path: root/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_RenderShim.cpp
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-28 02:08:11 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-28 02:08:11 +0100
commit450aa6f7df9e67dd256b86f94e65eaf707032aad (patch)
tree04aa207d84ddc8ca246d2573aaaf756b3ce8a0b5 /LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_RenderShim.cpp
parent3c7b8a17e907f4ef2afd9f77db566a3f6179cbe4 (diff)
parent4207f9c279e832e3afcb3f5fc6cd8d84cb4cfe4c (diff)
Merge branch 'vanilla_0.5.0.1' into jogamp_0.5.0.1
Conflicts: LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_0_5_0.h LibOVR/Src/CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.cpp LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_System.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_CAPI.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_ThreadsWinAPI.cpp LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_Types.h
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_RenderShim.cpp')
1 files changed, 991 insertions, 974 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_RenderShim.cpp b/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_RenderShim.cpp
index a74ab75..48bcf2b 100644
--- a/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_RenderShim.cpp
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_Win32_RenderShim.cpp
@@ -1,974 +1,991 @@
-Filename : OVR_Win32_DisplayShim.cpp
-Content : Shared static functions for inclusion that allow for an application
- to inject the usermode driver into an application
-Created : March 21, 2014
-Authors : Dean Beeler
-Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved.
-Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Oculus Inc license
-agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-#include "../../Include/OVR_Version.h"
-#ifndef AVOID_LIB_OVR
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_Types.h" // Without this we can get warnings (due to VC++ bugs) about _malloca being redefined, and miss LibOVR overrides.
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <DbgHelp.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include "OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h"
-#include "OVR_Win32_ShimVersion.h"
-#include "OVR_Win32_Display.h"
-#define IN_COMPATIBILITY_MODE() OVR::Display::InCompatibilityMode()
-#pragma comment(lib, "DbgHelp.lib")
-#define WIDE_TO_MB(wideString) \
- int wideString ## _slen = (int)wcslen(wideString); \
- char* wideString ## _cstr = (char*)alloca(wideString ## _slen * 2); \
- int count = WideCharToMultiByte(GetACP(), 0, wideString, -1, wideString ## _cstr, wideString ## _slen * 2, NULL, NULL); \
- wideString ## _cstr[count] = '\0';
-// Forward declarations
-// These functions are implemented in OVR_Win32_DisplayDevice.cpp.
-BOOL WINAPI OVRIsInitializingDisplay( PVOID context, UINT width, UINT height );
-BOOL WINAPI OVRIsCreatingBackBuffer( PVOID context );
-ULONG WINAPI OVRRiftForContext( PVOID context, HANDLE driverHandle );
-BOOL WINAPI OVRCloseRiftForContext( PVOID context, HANDLE driverHandle, ULONG rift );
-BOOL WINAPI OVRWindowDisplayResolution( PVOID context, UINT* width, UINT* height,
- UINT* titleHeight, UINT* borderWidth,
- BOOL* vsyncEnabled );
-BOOL WINAPI OVRExpectedResolution( PVOID context, UINT* width, UINT* height, UINT* rotationInDegrees );
-BOOL WINAPI OVRShouldEnableDebug();
-BOOL WINAPI OVRMirroringEnabled( PVOID context );
-HWND WINAPI OVRGetWindowForContext(PVOID context);
-BOOL WINAPI OVRShouldPresentOnContext(PVOID context);
-static const char* GFX_DRIVER_KEY_FMT = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\\%04d";
-#ifdef _WIN64
-static const char* RTFilter = "OVRDisplayRT64.dll";
-static const char* UMFilter = "OVRDisplay64.dll";
-static const char* RTFilter = "OVRDisplayRT32.dll";
-static const char* UMFilter = "OVRDisplay32.dll";
-static const char* OptimusDrivers = "nvumdshimx.dll nvumdshim.dll";
-typedef enum OVRTargetAPI
- DirectX,
- OpenGL
-static PVOID lastContext = NULL;
-static INT apiVersion = 10;
-static CHAR* ReadRegStr(HKEY keySub, const char* keyName, const char* valName)
- CHAR *val = NULL;
- REGSAM access = KEY_READ;
- HKEY hKey;
- NTSTATUS res = RegOpenKeyExA( keySub, keyName, 0, access, &hKey );
- if ( res == ERROR_SUCCESS )
- {
- DWORD valLen;
- res = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, valName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &valLen );
- if( res == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
- val = (CHAR*)calloc( valLen + 1, sizeof(CHAR) );
- res = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, valName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)val, &valLen );
- if( res == ERROR_SUCCESS )
- {
- CHAR* byte = val;
- for( DWORD j = 0; j < valLen; ++j )
- {
- if( byte[j] == 0 )
- byte[j] = ' ';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- free( val );
- val = NULL;
- }
- }
- RegCloseKey( hKey );
- }
- if( res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && keySub == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE && access == KEY_READ ) {
-#ifdef _WIN64
- access = KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_32KEY;
- access = KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY;
- goto TryAgainWOW64;
- }
- return val;
-static WinLoadLibraryA oldProcA = NULL; // Note: This is used to indicate that the shim is in place
-static WinLoadLibraryExA oldProcExA = NULL;
-static WinLoadLibraryW oldProcW = NULL;
-static WinLoadLibraryExW oldProcExW = NULL;
-static WinGetModuleHandleExA oldProcModExA = NULL;
-static WinGetModuleHandleExW oldProcModExW = NULL;
-static WinDirect3DCreate9 oldDirectX9Create = NULL;
-static BYTE oldDirectX9CreateData[OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE];
-static WinDirect3DCreate9Ex oldDirectX9ExCreate = NULL;
-static BYTE oldDirectX9ExCreateData[OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE];
-static WinCreateDXGIFactory oldCreateDXGIFactory = NULL;
-static BYTE oldCreateDXGIFactoryData[OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE];
-static WinCreateDXGIFactory1 oldCreateDXGIFactory1 = NULL;
-static BYTE oldCreateDXGIFactory1Data[OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE];
-static WinCreateDXGIFactory2 oldCreateDXGIFactory2 = NULL;
-static BYTE oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data[OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE];
-#define NUM_LOADER_LIBS 4
-static const char* loaderLibraryList[NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = {
- "kernel32.dll",
- "api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll",
- "api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll",
- "api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-1.dll"
-enum ShimedLibraries
- ShimLibDXGI = 0,
- ShimLibD3D9 = 1,
- ShimLibD3D11 = 2,
- ShimLibDXGIDebug = 3,
- ShimLibD3D10Core = 4,
- ShimLibD3D10 = 5,
- ShimLibGL = 6,
- ShimCountMax = 7
-static const char* dllList[ShimCountMax] = {
- "dxgi.dll",
- "d3d9.dll",
- "d3d11.dll",
- "dxgidebug.dll",
- "d3d10core.dll",
- "d3d10.dll",
- "opengl32.dll"
-static HINSTANCE oldLoaderInstances[ShimCountMax] = { NULL };
-static PROC oldLoaderProcA[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
-static PROC oldLoaderProcW[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
