path: root/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_Atomic.h
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-28 02:08:11 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-28 02:08:11 +0100
commit450aa6f7df9e67dd256b86f94e65eaf707032aad (patch)
tree04aa207d84ddc8ca246d2573aaaf756b3ce8a0b5 /LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_Atomic.h
parent3c7b8a17e907f4ef2afd9f77db566a3f6179cbe4 (diff)
parent4207f9c279e832e3afcb3f5fc6cd8d84cb4cfe4c (diff)
Merge branch 'vanilla_0.5.0.1' into jogamp_0.5.0.1
Conflicts: LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_0_5_0.h LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.cpp LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_System.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_CAPI.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_ThreadsWinAPI.cpp LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_Types.h
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_Atomic.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 915 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_Atomic.h b/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_Atomic.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 478077b..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_Atomic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,915 +0,0 @@
-PublicHeader: OVR_Kernel.h
-Filename : OVR_Atomic.h
-Content : Contains atomic operations and inline fastest locking
- functionality. Will contain #ifdefs for OS efficiency.
- Have non-thread-safe implementaion if not available.
-Created : September 19, 2012
-Notes :
-Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License");
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#ifndef OVR_Atomic_h
-#define OVR_Atomic_h
-#include "OVR_Types.h"
-// Include System thread functionality.
-#if defined(OVR_OS_MS) && !defined(OVR_OS_MS_MOBILE)
-#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#include <Windows.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#ifdef OVR_CC_MSVC
-#include <intrin.h>
-#pragma intrinsic(_ReadBarrier, _WriteBarrier, _ReadWriteBarrier)
-namespace OVR {
-// ****** Declared classes
-// If there is NO thread support we implement AtomicOps and
-// Lock objects as no-ops. The other classes are not defined.
-template<class C> class AtomicOps;
-template<class T> class AtomicInt;
-template<class T> class AtomicPtr;
-class Lock;
-// ***** AtomicOps
-// Atomic operations are provided by the AtomicOps templates class,
-// implemented through system-specific AtomicOpsRaw specializations.
-// It provides several fundamental operations such as Exchange, ExchangeAdd
-// CompareAndSet, and Store_Release. Each function includes several memory
-// synchronization versions, important for multiprocessing CPUs with weak
-// memory consistency. The following memory fencing strategies are supported:
-// - NoSync. No memory synchronization is done for atomic op.
-// - Release. All other memory writes are completed before atomic op
-// writes its results.
-// - Acquire. Further memory reads are forced to wait until atomic op
-// executes, guaranteeing that the right values will be seen.
-// - Sync. A combination of Release and Acquire.
-// *** AtomicOpsRaw
-// AtomicOpsRaw is a specialized template that provides atomic operations
-// used by AtomicOps. This class has two fundamental qualities: (1) it
-// defines a type T of correct size, and (2) provides operations that work
-// atomically, such as Exchange_Sync and CompareAndSet_Release.
-// AtomicOpsRawBase class contains shared constants/classes for AtomicOpsRaw.
-// The primary thing is does is define sync class objects, whose destructor and
-// constructor provide places to insert appropriate synchronization calls, on
-// systems where such calls are necessary. So far, the breakdown is as follows:
-// - X86 systems don't need custom syncs, since their exchange/atomic
-// instructions are implicitly synchronized.
-// - PowerPC requires lwsync/isync instructions that can use this mechanism.
-// - If some other systems require a mechanism where syncing type is associated
-// with a particular instruction, the default implementation (which implements
-// all Sync, Acquire, and Release modes in terms of NoSync and fence) may not
-// work. Ii that case it will need to be #ifdef-ed conditionally.
-struct AtomicOpsRawBase
-#if !defined(OVR_ENABLE_THREADS) || defined(OVR_CPU_X86) || defined(OVR_CPU_X86_64)
- // Need to have empty constructor to avoid class 'unused' variable warning.
