceCommaon interface
- virtual bool Initialize(DeviceBase* parent);
- virtual void Shutdown();
- virtual void AddMessageHandler(MessageHandler* handler);
- // HIDDevice::Notifier interface.
- virtual void OnInputReport(UByte* pData, UInt32 length);
- virtual double OnTicks(double tickSeconds);
- // HMD-Mounted sensor has a different coordinate frame.
- virtual void SetCoordinateFrame(CoordinateFrame coordframe);
- virtual CoordinateFrame GetCoordinateFrame() const;
- // SensorDevice interface
- virtual bool SetRange(const SensorRange& range, bool waitFlag);
- virtual void GetRange(SensorRange* range) const;
- virtual void GetFactoryCalibration(Vector3f* AccelOffset, Vector3f* GyroOffset,
- Matrix4f* AccelMatrix, Matrix4f* GyroMatrix,
- float* Temperature);
- virtual void SetOnboardCalibrationEnabled(bool enabled);
- virtual bool IsMagCalibrated();
- // Sets report rate (in Hz) of MessageBodyFrame messages (delivered through MessageHandler::OnMessage call).
- // Currently supported maximum rate is 1000Hz. If the rate is set to 500 or 333 Hz then OnMessage will be
- // called twice or thrice at the same 'tick'.
- // If the rate is < 333 then the OnMessage / MessageBodyFrame will be called three
- // times for each 'tick': the first call will contain averaged values, the second
- // and third calls will provide with most recent two recorded samples.
- virtual void SetReportRate(unsigned rateHz);
- // Returns currently set report rate, in Hz. If 0 - error occurred.
- // Note, this value may be different from the one provided for SetReportRate. The return
- // value will contain the actual rate.
- virtual unsigned GetReportRate() const;
- bool SetSerialReport(const SerialReport& data);
- bool GetSerialReport(SerialReport* data);
- // Hack to create HMD device from sensor display info.
- static void EnumerateHMDFromSensorDisplayInfo(const SensorDisplayInfoImpl& displayInfo,
- DeviceFactory::EnumerateVisitor& visitor);
- // These methods actually store data in a JSON file
- virtual bool SetMagCalibrationReport(const MagCalibrationReport& data);
- virtual bool GetMagCalibrationReport(MagCalibrationReport* data);
- virtual void openDevice();
- void closeDeviceOnError();
- Void setCoordinateFrame(CoordinateFrame coordframe);
- bool setRange(const SensorRange& range);
- Void setReportRate(unsigned rateHz);
- Void setOnboardCalibrationEnabled(bool enabled);
- bool setSerialReport(const SerialReport& data);
- bool getSerialReport(SerialReport* data);
- // Called for decoded messages
- void onTrackerMessage(TrackerMessage* message);
- bool decodeTrackerMessage(TrackerMessage* message, UByte* buffer, int size);
- // Helpers to reduce casting.
- SensorDeviceCreateDesc* getCreateDesc() const
- { return (SensorDeviceCreateDesc*)pCreateDesc.GetPtr(); }
- HIDDeviceDesc* getHIDDesc() const
- { return &getCreateDesc()->HIDDesc; }
- // Set if the sensor is located on the HMD.
- // Older prototype firmware doesn't support changing HW coordinates,
- // so we track its state.
- CoordinateFrame Coordinates;
- CoordinateFrame HWCoordinates;
- double NextKeepAliveTickSeconds;
- bool SequenceValid;
- UInt16 LastTimestamp;
- UByte LastSampleCount;
- float LastTemperature;
- Vector3f LastAcceleration;
- Vector3f LastRotationRate;
- Vector3f LastMagneticField;
- // This tracks wrap around, and should be monotonically increasing.
- UInt32 FullTimestamp;
- // Current sensor range obtained from device.
- SensorRange MaxValidRange;
- SensorRange CurrentRange;
- // IMU calibration obtained from device.
- Vector3f AccelCalibrationOffset;
- Vector3f GyroCalibrationOffset;
- Matrix4f AccelCalibrationMatrix;
- Matrix4f GyroCalibrationMatrix;
- float CalibrationTemperature;
- UInt16 OldCommandId;
- SensorTimeFilter TimeFilter;
- double PrevAbsoluteTime;
- void replaceWithPhoneMag(Vector3f* val);
- PhoneSensors* pPhoneSensors;
- Matrix4f magCalibration;
- bool magCalibrated;
-} // namespace OVR
-#endif // OVR_SensorImpl_h