-static PROC oldLoaderProcExA[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
-static PROC oldLoaderProcExW[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
-static PROC oldLoaderProcModExA[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
-static PROC oldLoaderProcModExW[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
-static HMODULE rtFilterModule = NULL;
-static bool checkForOverride( LPCSTR libFileName, OVRTargetAPI& targetApi )
- for (int i=0; ; i++)
- {
- CHAR keyString[256] = {0};
- sprintf_s( keyString, 256, GFX_DRIVER_KEY_FMT, i );
- CHAR* infSection = ReadRegStr( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyString, "InfSection" );
- // No provider name means we're out of display enumerations
- if( infSection == NULL )
- break;
- free(infSection);
- // Check 64-bit driver names followed by 32-bit driver names
- const char* driverKeys[] = {"UserModeDriverName", "UserModeDriverNameWoW", "OpenGLDriverName", "OpenGLDriverNameWoW", "InstalledDisplayDrivers" };
- for( int j = 0; j < 6; ++j )
- {
- CHAR userModeList[4096] = {0};
- switch(j)
- {
- case 5:
- strcpy_s( userModeList, 4095, OptimusDrivers );
- break;
- default:
- {
- CHAR* regString = ReadRegStr( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyString, driverKeys[j] );
- if( regString )
- {
- strcpy_s( userModeList, 4095, regString );
- free( regString );
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- char *nextToken = NULL;
- if( userModeList )
- {
- char* first = strtok_s( userModeList, " ", &nextToken );
- while( first )
- {
- if( strstr( libFileName, first ) != 0 )
- {
- if( j < 2 )
- targetApi = DirectX;
- else
- targetApi = OpenGL;
- return true;
- }
- first = strtok_s( NULL, " ", &nextToken );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-static HMODULE createShim( LPCSTR lpLibFileName, OVRTargetAPI targetAPI )
- //Sleep(10000);
- {
- return (*oldProcA)( lpLibFileName );
- }
- HMODULE result = NULL;
- result = (*oldProcA)( UMFilter );
- if( result )
- {
- PreloadLibraryFn loadFunc = (PreloadLibraryFn)GetProcAddress( result, "PreloadLibrary" );
- if( loadFunc )
- {
- HRESULT localRes = (*loadFunc)( oldProcA, lpLibFileName, &appDriver );
- if( localRes != S_OK )
- result = NULL;
- }
- }
- if( !result )
- {
- MessageBox(nullptr, L"Unable to find the Rift Display Driver.", L"Configuration Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- result = (*oldProcA)( lpLibFileName );
- }
- return result;
-static HMODULE
- OVRLoadLibraryA(
- __in LPCSTR lpLibFileName
- )
- OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
- bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpLibFileName, targetAPI );
- if( !needShim )
- return (*oldProcA)( lpLibFileName );
- return createShim( lpLibFileName, targetAPI );
-static HMODULE
- OVRLoadLibraryW(
- __in LPCWSTR lpLibFileName
- )
- WIDE_TO_MB(lpLibFileName); // Convert lpLibFileName -> lpLibFileName_cstr
- OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
- bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpLibFileName_cstr, targetAPI );
- if( !needShim )
- return (*oldProcW)( lpLibFileName );
- return createShim( lpLibFileName_cstr, targetAPI );
-static HMODULE
- OVRLoadLibraryExA(
- __in LPCSTR lpLibFileName,
- __reserved HANDLE hFile,
- __in DWORD dwFlags
- )
- OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
- bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpLibFileName, targetAPI );
- if( !needShim )
- return (*oldProcExA)( lpLibFileName, hFile, dwFlags );
- // FIXME: Don't throw away the flags parameter
- return createShim( lpLibFileName, targetAPI );
-static HMODULE
- OVRLoadLibraryExW(
- __in LPCWSTR lpLibFileName,
- __reserved HANDLE hFile,
- __in DWORD dwFlags
- )
- WIDE_TO_MB(lpLibFileName); // Convert lpLibFileName -> lpLibFileName_cstr
- OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
- bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpLibFileName_cstr, targetAPI );
- if( !needShim )
- return (*oldProcExW)( lpLibFileName, hFile, dwFlags );
- // FIXME: Don't throw away the flags parameter
- return createShim( lpLibFileName_cstr, targetAPI );
-static BOOL WINAPI OVRGetModuleHandleExA(
- __in DWORD dwFlags,
- __in_opt LPCSTR lpModuleName,
- __out HMODULE *phModule
- )
- OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
- bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpModuleName, targetAPI );
- if( !needShim )
- {
- return (*oldProcModExA)( dwFlags, lpModuleName, phModule );
- }
- *phModule = createShim( lpModuleName, targetAPI );
- return TRUE;
-static BOOL WINAPI OVRGetModuleHandleExW(
- __in DWORD dwFlags,
- __in_opt LPCWSTR lpModuleName,
- __out HMODULE *phModule
- )
- WIDE_TO_MB(lpModuleName); // Convert lpModuleName -> lpModuleName_cstr
- OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
- bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpModuleName_cstr, targetAPI );
- if( !needShim )
- {
- return (*oldProcModExW)( dwFlags, lpModuleName, phModule );
- }
- *phModule = createShim( lpModuleName_cstr, targetAPI );
- return TRUE;
-#ifdef _AMD64_
-static void restoreFunction( PROC pfnHookAPIAddr, PBYTE oldData )
- static const LONGLONG addressSize = sizeof(PROC);
- static const LONGLONG jmpSize = addressSize + 6;
- DWORD oldProtect;
- VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE,
- memcpy(pfnHookAPIAddr, oldData, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE);
- VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE, oldProtect, NULL);
-static void setFunction( PROC pfnHookAPIAddr, PROC replacementFunction, PBYTE oldData )
- static const LONGLONG addressSize = sizeof(PROC);
- static const LONGLONG jmpSize = addressSize + 6;
- INT_PTR jumpOffset = (INT_PTR)replacementFunction;
- DWORD oldProtect;
- VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE,
- memcpy(oldData, pfnHookAPIAddr, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE);
- PBYTE functionData = (PBYTE)pfnHookAPIAddr;
- functionData[0] = 0xff; // JMP [RIP+0]
- functionData[1] = 0x25; //
- functionData[2] = 0x00; //
- functionData[3] = 0x00; //
- functionData[4] = 0x00; //
- functionData[5] = 0x00; //
- memcpy( functionData + 6, &jumpOffset, sizeof( INT_PTR ) );
- VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE, oldProtect, NULL);
-static void restoreFunction( PROC pfnHookAPIAddr, PBYTE oldData )
- static const LONGLONG addressSize = sizeof(PROC);
- static const LONGLONG jmpSize = addressSize + 1;
- DWORD oldProtect;
- VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, jmpSize,
- memcpy(pfnHookAPIAddr, oldData, jmpSize);
- VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, jmpSize, oldProtect, NULL);
-static void setFunction( PROC pfnHookAPIAddr, PROC replacementFunction, PBYTE oldData )
- static const LONGLONG addressSize = sizeof(PROC);
- static const LONGLONG jmpSize = addressSize + 1;
- INT_PTR jumpOffset = (INT_PTR)replacementFunction - (INT_PTR)pfnHookAPIAddr - jmpSize;
- DWORD oldProtect;
- VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, jmpSize,
- memcpy(oldData, pfnHookAPIAddr, jmpSize);
- PBYTE functionData = (PBYTE)pfnHookAPIAddr;
- memcpy( oldData, functionData, jmpSize );
- functionData[0] = 0xe9;
- memcpy( functionData + 1, &jumpOffset, sizeof( INT_PTR ) );
- VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, jmpSize, oldProtect, NULL);