- struct FullSync { inline FullSync() { } };
- struct AcquireSync { inline AcquireSync() { } };
- struct ReleaseSync { inline ReleaseSync() { } };
-#elif defined(OVR_CPU_PPC64) || defined(OVR_CPU_PPC)
- struct FullSync { inline FullSync() { asm volatile("sync\n"); } ~FullSync() { asm volatile("isync\n"); } };
- struct AcquireSync { inline AcquireSync() { } ~AcquireSync() { asm volatile("isync\n"); } };
- struct ReleaseSync { inline ReleaseSync() { asm volatile("sync\n"); } };
-#elif defined(OVR_CPU_MIPS)
- struct FullSync { inline FullSync() { asm volatile("sync\n"); } ~FullSync() { asm volatile("sync\n"); } };
- struct AcquireSync { inline AcquireSync() { } ~AcquireSync() { asm volatile("sync\n"); } };
- struct ReleaseSync { inline ReleaseSync() { asm volatile("sync\n"); } };
-#elif defined(OVR_CPU_ARM) // Includes Android and iOS.
- struct FullSync { inline FullSync() { asm volatile("dmb\n"); } ~FullSync() { asm volatile("dmb\n"); } };
- struct AcquireSync { inline AcquireSync() { } ~AcquireSync() { asm volatile("dmb\n"); } };
- struct ReleaseSync { inline ReleaseSync() { asm volatile("dmb\n"); } };
-#elif defined(OVR_CC_GNU) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
- // __sync functions are already full sync
- struct FullSync { inline FullSync() { } };
- struct AcquireSync { inline AcquireSync() { } };
- struct ReleaseSync { inline ReleaseSync() { } };
-// 4-Byte raw data atomic op implementation class.
-struct AtomicOpsRaw_4ByteImpl : public AtomicOpsRawBase
-#if !defined(OVR_ENABLE_THREADS)
- // Provide a type for no-thread-support cases. Used by AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl.
- typedef uint32_t T;
- // *** Thread - Safe Atomic Versions.
-#elif defined(OVR_OS_MS)
- // Use special defined for VC6, where volatile is not used and
- // InterlockedCompareExchange is declared incorrectly.
- typedef LONG T;
-#if defined(OVR_CC_MSVC) && (OVR_CC_MSVC < 1300)
- typedef T* InterlockTPtr;
- typedef LPVOID ET;
- typedef ET* InterlockETPtr;
- typedef volatile T* InterlockTPtr;
- typedef T ET;
- typedef InterlockTPtr InterlockETPtr;
- inline static T Exchange_NoSync(volatile T* p, T val) { return InterlockedExchange((InterlockTPtr)p, val); }
- inline static T ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile T* p, T val) { return InterlockedExchangeAdd((InterlockTPtr)p, val); }
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile T* p, T c, T val) { return InterlockedCompareExchange((InterlockETPtr)p, (ET)val, (ET)c) == (ET)c; }
-#elif defined(OVR_CPU_PPC64) || defined(OVR_CPU_PPC)
- typedef uint32_t T;
- static inline uint32_t Exchange_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t j)
- {
- uint32_t ret;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "lwarx %[r],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "stwcx. %[j],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "bne- 1b\n"
- : "+m" (*i), [r] "=&b" (ret) : [i] "b" (i), [j] "b" (j) : "cc", "memory");
- return ret;
- }
- static inline uint32_t ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t j)
- {
- uint32_t dummy, ret;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "lwarx %[r],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "add %[o],%[r],%[j]\n\t"
- "stwcx. %[o],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "bne- 1b\n"
- : "+m" (*i), [r] "=&b" (ret), [o] "=&r" (dummy) : [i] "b" (i), [j] "b" (j) : "cc", "memory");
- return ret;
- }
- static inline bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t c, uint32_t value)
- {
- uint32_t ret;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "lwarx %[r],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "cmpw 0,%[r],%[cmp]\n\t"
- "mfcr %[r]\n\t"
- "bne- 2f\n\t"
- "stwcx. %[val],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "bne- 1b\n\t"
- "2:\n"
- : "+m" (*i), [r] "=&b" (ret) : [i] "b" (i), [cmp] "b" (c), [val] "b" (value) : "cc", "memory");
- return (ret & 0x20000000) ? 1 : 0;
- }
-#elif defined(OVR_CPU_MIPS)
- typedef uint32_t T;
- static inline uint32_t Exchange_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t j)
- {
- uint32_t ret;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "ll %[r],0(%[i])\n\t"
- "sc %[j],0(%[i])\n\t"
- "beq %[j],$0,1b\n\t"
- "nop \n"
- : "+m" (*i), [r] "=&d" (ret) : [i] "d" (i), [j] "d" (j) : "cc", "memory");
- return ret;
- }
- static inline uint32_t ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t j)
- {
- uint32_t ret;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "ll %[r],0(%[i])\n\t"
- "addu %[j],%[r],%[j]\n\t"
- "sc %[j],0(%[i])\n\t"
- "beq %[j],$0,1b\n\t"
- "nop \n"
- : "+m" (*i), [r] "=&d" (ret) : [i] "d" (i), [j] "d" (j) : "cc", "memory");
- return ret;
- }
- static inline bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t c, uint32_t value)
- {
- uint32_t ret, dummy;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "move %[r],$0\n\t"
- "ll %[o],0(%[i])\n\t"
- "bne %[o],%[c],2f\n\t"
- "move %[r],%[v]\n\t"
- "sc %[r],0(%[i])\n\t"
- "beq %[r],$0,1b\n\t"
- "nop \n\t"
- "2:\n"
- : "+m" (*i),[r] "=&d" (ret), [o] "=&d" (dummy) : [i] "d" (i), [c] "d" (c), [v] "d" (value)
- : "cc", "memory");
- return ret;
- }
-#elif defined(OVR_CPU_ARM) && defined(OVR_CC_ARM)
- typedef uint32_t T;
- static inline uint32_t Exchange_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t j)
- {
- for(;;)
- {
- T r = __ldrex(i);
- if (__strex(j, i) == 0)
- return r;
- }
- }
- static inline uint32_t ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t j)
- {
- for(;;)
- {
- T r = __ldrex(i);
- if (__strex(r + j, i) == 0)
- return r;
- }
- }
- static inline bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t c, uint32_t value)
- {
- for(;;)
- {
- T r = __ldrex(i);
- if (r != c)
- return 0;
- if (__strex(value, i) == 0)
- return 1;
- }
- }
-#elif defined(OVR_CPU_ARM)
- typedef uint32_t T;
- static inline uint32_t Exchange_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t j)
- {
- uint32_t ret, dummy;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "ldrex %[r],[%[i]]\n\t"
- "strex %[t],%[j],[%[i]]\n\t"
- "cmp %[t],#0\n\t"
- "bne 1b\n\t"
- : "+m" (*i), [r] "=&r" (ret), [t] "=&r" (dummy) : [i] "r" (i), [j] "r" (j) : "cc", "memory");
- return ret;
- }
- static inline uint32_t ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t j)
- {
- uint32_t ret, dummy, test;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "ldrex %[r],[%[i]]\n\t"
- "add %[o],%[r],%[j]\n\t"
- "strex %[t],%[o],[%[i]]\n\t"
- "cmp %[t],#0\n\t"
- "bne 1b\n\t"
- : "+m" (*i), [r] "=&r" (ret), [o] "=&r" (dummy), [t] "=&r" (test) : [i] "r" (i), [j] "r" (j) : "cc", "memory");
- return ret;
- }
- static inline bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t c, uint32_t value)
- {
- uint32_t ret = 1, dummy, test;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "ldrex %[o],[%[i]]\n\t"
- "cmp %[o],%[c]\n\t"
- "bne 2f\n\t"
- "strex %[r],%[v],[%[i]]\n\t"
- "cmp %[r],#0\n\t"
- "bne 1b\n\t"
- "2:\n"
- : "+m" (*i),[r] "=&r" (ret), [o] "=&r" (dummy), [t] "=&r" (test) : [i] "r" (i), [c] "r" (c), [v] "r" (value)
- : "cc", "memory");
- return !ret;
- }
-#elif defined(OVR_CPU_X86)
- typedef uint32_t T;
- static inline uint32_t Exchange_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t j)
- {
- asm volatile("xchgl %1,%[i]\n"
- : "+m" (*i), "=q" (j) : [i] "m" (*i), "1" (j) : "cc", "memory");
- return j;
- }
- static inline uint32_t ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t j)
- {
- asm volatile("lock; xaddl %1,%[i]\n"
- : "+m" (*i), "+q" (j) : [i] "m" (*i) : "cc", "memory");
- return j;
- }
- static inline bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile uint32_t *i, uint32_t c, uint32_t value)
- {
- uint32_t ret;
- asm volatile("lock; cmpxchgl %[v],%[i]\n"
- : "+m" (*i), "=a" (ret) : [i] "m" (*i), "1" (c), [v] "q" (value) : "cc", "memory");
- return (ret == c);
- }
-#elif defined(OVR_CC_GNU) && (__GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)
- typedef uint32_t T;
- static inline T Exchange_NoSync(volatile T *i, T j)
- {
- T v;
- do {
- v = *i;
- } while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(i, v, j));
- return v;
- }
- static inline T ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile T *i, T j)
- {
- return __sync_fetch_and_add(i, j);
- }
- static inline bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile T *i, T c, T value)
- {
- return __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(i, c, value);
- }
-#endif // OS
-// 8-Byte raw data data atomic op implementation class.