-static BOOL WINAPI OVRLocalIsInitializingDisplay( PVOID context, UINT width, UINT height )
- UINT expectedWidth, expectedHeight, rotation;
- OVRExpectedResolution( context, &expectedWidth, &expectedHeight, &rotation );
- if( appDriver.pfnActiveAPIVersion )
- apiVersion = (*appDriver.pfnActiveAPIVersion)( context );
- switch( apiVersion )
- {
- case 1: // OpenGL
- case 10: // DirectX 1X
- if( width == expectedWidth && height == expectedHeight )
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case 9: // DirectX 9
- if( rotation == 90 || rotation == 270 )
- {
- if( width == expectedHeight && height == expectedWidth )
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- if( width == expectedWidth && height == expectedHeight )
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return FALSE;
-HRESULT APIENTRY OVRDirect3DCreate9Ex(UINT SDKVersion, void** aDevice)
- apiVersion = 9;
- HRESULT result = S_OK;
- restoreFunction( (PROC)oldDirectX9ExCreate, oldDirectX9ExCreateData );
- {
- result = (*oldDirectX9ExCreate)(SDKVersion, aDevice);
- }
- else
- {
- WinDirect3DCreate9Ex createFunction = (WinDirect3DCreate9Ex)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "Direct3DCreate9Ex");
- result = (*createFunction)(SDKVersion, aDevice);
- }
- setFunction( (PROC)oldDirectX9ExCreate, (PROC)OVRDirect3DCreate9Ex, oldDirectX9ExCreateData );
- printf("%s result 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
- return result;
-void* APIENTRY OVRDirect3DCreate9(UINT SDKVersion)
- void* result = NULL;
- OVRDirect3DCreate9Ex( SDKVersion, &result );
- return result;
- __in REFIID riid,
- __out void **ppFactory
- )
- HRESULT result = E_FAIL;
- restoreFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory, oldCreateDXGIFactoryData );
- {
- result = (*oldCreateDXGIFactory)(riid, ppFactory);
- }
- else
- {
- WinCreateDXGIFactory createFunction = (WinCreateDXGIFactory)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "CreateDXGIFactory");
- result = (*createFunction)(riid, ppFactory);
- }
- setFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory, (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory, oldCreateDXGIFactoryData );
- printf("%s result 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
- return result;
- __in REFIID riid,
- __out void **ppFactory
- )
- HRESULT result = E_FAIL;
- restoreFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory1, oldCreateDXGIFactory1Data );
- {
- result = (*oldCreateDXGIFactory1)(riid, ppFactory);
- }
- else
- {
- WinCreateDXGIFactory1 createFunction = (WinCreateDXGIFactory1)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "CreateDXGIFactory1");
- result = (*createFunction)(riid, ppFactory);
- }
- setFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory1, (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory1, oldCreateDXGIFactory1Data );
- printf("%s result 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
- return result;
- __in UINT flags,
- __in const IID &riid,
- __out void **ppFactory
- )
- HRESULT result = E_FAIL;
- restoreFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory2, oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data );
- {
- result = (*oldCreateDXGIFactory2)(flags, riid, ppFactory);
- }
- else
- {
- WinCreateDXGIFactory2 createFunction = (WinCreateDXGIFactory2)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "CreateDXGIFactory2");
- result = (*createFunction)(flags, riid, ppFactory);
- }
- setFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory2, (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory2, oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data );
- printf("%s result 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
- return result;
-static PROC SetProcAddressDirect(
- __in HINSTANCE hInstance,
- __in LPCSTR lpProcName,
- __in PROC newFunction,
- __inout BYTE* oldData
- )
- static const LONGLONG addressSize = sizeof(PROC);
- static const LONGLONG jmpSize = addressSize + 1;
- PROC result = NULL;
- PROC pfnHookAPIAddr = GetProcAddress( hInstance, lpProcName );
- if( pfnHookAPIAddr )
- {
- result = pfnHookAPIAddr;
- setFunction( pfnHookAPIAddr, newFunction, oldData );
- }
- return result;
-static PROC SetProcAddressA(
- __in HINSTANCE targetModule,
- __in LPCSTR lpLibFileName,
- __in LPCSTR lpProcName,
- __in PROC newFunction
- )
- HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryA( lpLibFileName );
- if(hModule == NULL)
- return NULL;
- // To do: call FreeLibrary(hModule) at the appropriate time.
- PROC pfnHookAPIAddr = GetProcAddress(hModule, lpProcName );
- HINSTANCE hInstance = targetModule;
- ULONG ulSize;
- (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)ImageDirectoryEntryToData(
- hInstance,
- &ulSize
- );
- while (pImportDesc->Name)
- {
- PSTR pszModName = (PSTR)((PBYTE) hInstance + pImportDesc->Name);
- if (_stricmp(pszModName, lpLibFileName) == 0)
- break;
- pImportDesc++;
- }
- (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)((PBYTE) hInstance + pImportDesc->FirstThunk);
- while (pThunk->u1.Function)
- {
- PROC* ppfn = (PROC*) &pThunk->u1.Function;
- BOOL bFound = (*ppfn == pfnHookAPIAddr);
- if (bFound)
- {
- VirtualQuery(
- ppfn,
- &mbi,
- );
- VirtualProtect(
- mbi.BaseAddress,
- mbi.RegionSize,
- &mbi.Protect);
- *ppfn = *newFunction;
- DWORD dwOldProtect;
- VirtualProtect(
- mbi.BaseAddress,
- mbi.RegionSize,
- mbi.Protect,
- &dwOldProtect
- );
- break;
- }
- pThunk++;
- }
- return pfnHookAPIAddr;
-bool checkUMDriverOverrides(void* context)
- lastContext = context;
- if (oldProcA != NULL)
- return true;
- PreloadLibraryRTFn loadFunc = NULL;
- for( int i = 0; i < ShimCountMax; ++i )
- {
- try
- {
- hInst = LoadLibraryA(dllList[i]);
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- }
- oldLoaderInstances[i] = hInst;
- if (hInst == NULL)
- continue;
- ShimedLibraries libCount = (ShimedLibraries)i;
- switch( libCount )
- {
- case ShimLibDXGI:
- oldCreateDXGIFactory = (WinCreateDXGIFactory)SetProcAddressDirect( hInst, "CreateDXGIFactory", (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory, oldCreateDXGIFactoryData );
- oldCreateDXGIFactory1 = (WinCreateDXGIFactory1)SetProcAddressDirect( hInst, "CreateDXGIFactory1", (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory1, oldCreateDXGIFactory1Data );
- oldCreateDXGIFactory2 = (WinCreateDXGIFactory2)SetProcAddressDirect( hInst, "CreateDXGIFactory2", (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory2, oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data );
- break;
- case ShimLibD3D9:
- oldDirectX9Create = (WinDirect3DCreate9)SetProcAddressDirect( hInst, "Direct3DCreate9", (PROC)OVRDirect3DCreate9, oldDirectX9CreateData );
- oldDirectX9ExCreate = (WinDirect3DCreate9Ex)SetProcAddressDirect( hInst, "Direct3DCreate9Ex", (PROC)OVRDirect3DCreate9Ex, oldDirectX9ExCreateData );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < NUM_LOADER_LIBS; ++j)
- {
- const char* loaderLibrary = loaderLibraryList[j];
- PROC temp = NULL;
- temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryA", (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryA);
- if (!oldProcA)
- {
- oldProcA = (WinLoadLibraryA)temp;
- }
- oldLoaderProcA[i][j] = temp;
- temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryW", (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryW);
- if (!oldProcW)
- {
- oldProcW = (WinLoadLibraryW)temp;