-// Currently implementation is provided only on systems with 64-bit pointers.
-struct AtomicOpsRaw_8ByteImpl : public AtomicOpsRawBase
-#if !defined(OVR_64BIT_POINTERS) || !defined(OVR_ENABLE_THREADS)
- // Provide a type for no-thread-support cases. Used by AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl.
- typedef uint64_t T;
- // *** Thread - Safe OS specific versions.
-#elif defined(OVR_OS_MS)
- // This is only for 64-bit systems.
- typedef LONG64 T;
- typedef volatile T* InterlockTPtr;
- inline static T Exchange_NoSync(volatile T* p, T val) { return InterlockedExchange64((InterlockTPtr)p, val); }
- inline static T ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile T* p, T val) { return InterlockedExchangeAdd64((InterlockTPtr)p, val); }
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile T* p, T c, T val) { return InterlockedCompareExchange64((InterlockTPtr)p, val, c) == c; }
-#elif defined(OVR_CPU_PPC64)
- typedef uint64_t T;
- static inline uint64_t Exchange_NoSync(volatile uint64_t *i, uint64_t j)
- {
- uint64_t dummy, ret;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "ldarx %[r],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "mr %[o],%[j]\n\t"
- "stdcx. %[o],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "bne- 1b\n"
- : "+m" (*i), [r] "=&b" (ret), [o] "=&r" (dummy) : [i] "b" (i), [j] "b" (j) : "cc");
- return ret;
- }
- static inline uint64_t ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile uint64_t *i, uint64_t j)
- {
- uint64_t dummy, ret;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "ldarx %[r],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "add %[o],%[r],%[j]\n\t"
- "stdcx. %[o],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "bne- 1b\n"
- : "+m" (*i), [r] "=&b" (ret), [o] "=&r" (dummy) : [i] "b" (i), [j] "b" (j) : "cc");
- return ret;
- }
- static inline bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile uint64_t *i, uint64_t c, uint64_t value)
- {
- uint64_t ret, dummy;
- asm volatile("1:\n\t"
- "ldarx %[r],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "cmpw 0,%[r],%[cmp]\n\t"
- "mfcr %[r]\n\t"
- "bne- 2f\n\t"
- "stdcx. %[val],0,%[i]\n\t"
- "bne- 1b\n\t"
- "2:\n"
- : "+m" (*i), [r] "=&b" (ret), [o] "=&r" (dummy) : [i] "b" (i), [cmp] "b" (c), [val] "b" (value) : "cc");
- return (ret & 0x20000000) ? 1 : 0;
- }
-#elif defined(OVR_CC_GNU) && (__GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)
- typedef uint64_t T;
- static inline T Exchange_NoSync(volatile T *i, T j)
- {
- T v;
- do {
- v = *i;
- } while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(i, v, j));
- return v;
- }
- static inline T ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile T *i, T j)
- {
- return __sync_fetch_and_add(i, j);
- }
- static inline bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile T *i, T c, T value)
- {
- return __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(i, c, value);
- }
-#endif // OS
-// Default implementation for AtomicOpsRaw; provides implementation of mem-fenced
-// atomic operations where fencing is done with a sync object wrapped around a NoSync
-// operation implemented in the base class. If such implementation is not possible
-// on a given platform, #ifdefs can be used to disable it and then op functions can be
-// implemented individually in the appropriate AtomicOpsRaw<size> class.
-template<class O>
-struct AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl : public O
- typedef typename O::T O_T;
- typedef typename O::FullSync O_FullSync;
- typedef typename O::AcquireSync O_AcquireSync;
- typedef typename O::ReleaseSync O_ReleaseSync;
- // If there is no thread support, provide the default implementation. In this case,
- // the base class (0) must still provide the T declaration.
- // Atomic exchange of val with argument. Returns old val.
- inline static O_T Exchange_NoSync(volatile O_T* p, O_T val) { O_T old = *p; *p = val; return old; }
- // Adds a new val to argument; returns its old val.