- }
- oldLoaderProcW[i][j] = temp;
- temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryExA", (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryExA);
- if (!oldProcExA)
- {
- oldProcExA = (WinLoadLibraryExA)temp;
- }
- oldLoaderProcExA[i][j] = temp;
- temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryExW", (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryExW);
- if (!oldProcExW)
- {
- oldProcExW = (WinLoadLibraryExW)temp;
- }
- oldLoaderProcExW[i][j] = temp;
- temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "GetModuleHandleExA", (PROC)OVRGetModuleHandleExA);
- if (!oldProcModExA)
- {
- oldProcModExA = (WinGetModuleHandleExA)temp;
- }
- oldLoaderProcModExA[i][j] = temp;
- temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "GetModuleHandleExW", (PROC)OVRGetModuleHandleExW);
- if (!oldProcModExW)
- {
- oldProcModExW = (WinGetModuleHandleExW)temp;
- }
- oldLoaderProcModExW[i][j] = temp;
- }
- if (loadFunc == NULL)
- {
- loadFunc = (PreloadLibraryRTFn)GetProcAddress(hInst, "PreloadLibraryRT");
- }
- }
- rtFilterModule = oldProcA ? (*oldProcA)(RTFilter) : NULL;
- IsCreatingBackBuffer backBufferFunc = NULL;
- ShouldVSync shouldVSyncFunc = NULL;
- GetRTFilterVersion getRTFilterVersionFunc = NULL;
- if (rtFilterModule != NULL)
- {
- loadFunc = (PreloadLibraryRTFn)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "PreloadLibraryRT");
- backBufferFunc = (IsCreatingBackBuffer)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "OVRIsCreatingBackBuffer");
- shouldVSyncFunc = (ShouldVSync)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "OVRShouldVSync");
- getRTFilterVersionFunc = (GetRTFilterVersion)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "OVRGetRTFilterVersion");
- }
- if (loadFunc == NULL)
- {
- MessageBox(nullptr, L"Unable to load the Oculus Display Driver. Please reinstall the Oculus Runtime.", L"Configuration Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- return false;
- }
- if (getRTFilterVersionFunc == NULL)
- {
- WCHAR message[1000] = {};
- swprintf_s(message, L"This app requires the %d.%d.%d version of the Oculus Runtime.", OVR_MAJOR_VERSION, OVR_MINOR_VERSION, OVR_BUILD_VERSION);
- MessageBox(nullptr, message, L"Configuration Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- return false;
- }
- // Verify that we are running with the appropriate display driver
- {
- const ULONG rtFilterVersion = (*getRTFilterVersionFunc)();
- const ULONG rtFilterMajor = OVR_GET_VERSION_MAJOR(rtFilterVersion);
- const ULONG rtFilterMinor = OVR_GET_VERSION_MINOR(rtFilterVersion);
- if ((rtFilterMajor != OVR_RTFILTER_VERSION_MAJOR) || (rtFilterMinor < OVR_RTFILTER_VERSION_MINOR))
- {
- WCHAR message[1000] = {};
- swprintf_s(message, L"This app requires the %d.%d.%d version of the Oculus Runtime.", OVR_MAJOR_VERSION, OVR_MINOR_VERSION, OVR_BUILD_VERSION);
- MessageBox(nullptr, message, L"Configuration Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- return false;
- }
- }
- appDriver.version = OVR_RENDER_SHIM_VERSION_MAJOR;
- appDriver.context = lastContext;
-// appDriver.pfnInitializingDisplay = OVRIsInitializingDisplay;
- appDriver.pfnInitializingDisplay = OVRLocalIsInitializingDisplay;
- appDriver.pfnRiftForContext = OVRRiftForContext;
- appDriver.pfnCloseRiftForContext = OVRCloseRiftForContext;
- appDriver.pfnWindowDisplayResolution = OVRWindowDisplayResolution;
- appDriver.pfnShouldEnableDebug = OVRShouldEnableDebug;
- appDriver.pfnIsCreatingBackBuffer = (backBufferFunc == NULL) ? OVRIsCreatingBackBuffer : backBufferFunc;
- appDriver.pfnShouldVSync = (shouldVSyncFunc == NULL) ? OVRShouldVSync : shouldVSyncFunc;
- appDriver.pfnExpectedResolution = OVRExpectedResolution;
- appDriver.pfnMirroringEnabled = OVRMirroringEnabled;
- appDriver.pfnGetWindowForContext = OVRGetWindowForContext;
- appDriver.pfnPresentRiftOnContext = OVRShouldPresentOnContext;
- appDriver.pfnDirect3DCreate9 = oldDirectX9Create;
- appDriver.pfnDirect3DCreate9Ex = oldDirectX9ExCreate;
- appDriver.pfnCreateDXGIFactory = oldCreateDXGIFactory;
- appDriver.pfnCreateDXGIFactory1 = oldCreateDXGIFactory1;
- appDriver.pfnCreateDXGIFactory2 = oldCreateDXGIFactory2;
- (*loadFunc)( &appDriver );
- return true;
-void clearUMDriverOverrides()
- if (oldProcA != NULL)
- {
- // Unpatch all the things.
- if (oldCreateDXGIFactory)
- {
- restoreFunction((PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory, oldCreateDXGIFactoryData);
- }
- if (oldCreateDXGIFactory1)
- {
- restoreFunction((PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory1, oldCreateDXGIFactory1Data);
- }
- if (oldCreateDXGIFactory2)
- {
- restoreFunction((PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory2, oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data);
- }
- if (oldDirectX9Create)
- {
- restoreFunction((PROC)oldDirectX9Create, oldDirectX9CreateData);
- }
- if (oldDirectX9ExCreate)
- {
- restoreFunction((PROC)oldDirectX9ExCreate, oldDirectX9ExCreateData);
- }
- if (oldCreateDXGIFactory2)
- {
- restoreFunction((PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory2, oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < ShimCountMax; ++i)
- {
- HINSTANCE hInst = oldLoaderInstances[i];
- if (hInst != NULL)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < NUM_LOADER_LIBS; ++j)
- {
- const char* loaderLibrary = loaderLibraryList[j];
- if (oldLoaderProcA[j])
- {
- SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryA", oldLoaderProcA[i][j]);
- }
- if (oldLoaderProcW[j])
- {
- SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryW", oldLoaderProcW[i][j]);
- }
- if (oldLoaderProcExA[j])
- {
- SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryExA", oldLoaderProcExA[i][j]);
- }
- if (oldLoaderProcExW[j])
- {
- SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryExW", oldLoaderProcExW[i][j]);
- }
- if (oldLoaderProcModExA[j])
- {
- SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "GetModuleHandleExA", oldLoaderProcModExA[i][j]);
- }
- if (oldLoaderProcModExW[j])
- {
- SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "GetModuleHandleExW", oldLoaderProcModExW[i][j]);
- }
- }
- FreeLibrary(hInst);
- }
- }
- if (rtFilterModule != NULL)
- {
- LPFNCANUNLOADNOW pfnCanUnloadNow = (LPFNCANUNLOADNOW)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "DllCanUnloadNow");
- if (pfnCanUnloadNow && pfnCanUnloadNow() == S_OK)
- {
- FreeLibrary(rtFilterModule);
- rtFilterModule = NULL;
- }
- }
- oldProcA = NULL;
- oldProcExA = NULL;
- oldProcW = NULL;
- oldProcExW = NULL;
- oldProcModExA = NULL;
- oldProcModExW = NULL;
- oldDirectX9Create = NULL;
- oldDirectX9ExCreate = NULL;
- oldCreateDXGIFactory = NULL;
- oldCreateDXGIFactory1 = NULL;
- oldCreateDXGIFactory2 = NULL;
- lastContext = NULL;
- }
+Filename : OVR_Win32_DisplayShim.cpp
+Content : Shared static functions for inclusion that allow for an application
+ to inject the usermode driver into an application
+Created : March 21, 2014
+Authors : Dean Beeler
+Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved.
+Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Oculus Inc license
+agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+#include "../../Include/OVR_Version.h"
+#ifndef AVOID_LIB_OVR
+#include "Kernel/OVR_Types.h" // Without this we can get warnings (due to VC++ bugs) about _malloca being redefined, and miss LibOVR overrides.
+#include "Kernel/OVR_Win32_IncludeWindows.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#ifndef NTSTATUS
+#include <ObjBase.h>
+#include <DbgHelp.h>
+#include "OVR_Win32_Dxgi_Display.h"
+#include "OVR_Win32_ShimVersion.h"
+#include "OVR_Win32_Display.h"
+#define IN_COMPATIBILITY_MODE() OVR::Display::InCompatibilityMode()
+#pragma comment(lib, "DbgHelp.lib")
+#ifndef alloca
+#include <malloc.h> // alloca
+#define WIDE_TO_MB(wideString) \
+ int wideString ## _slen = (int)wcslen(wideString); \
+ char* wideString ## _cstr = (char*)alloca(wideString ## _slen * 2); \
+ int count = WideCharToMultiByte(GetACP(), 0, wideString, -1, wideString ## _cstr, wideString ## _slen * 2, NULL, NULL); \
+ wideString ## _cstr[count] = '\0';
+// Forward declarations
+// These functions are implemented in OVR_Win32_DisplayDevice.cpp.
+BOOL WINAPI OVRIsInitializingDisplay( PVOID context, UINT width, UINT height );
+BOOL WINAPI OVRIsCreatingBackBuffer( PVOID context );
+ULONG WINAPI OVRRiftForContext( PVOID context, HANDLE driverHandle );
+BOOL WINAPI OVRCloseRiftForContext( PVOID context, HANDLE driverHandle, ULONG rift );
+BOOL WINAPI OVRWindowDisplayResolution( PVOID context, UINT* width, UINT* height,
+ UINT* titleHeight, UINT* borderWidth,
+ BOOL* vsyncEnabled );
+BOOL WINAPI OVRExpectedResolution( PVOID context, UINT* width, UINT* height, UINT* rotationInDegrees );
+BOOL WINAPI OVRShouldEnableDebug();
+BOOL WINAPI OVRMirroringEnabled( PVOID context );
+HWND WINAPI OVRGetWindowForContext(PVOID context);
+BOOL WINAPI OVRShouldPresentOnContext(PVOID context);
+static const char* GFX_DRIVER_KEY_FMT = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\\%04d";
+#ifdef _WIN64
+static const char* RTFilter = "OVRDisplayRT64.dll";
+static const char* UMFilter = "OVRDisplay64.dll";
+static const char* RTFilter = "OVRDisplayRT32.dll";
+static const char* UMFilter = "OVRDisplay32.dll";
+static const char* OptimusDrivers = "nvumdshimx.dll nvumdshim.dll";
+typedef enum OVRTargetAPI
+ DirectX,
+ OpenGL
+static PVOID lastContext = NULL;
+static INT apiVersion = 10;
+static CHAR* ReadRegStr(HKEY keySub, const char* keyName, const char* valName)
+ CHAR *val = NULL;
+ REGSAM access = KEY_READ;
+ HKEY hKey;
+ NTSTATUS res = RegOpenKeyExA( keySub, keyName, 0, access, &hKey );
+ if ( res == ERROR_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ DWORD valLen;
+ res = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, valName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &valLen );
+ if( res == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
+ val = (CHAR*)calloc( valLen + 1, sizeof(CHAR) );
+ res = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, valName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)val, &valLen );
+ if( res == ERROR_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ CHAR* byte = val;
+ for( DWORD j = 0; j < valLen; ++j )
+ {
+ if( byte[j] == 0 )
+ byte[j] = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free( val );
+ val = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ }
+ if( res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && keySub == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE && access == KEY_READ ) {
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ access = KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_32KEY;
+ access = KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY;
+ goto TryAgainWOW64;
+ }
+ return val;
+static WinLoadLibraryA oldProcA = NULL; // Note: This is used to indicate that the shim is in place
+static WinLoadLibraryExA oldProcExA = NULL;
+static WinLoadLibraryW oldProcW = NULL;
+static WinLoadLibraryExW oldProcExW = NULL;
+static WinGetModuleHandleExA oldProcModExA = NULL;
+static WinGetModuleHandleExW oldProcModExW = NULL;
+static WinDirect3DCreate9 oldDirectX9Create = NULL;
+static BYTE oldDirectX9CreateData[OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE];
+static WinDirect3DCreate9Ex oldDirectX9ExCreate = NULL;
+static BYTE oldDirectX9ExCreateData[OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE];
+static WinCreateDXGIFactory oldCreateDXGIFactory = NULL;
+static BYTE oldCreateDXGIFactoryData[OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE];
+static WinCreateDXGIFactory1 oldCreateDXGIFactory1 = NULL;
+static BYTE oldCreateDXGIFactory1Data[OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE];
+static WinCreateDXGIFactory2 oldCreateDXGIFactory2 = NULL;
+static BYTE oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data[OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE];
+#define NUM_LOADER_LIBS 4
+static const char* loaderLibraryList[NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = {
+ "kernel32.dll",
+ "api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll",
+ "api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll",
+ "api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-1.dll"
+enum ShimedLibraries
+ ShimLibDXGI = 0,
+ ShimLibD3D9 = 1,
+ ShimLibD3D11 = 2,
+ ShimLibDXGIDebug = 3,
+ ShimLibD3D10Core = 4,
+ ShimLibD3D10 = 5,
+ ShimLibGL = 6,
+ ShimCountMax = 7
+static const char* dllList[ShimCountMax] = {
+ "dxgi.dll",
+ "d3d9.dll",
+ "d3d11.dll",
+ "dxgidebug.dll",
+ "d3d10core.dll",
+ "d3d10.dll",
+ "opengl32.dll"
+static HINSTANCE oldLoaderInstances[ShimCountMax] = { NULL };
+static PROC oldLoaderProcA[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
+static PROC oldLoaderProcW[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
+static PROC oldLoaderProcExA[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
+static PROC oldLoaderProcExW[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
+static PROC oldLoaderProcModExA[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
+static PROC oldLoaderProcModExW[ShimCountMax][NUM_LOADER_LIBS] = { { NULL } };
+static HMODULE rtFilterModule = NULL;
+static bool checkForOverride( LPCSTR libFileName, OVRTargetAPI& targetApi )
+ for (int i=0; ; i++)
+ {
+ CHAR keyString[256] = {0};
+ sprintf_s( keyString, 256, GFX_DRIVER_KEY_FMT, i );
+ CHAR* infSection = ReadRegStr( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyString, "InfSection" );
+ // No provider name means we're out of display enumerations
+ if( infSection == NULL )
+ break;
+ free(infSection);
+ // Check 64-bit driver names followed by 32-bit driver names
+ const char* driverKeys[] = {"UserModeDriverName", "UserModeDriverNameWoW", "OpenGLDriverName", "OpenGLDriverNameWoW", "InstalledDisplayDrivers" };
+ for( int j = 0; j < 6; ++j )
+ {
+ CHAR userModeList[4096] = {0};
+ switch(j)
+ {
+ case 5:
+ strcpy_s( userModeList, 4095, OptimusDrivers );
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ CHAR* regString = ReadRegStr( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyString, driverKeys[j] );
+ if( regString )
+ {
+ strcpy_s( userModeList, 4095, regString );
+ free( regString );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ char *nextToken = NULL;
+ if( userModeList )
+ {
+ char* first = strtok_s( userModeList, " ", &nextToken );
+ while( first )
+ {
+ if( strstr( libFileName, first ) != 0 )
+ {
+ if( j < 2 )
+ targetApi = DirectX;
+ else