- inline static O_T ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile O_T* p, O_T val) { O_T old = *p; *p += val; return old; }
- // Compares the argument data with 'c' val.
- // If succeeded, stores val int '*p' and returns true; otherwise returns false.
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile O_T* p, O_T c, O_T val) { if (*p==c) { *p = val; return 1; } return 0; }
- // If NoSync wrapped implementation may not be possible, it this block should be
- // replaced with per-function implementation in O.
- // "AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<O>::" prefix in calls below.
- inline static O_T Exchange_Sync(volatile O_T* p, O_T val) { O_FullSync sync; OVR_UNUSED(sync); return AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<O>::Exchange_NoSync(p, val); }
- inline static O_T Exchange_Release(volatile O_T* p, O_T val) { O_ReleaseSync sync; OVR_UNUSED(sync); return AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<O>::Exchange_NoSync(p, val); }
- inline static O_T Exchange_Acquire(volatile O_T* p, O_T val) { O_AcquireSync sync; OVR_UNUSED(sync); return AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<O>::Exchange_NoSync(p, val); }
- inline static O_T ExchangeAdd_Sync(volatile O_T* p, O_T val) { O_FullSync sync; OVR_UNUSED(sync); return AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<O>::ExchangeAdd_NoSync(p, val); }
- inline static O_T ExchangeAdd_Release(volatile O_T* p, O_T val) { O_ReleaseSync sync; OVR_UNUSED(sync); return AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<O>::ExchangeAdd_NoSync(p, val); }
- inline static O_T ExchangeAdd_Acquire(volatile O_T* p, O_T val) { O_AcquireSync sync; OVR_UNUSED(sync); return AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<O>::ExchangeAdd_NoSync(p, val); }
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_Sync(volatile O_T* p, O_T c, O_T val) { O_FullSync sync; OVR_UNUSED(sync); return AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<O>::CompareAndSet_NoSync(p,c,val); }
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_Release(volatile O_T* p, O_T c, O_T val) { O_ReleaseSync sync; OVR_UNUSED(sync); return AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<O>::CompareAndSet_NoSync(p,c,val); }
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_Acquire(volatile O_T* p, O_T c, O_T val) { O_AcquireSync sync; OVR_UNUSED(sync); return AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<O>::CompareAndSet_NoSync(p,c,val); }
- // Loads and stores with memory fence. These have only the relevant versions.
-#ifdef OVR_CPU_X86
- // On X86, Store_Release is implemented as exchange. Note that we can also
- // consider 'sfence' in the future, although it is not as compatible with older CPUs.
- inline static void Store_Release(volatile O_T* p, O_T val) { Exchange_Release(p, val); }
- inline static void Store_Release(volatile O_T* p, O_T val) { O_ReleaseSync sync; OVR_UNUSED(sync); *p = val; }
- inline static O_T Load_Acquire(const volatile O_T* p)
- {
- O_AcquireSync sync;
- OVR_UNUSED(sync);
-#if defined(OVR_CC_MSVC)
- _ReadBarrier(); // Compiler fence and load barrier
-#elif defined(OVR_CC_INTEL)
- __memory_barrier(); // Compiler fence
- // GCC-compatible:
- asm volatile ("" : : : "memory"); // Compiler fence
- return *p;
- }
-template<int size>
-struct AtomicOpsRaw : public AtomicOpsRawBase { };
-struct AtomicOpsRaw<4> : public AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<AtomicOpsRaw_4ByteImpl>
- // Ensure that assigned type size is correct.
- AtomicOpsRaw()
- { OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(sizeof(AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<AtomicOpsRaw_4ByteImpl>::T) == 4); }
-struct AtomicOpsRaw<8> : public AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<AtomicOpsRaw_8ByteImpl>
- AtomicOpsRaw()
- { OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(sizeof(AtomicOpsRaw_DefImpl<AtomicOpsRaw_8ByteImpl>::T) == 8); }
-// *** AtomicOps - implementation of atomic Ops for specified class
-// Implements atomic ops on a class, provided that the object is either
-// 4 or 8 bytes in size (depending on the AtomicOpsRaw specializations
-// available). Relies on AtomicOpsRaw for much of implementation.
-template<class C>
-class AtomicOps
- typedef AtomicOpsRaw<sizeof(C)> Ops;
- typedef typename Ops::T T;
- typedef volatile typename Ops::T* PT;
- // We cast through unions to (1) avoid pointer size compiler warnings
- // and (2) ensure that there are no problems with strict pointer aliasing.