+ targetApi = OpenGL;
+ return true;
+ }
+ first = strtok_s( NULL, " ", &nextToken );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static HMODULE createShim( LPCSTR lpLibFileName, OVRTargetAPI targetAPI )
+ //Sleep(10000);
+ {
+ return (*oldProcA)( lpLibFileName );
+ }
+ HMODULE result = NULL;
+ result = (*oldProcA)( UMFilter );
+ if( result )
+ {
+ PreloadLibraryFn loadFunc = (PreloadLibraryFn)GetProcAddress( result, "PreloadLibrary" );
+ if( loadFunc )
+ {
+ HRESULT localRes = (*loadFunc)( oldProcA, lpLibFileName, &appDriver );
+ if( localRes != S_OK )
+ result = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !result )
+ {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, L"Unable to find the Rift Display Driver.", L"Configuration Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
+ result = (*oldProcA)( lpLibFileName );
+ }
+ return result;
+static HMODULE
+ OVRLoadLibraryA(
+ __in LPCSTR lpLibFileName
+ )
+ OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
+ bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpLibFileName, targetAPI );
+ if( !needShim )
+ return (*oldProcA)( lpLibFileName );
+ return createShim( lpLibFileName, targetAPI );
+static HMODULE
+ OVRLoadLibraryW(
+ __in LPCWSTR lpLibFileName
+ )
+ WIDE_TO_MB(lpLibFileName); // Convert lpLibFileName -> lpLibFileName_cstr
+ OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
+ bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpLibFileName_cstr, targetAPI );
+ if( !needShim )
+ return (*oldProcW)( lpLibFileName );
+ return createShim( lpLibFileName_cstr, targetAPI );
+static HMODULE
+ OVRLoadLibraryExA(
+ __in LPCSTR lpLibFileName,
+ __reserved HANDLE hFile,
+ __in DWORD dwFlags
+ )
+ OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
+ bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpLibFileName, targetAPI );
+ if( !needShim )
+ return (*oldProcExA)( lpLibFileName, hFile, dwFlags );
+ // FIXME: Don't throw away the flags parameter
+ return createShim( lpLibFileName, targetAPI );
+static HMODULE
+ OVRLoadLibraryExW(
+ __in LPCWSTR lpLibFileName,
+ __reserved HANDLE hFile,
+ __in DWORD dwFlags
+ )
+ WIDE_TO_MB(lpLibFileName); // Convert lpLibFileName -> lpLibFileName_cstr
+ OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
+ bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpLibFileName_cstr, targetAPI );
+ if( !needShim )
+ return (*oldProcExW)( lpLibFileName, hFile, dwFlags );
+ // FIXME: Don't throw away the flags parameter
+ return createShim( lpLibFileName_cstr, targetAPI );
+static BOOL WINAPI OVRGetModuleHandleExA(
+ __in DWORD dwFlags,
+ __in_opt LPCSTR lpModuleName,
+ __out HMODULE *phModule
+ )
+ OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
+ bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpModuleName, targetAPI );
+ if( !needShim )
+ {
+ return (*oldProcModExA)( dwFlags, lpModuleName, phModule );
+ }
+ *phModule = createShim( lpModuleName, targetAPI );
+ return TRUE;
+static BOOL WINAPI OVRGetModuleHandleExW(
+ __in DWORD dwFlags,
+ __in_opt LPCWSTR lpModuleName,
+ __out HMODULE *phModule
+ )
+ WIDE_TO_MB(lpModuleName); // Convert lpModuleName -> lpModuleName_cstr
+ OVRTargetAPI targetAPI = DirectX;
+ bool needShim = checkForOverride( lpModuleName_cstr, targetAPI );
+ if( !needShim )
+ {
+ return (*oldProcModExW)( dwFlags, lpModuleName, phModule );
+ }
+ *phModule = createShim( lpModuleName_cstr, targetAPI );
+ return TRUE;
+#ifdef _AMD64_
+static void restoreFunction( PROC pfnHookAPIAddr, PBYTE oldData )
+ static const LONGLONG addressSize = sizeof(PROC);
+ static const LONGLONG jmpSize = addressSize + 6;
+ DWORD oldProtect;
+ VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE,
+ memcpy(pfnHookAPIAddr, oldData, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE);
+ VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE, oldProtect, NULL);
+static void setFunction( PROC pfnHookAPIAddr, PROC replacementFunction, PBYTE oldData )
+ static const LONGLONG addressSize = sizeof(PROC);
+ static const LONGLONG jmpSize = addressSize + 6;
+ INT_PTR jumpOffset = (INT_PTR)replacementFunction;
+ DWORD oldProtect;
+ VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE,
+ memcpy(oldData, pfnHookAPIAddr, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE);
+ PBYTE functionData = (PBYTE)pfnHookAPIAddr;
+ functionData[0] = 0xff; // JMP [RIP+0]
+ functionData[1] = 0x25; //
+ functionData[2] = 0x00; //
+ functionData[3] = 0x00; //
+ functionData[4] = 0x00; //
+ functionData[5] = 0x00; //
+ memcpy( functionData + 6, &jumpOffset, sizeof( INT_PTR ) );
+ VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, OLD_DATA_BACKUP_SIZE, oldProtect, NULL);
+static void restoreFunction( PROC pfnHookAPIAddr, PBYTE oldData )
+ static const LONGLONG addressSize = sizeof(PROC);
+ static const LONGLONG jmpSize = addressSize + 1;
+ DWORD oldProtect;
+ VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, jmpSize,
+ memcpy(pfnHookAPIAddr, oldData, jmpSize);
+ VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, jmpSize, oldProtect, NULL);
+static void setFunction( PROC pfnHookAPIAddr, PROC replacementFunction, PBYTE oldData )
+ static const LONGLONG addressSize = sizeof(PROC);
+ static const LONGLONG jmpSize = addressSize + 1;
+ INT_PTR jumpOffset = (INT_PTR)replacementFunction - (INT_PTR)pfnHookAPIAddr - jmpSize;
+ DWORD oldProtect;
+ VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, jmpSize,
+ memcpy(oldData, pfnHookAPIAddr, jmpSize);
+ PBYTE functionData = (PBYTE)pfnHookAPIAddr;
+ memcpy( oldData, functionData, jmpSize );
+ functionData[0] = 0xe9;
+ memcpy( functionData + 1, &jumpOffset, sizeof( INT_PTR ) );
+ VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pfnHookAPIAddr, jmpSize, oldProtect, NULL);
+static BOOL WINAPI OVRLocalIsInitializingDisplay( PVOID context, UINT width, UINT height )
+ UINT expectedWidth, expectedHeight, rotation;
+ OVRExpectedResolution( context, &expectedWidth, &expectedHeight, &rotation );
+ if( appDriver.pfnActiveAPIVersion )
+ apiVersion = (*appDriver.pfnActiveAPIVersion)( context );
+ switch( apiVersion )
+ {
+ case 1: // OpenGL
+ case 10: // DirectX 1X
+ if( width == expectedWidth && height == expectedHeight )
+ return TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 9: // DirectX 9
+ if( rotation == 90 || rotation == 270 )
+ {
+ if( width == expectedHeight && height == expectedWidth )
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( width == expectedWidth && height == expectedHeight )
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+HRESULT APIENTRY OVRDirect3DCreate9Ex(UINT SDKVersion, void** aDevice)
+ apiVersion = 9;
+ HRESULT result = S_OK;
+ restoreFunction( (PROC)oldDirectX9ExCreate, oldDirectX9ExCreateData );
+ {
+ result = (*oldDirectX9ExCreate)(SDKVersion, aDevice);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WinDirect3DCreate9Ex createFunction = (WinDirect3DCreate9Ex)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "Direct3DCreate9Ex");
+ result = (*createFunction)(SDKVersion, aDevice);
+ }
+ setFunction( (PROC)oldDirectX9ExCreate, (PROC)OVRDirect3DCreate9Ex, oldDirectX9ExCreateData );
+ printf("%s result 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
+ return result;
+void* APIENTRY OVRDirect3DCreate9(UINT SDKVersion)
+ void* result = NULL;
+ OVRDirect3DCreate9Ex( SDKVersion, &result );
+ return result;
+ __in REFIID riid,
+ __out void **ppFactory
+ )
+ HRESULT result = E_FAIL;
+ restoreFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory, oldCreateDXGIFactoryData );
+ {
+ result = (*oldCreateDXGIFactory)(riid, ppFactory);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WinCreateDXGIFactory createFunction = (WinCreateDXGIFactory)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "CreateDXGIFactory");
+ result = (*createFunction)(riid, ppFactory);
+ }
+ setFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory, (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory, oldCreateDXGIFactoryData );
+ printf("%s result 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
+ return result;
+ __in REFIID riid,
+ __out void **ppFactory
+ )
+ HRESULT result = E_FAIL;
+ restoreFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory1, oldCreateDXGIFactory1Data );
+ {
+ result = (*oldCreateDXGIFactory1)(riid, ppFactory);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WinCreateDXGIFactory1 createFunction = (WinCreateDXGIFactory1)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "CreateDXGIFactory1");
+ result = (*createFunction)(riid, ppFactory);
+ }
+ setFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory1, (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory1, oldCreateDXGIFactory1Data );
+ printf("%s result 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
+ return result;
+ __in UINT flags,
+ __in const IID &riid,
+ __out void **ppFactory
+ )
+ HRESULT result = E_FAIL;
+ restoreFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory2, oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data );
+ {
+ result = (*oldCreateDXGIFactory2)(flags, riid, ppFactory);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WinCreateDXGIFactory2 createFunction = (WinCreateDXGIFactory2)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "CreateDXGIFactory2");
+ result = (*createFunction)(flags, riid, ppFactory);
+ }
+ setFunction( (PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory2, (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory2, oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data );
+ printf("%s result 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, result);
+ return result;
+static PROC SetProcAddressDirect(
+ __in HINSTANCE hInstance,
+ __in LPCSTR lpProcName,
+ __in PROC newFunction,
+ __inout BYTE* oldData
+ )
+ static const LONGLONG addressSize = sizeof(PROC);
+ static const LONGLONG jmpSize = addressSize + 1;
+ PROC result = NULL;
+ PROC pfnHookAPIAddr = GetProcAddress( hInstance, lpProcName );
+ if( pfnHookAPIAddr )
+ {
+ result = pfnHookAPIAddr;
+ setFunction( pfnHookAPIAddr, newFunction, oldData );
+ }
+ return result;
+static PROC SetProcAddressA(
+ __in HINSTANCE targetModule,
+ __in LPCSTR lpLibFileName,
+ __in LPCSTR lpProcName,
+ __in PROC newFunction,
+ __in PROC origFunction = NULL
+ )
+ HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryA( lpLibFileName );
+ if(hModule == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ // To do: call FreeLibrary(hModule) at the appropriate time.
+ PROC pfnHookAPIAddr = (origFunction != NULL) ? origFunction : GetProcAddress(hModule, lpProcName );
+ HINSTANCE hInstance = targetModule;
+ ULONG ulSize;
+ (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)ImageDirectoryEntryToData(
+ hInstance,
+ &ulSize
+ );
+ while (pImportDesc->Name)
+ {
+ PSTR pszModName = (PSTR)((PBYTE) hInstance + pImportDesc->Name);
+ if (_stricmp(pszModName, lpLibFileName) == 0)
+ break;
+ pImportDesc++;
+ }
+ (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)((PBYTE) hInstance + pImportDesc->FirstThunk);
+ while (pThunk->u1.Function)
+ {
+ PROC* ppfn = (PROC*) &pThunk->u1.Function;
+ BOOL bFound = (*ppfn == pfnHookAPIAddr);
+ if (bFound)
+ {
+ VirtualQuery(
+ ppfn,
+ &mbi,
+ );
+ VirtualProtect(
+ mbi.BaseAddress,
+ mbi.RegionSize,
+ &mbi.Protect);
+ *ppfn = *newFunction;
+ DWORD dwOldProtect;
+ VirtualProtect(
+ mbi.BaseAddress,
+ mbi.RegionSize,
+ mbi.Protect,
+ &dwOldProtect
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ pThunk++;
+ }
+ return pfnHookAPIAddr;
+void clearUMDriverOverrides()
+ if (lastContext != NULL)
+ {
+ // Unpatch all the things.
+ if (oldCreateDXGIFactory)
+ {
+ restoreFunction((PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory, oldCreateDXGIFactoryData);
+ }
+ if (oldCreateDXGIFactory1)
+ {
+ restoreFunction((PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory1, oldCreateDXGIFactory1Data);
+ }
+ if (oldCreateDXGIFactory2)
+ {
+ restoreFunction((PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory2, oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data);
+ }
+ if (oldDirectX9Create)
+ {
+ restoreFunction((PROC)oldDirectX9Create, oldDirectX9CreateData);
+ }
+ if (oldDirectX9ExCreate)
+ {
+ restoreFunction((PROC)oldDirectX9ExCreate, oldDirectX9ExCreateData);
+ }
+ if (oldCreateDXGIFactory2)
+ {
+ restoreFunction((PROC)oldCreateDXGIFactory2, oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < ShimCountMax; ++i)
+ {
+ HINSTANCE hInst = oldLoaderInstances[i];
+ if (hInst != NULL)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < NUM_LOADER_LIBS; ++j)
+ {
+ const char* loaderLibrary = loaderLibraryList[j];
+ if (oldLoaderProcA[j])
+ {
+ SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryA", oldLoaderProcA[i][j], (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryA);
+ }
+ if (oldLoaderProcW[j])
+ {
+ SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryW", oldLoaderProcW[i][j], (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryW);
+ }
+ if (oldLoaderProcExA[j])
+ {
+ SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryExA", oldLoaderProcExA[i][j], (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryExA);
+ }
+ if (oldLoaderProcExW[j])
+ {
+ SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryExW", oldLoaderProcExW[i][j], (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryExW);
+ }
+ if (oldLoaderProcModExA[j])
+ {
+ SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "GetModuleHandleExA", oldLoaderProcModExA[i][j], (PROC)OVRGetModuleHandleExA);
+ }
+ if (oldLoaderProcModExW[j])
+ {
+ SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "GetModuleHandleExW", oldLoaderProcModExW[i][j], (PROC)OVRGetModuleHandleExW);
+ }
+ }
+ FreeLibrary(hInst);
+ }
+ }
+ if (rtFilterModule != NULL)
+ {
+ LPFNCANUNLOADNOW pfnCanUnloadNow = (LPFNCANUNLOADNOW)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "DllCanUnloadNow");
+ if (pfnCanUnloadNow && pfnCanUnloadNow() == S_OK)
+ {
+ FreeLibrary(rtFilterModule);
+ rtFilterModule = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Do not set the following to NULL, because it's possible that we may be called after this function is executed.
+ // This is due to quirks in how third party DLLs implement their linking to these functions. In any case
+ // this module will be going away within a month or so of this writing.