- union C2T_union { C c; T t; };
- // General purpose implementation for standard syncs.
- inline static C Exchange_Sync(volatile C* p, C val) { C2T_union u; u.c = val; u.t = Ops::Exchange_Sync((PT)p, u.t); return u.c; }
- inline static C Exchange_Release(volatile C* p, C val) { C2T_union u; u.c = val; u.t = Ops::Exchange_Release((PT)p, u.t); return u.c; }
- inline static C Exchange_Acquire(volatile C* p, C val) { C2T_union u; u.c = val; u.t = Ops::Exchange_Acquire((PT)p, u.t); return u.c; }
- inline static C Exchange_NoSync(volatile C* p, C val) { C2T_union u; u.c = val; u.t = Ops::Exchange_NoSync((PT)p, u.t); return u.c; }
- inline static C ExchangeAdd_Sync(volatile C* p, C val) { C2T_union u; u.c = val; u.t = Ops::ExchangeAdd_Sync((PT)p, u.t); return u.c; }
- inline static C ExchangeAdd_Release(volatile C* p, C val) { C2T_union u; u.c = val; u.t = Ops::ExchangeAdd_Release((PT)p, u.t); return u.c; }
- inline static C ExchangeAdd_Acquire(volatile C* p, C val) { C2T_union u; u.c = val; u.t = Ops::ExchangeAdd_Acquire((PT)p, u.t); return u.c; }
- inline static C ExchangeAdd_NoSync(volatile C* p, C val) { C2T_union u; u.c = val; u.t = Ops::ExchangeAdd_NoSync((PT)p, u.t); return u.c; }
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_Sync(volatile C* p, C c, C val) { C2T_union u,cu; u.c = val; cu.c = c; return Ops::CompareAndSet_Sync((PT)p, cu.t, u.t); }
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_Release(volatile C* p, C c, C val){ C2T_union u,cu; u.c = val; cu.c = c; return Ops::CompareAndSet_Release((PT)p, cu.t, u.t); }
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_Acquire(volatile C* p, C c, C val){ C2T_union u,cu; u.c = val; cu.c = c; return Ops::CompareAndSet_Acquire((PT)p, cu.t, u.t); }
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(volatile C* p, C c, C val) { C2T_union u,cu; u.c = val; cu.c = c; return Ops::CompareAndSet_NoSync((PT)p, cu.t, u.t); }
- // Loads and stores with memory fence. These have only the relevant versions.
- inline static void Store_Release(volatile C* p, C val) { C2T_union u; u.c = val; Ops::Store_Release((PT)p, u.t); }
- inline static C Load_Acquire(const volatile C* p) { C2T_union u; u.t = Ops::Load_Acquire((PT)p); return u.c; }
- // Deprecated typo error:
- inline static bool CompareAndSet_Relse(volatile C* p, C c, C val){ C2T_union u,cu; u.c = val; cu.c = c; return Ops::CompareAndSet_Acquire((PT)p, cu.t, u.t); }
-// Atomic value base class - implements operations shared for integers and pointers.
-template<class T>
-class AtomicValueBase
- typedef AtomicOps<T> Ops;
- volatile T Value;
- inline AtomicValueBase() { }
- explicit inline AtomicValueBase(T val) { Ops::Store_Release(&Value, val); }
- // Most libraries (TBB and Joshua Scholar's) library do not do Load_Acquire
- // here, since most algorithms do not require atomic loads. Needs some research.
- inline operator T() const { return Value; }
- // *** Standard Atomic inlines
- inline T Exchange_Sync(T val) { return Ops::Exchange_Sync(&Value, val); }
- inline T Exchange_Release(T val) { return Ops::Exchange_Release(&Value, val); }
- inline T Exchange_Acquire(T val) { return Ops::Exchange_Acquire(&Value, val); }
- inline T Exchange_NoSync(T val) { return Ops::Exchange_NoSync(&Value, val); }
- inline bool CompareAndSet_Sync(T c, T val) { return Ops::CompareAndSet_Sync(&Value, c, val); }
- inline bool CompareAndSet_Release(T c, T val) { return Ops::CompareAndSet_Release(&Value, c, val); }
- inline bool CompareAndSet_Acquire(T c, T val) { return Ops::CompareAndSet_Acquire(&Value, c, val); }
- inline bool CompareAndSet_NoSync(T c, T val) { return Ops::CompareAndSet_NoSync(&Value, c, val); }
- // Load & Store.
- inline void Store_Release(T val) { Ops::Store_Release(&Value, val); }
- inline T Load_Acquire() const { return Ops::Load_Acquire(&Value); }
-// ***** AtomicPtr - Atomic pointer template
-// This pointer class supports atomic assignments with release,
-// increment / decrement operations, and conditional compare + set.
-template<class T>
-class AtomicPtr : public AtomicValueBase<T*>
- typedef typename AtomicValueBase<T*>::Ops Ops;
- // Initialize pointer value to 0 by default; use Store_Release only with explicit constructor.
- inline AtomicPtr() : AtomicValueBase<T*>() { this->Value = 0; }
- explicit inline AtomicPtr(T* val) : AtomicValueBase<T*>(val) { }
- // Pointer access.
- inline T* operator -> () const { return this->Load_Acquire(); }
- // It looks like it is convenient to have Load_Acquire characteristics
- // for this, since that is convenient for algorithms such as linked
- // list traversals that can be added to bu another thread.
- inline operator T* () const { return this->Load_Acquire(); }
- // *** Standard Atomic inlines (applicable to pointers)
- // ExhangeAdd considers pointer size for pointers.
- template<class I>
- inline T* ExchangeAdd_Sync(I incr) { return Ops::ExchangeAdd_Sync(&this->Value, ((T*)0) + incr); }
- template<class I>
- inline T* ExchangeAdd_Release(I incr) { return Ops::ExchangeAdd_Release(&this->Value, ((T*)0) + incr); }
- template<class I>
- inline T* ExchangeAdd_Acquire(I incr) { return Ops::ExchangeAdd_Acquire(&this->Value, ((T*)0) + incr); }
- template<class I>
- inline T* ExchangeAdd_NoSync(I incr) { return Ops::ExchangeAdd_NoSync(&this->Value, ((T*)0) + incr); }
- // *** Atomic Operators
- inline T* operator = (T* val) { this->Store_Release(val); return val; }
- template<class I>
- inline T* operator += (I val) { return ExchangeAdd_Sync(val) + val; }
- template<class I>
- inline T* operator -= (I val) { return operator += (-val); }
- inline T* operator ++ () { return ExchangeAdd_Sync(1) + 1; }
- inline T* operator -- () { return ExchangeAdd_Sync(-1) - 1; }
- inline T* operator ++ (int) { return ExchangeAdd_Sync(1); }
- inline T* operator -- (int) { return ExchangeAdd_Sync(-1); }
-// ***** AtomicInt - Atomic integer template
-// Implements an atomic integer type; the exact type to use is provided
-// as an argument. Supports atomic Acquire / Release semantics, atomic
-// arithmetic operations, and atomic conditional compare + set.
-template<class T>
-class AtomicInt : public AtomicValueBase<T>
- typedef typename AtomicValueBase<T>::Ops Ops;
- inline AtomicInt() : AtomicValueBase<T>() { }
- explicit inline AtomicInt(T val) : AtomicValueBase<T>(val) { }
- // *** Standard Atomic inlines (applicable to int)
- inline T ExchangeAdd_Sync(T val) { return Ops::ExchangeAdd_Sync(&this->Value, val); }
- inline T ExchangeAdd_Release(T val) { return Ops::ExchangeAdd_Release(&this->Value, val); }
- inline T ExchangeAdd_Acquire(T val) { return Ops::ExchangeAdd_Acquire(&this->Value, val); }
- inline T ExchangeAdd_NoSync(T val) { return Ops::ExchangeAdd_NoSync(&this->Value, val); }
- // These increments could be more efficient because they don't return a value.
- inline void Increment_Sync() { ExchangeAdd_Sync((T)1); }
- inline void Increment_Release() { ExchangeAdd_Release((T)1); }
- inline void Increment_Acquire() { ExchangeAdd_Acquire((T)1); }
- inline void Increment_NoSync() { ExchangeAdd_NoSync((T)1); }
- // *** Atomic Operators
- inline T operator = (T val) { this->Store_Release(val); return val; }
- inline T operator += (T val) { return ExchangeAdd_Sync(val) + val; }
- inline T operator -= (T val) { return ExchangeAdd_Sync(0 - val) - val; }
- inline T operator ++ () { return ExchangeAdd_Sync((T)1) + 1; }
- inline T operator -- () { return ExchangeAdd_Sync(((T)0)-1) - 1; }
- inline T operator ++ (int) { return ExchangeAdd_Sync((T)1); }
- inline T operator -- (int) { return ExchangeAdd_Sync(((T)0)-1); }
- // More complex atomic operations. Leave it to compiler whether to optimize them or not.