+ //oldProcA = NULL;
+ //oldProcExA = NULL;
+ //oldProcW = NULL;
+ //oldProcExW = NULL;
+ //oldProcModExA = NULL;
+ //oldProcModExW = NULL;
+ oldDirectX9Create = NULL;
+ oldDirectX9ExCreate = NULL;
+ oldCreateDXGIFactory = NULL;
+ oldCreateDXGIFactory1 = NULL;
+ oldCreateDXGIFactory2 = NULL;
+ lastContext = NULL;
+ }
+bool checkUMDriverOverrides(void* context)
+ lastContext = context;
+ if (oldCreateDXGIFactory != NULL)
+ return true;
+ PreloadLibraryRTFn loadFunc = NULL;
+ for( int i = 0; i < ShimCountMax; ++i )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ hInst = LoadLibraryA(dllList[i]);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ }
+ oldLoaderInstances[i] = hInst;
+ if (hInst == NULL)
+ continue;
+ ShimedLibraries libCount = (ShimedLibraries)i;
+ switch( libCount )
+ {
+ case ShimLibDXGI:
+ oldCreateDXGIFactory = (WinCreateDXGIFactory)SetProcAddressDirect( hInst, "CreateDXGIFactory", (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory, oldCreateDXGIFactoryData );
+ oldCreateDXGIFactory1 = (WinCreateDXGIFactory1)SetProcAddressDirect( hInst, "CreateDXGIFactory1", (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory1, oldCreateDXGIFactory1Data );
+ oldCreateDXGIFactory2 = (WinCreateDXGIFactory2)SetProcAddressDirect( hInst, "CreateDXGIFactory2", (PROC)OVRCreateDXGIFactory2, oldCreateDXGIFactory2Data );
+ break;
+ case ShimLibD3D9:
+ oldDirectX9Create = (WinDirect3DCreate9)SetProcAddressDirect( hInst, "Direct3DCreate9", (PROC)OVRDirect3DCreate9, oldDirectX9CreateData );
+ oldDirectX9ExCreate = (WinDirect3DCreate9Ex)SetProcAddressDirect( hInst, "Direct3DCreate9Ex", (PROC)OVRDirect3DCreate9Ex, oldDirectX9ExCreateData );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < NUM_LOADER_LIBS; ++j)
+ {
+ const char* loaderLibrary = loaderLibraryList[j];
+ PROC temp = NULL;
+ temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryA", (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryA);
+ if (!oldProcA)
+ {
+ oldProcA = (WinLoadLibraryA)temp;
+ }
+ oldLoaderProcA[i][j] = temp;
+ temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryW", (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryW);
+ if (!oldProcW)
+ {
+ oldProcW = (WinLoadLibraryW)temp;
+ }
+ oldLoaderProcW[i][j] = temp;
+ temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryExA", (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryExA);
+ if (!oldProcExA)
+ {
+ oldProcExA = (WinLoadLibraryExA)temp;
+ }
+ oldLoaderProcExA[i][j] = temp;
+ temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "LoadLibraryExW", (PROC)OVRLoadLibraryExW);
+ if (!oldProcExW)
+ {
+ oldProcExW = (WinLoadLibraryExW)temp;
+ }
+ oldLoaderProcExW[i][j] = temp;
+ temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "GetModuleHandleExA", (PROC)OVRGetModuleHandleExA);
+ if (!oldProcModExA)
+ {
+ oldProcModExA = (WinGetModuleHandleExA)temp;
+ }
+ oldLoaderProcModExA[i][j] = temp;
+ temp = SetProcAddressA(hInst, loaderLibrary, "GetModuleHandleExW", (PROC)OVRGetModuleHandleExW);
+ if (!oldProcModExW)
+ {
+ oldProcModExW = (WinGetModuleHandleExW)temp;
+ }
+ oldLoaderProcModExW[i][j] = temp;
+ }
+ if (loadFunc == NULL)
+ {
+ loadFunc = (PreloadLibraryRTFn)GetProcAddress(hInst, "PreloadLibraryRT");
+ }
+ }
+ rtFilterModule = oldProcA ? (*oldProcA)(RTFilter) : NULL;
+ IsCreatingBackBuffer backBufferFunc = NULL;
+ ShouldVSync shouldVSyncFunc = NULL;
+ GetRTFilterVersion getRTFilterVersionFunc = NULL;
+ if (rtFilterModule != NULL)
+ {
+ loadFunc = (PreloadLibraryRTFn)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "PreloadLibraryRT");
+ backBufferFunc = (IsCreatingBackBuffer)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "OVRIsCreatingBackBuffer");
+ shouldVSyncFunc = (ShouldVSync)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "OVRShouldVSync");
+ getRTFilterVersionFunc = (GetRTFilterVersion)GetProcAddress(rtFilterModule, "OVRGetRTFilterVersion");
+ }
+ if (loadFunc == NULL)
+ {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, L"Unable to load the Oculus Display Driver. Please reinstall the Oculus Runtime.", L"Configuration Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
+ clearUMDriverOverrides();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (getRTFilterVersionFunc == NULL)
+ {
+ WCHAR message[1000] = {};
+ swprintf_s(message, L"This app requires the %d.%d.%d version of the Oculus Runtime.", OVR_MAJOR_VERSION, OVR_MINOR_VERSION, OVR_BUILD_NUMBER);
+ MessageBox(nullptr, message, L"Configuration Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
+ clearUMDriverOverrides();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Verify that we are running with the appropriate display driver
+ {
+ const ULONG rtFilterVersion = (*getRTFilterVersionFunc)();
+ const ULONG rtFilterMajor = OVR_GET_VERSION_MAJOR(rtFilterVersion);
+ const ULONG rtFilterMinor = OVR_GET_VERSION_MINOR(rtFilterVersion);
+ if ((rtFilterMajor != OVR_RTFILTER_VERSION_MAJOR) || (rtFilterMinor < OVR_RTFILTER_VERSION_MINOR))
+ {
+ WCHAR message[1000] = {};
+ swprintf_s(message, L"This app requires the %d.%d.%d version of the Oculus Runtime.", OVR_MAJOR_VERSION, OVR_MINOR_VERSION, OVR_BUILD_NUMBER);
+ MessageBox(nullptr, message, L"Configuration Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
+ clearUMDriverOverrides();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ appDriver.version = OVR_RENDER_SHIM_VERSION_MAJOR;
+ appDriver.context = lastContext;
+// appDriver.pfnInitializingDisplay = OVRIsInitializingDisplay;
+ appDriver.pfnInitializingDisplay = OVRLocalIsInitializingDisplay;
+ appDriver.pfnRiftForContext = OVRRiftForContext;
+ appDriver.pfnCloseRiftForContext = OVRCloseRiftForContext;
+ appDriver.pfnWindowDisplayResolution = OVRWindowDisplayResolution;
+ appDriver.pfnShouldEnableDebug = OVRShouldEnableDebug;
+ appDriver.pfnIsCreatingBackBuffer = (backBufferFunc == NULL) ? OVRIsCreatingBackBuffer : backBufferFunc;
+ appDriver.pfnShouldVSync = (shouldVSyncFunc == NULL) ? OVRShouldVSync : shouldVSyncFunc;
+ appDriver.pfnExpectedResolution = OVRExpectedResolution;
+ appDriver.pfnMirroringEnabled = OVRMirroringEnabled;
+ appDriver.pfnGetWindowForContext = OVRGetWindowForContext;
+ appDriver.pfnPresentRiftOnContext = OVRShouldPresentOnContext;
+ appDriver.pfnDirect3DCreate9 = oldDirectX9Create;
+ appDriver.pfnDirect3DCreate9Ex = oldDirectX9ExCreate;
+ appDriver.pfnCreateDXGIFactory = oldCreateDXGIFactory;
+ appDriver.pfnCreateDXGIFactory1 = oldCreateDXGIFactory1;
+ appDriver.pfnCreateDXGIFactory2 = oldCreateDXGIFactory2;
+ (*loadFunc)( &appDriver );
+ return true;