- T operator &= (T arg)
- {
- T comp, newVal;
- do {
- comp = this->Value;
- newVal = comp & arg;
- } while(!this->CompareAndSet_Sync(comp, newVal));
- return newVal;
- }
- T operator |= (T arg)
- {
- T comp, newVal;
- do {
- comp = this->Value;
- newVal = comp | arg;
- } while(!this->CompareAndSet_Sync(comp, newVal));
- return newVal;
- }
- T operator ^= (T arg)
- {
- T comp, newVal;
- do {
- comp = this->Value;
- newVal = comp ^ arg;
- } while(!this->CompareAndSet_Sync(comp, newVal));
- return newVal;
- }
- T operator *= (T arg)
- {
- T comp, newVal;
- do {
- comp = this->Value;
- newVal = comp * arg;
- } while(!this->CompareAndSet_Sync(comp, newVal));
- return newVal;
- }
- T operator /= (T arg)
- {
- T comp, newVal;
- do {
- comp = this->Value;
- newVal = comp / arg;
- } while(!CompareAndSet_Sync(comp, newVal));
- return newVal;
- }
- T operator >>= (unsigned bits)
- {
- T comp, newVal;
- do {
- comp = this->Value;
- newVal = comp >> bits;
- } while(!CompareAndSet_Sync(comp, newVal));
- return newVal;
- }
- T operator <<= (unsigned bits)
- {
- T comp, newVal;
- do {
- comp = this->Value;
- newVal = comp << bits;
- } while(!this->CompareAndSet_Sync(comp, newVal));
- return newVal;
- }
-// ***** Lock
-// Lock is a simplest and most efficient mutual-exclusion lock class.
-// Unlike Mutex, it cannot be waited on.
-class Lock
- // NOTE: Locks are not allocatable and they themselves should not allocate
- // memory by standard means. This is the case because StandardAllocator
- // relies on this class.
- // Make 'delete' private. Don't do this for 'new' since it can be redefined.
- void operator delete(void*) {}
- // *** Lock implementation for various platforms.
-#if !defined(OVR_ENABLE_THREADS)
- // With no thread support, lock does nothing.
- inline Lock() { }
- inline Lock(unsigned) { }
- inline ~Lock() { }
- inline void DoLock() { }
- inline void Unlock() { }
- // Windows.
-#elif defined(OVR_OS_MS)
- Lock(unsigned spinCount = 10000); // Mutexes with non-zero spin counts usually result in better performance.
- ~Lock();
- // Locking functions.
- inline void DoLock() { ::EnterCriticalSection(&cs); }
- inline void Unlock() { ::LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); }
- pthread_mutex_t mutex;
- static pthread_mutexattr_t RecursiveAttr;
- static bool RecursiveAttrInit;
- Lock (unsigned spinCount = 0) // To do: Support spin count, probably via a custom lock implementation.
- {
- OVR_UNUSED(spinCount);
- if (!RecursiveAttrInit)
- {
- pthread_mutexattr_init(&RecursiveAttr);
- pthread_mutexattr_settype(&RecursiveAttr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
- RecursiveAttrInit = 1;
- }
- pthread_mutex_init(&mutex,&RecursiveAttr);
- }
- ~Lock () { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); }
- inline void DoLock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); }
- inline void Unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); }
- // Locker class, used for automatic locking
- class Locker
- {
- public:
- Lock *pLock;
- inline Locker(Lock *plock)
- { pLock = plock; pLock->DoLock(); }
- inline ~Locker()
- { pLock->Unlock(); }
- };
-// Globally shared Lock implementation used for MessageHandlers, etc.
-class SharedLock
- SharedLock() : UseCount(0) {}
- Lock* GetLockAddRef();
- void ReleaseLock(Lock* plock);
- Lock* toLock() { return (Lock*)Buffer; }
- // UseCount and max alignment.
- volatile int UseCount;
- uint64_t Buffer[(sizeof(Lock)+sizeof(uint64_t)-1)/sizeof(uint64_t)];
-} // OVR